I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 80:

Chapter 80

The Korean Theater Festival.

A crowd of people is waiting to enter the theater, forming a sea of humanity. 

It is rare to see so many audience members for a theatrical performance. 

It shows how much the public’s interest in the Korean Theater Festival has increased.

“Senior, was theater always such a popular industry that attracted so many people?”

AD Kim Young-min asks with wide eyes.

“Didn’t you ever watch a play when you said you wanted to be a drama PD?”

“No, I did watch a lot when I was in college, but it’s different from the theater groups in Daehangno. This is the first time I’ve seen such a large-scale theater. And look at the people. There are a lot of young people too.”

“Young-min, don’t you read the newspaper?”

“A newspaper? Who has time to read a newspaper these days? I’ve been working like a slave for my senior for the past month. Look at my eyes. My dark circles are so bad, they’re almost reaching my neck.”

As Kim Young-min said, there were many young women among the audience. Most of them were fans of Yeong-uk, the British actor. 

When they heard that he was participating in the Korean Theater Festival, his fan club bought tickets in bulk and filled the seats.

The actors who were about to perform were more excited than usual because of this response. 

After all, what’s the point of showing off their outstanding acting skills if there’s no audience? 

It’s the same for every performance. Naturally, the more people there are, the more fun it is.

‘I came back as a lawyer.’

The opening act of the Korean Theater Festival was none other than the play ‘Back to Lawyer’ by the troupe Gongbyeol. 

The cast was composed of veterans who had been through many trials and tribulations on the stage. 

The script was too good to be wasted on a play alone.

He had been studying for the judicial exam for a long time in the Noryangjin cram school, but he failed the second round every time. 

He finally decided to kill himself. But as he was about to jump off the Mapo Bridge, he got a phone call from his mother in the countryside.

-The exam results haven’t come out yet. Don’t worry. I had a good feeling this time. What did you say? Mom, terminal stomach cancer? What are you talking about!

My mother told me the news that she was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer at the hospital. I, a long-time student, gave up on suicide and went down to the countryside to take care of her in her last days. But I was afraid that she would be shocked if I told her that I failed the exam, so I lied and said that I passed the judicial exam.

-What did you say? You passed the bar exam?

It was supposed to be a lie that I would only tell my mother, but the village head, who was next to my mother in her sickbed, heard the news and threw a lavish feast. 

In the end, this is a story of how I, a long-time student, pretended to be a successful lawyer and returned to my hometown in glory.

‘Not bad.’

The famous PD, sitting in the audience, looked at the actor Park Sang-chul, who was playing the role of the long-time student on the stage. 

The main reason he came to the Korean Theater Festival was to cast the lead actor, but he also had other roles in mind.

It made sense, since the actors who were already well-known for their historical drama performances had been cast in the special historical drama planned by KBC. 

Since it was scheduled at the same time slot, it was rare for the historical drama actors to choose MBS.

‘In a way, historical dramas go well with theater.’

The characteristics of historical dramas made the voice and tone of the general drama actors different. 

Not to mention, they had to change their accents as well. 

If they brought the mini-series actors who were focused on modern dramas and filmed historical dramas, they could not erase the sense of incongruity. 

On the other hand, the theater actors showed large movements and actions to the audience, which matched the picture of historical dramas.

“It’s really fun to come here after a long time, senior.”

Before he knew it, the one-hour-long play was over. 

As the curtain fell, the actors who had been on the stage, with Park Sang-chul at the center, lined up and bowed to the audience in gratitude. 

AD Kim Young-min was babbling next to him, but the famous PD’s eyes were still on Park Sang-chul.


As if to announce the beginning of spring, the yellow forsythias bloomed along the river. 

Like the proverb that the Daedong River water melts after the spring equinox, the river flowed softly, and the kingfisher greeted the frogs that woke up from hibernation. 

A muscular man was jogging along the river. 

Young-guk was running with his hat pulled down, but there were people who recognized him.

“Mr. Jang Young-guk, I’m a fan!”

As I was catching my breath, a woman with a wide-brimmed hat came over and handed me a bottle of water. 

I thanked her and took the bottle, and she gave me a shy smile. I felt a refreshing coolness as I swallowed the water, and that’s when it happened.

“How can you drink so carelessly from a stranger?”


I looked at her with an expression that almost betrayed my surprise. Then she took off her hat.


“What senior? Just call me sister. But how can an actor be so oblivious? You didn’t recognize me just because I wore a hat and changed my voice a little.”

It was the actress Park Sang-ah. We didn’t get along very well at first because of her harsh words. But after spending almost a month together, rehearsing all day long, we became close. 

Not to mention, our characters in the play were inseparable.

“I didn’t recognize you without makeup.”


It was no joke. Park Sang-ah usually wore heavy makeup, even when she came to practice. 

She would always apply red lipstick. But now, she looked so plain, almost transparent. With no trace of cosmetics on her face and a hat on her head, she was hard to identify.

“How did you know I jog here?”

“Your big manager told me. He said you jog along the Han River every morning. By the way, thank you.”

“For what?”

“I heard from the director about what happened to Ji-sunbae before. I didn’t know anything about it, and I badmouthed him in front of you. I’m sorry for not showing you a proper example as a senior. I think it would be easier to talk before we perform at the Korean Theater Festival. Don’t look at me with that surprised expression. I already apologized to Ji-sunbae personally.”

Doom-doom is not a bad person. He admits his mistakes, and that’s not an easy thing to do.

“Young-guk, you’re more of a tough guy than you look. I heard you caused a scene at the association. How dare you do that to Park, the actor. He’s so hot-tempered. Don’t do that again. I know how you feel, but still, do you avoid shit because you’re afraid or because it’s dirty?”

“Thank you for your advice. Sister.”

“But can you do well in the performance today after jogging like this?”

“It’s a stage that the stage director put so much effort into, and there are audiences waiting for us. Of course, I have to do well.”

The Korean Theater Festival lasts for four days. 

The stage directors of each troupe were involved in creating the theater a month before the festival. I don’t think of stopping jogging even though I have a performance ahead. 

Rather, by loosening up my body like this, I can avoid getting tense and stiff on the stage, so it’s a win-win situation. Young-guk hands the water bottle back to Park Sang-ah.

“What, why are you giving it back?”

At that moment, Young-guk starts jogging again and explains.

“I haven’t loosened up enough yet.”

Park Sang-ah sticks out her tongue as she watches Young-guk’s back getting farther away. 

The ducks that were pecking at the ground also glance at him curiously.


“Is this the right place?”

Young-guk’s mother and Yang’s grandmother came to Seoul together. 

They are amazed by the crowd gathering in front of the theater where the Korean Theater Festival is held. Then, Yang’s grandmother looks at the young women passing by and whispers to Young-guk’s mother.

“Young-guk’s mother, did you see? All the young ladies passing by are holding signs with Young-guk’s name on them. How many of them are there? But do we have to stand in line too?”

“No, we just have to wait here and Bong-chun will come out.”


“Oh, he’s Young-guk’s manager.”

He seems to be a bad guy. Just then, manager Lee Bong-chun runs over to them with his big body. Yang’s grandmother is startled by the sudden appearance of the big man, but she recognizes his familiar accent and observes him.

“Mother, I’m sorry. I had a hard time finding you.”

Young-guk’s mother explains to Yang’s grandmother.

“He’s from the same hometown as us. He said he was born and raised in Jagalchi.”

On the last day of the Korean Theater Festival, there were not only reporters, but also people from the broadcasting industry in the seats. 

Not to mention actor Ahn Jung-hyun, who is known as the national actor, actresses Park Soo-young and Seo Min-hye, and actor Song Jung-seok, who is rising as a blue chip in Chungmuro, as well as director Baek Jang-hoon, who is a master. 

All the famous people were sitting in one seat, so the reporters and the audience were also slightly excited. 

If someone who didn’t know saw it, they might mistake it for a movie award ceremony.

“Brother, it’s been a while since you watched a play, isn’t it?”

Actor Ahn Jung-hyun asks director Baek Jang-hoon, who is sitting next to him, quietly. 

Director Baek Jang-hoon nods his wrinkled eyes briefly. In the past, director Baek Jang-hoon also directed plays on the stage before he became a movie director. 

Actor Ahn Jung-hyun was the same.

He had been active as a theater actor on the stage until he appeared in commercial movies.

In a way, it was like a hometown, and he couldn’t help but feel nostalgic.

‘I wonder what kind of acting he will show.’

Director Baek Jang-hoon scans the stage with his wrinkled eyes. 

He was curious how Young-guk would act on the stage. To be honest, he was worried when he said he chose a play for his next work. 

After all, theater and movies are different. But he was curious to see Young-guk’s confident appearance.

He didn’t seem nervous at all, even though he was usually modest and humble. 

Soon, the theater goes dark as the audience fills up. 

The audience murmurs at the sudden blackout, but then they hear a voice.

“This story that is about to begin is the story of me, Baek Moo-yeol.”

It’s Young-guk’s voice. His voice fills the entire theater in the dark. It’s a low-pitched voice with a strong presence.

“There was no other reason why I, who was a mere vagabond, spread rumors with countless women and roamed the streets of Gyeongseong. Just as there were those who crossed the Manchurian plains and carried out the independence movement, I also did the same in Gyeongseong.”

The audience’s eyes widen as they hear the voice. It’s a voice that makes them feel like they are in the past.

“Is this how you do it?”

He takes off his socks as if he is imitating a famous golfer. 

Even the caddy can’t help but laugh as he fumbles with the club like a beginner. Kim Dae-jin, the chairman, says it’s okay and shakes his head. 

After all, he must think I’m cute, a novice. “Like this.” He holds the club in a crooked posture in the water hazard and hesitates to hit it. Kim Dae-jin, the chairman, and Ahn Jong-man, the head of the secretary’s office, turn their eyes away for a moment. Pat―! The golf ball makes a crisp sound and escapes from the water hazard, drawing a parabola.

The caddy, Ahn Jong-man, the head of the secretary’s office, and even Kim Dae-jin, the chairman, are surprised by the trajectory of the ball. 

The golf ball flies gracefully and heads straight for the hole. Kim Dae-jin, the chairman, looks at me in astonishment for a moment. I pretend to be innocent and smile innocently.

“Did I do it right?”

I did what I could as a rebel fighter in the streets. It was all for the sake of reclaiming Joseon’s spring.

I swallowed hard.

“Even if I disappear like a dewdrop on a blade of grass, Joseon’s spring will come someday. So please listen to my story that is about to begin. And remember my name. Baek Mu-yeol, the last rebel of Joseon.”

The stage that had been darkened suddenly lit up, and the curtain rose. 

The stage was now a street in Gyeongseong. Rickshaws were running around, and Japanese people wearing wooden clogs and kimonos were walking. 

Among them, there was a modern boy dressed in Western-style clothes. 

He was Young-guk, wearing a black suit and a bowler hat.

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