I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 73: Whom do the odds favour?

But yet these tunafish weren't lined in perfect order, some proved slower than the others and therefore were far behind from the rest.

While some proved faster than anyone else of their kind, specifically 2 of them.

Speed as a perk in this battle, Timmy charged directly towards them, although in a way it did seem like he was going against the entire group. He did not want to back down, especially now when he felt so successful.

Hell no, this wasn't a day to back down. Reaching the 2 fastest enemies, one of these tunafish was quicker than the other and therefore faced damage at that same speed.

Recalling the method of which worked the most, his tail curled forward, raised above the backside as if a scorpion.

When at such speeds (20 mp/h), certain battle tricks can be easily bought if one took just a second to reflect.

Likewise, Timothy did so and managed to slide his stinger from one side of the tunafish to the other, leaving a half meter long wound just by slapping one fin against the water more than the other.

Paired with great speed, such pre planned lack of balance pushed the boy's body to the side, making him swim at a 90° angle for a second.

Which was enough to leave such a wound, if his barb was any stronger, such a slice would have ripped apart a few organs with ease.

That angle was kept just for a second before such imbalance continued it's breach, making the boy spin a couple of times.

And to counter the effects of spinning in the water like a bullet at this point, the right fin had to go against friction a few times at the same strength.

The second he gained balance, the sea pancake made a grand move of swimming straight up and then towards the very starting point of this battle.

The prime reason behind it was simple, he did not want to fight the 8 other tunafish alone, that would be playing stupid even with such speed.

Returning back to the starting point, he could see that the other fast tunafish had analysed the situation already and figured out that Timmy escaped their toothy grip.

Therefore it had turned around and now was swimming directly towards the blue dotted menace they so desperately wanted to kill.

After just a second, these clashers had reached a meter close to each other and that's when something orange slid through his vision, making the enemy dissapear from the battle route.

But yet Timmy was still following that route for 10 or so meters before he slowed down and analysed the situation better. Spotting Osira landing a few bites on the enemy became easy, of course it was her who interrupted this battle.

Noticing that she was being overwhelmed once the slender tunafish actually managed to fight back and even almost bit her, Tim began rushing in battle.

At the same time, he could see the same enemy that was just cut by that heavenly barb, apparently that attack wasn't nearly enough.

Behind that damaged enemy, he could see the rest of the tunafish still charging towards battle. That's when he could see a light blue raging torpedo hitting the fish that Osira was fighting.

Proved faster a little bit but it seemed like her bite was far stronger, because the slender enemy began struggling more than ever, wiggling like a worm just to shake off Stacey that had lunged on its skin.

Using the distraction, Tim charged towards the struggling tuna and curled his tail downwards, landing a blow right in the noggin and dragging it down for a couple of inches before he lunged for the other enemy, whom was 3 meters away.

This was the same fast fish of which had received damage from the raging stingray a bit earlier. For this one, the boy had to take a mild right turn which made attacking it, a bit harder.

But yet an idea emerged in that pea sized mind of his and putting it into motion was difficult and probably stupid, but he did not want to waste it now when the odds were not in their overall favour.

He curled that tail downwards a bit further and then pushed it in front as much as a little stingray can while still maintaining proper speed.

The friction caused by revealing his belly on the water, began to slow the boy down in that half a second but also enhanced the move.

Feeling like a warlord, he couldn't help yelling the way there. "Banana strike!"

And that's when his tail dug in the slender tuna, puncturing the much bigger enemy by the side in a 45° angle.

The speed was enough to dig his entire tail in the enemy but the stinger did not burst out on the other side of the fish. This tuna might be slender but not enough for a small ribbontail ray to poke through and through.

But the momentum was still there so Timmy ended up being dragged around by the tunafish for about 15 meters before he could break free.

Spotting that this particular fish had swam away in fear, his attention gripped amongst the small friends here and the contribution they were making.

His confidence was lost a little bit after noticing that the fish whom the two ladies were fighting, hasn't yet died. The friendly fish of his were still digging their jaws on the enemy.

But it wasn't enough, they haven't killed a single fish in this battle yet the rest of the enemies were just 10 meters away.

Knowing that this battle is going to be long and deadly but yet unwilling to flee again, his head shook to shun away fear and repeating a string of words became the next step. "You can do this!"

That's when he noticed all 8 of the tunafish changing directions, making for the surface and then taking a complete 180° turn towards heart felt fleeing.

While Alba... she just paused on her place and her eyes opened up, as if carrying fear for the first time.

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