I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 85:

Chapter 85

Actor Park Sang-chul couldn’t close his mouth as he watched the passionate performance on stage. 

He felt like he was trapped in a swamp that he couldn’t escape from, and he couldn’t take his eyes off the play as it progressed.

The master of theater, Riolde Lang Pierre, said that the essence of theater was not something that emerged from experience, but a ray of truth that blossomed from the actor’s fingertips.

‘That’s nonsense.’

In college, Park Sang-chul had snorted at the words of the master written in the textbook. 

After all, he would naturally know if he only watched the theater groups in Daehak-ro.

The acting of an inexperienced actor was less convincing than a mere prop. 

The acting of a rookie did not make the audience understand, but rather hindered the immersion with their awkward experience. 

Not to mention, his values became more firm as he spent his whole life acting in theater. But.


He could see that Baek Muyeol had an unbearable calmness when he handed over his wristwatch to Kang Hee-soo, and that he was sobbing quietly under the cold gaze of the prison guard as he screamed at the judge and bit the guard’s wrist while enduring all kinds of torture.


He sighed as if to soothe his chest that was rising with frustration, but it only made him feel more bitter. 

It was not only Park Sang-chul. 

Most of the audience members in the seats were wiping their tears with their sleeves.

The sight of Baek Muyeol being tortured on stage did not feel like a theater actor was acting, but rather like the actual scene of an independence fighter from the past was projected and flowing.

-If people like me pile up and become dirt and dust, then maybe someday spring will come to this barren land of Joseon. So let’s have a cup of coffee and chat in the next life. Then there will be a fragrance of spring in this Joseon. I, Baek Muyeol, will only look at you for a lifetime then. So don’t be sad. I don’t want to leave you with just a painful memory.

There was an indescribable resonance in his calm monologue. 

The last tear of Baek Muyeol, who turned his back on the world, caused a deep ripple in the calm lake. 

The feast of theater passed before his eyes. 

From the modern boy who strolled the streets of Gyeongseong to the last gaze of an independence fighter. It was hard to believe that it was the acting of a single rookie actor.

It was as if he had truly become Baek Muyeol. 

As proof, the audience members in the seats were already persuaded and understood by Japan.

‘What did I know about theater until now?’

He wondered why his heart ached so much as he watched him perform as Baek Muyeol on stage.


He thought it was a straight tree. But his values, which had grown deep roots like a pine tree, were cracked and a wave of unknown emotions seeped in.

-Has spring come to Joseon?

The deep and long aftertaste made the audience’s emotions rise to their chin. The curtain rose again and the actors who performed the play came out and lined up in a row. 

At that moment, without anyone being first, the audience members in the seats stood up and clapped their hands.

They had no choice but to respond with a standing ovation to the actors’ passionate performance. 

There was even someone who whistled fervently as if it was regrettable. 

Actor Park Sang-chul also got up from his seat with red eyes and joined the line.


[‘Spring of Joseon’, presented at the Korean Theater Festival, flooded with requests for re-performance!]

[Theater critic Lee Hee-chang

‘I thought of the birth of a great actor when I saw Jang Young-guk in the role of Baek Muyeol.’


[Young people visiting the Independence Hall, ‘Spring of Joseon’ causes a syndrome.]

[The signal of the Korean Theater Festival, will it lead to a boom in the theater industry again!]

After the Korean Theater Festival ended with great success, countless articles flooded and made Korea noisy. 

There were many plays, but the one that attracted the most attention from the people was undoubtedly ‘Spring of Joseon’.

As proof, the Korean Theater Association is already being bombarded with phone calls for re-performance.

“There is no plan yet, yes, we also hope for a re-performance, so we will contact the theater side. Thank you.”

“There will be no encore performance at the awards ceremony. Yes, we are also sorry about that, but there was never a case where only the work in question was performed again at the awards ceremony. How did the awards go? The judges’ results are not even out yet. Please wait a little longer.”

“Yes, yes. Spring of Joseon, right? Do you have any plans to sell it on VOD?”

The phone at the Korean Theater Association is ringing non-stop. The staff are busy answering inquiries from the moment they arrive at work. 

There was an annual Korean Theater Festival every year, but never had there been such a hot response as this year. 

From requests for encore performances, to calls asking about the awards ceremony results that have not even come out yet, to persuasions to sell Spring of Joseon on VOD.

At that moment, Kim Sang-do, the chairman of the association, enters the PR office and the staff get up from their seats with surprised faces.

“It’s okay, sit down.”

Chairman Kim Sang-do looks at the series of events caused by the aftermath of the Korean Theater Festival and wonders whether to laugh or cry. 

Surely, it was a happy occasion that so much interest was poured into the theater festival, but he felt sorry to see the staff skipping lunch and answering every phone call.

‘Can it really change so much because of one person?’

Kim Sang-do thinks of Spring of Joseon, which the public did not want to see again. 

He himself had sat in the audience and watched the stage. 

He still felt the sorrow in Baek Mu-yeol’s eyes and his calm voice lingering in the depths of his heart.

It was an acting skill that could not be thought of as a mere rookie actor. As the curtain fell on the play, Kim Sang-do felt a thrill as if he was seeing the heyday of the theater scene again. 

As one theater critic said, it was like facing the birth of a great actor. 

At that moment, the phone in the PR office rang again.

At that time.

The place where the phone kept ringing like a broken fire hydrant was not only the Korean Theater Association. 

It was the same for Songwon Entertainment, a British agency. 

From morning, the phone calls kept pouring in.

From broadcasters to Chungmuro insiders, and even advertisers. 

All of them were looking for Britain with a flurry of calls. 

It even got to the point where there were broadcasters who came to the agency. 

At that sight, Kim Sung-hwan, the CEO, gave a bitter smile.

“Those guys who never contacted me, I’m amazed.”

There is a vulgar saying in the entertainment industry that you live by popularity and die by popularity. 

No matter how well you did in the past, no one will look for you after your popularity fades. 

The heat that rose with the drama Youth did not cool down after he chose Confession of a Priest as his next work.

“What if Confession of a Priest becomes a hit too?”

CEO Kim Sung-hwan shook his head with his cheeks trembling. 

He couldn’t imagine the aftermath of the phone calls that were pouring in for Britain just because of one theater festival, let alone if Confession of a Priest was released. 

At that sight, actor Park Soo-young, who was sitting on the sofa in the CEO’s office, grumbled.

“CEO, this is not the time to back off. You should call Britain to the agency right now. I see that there are a lot of inquiries for dramas, movies, and ads with high rates. You are too biased towards Britain.”

As he said that, Park Soo-young had a happy expression on his face. 

Of course, he was happy that his junior, whom he cherished, received so much attention from the public and the industry. 

At that sight, CEO Kim Sung-hwan said confidently.

“I won’t take those who can’t wait for a day, so tell them to go away. We’re the ones who are missing out right now. They all seem to be looking for him as if they had fire on their feet. And you have to push and pull like this. How can I just call a precious actor to come?”

“Look, you always tell me to come out as soon as I get one ad offer.”

“That’s because Park actor, your ad offers are ra… ahem.”

“What, you were going to say rare, weren’t you? I’m hurt. I’m really staying under you because of loyalty.”

“Oh, our Park actor is the best! Lunch is ready, let’s go to the Chinese restaurant in front of us. It’s a newly opened place and the taste is very good.”

“Again, you’re changing the subject. Why are you taking me to the Chinese restaurant where you always order only jjajangmyeon as a single item. I tried to order one sweet and sour pork and I’ve never had such a bad experience in my life. I’m not going, no!”

CEO Kim Sung-hwan said cheerfully.

“Fine, I’ll treat you to sweet and sour pork and palbochae today. The PR team members are still at the agency, so let’s go together.”

“What’s going on? Our stingy CEO. Don’t do that and call Britain.”

“No way.”

Park Soo-young looked at me with a puzzled expression as I suddenly spoke with firmness. At that moment, Kim Sung-hwan, the CEO, smiled warmly and explained.

“I can’t interrupt the time between mother and son, which is rare.”


I saw young women who rented hanboks at Gyeongbokgung Palace. I was waiting with a hat pulled down over my head among them. 

Soon, my mother came out wearing a beautiful hanbok. 

The skirt of forsythia color and the pure white jeogori matched well.

“Mother, you look really beautiful.”


My mother looked embarrassed as if she felt awkward in her outfit. Mrs. Yang, the landlady, came out with her hair braided in a bun and wearing a hanbok.

“Oh, Young-guk, you’re so pretty. You’re really lovely!”

She quickly covered her mouth after saying that.

“Oh dear, I hope no one heard your name.”

Mrs. Yang was a kind-hearted woman. 

She wanted to have a date with her son, but he was a famous actor, so it was not easy to have a normal outing. Mrs. Yang, of course, and manager Lee Bong-chun joined us and came to Gyeongbokgung Palace together. 

It looked like a filial piety tour on the surface. 

My mother held my rough hand and walked with me.

“I’ll send you some nourishing cream. Your hands are so rough.”

“My child, this is the skill that naturally comes from working at the harbor. You don’t have to worry too much.”

She said that, but it seemed that she couldn’t help feeling bothered. 

She rubbed her palm and touched the calluses while glancing at me. 

It was when we were walking around Gyeongbokgung Palace with my mother wearing flower shoes.

-I went to the Korean Theater Festival. The last performance was amazing. How goosebumps-inducing was Jang Young-guk’s acting as Baek Muyeol. Even after it was over, I kept crying because of the lingering feelings. Hee-kyung, you must be so sorry you couldn’t see it. They said they might do a rerun, so let’s go together next time. I want to see it again.

The female students who came to see Gyeongbokgung Palace gathered in groups and talked to each other. 

Their main topic of conversation was none other than The Spring of Joseon. 

Among them, the students praised Young-guk’s acting and complained that they wanted to see the performance. Then Mrs. Yang poked my mother’s side and whispered.

“Look, mother, your son did really well.”

My mother looked shy. Then she squeezed my hand that was holding hers. A faint smile bloomed on my mother’s face, which was always battered by the sea breeze.

Seeing that, I felt a surge of emotion in my chest. Did Mrs. Yang read my mind? She hugged the two of us and said.

“Let me take a picture of you two. Strike a pose.”

We stood neatly with Gyeonghoeru Pavilion as the background. The pink cherry blossoms that dyed the pond and the sky of Gyeonghoeru felt like a painting.

As Mrs. Yang asked for a pose with a disposable film camera, my mother looked at me and smiled like the sunny spring weather.

“Young-guk, mother is really happy.”

What makes you so happy?

“My Young-guk, you became an actor who moves people’s hearts.”

The cherry blossom petals that filled the pond seemed to express my excited feelings.

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