I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 38: Criteria for Choosing a Spouse

The ceremony of Jiangzhou University was mainly divided into four parts and broadcasted live through social media.

The first part: raising the national flag, playing the national anthem, speeches by the university leaders, alumni representatives, and student representatives.

The second part: lunch in the cafeteria, allowing the crowd to relive the student days, while the changes of Jiangzhou University over the past 100 years were shown on the big screen in the cafeteria, and the outstanding talents who came out of Jiangzhou University were counted.

The third part: cultural performance, in which students and teachers performed wonderful programs to show the elegance of campus.

The fourth part: the dinner, mainly attended by the university leaders and important VIPs, to raise funds for the new laboratory in Jiangzhou University and financial aid for the poor students.

At 10:00 AM, the Centennial Celebration Ceremony of Jiangzhou University has officially started. After raising the national flag and playing the national anthem, President Bai went to the stage and delivered a speech.

Several important guests were seated on the side of his position in the audience. If you look closely, you will see that there are two names with ink signs that seem to have just been made, and it was none other than for Zhang Jue and Yang Xue.

Knowing Zhang Jue's identity, not to mention temporarily adding the two of them to the VIP seats, even if they were allowed to sit in the main seats. President Bai would have been willing or even begged them to sit.

But for an average person like Zhang Jue, he would decline it. Just kidding, if the alumni of Jiangzhou University saw that happened, he would be sprayed to death by those keyboard warriors. Knowing his "tongue skills" were honed in the process of fighting them over and over again.

Vice President Zhang gave up his seat to Zhang Jue and sat on the side of the aisle, but he was still on pins and needles, afraid that Zhang Jue would be upset because of his disrespectful words before. If the school and the city's plans fall through because of his words, then his future career would be in ruin.

Fortunately, Zhang Jue did not care much about this matter and smiled at him, which made his heart feel slightly better.

"Uncle, uncle!" Vice President Zhang was lost in thought when suddenly pulled by someone's sleeve. He looked up and found it was Zhang Shijia.

"Where have you been this morning?!" When he saw Zhang Shijia, Vice President Zhang's anger was uncontrollable. Zhang Shijia had not explained Zhang Jue's identity to him, which nearly led to a big disaster.

The two came to a secluded place, and Zhang Shijia asked, "Uncle, why did you let that man sit in your seat?"

Vice President Zhang looked at him with wide eyes, "You don't know?!" This time, it confused Zhang Shijia.

He had put Zhang Jue in the VIP room because he wanted to find this uncle of his to humiliate him, but he had searched around outside a few times and couldn't find Vice President Zhang at that time. It was only when the opening ceremony was about to begin that he saw Zhang Jue come to the podium surrounded by a group of leaders and even stole the seat that originally belonged to his uncle.

This made him very surprised, and he couldn't wait to find Vice President Zhang to find out what was going on. Seeing that Zhang Shijia was also confused, Vice President Zhang realized that his nephew didn't know anything about him.

He told Zhang Shijia about Zhang Jue's identity, and Zhang Shijia's jaw dropped to the ground. Thinking about he had taught Zhang Jue a lesson earlier. Zhang Shijia's face turned pale with fear.

"Now, you know how important he is to Jiangzhou University and Jiangzhou City." Vice President Zhang looked at Zhang Shijia and gritted his teeth, "I don't know what kind of unpleasantness you had before, but I'm telling you to put away those petty thoughts of yours, give me an honest and straightforward apology. It's better for you to apologize to him and ask for his forgiveness, or I'll personally abolish you!"

After hearing his uncle's words this morning, Zhang Shijia was confused. He was shocked and discouraged, knowing what he had done before, like a frosted eggplant.

He was the director of Jiangzhou University, the king of diamonds, and the owner of a startup company. He was famous for his expertise in influencing the strategic investments of multinational companies.

He still wanted Zhang Jue to realize the gap between the two, but now it seemed that the one who couldn't realize the gap was him—feeling that someone like Zhang Jue simply didn't see him on the same level.

The clown turned out to be himself. Zhang Shijia felt a little embarrassed, and he wanted to find a quiet place to hide. But he thought about his uncle's words. He had to walk toward Zhang Jue and Yang Xue. He had to obtain Zhang Jue's forgiveness. Otherwise, there was no way to explain to his uncle and the university.


The speech part was over, and the time was 11:30 AM. A crowd of guests followed the staff to the cafeteria, where the luxurious meal made the guests let out sounds of admiration. The only one who was dissatisfied was Zhang Jue.

He addressed his opinion towards Principal Bai's entire event organizer in his heart.

I gave up my vacation, sat hard all morning, listened to so many boring speeches, just to grab a meal together, and you serve me a cafeteria meal? Such a humiliation!

Beside him was Yang Xue. However, she barely showed satisfaction on her face, as if recalling the scene back then.

"When I was in college, the monthly living expenses were pretty expensive, and I ate here as an alternative. At that time the canteen hasn't yet expanded, and the food was not so plentiful. But students nowadays should be more grateful about it."

Zhang Shijia had returned to them by now, seeing that Zhang Jue wasn't looking for trouble with him. He carefully picked up the conversation, "Yeah, living conditions are much better now. Back then, you were even sent to the school medical ward by a classmate because of low blood sugar, Sister Yang Xue."

"Well, Xiaojuan sent me there. Her health was not too good either. We both ended up in the hospital." Speaking of the past, Yang Xue looked nostalgic, and her attitude towards Zhang Shijia was no longer so cold.

Listening to them talk, Zhang Jue had no empathy at all. Everything was superfluous for a self-taught person like him except hurrying up and loading up on some delicious dishes. A few people hit some of the dishes with their dinner plates and sat down at the table to eat and chat together, and it was a bit of a step back in time.

Lei Shan looked at the dishes on Zhang Jue's plate and laughed, "Advisor Zhang, look at your plate. It's all meat. You look like a carnivore, but why did you specifically pick up this weird tomato and scrambled egg combination?"

After he said that, other people's eyes were also attracted and found that this was indeed the case.

President Bai laughed, "Could it be that Mr. Zhang has a fondness for scrambled eggs with tomatoes?"

Yang Xue and Zhang Jue had eaten together several times and had long noticed this detail. Even the last time they had eaten noodles at her house, it was the tomatoes and eggs that made their food delicious.

Although she was curious, due to the girl's intuition, she decided not to ask it out. At the moment Lei Shan mentioned it, she kept eating her meal without being distracted while also putting her ears up to hear what Zhang Jue had to say.

You can't talk about business at this kind of gathering, so it was a good idea to chit-chat and livened up the atmosphere. Seeing that everyone else was looking at him curiously, Zhang Jue laughed.

"Principal Bai was right. I just have a fondness for these scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I'm not going to lie. I once met a street interviewer to collect the current concept of marriage among young people. Let me say what I want from my future partner. There are two conditions that need to be met."

Hearing him talk about his gossip, everyone came to be interested. Yang Xue paused his hand and put her chopsticks away for a moment.

Zhang Jue pointed his finger up, "First, it must be a female."

"And second." He pointed out another, "She must be able to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

Hearing Zhang Jue's so-called "conditions", the crowd laughed aloud. Yang Xue shook her head slightly, and her expression was helpless. That there was this freak, which would make such an odd request.

However, Zhang Jue's next words almost made the ever-gentlemanly Lei Shan bust a laugh.

"Oh, there's an additional note." Only to hear him continue, "If the second condition is met, the first condition can be relaxed appropriately."

"Pfft--" President Bai spewed out the rice in his mouth all at once.

Lei Shan coughed lightly twice and laughed, "Advisor Zhang, You are really extraordinary."


It's 01:00 PM, the start of the cultural performance. Accompanied by Zhang Shijia, Yang Xue and Zhang Jue visited the backstage.

"Take a look, Sister Yang Xue; this is our new theatre club. The members of the theatre club now rehearse here. In much better conditions than we did back then, and this afternoon's grand finale is a drama performed by them."

Yang Xue touched the old-looking props and looked wistful: "Thanks to Brother Shijia, the theatre club has been able to develop so well, and for this performance. It was Brother Shijia who wrote the screenplay, right?"

Zhang Shijia glanced at Zhang Jue, changing his Versailles style, and said with modesty, "No, it's all because the actors of the club performed well. My screenplay was just the icing on the cake."

"Senior Brother Shijia is modest as usual."

As the two of them spoke, their attention switched on Zhang Jue. However, since arriving at the theatre club's rehearsal room, Zhang Jue had been lost in thought. It felt like something was getting closer and closer.

Did it mean that the anomaly was within this club? Zhang Jue looked around but didn't find anything. This unusual calmness made him sure of his feelings.

Seeing his expression was very serious, Yang Xue asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Jue shook his head gently and said to Zhang Shijia, "Senior Shijia, can you show us the actors of the drama club?"

Zhang Shijia didn't know what Zhang Jue had in mind, but Vice President Zhang had given him an ultimatum to treat Zhang Jue well and not to be neglected, so he couldn't refuse in any case.

They went to the backstage of the theatre club. The cultural performance started at two o'clock, and the play for the grand finale was called "Charlie's Revenge," and it started at four thirty-five o'clock. Currently, all the actors and actresses are doing their final rehearsals. When they saw the three of them enter the stage, the actors immediately greeted them.

"Good day, President!"

"Hello, Teacher Shijia!"

"Teacher Shijia! Teacher Shijia!"

It was evident that Zhang Shijia was very respected among the theatre club members, and if not for all that had happened today, having Yang Xue see this scene would have been enough to satisfy her vanity.

However, she could only look at Zhang Jue and wait for his next instruction. Zhang Jue waved his hand, indicating that he was just casually looking around, and only then did Zhang Shijia breathe a sigh of relief and start communicating with the members of the theatre club.

"Wow, this is Sister Yang Xue, right? She's gorgeous... Teacher Zhang, is this the person you had a crush on?"

Because they were members of the same theatre club, the gossip about Yang Xue and Zhang Shijia spread year after year, and most of the members had seen her in the early years and recognized Yang Xue immediately.

Hearing the girls say those gossips, Yang Xue did not explain anything but just smiled and shook her head. Zhang Shijia looked at Zhang Jue awkwardly, not daring to answer.

Seeing that Zhang Jue was not angry, he put his heart down and said seriously, "The performance will start in a moment, so you guys still have a moment to practice because it will be broadcast live on social media. If something goes wrong, I'll see how you can explain to your fellow members."

As soon as Zhang Shijia said so, all the actors of the theatre club scattered, they had already put on their costumes, and now they were just rehearsing their play and doing their lines one last time. This was the first time they faced such a large performance, and the students were all a little nervous.

"O' Charlie, my lord, you can't do this!"

"If you don't do this, it will be me who dies! It's done. We have no choice to retreat. Any mercy to our enemies is cruelty to ourselves!"


The actors began to read their lines with emotion. Zhang Jue walked around, checking every corner of the drama club, but still found nothing.

Something was wrong. His senses were so strong it was as if he was a blind man. The anomaly seemed to have been plastered on his face, but he just couldn't pick on it.

Son of a bitch, he cursed.

What the hell is this shit.

Yang Xue had been silently accompanying Zhang Jue. Seeing him worried, her heart was also very anxious. The last time the site had an incident, Zhang Jue saved her life several times, but she did not help much, which has always been her regret.

As a doctor of the Foundation, a senior researcher, she didn't want to rely on Zhang Jue for everything. She also had her own pride and at this moment was a perfect time for her to be useful for him.

She reminded Zhang Jue, "Don't be impatient. Maybe the anomaly is not a physical object."

"Not a physical object?" Hearing Yang Xue's words, Zhang Jue froze and then came to a sudden realization.

Of course!

There were so many anomalous items, many of which were unseen and untouchable, and he had just been restricted by his own thinking and had taken the bull by the horns. His mind was opened, Zhang Jue immediately got excited and gave a thumbs up to Yang Xue.

"Dr. Yang, you're a genius. I really can't believe that you have a big breast and mind at the same time!"

Yang Xue pinched Zhang Jue on his waist and gave him a fierce white look, "What a time to be talking nonsense!"

The two were originally just whispering, and Zhang Shijia had the good sense to walk away. Zhang Jue's shout drew the crowd's attention back to him.

Looking at Yang Xue's face, which was red to the ears, Zhang Shijia secretly clenched his fist but did not dare to do anything to Zhang Jue, and could only ask as if nothing had happened, "Mr. Zhang, what's wrong?"

Zhang Jue laughed and waved his hand at Zhang Shijia, "Nothing, nothing, just got bitten by a mosquito, but it got away. By the way, Senior Shijia, can you show me the screenplay you're going to perform?"

"A mosquito? The screenplay?" Zhang Jue's jump in thinking was so strong that Zhang Shijia couldn't follow it for a moment.

Zhang Jue tilted his head, "Can I see it?"

"Ah, of course, you can." Zhang Shijia came back to his senses and turned to another actor, "Leo, bring me your script."

After receiving the screenplay from Zhang Shijia, Zhang Jue immediately flipped through it. He flipped through the thick script in just a moment. Yang Xue watched him, and her hands were slightly sweating. Zhang Jue lifted his head, smiled at Yang Xue, and snapped his fingers.

"That's it!"

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