I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 190

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 190

In both my past life and this one, there’s always been one thing that happens when a new leader takes power—building up their achievements and recognition.

And it has to be done quickly, with something tangible to showcase to the public.

In my past life, leaders were elected, but here, it’s a world of absolute monarchy. It seemed unnecessary, but that’s precisely why achievements were even more crucial.

Here, disapproval doesn’t result in a change of leadership through peaceful means, but through potential uprisings and threats to the throne.

Fortunately, the current Emperor, my brother-in-law, possesses more than just noble lineage.

Since his days as Crown Prince, he’s handled all sorts of tasks, led numerous national projects big and small, earning the recognition of the former Emperor and the trust of his ministers and officials.

Turning his past accomplishments into present achievements is not difficult.

Add a few more things to the mix, and his competence as Emperor becomes undeniable.

Now, the final touch is to firmly imprint the image of the Emperor in the minds of all citizens…

“…But, Your Majesty, even so, isn’t it a bit much for me to lead the grand parade?”

“Nonsense. Who could be better suited than Young Lord Karl?”

“We have ministers, and even the commanders of each military branch.”

A grand ceremony where the new Emperor ascends the throne and all the Imperial forces pledge their loyalty.

And I, of all people, have been chosen to lead the grand parade at this event.

To put it in perspective, my official rank is Sergeant. And I’ve been discharged.

Even calling me a Sergeant is generous, since I spent most of my time as a regular soldier.

In other words, they’re asking a discharged soldier to take on a task usually reserved for at least a military commander.

“Your Majesty, while I am honored by your confidence in my abilities, I must admit that this responsibility seems far beyond what a former sergeant like myself should undertake.”

Medal of Honor recipient? Yes, I won’t deny that. Numerous other medals? I acknowledge that too.

Brother-in-law of the Emperor, brother of the Empress, or uncle of the Crown Princess? I accept those titles as well.

A potential saint, possessor of a sacred relic, and so on… those are also true. But that’s beside the point.

How can a Sergeant lead a grand parade?!

It’s a ceremony where the military pledges its loyalty to the Emperor on behalf of the entire Empire.

A mere Sergeant, neither a commander nor a high-ranking officer, shouldn’t be in charge!

“A Medal of Honor recipient is qualified for the task.”

But our Minister of War, Boss Ahsim (yes, that’s his real name), confidently replied—

“As I understand it, you are the heir to the Friedrich County. Moreover, you served as a field commander during the Great Forest War, demonstrating your capabilities in a military setting. This alone provides ample justification for the Ministry of War to endorse your participation.”

“But still…”

“Besides, you personally served as a soldier on the battlefield, so it would be even more fitting for someone like you to step forward and pledge loyalty to His Majesty.”

His words are so logically sound that it’s hard to refute them.

Come to think of it, there have been cases in the past where Medal of Honor recipients led military parades.

It wasn’t in front of the Emperor, but still!

“If you’re worried about the military’s reaction, don’t be. We’ll manage it well, and besides, if any idiot dares to criticize a two-time Medal of Honor recipient for their low rank, I’ll be the first to rip their head off.”

Of course, the Church, the citizens, and His Majesty would probably get to them first.

He said it with a smile, but the Minister of War’s response was no joke.

* * *

The supreme commander of the Imperial Army is, naturally, the Emperor.

All command and personnel authority rests in the Emperor’s hands.

However, the Emperor cannot be expected to be an expert in every field. While history has seen its share of militarily adept monarchs, such individuals are a rarity.

Therefore, Emperors temporarily delegate some of their authority to the Imperial Army commanders.

The acting supreme commander, or vice commander, along with field army commanders and corps commanders, form the core of this delegation.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Young Lord Karl Adelheit.”

“The honor is mine.”


And now, I’m sitting at this table, facing these esteemed individuals.

“It’s an honor to meet the pillars of the Imperial Army. To be honest, I’ve been deeply concerned about whether someone like me is qualified to lead the grand parade.”

“What are you talking about? Traditionally, Medal of Honor recipients, regardless of rank, have always been eligible to take on such honorable roles in the military.”

“Indeed. Those heroes simply felt unworthy of such an honor and humbly declined.”

These individuals are at least thirty years older than me, around my father’s age.

Some of them are even older than my father.

And I’m supposed to stand in front of them and pledge loyalty on behalf of the Imperial Army.

In front of thousands, no less, and the Empire’s most elite troops!

“Don’t worry. You just need to prepare as the representative for the grand parade, Young Lord. We old folks will handle the military preparations thoroughly. You won’t be embarrassed.”

“I’m not worried about myself. But I’m concerned that my involvement might tarnish the military’s honor…”

“As I said before, the Medal of Honor alone is enough. You’ve received it twice, so even if we brought in a whole cartload of old folks like us, you’d still be more deserving.”

Their words only make me feel more pressured. This is way too much pressure!

After the brief conversation with the military’s core figures, I immediately began preparing for the grand parade.

As they said, there wasn’t much for me to do.

The soldiers preparing for the parade are probably the ones suffering the most.

“You know what’s the hardest thing in the world? Shooting? Building trenches? Field training? Nope. It’s drills. When I hear that damn ‘line up in rows and columns’ order, I have nightmares.”

One of my few surviving comrades used to grumble like that.

And I wholeheartedly agree with them.

Is it because drills are related to discipline? It’s enough to drive anyone crazy.

I’m in perfect sync, but the guy next to me screws up? It’s enough to make my blood boil.

The opposite scenario, where everyone else is doing well and I’m the only one out of sync? That’s the kind of humiliation that haunts your dreams.

It would be a relief if we all messed up together and got punished as a group.

If even simple drills are like this, imagine doing it in front of the Emperor.

If I make even one mistake, It would make me lose my appetite for days.

One wrong move, and I’ll be sweating bullets, soaking through my uniform.

“You’re working hard.”

“Working hard.”

“Not as hard as us, though.”

“Yeah, not as hard as us.”

Please, I’m begging you, you four. Can’t you just go back to your families?

Why do you have to barge in and mess things up when people are trying to practice?

“Do well. There will be all sorts of nobles there.”

“We’ve been bragging, you know? Saying that our friend is representing the military? If you get nervous and stutter, it’ll be really embarrassing, so get it together.”

I have some experience under my belt, you know. I can’t say I won’t be nervous, but I won’t mess up.

…Wait a minute. What did you just say?!

“Friend?! You guys?! It’s Sir Karl to you!”

“Hey, we’re practically nobility now, Marquis and Counts!”

“Want to experience the wrath of a future saint’s sacred relic?”

“Apologies, Sir Karl! We misspoke!”

* * *

On any other day, Selena would be busy with her thesis.

But today was different. She had to go out, no matter what.

“His Majesty will be conducting a grand parade of the Imperial Army. And instead of the military commanders, Karl will be leading it.”

The Countess Friedrich, now comfortably her mother-in-law, had relayed the news.

Upon hearing it, Selena immediately rearranged her schedule, fortunately managing to free up some time.

‘Eloise and Lefia said they’re going as foreign dignitaries. And Lav said she’s sitting in the special section because of her Silver Star Medal.’

Selena herself, of course, would be in the nobility section.

As the daughter of a Marquis and soon-to-be mistress of a Count’s household, it was only fitting.

“His Majesty is entering.”

Everyone stood up and knelt, paying their respects.

The Emperor, accompanied by the Empress, gestured for them to rise.

Once the crowd settled, someone approached the Emperor.

Dressed in a military uniform, his chest adorned with an array of gleaming medals on medal bars.

With a crisp, deliberate motion, he drew his ceremonial sword, signaling the commencement of the grand parade.

The vast expanse of the Imperial Army, now a singular entity, began to move in perfect synchrony, their unwavering loyalty directed towards their new Emperor.

As majestic music filled the air, the meticulously aligned ranks of the Imperial Army marched proudly past the reviewing stand.

The gleaming weapons, the soldiers in perfect order, as if measured with a ruler and cut with a knife.

While the rest of the audience was overwhelmed and could only gasp in awe, Selena’s eyes were fixed on one person.

“How can you be so stiff?”

The most handsome, the most outstanding, but today, the most nervous man of all—her Karl.

Gazing at him standing there, Selena couldn’t help but smile.

It was a crisp autumn day, the leaves painted in hues of gold and crimson as the season transitioned towards winter’s embrace.

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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