I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 96: Destruction

The queen, as the throne room had a protective barrier around it, was saved by sheer luck. If she was not in the throne room, and the barrier was even a little less strong, she too would have died, just like all the other witches.

As soon as the barrier's mana reserves were over, the throne room collapsed into pieces along with the rest of the castle.

She floated mid air looking around at her kingdom which was in shambles. There was no living being in sight. Everything was destroyed. Her kingdom had been wiped off the map.

Tears flowed out of her eyes subconsciously. At this moment, she felt desolate. Only one thought took over her mind. 'Why have I and my kingdom been punished by the gods?'

It never occurred to her that it may be the humans that she despised and looked down upon with all her soul that had caused this mayhem. 


In Aduseon, it was a normal day for the queen and her daughter. Both of them were sitting in the balcony, having a peaceful morning.

The queen looked at her daughter who was reading a romance novel written by a human with her rapt attention.

She giggled and said, "Why do you like those books so much? They're all pure fantasy aren't they? I mean, why would a prince love an ordinary girl?"

Her daughter rolled her eyes at her mother's words and said, "You should read them without hoping for logic mom. I mean, they are a lot of fun to read."

The queen ruffled her daughter's hair lovingly and said, "What would you say about a treaty with the humans?"

Her daughter looked thoughtful before saying, "It would be good. They have a lot of wonderful and entertaining things. And anyway, having another race to help us would be good, wouldn't it?"

The queen smiled and said, "Well, that's true. I sincerely hope that Shusite loses the battle. I'm sure that then we'll have a chance to interfere, proposing peace. We already have our hands full fighting the demons. I don't want another feud."

Her daughter nodded, "Yup, it'd be good. The humans would be weakened-"

A humongous explosion interrupted her.

She and the queen looked at the direction the sound had come from and felt their hearts stop.

The magical barrier made by the ancestors, which was then split up for each of the kingdom by the great ancestor had been activated. 

An enormous explosion took place, and the barrier broke! 

Before they could recover from the shock, another explosion took place, that engulfed Shusite on a whole.

Their barrier had to be activated to stop the shockwaves, or their kingdom would have been damaged due to the explosion too.

A whole five minutes passed with silence engulfing them.

No sounds at all were heard. The princess then asked with a fearful voice, "What- what was that?"

The queen said while slightly shivering, "I- I don't know. Could it have been a heavenly punishment?"

The princess was naïve, but not foolish. She asked hesitantly, "Mom, isn't it too coincidental that Shusite attacked the humans and then got punished by the heavens?"

The queen understood what her daughter was trying to convey. She immediately shook her head left to right furiously. "It can't be. It's not that I'm looking down on the humans, but no witch or demon can exert this much power, let alone a human."


The soldiers were fighting the witches with all they had. Both sides had suffered heavy losses as many people died at regular intervals.

The soldiers were at an advantage at the start, but steadily started losing their advantage, until they were at a disadvantage.

The ground troops of the witches were easy enough to deal with, but things started getting complicated afterwards.

The high level witches who mastered flying easily dodged the RPGs, and needed a lot of effort to kill.

The soldiers were steadily losing their arsenal of bullets, and knew that if such a situation continued, they would definitely lose.


Ten witches were fighting with Harry desperately. They used every single spell they knew, but this young human male easily blocked them, as if he knew every single move beforehand.

They were completely shocked by this unknown male who suddenly popped out from nowhere, who was so proficient in magic. They were sure that if not for their advantage in numbers, the male would've already slaughtered them.

They felt extremely exhausted. They knew that they wouldn't last any longer. It was now or never. 

They used their most powerful and mana draining spells in sync, aiming all of them at the human male.

All the spells intertwined and turned into a pitch black color. The spells hit Harry, and engulfed him.

The witches thought that they were victorious and were about to let out a victory cheer when they felt their body freeze.

They couldn't move. They could see and feel everything, but couldn't move or use spells.

Harry laughed. "Tremble in fear Mortals! This is my ultimate move!"

Harry slowly closed his fist, and before they could react, they felt their vision blacken.

The last thing they saw was that every single witch fell to the floor, as if they were just puppets being controlled till now, and the puppeteer had stopped controlling them.

The soldiers looked at the fearsome witches falling to the ground without any resistance, and felt like they were dreaming.

Pluto stopped controlling Harry's body, and Harry fell to the ground too. He felt extremely weak, as if he had no energy left in his body.

He heard Pluto's voice sounding weak ring out in his head before fainting, "Harry, the witches are all dead. That was my ultimate move, which can control time and space. But, the only downside is that it takes a lot of energy. Don't worry. You'll wake up after a day or two."

His vision darkened, and the last thing he saw was soldiers rushing to him before he lost consciousness.

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