I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 67:

Chapter 67

“Can I come too?”

Playwright Jung Yong-dae was making a phone call early in the morning. 

The person on the other end of the line was none other than Kim Seok-cheol, the assistant director of the movie ‘The Priest’s Confession’. 

Wasn’t it the movie that starred the theater actor who had inspired his writing? 

He had finally managed to contact his old college junior after hearing some rumors.

-What do you mean, senior? You’re a playwright, aren’t you? Why are you suddenly interested in movies? Don’t tell me you’ve decided to switch to the film industry now. If that’s what you wanted, you should have done it sooner. There were plenty of directors who wanted to remake your works into movies in Chungmuro, you know.

“Damn it, I’m not leaving the theater scene even if I starve to death.”

The truth was, Jung Yong-dae was a renowned playwright in Korea, but his income was not as high as his status. 

And no wonder, Korea was a barren land for the theater industry, almost like a wasteland. 

There were many theater people who made plays in Daehak-ro, but there were very few people who appreciated them.

Not to mention, as the film industry took over the era, theater was gradually being forgotten. 

As a proof, many theater actors had given up on theater or moved to Chungmuro or the broadcasting industry. Jung Yong-dae was no exception.

He had made a name for himself as a playwright, and he had received numerous offers from film screenwriters. 

Sometimes, he was asked if he wanted to remake his plays into movies. But Jung Yong-dae had always refused them firmly. He said he wrote plays for the theater, not scripts for the movies.

-Then why do you suddenly want to visit our set?

The assistant director Kim Seok-cheol’s indifferent voice came through the phone. Of course, he was surprised that his college senior, who hadn’t contacted him for ten years, suddenly called and asked if he could see the movie set.

“There’s someone I want to meet.”


“Jang Young-guk, your lead actor.”

He was the man who had never left Jung Yong-dae’s mind for the past two weeks. 

He had been haunted by him in his head, unable to write his plays or sleep. 

If a stranger saw him, they might mistake him for having a crush sickness.


“Scene number 109, The Condemnation of Greed!”

-The wicked grow like weeds, and you are ignorant of your sins, foolish.

Father Matthew’s voice was devout, but his words were like chains that punished and bound the body.

-Why do you seek greed while walking the path of the clergy? How happy have you been, looking at the money that fills your barn? Not content with coveting the bodies of young women, you have also destroyed their families. All of that is your sin.

The tone of Latin echoed in his ears. Yago’s wrinkled eyes trembled violently, as if an earthquake had occurred. 

He had never imagined that Father Matthew knew all his secrets. 

Yago had tried to walk the path of a faithful clergyman in his youth. But the temptation he felt as a sub-priest came back to him as a great desire when he became a priest.

He coveted the wealth of his parishioners, and violated their wives. 

He did all that in the name of the one who hung on the cross. He walked the path that he should not have walked as a clergyman. 

He had fallen so deep into the abyss that he could not even realize that he was doing wrong. 

As a proof, he was relieved that the detectives behind the glass wall of the interrogation room did not understand Latin.

-Those who practice greed will eventually face death because of their ignorance.

Damn it.

Bishop Yago (actor Kim Hyung-seop) could not forget the voice he heard in the interrogation room. And what about his eyes? 

His piercing eyes that seemed to see through his lungs still lingered in his mind. Bishop Yago spat out a curse and clenched his fist.

‘He’s not talking to the detectives, is he?’

Yago ran out of the interrogation room as if fleeing, and hurried to the bishop’s office of the diocese. He wondered if Father Matthew, who knew all his sins, had stolen the various goods he had hidden in the bishop’s office.


Bishop Yago let out a sigh of greedy relief. The goods he had hidden in the bishop’s office were still there. He put the goods on the desk and shook off the fear that had weighed on his shoulders, as if to brush it off. He took out the wine he had left in the bishop’s office.

“Damn you, you bastard.”

A crimson stream of blood flows over the wine glass. 

The eyes of Bishop Yago, who was choking his throat as if he was watering the parched land, widened in an instant. 

His whole body began to shake violently like a cypress tree, and his eyes trembled as if there was an earthquake.

The wine glass shattered as it flew towards the floor, and the wine soaked the floor of the bishop’s room like blood. Soon, Bishop Yago, who had foam in his mouth, collapsed on the floor. Was it because he pushed the table with his hand as he fell, the wealth that he had placed on the table poured over Yago’s head.

-Yago, you are the last sin.

In the old Yago’s eyes, he saw the cross that he had once believed in. But the one on the cross did not give any answer, looking at Yago’s head stained with blood-red wine and greed (wealth).

The next day.

The case was sent to the prosecution. Detective Seo Do-gwang was moving with Father Mateo’s arm in his arm. 

Outside the police station, reporters who had heard the news were lining up. It was no wonder, since the sixth murder case had occurred, and the reporters who had been embargoed until then had written articles one after another.

Thanks to that, the Republic of Korea was noisy because of the serial killer. 

Moreover, the killer was not an ordinary person, but a person who walked the path of priesthood. 

There was no more sensational news than this.

“Miss, can’t we just get out of the back door? This is too much.”

“I can’t help it, just go out the front door. If you don’t show your face this time, what kind of article will the reporters write? They will write about the incompetence and patheticness of the police. At least you were able to save yourself by catching him at the last minute, Do-gwang.”


Seo Do-gwang sighed as he looked at the captain who had not taken off his clothes. He could not say it. The fact that the young priest who was handcuffed and being taken by him was not caught by him, but surrendered. As soon as he stepped outside the police station, the reporters’ spotlights burst out and countless questions rang out like thunder.

“Is it true that the suspect of the serial murder is an assistant priest!”

There was no answer. But everyone knew. It was no wonder, since the suspect’s outfit was a black cassock. 

The white collar on the black clothes showed that he was walking the path of priesthood. As numerous questions continued to rush in.

“You killed six people, what was your motive for doing that? Please answer!”

Then the young priest stopped. 

He looked at the reporter who had asked him the question. 

Detective Seo Do-gwang was surprised when he suddenly stopped, who had been silent in any interrogation.

If it had been as usual, he would have ignored the reporter’s question and continued to force the arrest. But he couldn’t help being curious. 

It was no wonder, since the victims’ ages, residences, and occupations were all different. It was then.

“Sister, you are wrong.”


The young priest (Young-guk) looked westward as if he was looking at the parish where the mass was about to begin and added.

“It’s seven.”


Acting Award.

Just as soccer players have the Ballon d’Or, drama actors have an infinitely glorious place. But Young-guk didn’t care much about this place. 

Like any other awards ceremony, the acting award was closely related to the ratings. 

No matter how good the artistic quality was, if the ratings were not good, it could be irrelevant.

-First of all, I’m sorry to Senior Jang Young-guk, I don’t know if I deserve this award.

He had no experience in his past life either. He had surely shown his best performance as a supporting role. 

The media also praised Young-guk’s award. So as soon as the play he was starring in ended, he rushed out and attended the awards ceremony.

But the result was irrelevant. 

The rating of the drama was poor, but the decisive reason was that he had a bad relationship with the broadcasters. However.

“Young-guk, you came here very cool today, expecting to get the award?”

Ironically, Young-guk was now closer to the broadcasters than anyone else. It was no wonder, since the drama ‘Youth’ had recorded a rating that made a mark on the SBC drama department, and for the first time in the history of Korean broadcasting, it sold the overseas rights for a huge amount of money.

Moreover, the popularity of the drama ‘Youth’ was not only in Korea, but also in Japan. 

From the broadcasters’ point of view, Young-guk was like a goose that laid golden eggs.

“Wow, you really dressed up, didn’t you?”

That’s Seo Min-hye, the actress who agreed to walk the red carpet with me. 

She acts as if nothing happened at the wrap-up party a few months ago, where she confessed her feelings to me. 

Maybe she forgot, or maybe she tried to forget. Either way, she treats me casually, like a friend.

She wears a long red dress that stands out like a rose. 

The red carpet is always a battleground for actresses, who compete for attention and praise. 

Maybe that’s why even Seo Min-hye, who usually has a laid-back image, chose such a daring dress.

“You should hold on to my arm tightly, sis. You might trip and fall.”

“I was going to ask you to help me with that. Who knew the agency would prepare such a long dress for me? The CEO said I had to shine at the awards ceremony, no matter what. Ugh.”

“Jang Young-guk, Seo Min-hye. Please enter now.”

The announcer’s voice is followed by the arrival of a luxury sedan that glides to the red carpet. 

A bodyguard opens the door and I get out first, wearing a tuxedo. I escort Seo Min-hye, who holds my hand as she steps out of the car in her red dress.

“Mr. Young-guk, look over here!”

“Ms. Min-hye!”

“Mr. Do-jin!”

As we walk the red carpet, reporters and journalists shout our names. 

Some fans even came from Japan to cheer for me. They chant in unison, “Do-jin-sama!” It’s an impressive sight, and some TV cameras capture it. 

This is the first time I experience something like this.

‘I should have been a lead actor.’

In my previous life, I was only a supporting actor. 

That’s why I rarely got any attention on the red carpet. 

I usually walked with the rest of the cast. 

And having a fan club that came all the way to support me like this was unheard of. That’s when it happened.


Seo Min-hye stumbles as she climbs the stairs of the red carpet. 

The reporters zoom in their cameras, ready to catch any mishap. 

In a split second, I wrap my arm around her waist, as if I was dancing a passionate tango with her. Her waist bends like a bow.

“Are you okay?”

Seo Min-hye’s face turns red as a beet. She quickly recovers her posture and gives a sheepish smile.

“I told you, I hate wearing these cumbersome clothes.”

“Why? You look great in them. You’re beautiful.”

“You, stop making my heart flutter. You’ll get in trouble.”

Seo Min-hye had given up on me after the incident at the wrap-up party. 

She realized that there was no point in liking me like a sunflower.

She knew I didn’t feel the same way about her.

So now she thinks of me as a fellow actor and holds my arm comfortably.

The reporters are disappointed. 

They hoped to get a good shot from the red carpet.


“Best Couple Award, Jang Young-guk and Seo Min-hye from ‘Youth’!”

I can’t believe I won the Best Couple Award again. 

I was so nervous when I won it three years ago as a child actor. But this time, I kind of expected it. 

The drama ‘Youth’ was a huge hit, and so was my character, Kim Do-jin. 

And Seo Min-hye, who played my love interest, Ji-soo, captured the hearts of many men with her portrayal of a first love.

“Sis, shall we go?”

I escort Seo Min-hye, who wears the red dress skillfully, to the stage. 

Many actors who attended the SBC Drama Awards clap for us. The fans in the audience chant our names, both from Japan and Korea.


“Kim Do-jin!”

I’m overwhelmed by the situation. How many awards have I won so far? 

Not just me, but the writer, Hwang Soo-kyung, the supporting actors, and the director. The drama ‘Youth’ team is sweeping the awards ceremony. As I reach the stage, I finally see the whole picture.

“Who’s going first, Young-uk?”

“Hey, elders first.”


Seo Min-hye covers her mouth with her hand as she bows deeply to the audience, the actors, and the viewers beyond the live camera. 

She must have been deeply moved by the drama Youth, because she wipes away a tear even though she only won the Best Couple Award. 

Seeing her like that, someone in the audience shouts, “Don’t cry!”

“Don’t cry!” 

The voice echoes.

‘Should I cry too?’

Somehow, I feel like I should also shed some tears of emotion. 

Seo Min-hye’s long acceptance speech finally ends and it’s my turn. I walk up to the microphone and then I see him.

‘Why are you here?’

Among the actors occupying the award table, I recognize a familiar face. I must have been out of it today. 

I was so busy greeting and shaking hands with everyone that I couldn’t tell who was who.

Well, even the drama director came down to greet me before the ceremony started. That’s why there were quite a few actors who attended the acting awards that I didn’t get to say hello to. 

And one of them is in front of me.

With her arms crossed and a sour expression on her face,


My former Best Couple Award partner.

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