I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 62

The discussions with the four heads all started differently, but ultimately, the end result was similar.

A strong call for support for the Veterans Pension Foundation from the heirs of each family. An even stronger opinion that it was their duty as nobility, and their rightful duty as those who had served.

Despite differing beginnings, all four families viewed the matter positively due to various aspects they believed to be right.

This was the reason why those esteemed figures had summoned me so abruptly.

‘You guys… I really didn’t expect this.’

I already told them that the Ministry of Welfare is responsible for all the support for differently abled soldiers.

And a lot of the taxes that go into it come from the wallets of the nobles sitting there.

So technically, they’re already helping them enough.

It was like paying taxes to support the lower class, only to have someone come and say, ‘Let’s help the less fortunate!’ and demand you open your wallet again.

There is no particular reason to step forward and do it, and if this happens, the nobles will step up and say, ‘We’re fed up with the Ministry of Welfare’s incompetence. Let’s create our own pension fund.’

The Ministry of Welfare might say, ‘Why? We’re already doing our best.’ Or, alternatively, they might say, ‘Oh, thank you. We’ve been struggling on our own.’

“Well, it would be a great honor for me to have you all join us, but I hope you don’t feel any pressure. It’s just my small….”

“Nope! Not small. It shouldn’t be small when it comes to our own people, much less when it comes to those who have died fighting to defend the Empire.”

“He’s right, Karl. You wouldn’t know it unless you do it, but once you start, you have to do it right.”

Hmm. It felt like I was having a conversation with Shulifen and Wilhelm.

“By the way. Karl”

“Yes, Count Brunne.”

“I’m a little worried about something. The Ministry of Welfare’s various welfare programs are part of the state’s business, so they’re closely guarded and scrutinized. But this pension foundation is not like that, so if something goes wrong, it could be corrupted or abused.”

“You’re saying that someone who doesn’t deserve it could cheat and get a pension.”

That’s something I was worried about as well. Parasites can come from anywhere.

There are always going to be scumbags who will take advantage of something designed to help the needy and hardworking.

“I’m aware of your concerns.”

“Is that so.”

“Yes. However, I believe that even if we can help just one soldier, it’s reason enough to exist. And with the support of the noble lords present here, wouldn’t any concerns naturally be resolved?”

They’re going to fund it, and of course they’re going to have experts to manage it.

Since my stake was involved, I would want to know how that stake was being used.

And even if my children had inflated egos, I wouldn’t want them to make enemies out of two marquis’ and two counts.

‘The ones who can do something like that are the Royal family or the Dukedom, so why would they be crazy and greedy for this kind of money?’

After carefully observing the four household heads, it seems that this was the correct answer.

It was also good that they encouraged us by saying that if everyone works together, such worries can be alleviated.

I can’t stand anyone’s comments that acknowledge my ‘value’.

“Indeed, they need our strength.”

“Don’t sound so worried, you’ve already made up your mind.”

“Uh-huh. Countess of Thieradal. Do I still worry a lot?”

“About what? You made the decision in five minutes.”

“Hmm. Hmm.”

In both politics and social circles, well-respected individuals were having a casual conversation.

Is it because the families are close that the four of them are also close? Or is it because the four people are close that their families have become closer?

Whatever it was, it was good news for me now. The green light has been given for the formation of a pension foundation.

“Oh, and Karl.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Have you thought of a name for the foundation?”

“Um… Yes?”

A name for the foundation? Um… I hadn’t even thought about it. Do we really need a name? Couldn’t it just be called the ‘Veterans’ Pension Foundation”?

“I haven’t thought of one yet.”

“Is that so?”

“Have any of the noble lords thought of a name?”

Since they asked for a name, it seemed like my prediction was correct. So, I asked.

And seeing the lords smile, I was sure of it.

“Of course. We have something in mind. Karl, did you think about the foundation but not the name?”

“That… I believe just calling it the Veterans Pension Foundation is sufficient.”

“That’s not bad. But having a real name would be even better. Especially one that could make people look at it more positively, depending on what the name is.”

Hmm. Seeing them speak like that, it seems they really came up with a good name?

“The foundation should be named after you, Karl Adelheit.”


“Karl’s name must be included. After all, isn’t he a Medal of Honor recipient?”

“He’s more than qualified to represent those who step forward for the soldiers. Especially since he fought alongside them in battle.”

“What do you think, Karl? With this, we could receive widespread support from the empire.”

“Oh, uh… yes, I suppose so.”

Smile. I have to smile. They’re not just anyone, they’re people who want to help me and my comrades. Their naming sense might be terrible, but I’ll smile out of courtesy—

“In fact, this name was suggested by our sons. Karl, how about it? Is it okay?”

…Ah. That’s what the four of them did. Aha. Hmm.

Kill me.

* * *

Lavrenti was deliberating over a single document.

– Academy Admission Application Form –

The Academy. The Imperial Academy. The pinnacle of education. The ivory tower of the empire. The foundation of learning.

While others were eager to go, Lavrenti herself hadn’t even thought about it.

Her ongoing conflict stemmed from a meeting she had not long ago.

“The secret is… the Academy.”

That was what Selena had said was the key to getting close to master.

She added that it had happened naturally since they lived in the same place and shared the same lifestyle.

Upon hearing that, I began to seriously consider the Academy for the first time.

And that thought remained with me even after meeting my family.

Until now, the sight of my family living more comfortably thanks to the money I gave my father never left my mind.

‘Academy. Academy…’

I think of my family first. Things were tight before, but now things have gotten a lot better.

I myself continued to send money, my parents worked tirelessly, and above all, my younger siblings did their best to help the family in any way they could.

But I can’t be complacent. My parents won’t be able to take care of everything forever.

In that sense, going to the Academy was a worry and a burden for me.

‘It would be nice if I could at least ease my financial worries.’

One day, I thought to myself.


While passing by, I heard some news.

< Extensive Support for future Veterans.... >

< For more details, visit the consultation office of Marquis of Nafplion, Deonik Ifrit.... >

A support project initiated by a marquis’s family to help the future of veteran soldiers. It was operated entirely with the family’s funds and donations from various sources.

Seeing that, I was captivated and headed to the consultation office for that support project.

“Welcome. Are you a veteran soldier?”

“Yes. That’s correct. My affiliation is—”

After showing the discharge certificate I always carried and the Silver Star Military Merit Medal I kept just in case, the counselor let out a short gasp and then spoke politely.

“What brings you here today?”

“Oh, um… I wanted to learn a bit. I’m considering applying to the Academy, but embarrassingly, money is a problem for me…”

“I see. Could you wait a moment, please? Especially since someone very brave has arrived, and they really want to meet you.”


A moment later, a young man hurriedly appeared from behind.

“Sergeant Lavrenti?”

“Yes. I’m Lavrenti.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Deonik Ifrit. I was an officer during the Luzernes War.”

“Oh…! Um, I see!”

Deonik smiled brightly as he explained the background of how he got into this kind of work.

There was the empire’s greatest war hero who had saved his life. He wanted to repay that favor, but the hero insisted that if he really wanted to repay him, he should just consider it done. So he thought, perhaps the best way to repay him was not to help him, but to help all the soldiers who fought alongside him.

“Sergeant Lavrenti seems to have a strong desire for education.”

“Huh? Oh… I suppose so?”

“Certainly, there are scholarship systems for Academy tuition and living expenses. Although there is a separate scholarship system for the Academy.”

“I’m not that knowledgeable.”

“Well, then let’s try to assist you in that direction as much as possible.”

So don’t worry, just go forward for your future and dreams.

Upon Deonik’s words, Lavrenti, thinking of Karl, responded energetically, ‘Thank you!’

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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