I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 327: Dana's prime evolution

The show didn't exactly start, before the fine green-skinned stingray touched the crystal block.

Firstly this same crystal moved away from its spot, and simply dashed towards the tunnel's exit in the far distance.

That wasn't exactly a surprise, as the team had seen a couple of similar scenes before.

But their main focus dotted towards Dana instead, and whatever the gem had done to her upon contact!

It only took a few seconds for a massive light to suddenly explode around the lady.

The green features were blinding and most definitely fascinating. But thankfully this light could not do any physical damage.

Dana was going through a transformation of her own right now. But of course the team could only guess that she suffered through it, as they simply couldn't see anything.

The bright green light was strong enough to out match, whatever illumination this whole tunnel provided.

It wouldn't be a surprise if the rest of the team remained blinded for a good hour!

Perhaps it was for the best that they couldn't see anything. Dana was going through the toughest transformation of her life, and it was no secret that the crystal gem's sheer size had everything to do with it.

So of course a sight like that would become tough on everyone's conscious, there was just too much going on under short moments.

Originally, Dana only hid bones between that thick layer of green light, just a moment ago.

She didn't have much of a body, yet every bit of her whole being ached right now.

She could feel that all of her bones had been broken in half, re-molded and then shattered again for the very same purpose!

The pain was most definitely otherworldly, and she wanted to scream with all of her might to let a bit of the frustration out; but that didn't exactly work out.

She couldn't make a single sound regardless of how hard she tried, such an emotion of helplessness felt horrific!

Thankfully the transformation moved to another phase, right after it broke her bones about seven times.

And now her body swiftly faced a variety of changes. These differences were a lot more comfortable, in fact there wasn't any pain to be spoken of whatsoever.

But she did feel that this process was weird, and uncomfortable to a certain extent.

It was weird because she felt this discomfort above her bones. Which meant that there finally was a sensual reception in her body, which could pick up such odd feelings!

This was most definitely bizarre, and she felt similar weird senses throughout the entire process!

These weird small sensations of discomfort couldn't be counted in one hand, but stretched in the hundreds instead!

Most of these bad experiences lasted a few seconds each, so it wasn't fair to say that the lady suffered.

As for the whole transformation itself, everything started to calm down after more than two hours!

Noticeably, this was the biggest transformation that Dana faced, so it was no surprise that the whole process took this long.

The rest of the team could see almost clearly now, and the lady in question could move a little bit as well.

So ultimately the whole group could finally meet with one another again, and observe the changes!

Of course everyone's prime focus surrounded Dana, she truly seemed different now!

"Wow... you look badass!" Timothy was the first to shamelessly compliment.

Of course the fine lady enjoyed such a compliment immensely, especially since it came out of the boy she cared about so deeply.

Emotions aside she was utterly clueless regarding what her friend meant. She couldn't peek at herself from above, and neither did they have a mirror around here.

So after a wide-spread smile she had to ask, "How do I look? I have no idea."

Regardless of how incapable he was with descriptions throughout most of the time, Timothy still was the first one to speak out.

He even yelled thanks to rays of joy, "Uh... you have these crazy ass fins, on your fins."

"Are they asses or are they fins?" The lady asked, even though she didn't want to use such a phrase.

With every bit of effort he could muster up, the hero described. "No, there are these fins who look pretty good. But they are smaller fins, which have popped up on your bigger fins."

"Yeah that doesn't make any sense at all," Dana admitted after she pondered the words over a little bit.

But then she stretched her muscles a little bit, and could practically sense new body-parts around those very fins.

She managed to understand in depth now, regarding what her friend met.

But Timmy did not know that, and he urged the stingray lady to understand.

So after a lot of brainstorming he explained, "You look like a plane!"

"I don't know what that is," The latter answered honestly.

"Enough about that," Gerlach interrupted.

He sensed that such a descriptive debate could go on forever, so he wanted to dim down such possibilities. That and there was a more important detail to point out.

And the old man didn't shy away from doing so, "Dana, you've got your entire body back."

"Really?" She screamed, as joy enveloped her entire consciousness.

With a perplexing look on his face, the oldest cooperated. "Yes, you seem whole now... and your skin has changed as well."

"What does my skin look like?" The other was quick to question.

Timothy decided to bash himself in the conversation again, and it was easy to notice that he brought along a lot of positivity too!

With half a shout he described, "Your skin is black like before, with a lot of tiny white dots. You look pretty good!"

Before that particular gain could have been enjoyed thoroughly, Gerlach felt an urge to let the other know about another important detail.

So he swiftly described, "Yes, that and your skin is covered with many green branches. They look like veins... but judging from the patterns, they seem flawless."

"Those green ones are because of the crystal," Dana briefly pointed out.

"We all know that," The oldest followed along.

Afterwards Dana noticed where the misunderstanding stood, so she searched for the best words to describe what she initially meant.

Eventually she could mutter, "No there's something more to these veins... I can feel something different out of them."

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