I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 69: Backfire

700 meters... that's the distance of which the group of 3 had to withstand in order to reach a point they have become quite familiar with, Tim especially.

Remembering a spot in the north speaks volumes itself, because everything here was mostly identical. Just looking at this spot was deafening and terrifying at the exact same pace.

It took a lot of guts to take this exact route and come to this specific place, but it had to be done for the sake of curiosity.

They've swam to the same spot that could have killed him and Osira just earlier on, it was midday right now so they could have a glimpse of the area a bit easier.

Specifics under consideration, they came to see if that old hag was still here. The beast somehow returned from the dead, neither of them could understand how but it was still happening.

Careful enough, Tim asked for the two ladies to stay back and hide somewhere just in case the situation became hazardous in 2.2 seconds.

He slowly swam towards the hole that used to grant access to the big great underground den that formerly used to belong to that tiger grouper.

This is where the humpback crashed hours ago and blocked Alba's entire group inside, for a while at least.

Although he approached with much hesitation so his head wouldn't be bitten off, the boy eventually made it to the point where a glimpse could be grasped.

And... well she was gone. That entire 3 foot wide and long body was gone like a fish mother when their spawns were big enough.

This was especially perplexing and gave a vibe that the strongest enemy he had ever faced, appeared to be an immortal one, unkillable.

Such a thought caused discomfort in that little heart of his for once, "How does she keep surviving? The coral crushed her."

Tim wasn't actually scared of that big old hag, such fear diminished when he faced that crazy sack of bones in battle... an anglerfish's triple sized face was scary enough to push fear out of an individual, if such a thing could even be understood.

Here, he came just to see if the enemy was alive... or dead, the boy didn't know what term to use here. The system notified that he killed the monstrous fish, and the system was never wrong regarding such statistics.

And this powerful enemy surviving once more, makes the boy fear that she will eventually attack the den. Sure the crew there was strong enough to kill this lady 3 or 4 times if fate demanded it, but how many battles will it take until the village ran out of fish?

That crazy enemy had teeth vicious enough to fuck up a reef shark with a few bites, hell she seemed bigger than one so this made it perplexing as well.

That aside, he figured out what happened in this collapse after him and Osira made a dash for it.

The tunafish have apparently dug their way through the rumble, he can see a 2 foot wide hole on the top corner of the collapse.

Although some enemies were taken victim, there was still enough of them to open up a hole in no time, a few weird dark coloured crabs being there, also aided the odds to the enemy's favour.

And so, a harsh reality struck the young boy... perhaps the recent intelligence upgrade had increased the odds of self doubt because the boy truly began to rage through that fishy mind of his.

"This is not good, not at all. How the hell do I make enemies anywhere I go?"

"The tribe doesn't need to face all the enemies I made, fuck's sake how is everything backfiring this much? The goal was just to recruit fish, how is everything leading to me risking my own ass and the tribe's booty as well?"

"These are fish! Fish. How is the entire community here so confusing? They are supposed to be dumb as a board, they're fish!"

After ranting those raging thoughts to the system but getting no reply, he decided to think just a hunch differently. "Fuck it, let them bring it. I will kill every enemy one by one if they try their luck."

Then he swam a bit higher to take a better look of his surroundings, hoping that he won't be stalked by any enemy remotely dangerous.

A few seconds after, the sea disk made his way towards where them ladies hid and cited. "That big hag is gone which means that she is alive. But let's hope we don't have to meet her soon, now we should follow the task."

Understanding the strong mildly depressive aura in between this muffled rage the boy interjected, with half a motivation the blue fish seconded the idea. "Yes, let's not focus on the fat one. I know exactly which den to check first."

"How far can it be? My fins began to feel a bit sore." Timmy asked, at this point not even trying to portray an indescribable role model, specifically what he made a good portion of the masses think up until now.

Uncertain how to explain it, the parrotfish let silence stretch for a while before she answered. "It's like, far. You know how big a human is? I'd say it's 150 long humans away."

Finding the opportunity to sound smart which was indeed quite rare, Tim explained. "Okay so 300 meters. A human is 2 meters long so we can use that to explain how far a den is."

Actually willing to learn, Stacey questioned. "Hmmm so I just cut the number in half and then use this meters thing to describe it?"

"Yup that's pretty much it." Tim answered and noticed a puzzled look on the orange fish's face.

She spoke for herself however, stating. "I don't like numbers, let's go pop some shark heads."

Upon such a sentence, Tim's eyes widened up and he had to contradict. "We won't be fighting any sharks, that would kill us."

Wanting to feel strong and important, she decided to write a little poetry through the art of speech. "Okay sure but I can fight! If we get attacked, just stay behind me or flee. I'll knock their bones through their asses."

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