I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 55: Mysterious Woman

Zhang Jue looked through the binoculars; a red dragon was flapping its wings in the direction of the plane. With the aircraft seat reference, the estimated dragon's wings spread three to four hundred meters—a colossal dragon.

Zhang Jue thought about the ancient Chinese legends about the Roc bird. However, the Roc bird was only a legend. But the dragon was real and approaching them closer. The plane was fast, but the dragon was even faster. It was approaching the aircraft with every flap of its wings.

After a few minutes, the passengers on the plane could already see it with their naked eyes.

"Fuck! Can someone tell me what the hell is that?!"

"Is that a special effect? It must be special effects!"

"Stewardess! Help!"

The cabin was thrown into chaos. Hael passed a wink to Zhang Jue and nodded, so he left his seat with his assistant and walked in the direction of the cockpit.

The guard on duty stopped them, "What do you want to do?"

Hael pulled out an unknown ID from his pocket, "International Police. The plane is currently in distress, and according to Article 235, Paragraph 45 of International Law. We will assist in taking control of this aircraft."

"Huh?" The guard froze, his head was still thinking about Article 235, Paragraph 45 of International Law, only to see Hael make a hand slash, and he fainted.

On the other side, Hael's assistant also took advantage of the chaos to bring down two guards. The way they did it was clean. They must have done this a lot. For the SCP Foundation's field agents, hijacking a plane seemed to be exceptionally easy.

Zhang Jue didn't care how Hael took over the plane, and his attention was focused on the red dragon. At this moment, the dragon was only about one or two thousand meters away from the plane, and Zhang Jue could even see the fiery red scales on its body.

Was this some kind of anomalous creature?

Zhang Jue thought hard about it but couldn't find an SCP that matched the characteristics. It probably wasn't included, he thought.

The woman in black had somehow returned to her seat, looked at the giant dragon through the window, and said, "It's beautiful."

The other passengers on the plane were already in a panic, while this woman was calm. Zhang Jue couldn't help but glance at her. The flight attendant was on the verge of losing control of the chaos. Suddenly the plane's radio went on.

"Hello passengers, this is the captain of this aircraft. Due to an encounter with an unidentified flying object, the aircraft was performing an emergency landing and expected to land in Italy in 30 minutes. Please understand the inconvenience caused by the disturbance."

Zhang Jue knew it was Hael's voice as soon as he heard it. He and his assistant took less than ten minutes to lay their hands on the plane. It was true that the SCP Foundation was full of monsters inside. Once the broadcast came out, the passenger started to complain.

"What? Italy? I have a business to do!"

"Yes! Can you afford to be responsible for delaying our time?" Of course, some value their lives more than anything else

"What are you all arguing about? Don't you know what's going on?

"Who are you?"

"Yeah, why should we listen to you?"

"Come on, don't start a fight!"

No matter how much they complained, the plane's temporary route change would not change—knowing that there were still a few passengers screaming for the airline to be responsible for their losses.

At that moment, a flight attendant found the unconscious guards in the bathroom and screamed. The flight attendant pressed the alarm, but unbeknownst to her, all the guards in the cabin had been taken out by Hael and his assistants.

The cabin, which had quieted down, boiled over again. But before they could make a scene, the giant dragon approached the plane again, this time with huge flames spewing out of its mouth.

"Oh, God. Someone, please help! what the hell is that!"

"Hell no, I don't want to die here!"

Zhang Jue took advantage of the chaos to gather several flight attendants and pulled out the Foundation's forged documents.

"I am Zhang Jue, the leader of the Global Secret Service Demon Eradication Team, and I am now officially informing you that the plane has been taken over by my colleagues. So, if you don't want to die, calm down the passengers, and you will naturally be released from the plane when we arrive in Italy."

Global Secret Service Demon Elimination Team? Several stewardesses looked at each other; they had never heard of such an organization in all their years of life.

Seeing that they couldn't be fooled, Zhang Jue pointed out the plane window, "Look at that big guy. Do you think I'm joking?"

Compared to hijacking the plane, the threat outside was obviously more direct, and those flight attendants didn't dare to speak.

"Okay!" Zhang Jue waved his hand, "Your task now is to calm the passengers until the plane lands. We'll take care of the rest."

A stewardess timidly said, "You guys... can deal with that.... that giant dragon?"

Zhang Jue laughed, "I can't say for sure, but we are professionals in dealing with such things!"

Zhang Jue returned to his seat and continued to observe the giant dragon. The woman in black looked at him with a smile, "Handsome, what did you do just now?"

At first, Zhang Jue had noticed that only this woman in black was the calmest person on the entire plane, seemingly not afraid of the dragon outside. For an average person, it would be good if she didn't wet her pants when the plane encountered an unidentified flying object. Let alone a woman.

Zhang Jue looked at her and narrowed his eyes, "Lady, you seem to have some problems."

The woman in black giggled, "Little boy, you're wrong about this. It's not me who has a problem. It's the world." Her flirtatious look was like a snake.


The flight attendants finally calmed down the passengers and accepted that the plane had changed its route. The dragon parted ways with the plane ten minutes later and flew deeper into the Alps.

It did not look like it intended to attack the plane. The crowd was relieved and began to discuss what it was. Someone had already used a camera to record the dragon's appearance, and once it was uploaded to the Internet, it would definitely cause an uproar. Zhang Jue looked around and silently wrote down the people who took that.

Three hours later, the plane landed at an emergency airport in Italy. The SCP Foundation agents who had been waiting at the airport immediately took over the plane. The rest of the people on board were subjected to an examination, and any audio or video equipment was destroyed except for Zhang Jue, Hael, and his assistant's device.

Seeing this, some of the passengers began to shout and curse. Hael casually shut down some lousy passengers before they began to cooperate. Zhang Jue saw the Foundation's security personnel take them all inside a room, supposedly to undergo A-level amnestic sedation. When they woke up, they would not remember what had happened in the last few hours.

Zhang Jue watched them enter the small dark room one by one and frowned, "Hael, where is the woman sitting next to me?" Hael froze and hurriedly called his assistant to check all the passengers.

A few minutes later, he came to Zhang Jue with a confused look, "After the plane landed, the woman said she needed to go to the bathroom. The two security officers that went with her were found unconscious in the bathroom, and the woman was gone."

Heh, quite a slippery snake.

Hael asked, "Should we send someone after her?"

"No need." Zhang Jue shook his head, "Knowing her ability, two or three security members are no match for her, and we can't send more than that. So, let's take care of this problem first. I have a feeling," he narrowed his eyes, "that we'll meet again."


The closest Site to here was Site-17. Those who came over to deal with this incident were Hael's colleagues, and Zhang Jue saw several people greet him. A leader-like man walked over, surrounded by people.

Hael greeted him and introduced him to Zhang Jue, "This is our Deputy Site Director, Harvey." Hael pointed to Harvey, "and Sir Harvey, this is-"

"Eh, no need for an introduction. I recognized him. If it isn't Advisor Zhang, Hahaha."

Harvey is about forty years old. His body is like a "Whine Barrel" game with a long decaying body. If he were a government official, asking about it would never harm him in any way.

He smiled and shook Zhang Jue's hand with a glint in his eyes. Like a smiling tiger. He might have been fooled by his "cheerfulness" if it was someone else. But as always, Zhang Jue was a man of character. To deal with these kinds of people, Zhang Jue had his way of dealing with them.

He spoke in broken English and said, "Oh, so you are Sir Harvey. My admiration for you is as great as a river, and if anyone dares to speak ill of you. I swear that I will kick their ass!"

"Advisor Zhang, allow me to express my highest praise to you. Your arrival has made the future of the Foundation brighter than before."

"Heh heh heh"


The two men hugged each other and bragged about each other as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for years. Who would have thought this was the first time they met.

Hael quietly asked his assistant, "Do you think that two of them were that confident in believing themselves?"

The assistant wanted to tell the truth but was afraid that Harvey's inner circle would hear and then give him a penalty, so he could only cough, "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

The two talked to each other when a staff member came to Harvey's side and whispered to him. Harvey grunted after hearing it.

"Advisor Zhang, I'm afraid we can't go back to Site-17 to meet SCP-053 first." He said.

"Oh?" Zhang Jue raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

Harvey spread his hands, "Our trouble-loving little buddy-you know, the bunch of lunatics who want to destroy everything anomalous is in a fucking trouble again."

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