I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 316: Death's stare

"That sounds very strong," The hero complimented.

Quite used to conversing with this talkative little boy, the system simply continued. [Indeed, that's why an entire era is dedicated to such upgrades]

After a bit of pondering, Timmy decided that it was the best time to experience these oddities.

Which was why he requested, "I want to buy the soul snare thing."


And for once the hero actually expected pain to arrive, rather than playing clueless. Perhaps the most recent torture-like upgrade helped him remember?

The sole reason didn't matter either way. Because contrary to all expectations, he didn't experience any pain whatsoever.

Sure his chest tingled a little bit, but that was about it; that tingly feeling itself could even be confused with plain anxiety!

And before he could even ask a question regarding the matter, the system swiftly came along with notifications.

[Upgrade complete]

[Two-hundred system points consumed]

[Eighteen-hundred and twenty-three system points remaining]

After that point, it seemed like it was the best time to ask proper questions.

And he did exactly so, "Okay so now what? The upgrade didn't even hurt."

[It's not supposed to,]

"Really?" He happily shouted. And his eyes sparkled with quite some joy.

These soul upgrades seemed great alone, but they would truly prove favourable if they could be obtained without any pain through the process!

[It's a bit complicated. But we can use the brain-complexity concept here, to build up a proper example]

[Your soul is weak now. Necessarily it isn't complex whatsoever]

[Pain will eventually appear and grow stronger, the more soul-related-upgrades you buy]

[That's because your soul will develop a complex density upon every upgrade,]

[And where there is density, it becomes difficult for an upgrade to be thrown and sown over it]

"I understand," He added after half a minute.

Surely his intelligences were proving useful, he could also see additional values towards this aspect.

The upgrades will hurt later on, but they aren't doing so now. Which was why he remained positive and aimed for blissful feelings, these moments should be enjoyed.

This was why he managed to shift topics, "Can you tell me what this soul snare is about? I still don't understand."


[The soul snare attribute, links your soul with that of a target's]

[Although such a move won't bond you in marriage with some enemy, the attribute itself can prove useful]

With quite a bit of honesty the hero followed along, "I still don't understand."

[Okay so once you link with another soul, you can slightly control their movements]

[This is like mind control, but you aren't actually touching any portions of a target's brain]

[In a situation where you have to fight against many enemies, you can use the soul snare attribute, to push or pull an attacker towards another direction]

[This is a crucial tool, especially since it can help you buy a few extra seconds in battle]

"That sounds amazing actually," He shouted out like a baboon, joy was evident in every corner of his tone.

Even though his friends were slightly spooked by that scream, he still continued to converse with the system.

He directly asked, "How many times a day can this snare thing be used?"

[It's limitless. Your soul can't deplete so you don't have to be savvy]

[However. Considering that your soul is weak, the power-move itself won't be so strong]

While Timothy pondered if he could handle a sardine with these powers or not, the system continued with her agenda.

[Purchase option number three = Unlock the death's stare attribute]

[Price = Two-hundred system points]

"Eh, that's cheap." He expressed, without much worry.

And he instantly wanted to ask a few questions regarding such an upgrade. But the system acknowledged this curiosity, so she just began explaining it without being requested to.

[This is another soul upgrade. The whole concept of its strength can be understood, I gave you examples]

[With this power you can simply scare away some fish, through the aid of a direct stare. That's all there is to it]

Timmy's childish characteristics kicked in after that point, he simply categorized this upgrade as quite great.

And didn't shy away to express himself, "That will make me look so badass! One day I can probably scare sharks too!"

[Eventually you will be able to, but focus on some shrimps first so you can attain bits of familiarity]

"Yes, okay." He agreed instantly.

Just so he could order, "I want to buy this creepy stare, oh and that tail thingy as well!"

Of course his demand was instantly taken under consideration, the system simply had no reasons to reject his requests.


He felt quite a few tingles afterwards. It started out from his heart and then spread across his entire body.

Pain was non-existent through that short second, so such an aspect could surely be enjoyed.

But that was when actual pain struck, but it wasn't quite related to his soul though.

Instead, the young man's tail was going through quite a bit of commotion.

His tail flinched several times under a second, and shared an overall burning sensation of pain.

It wasn't a drastic amount of discomfort, but his tail did feel like it was being lightly boiled.

And apart from the muscle twitches, there wasn't any other bit of pain that was worth mentioning.

[Upgrades complete]

[Four-hundred system points consumed]

[Fourteen-hundred and twenty-three system points remaining]

"Finally!" He celebrated with the aid of a few tail swings.

Well this marvelous weaponry certainly felt stronger. And he felt more prepared than ever to face whatever threat awaited them.

Considering how much finances he had under disposal recently, there were quite a few upgrades that he was yet to thoroughly experience.

For that same matter, the system decided to give a bit of advice.

[Three more purchase options have been unlocked, but I advise you to avoid buying them for now]

[Soul upgrades are very new for you, and you need to become more familiar with every power you have]

[Such effort will heighten your survival rate,]

"Okay fair enough," Timmy agreed.

Afterwards he peeked at the old man and yelled, "Gerlach, are we ready to get out of here?"

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