I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 59:

human world.

In the darkness, the door of Xia Feishi’s room was pushed open from the outside, and as the light from outside the room came in, Xia Feishi’s heart sank suddenly, and she could clearly see the scene outside.

At the door, the maid was being dragged into the room with rough movements.

Xia Feishi noticed that the clean clothes on her body had been soiled in a lot of places because of struggle or fighting. Fresh blood seeped into her collar and cuffs, her eyes were red, and her entire back was trembling slightly.

She was so weakly smashed to the ground by several tall men.

“Hey, it turns out that this door is not as hard as I thought. I knew why I had to spend so much time looking for a key.”

The few men who entered the door were sturdy and their clothes were also dirty. It was obvious that they had just escaped from the disaster.

After entering the door, they first swayed their eyes around the room, and then they landed on Xia Feishi.

With a tsk, the person standing in the front said, “So you have a companion besides that ignorant doctor?”

However, he looked at Xia Fei’s weak appearance, and his bloodless face, frowned and said, “Can this guy survive?”

A few people behind him laughed along with his words, and some of them said, “Anyway, this guy doesn’t seem to live long, it’s better to give us all your supplies, we promise to live well for you, why? Sample?”

Having said this, several people laughed again.

Hearing these words, Xia Feishi had completely determined the purpose of the interlopers.

However, he thought secondly whether the supplies they brought out would be robbed. He just barely stood up and tried to lift the maid who was lying beside his bed: “How are you? How about Dr. Yan?”

The maid’s hands trembled, her eyes filled with tears, she couldn’t help shaking her head when she heard this, and whispered: “Master, Dr. Yan, he has…”

The maid didn’t finish her words, but from her demeanor and tone, it seemed that she no longer needed to ask what happened.

Xia Feishi stared at the maid, her mind blank for a moment.

He murmured, “What?”

This sentence is not a question, it is just an unacceptable confusion under the daze.

He couldn’t figure it out, just before he went to sleep, Dr. Yan was fine. The doctor who had taken care of him for more than ten years was not afraid of dragging him and left with the maid. He comforted them along the way and arranged everything for them. On the way, he was almost the only support for Xia Feishi and the maid.

However, now he was just taking a nap under comfort, how could it be like this when he woke up?

Xia Feishi couldn’t accept such a thing. He wanted to ask again, but his throat seemed to be blocked by some emotion, and he couldn’t say a word.

Before he even realized it, a big tear had fallen from the corner of his eye.

He didn’t believe or accept it, but the facts around him were forcing him to accept such a result.

Xia Feishi stared at the bloodstains on the maid’s clothes, and now she finally understood where the bloodstains came from.

He forced himself to bite his lower lip, and slowly got out of bed with his crumbling body while the group of slick guys on the opposite continued to say threatening words.

Xia Fei was thin and frail, standing in front of the maid, she didn’t seem to have the slightest deterrence, but she was as stubborn as a sail in a rainstorm.

Although silent, his attitude made people understand.

He’s not going to compromise to let the group take their stuff, or continue to undulate the maid.

Several strong men who broke in couldn’t help but feel amused: “What are you doing? Do you want to stop us? It’s just you?”

Because of his body, Xia Feishi was not tall, so he had to look up at the group of people.

Seeing their fists dangling in front of her, Xia Feishi blinked her glasses nervously, but she controlled herself not to take a half step back.

He couldn’t let go of Dr. Yan’s affairs. If Dr. Yan was really killed by this group of people, he hoped that he could do something for Dr. Yan, even if it was just in vain.

He absolutely cannot retreat.

The few strong men on the opposite side saw his actions and immediately covered their stomachs and laughed: “What do you want to do? Do you think you can touch us yourself?”

“A weak little white face like you, can we get rid of you with just one finger?”

Even though this group of people said this, Xia Feishi still had no intention of retreating. On the contrary, although he bit his lower lip with red eyes, his demeanor was a bit more determined.

The few people on the opposite side saw that he had no intention of retreating, and after laughing enough, he finally lowered his face, and the one standing in the middle waved his hand and frowned and said, “Take what you can eat and use. Go, the woman will take it too, as for this kid…”

He touched his chin, showing a bit of interest: “He looks like a young master from a rich family. I hope he can live.”

Having said that, several people immediately started to act.

There were all kinds of noises coming from outside, and the leader frowned a little anxiously: “Hurry up! Don’t wait for other people to find this place!”

It seemed that the night in this building was less peaceful than Xia Feishi had imagined.

Seeing other people walking towards her, trying to grab herself and the maid behind her, Xia Feishi was afraid, but she still mustered up her courage and pushed hard towards them.

It’s a pity that his strength is small, and since he is still ill, his strength is not enough to push people down.

On the contrary, his body swayed.

Seeing his scene, the others burst into laughter again: “Stop making us laugh, you’d better be obedient and follow us.”

Xia Feishi coughed twice, and when the other party reached out to grab his wrist, he simply stepped back half a step, picked up the cup on the table and smashed it at the group of people.

With this little strength, the cup will probably hit the ground before anyone can spray it.

The group of people still didn’t care, still sneering in a low voice.

But at this moment, the sound of breaking the air came unexpectedly.

Immediately, under Xia Feishi’s astonished gaze, he saw that the group of people who were going to approach him, were suddenly thrown out due to some kind of force, and fell heavily with an earth-shattering sound. out the door!

Xia Feishi stared at her hand in confusion.

The movement just now was never caused by him…

At this moment, the faces of the two strong men who survived just now changed suddenly and raised their hands to Xia Feishi: “Boy, don’t be ignorant!”

Xia Feishi looked at the huge slap and was about to slap him. He almost instinctively turned his head and reached out to block it.

However, the heavy blow and severe pain in the imagination did not come, and the air seemed to be still for a moment at this moment.

Even though her eyes were closed, Xia Feishi suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere seemed to become strange. Not only that, there was a familiar aura in the air.

Xia Feishi slowly opened her eyes and put down the hand in front of her.

Then he saw the person in front of him…

No, it’s an animal.

The figure standing in front of him at the moment looks more burly and powerful than the strong men just now. It has extremely beautiful muscles, very beautiful brown hair, thick hind legs and an equally powerful tail.

Although he only saw the back, Xia Feishi recognized it almost as soon as he saw it.

“Little sting!”

At the same time, the man who just slapped Xia Feishi was stunned after seeing this scene.

After thinking about it, he couldn’t understand why the slap he swung out hit a kangaroo’s chest muscle for no reason.

And this kangaroo looks fat and strong, even bigger than him.

When the man raised his head in fear and was trying to figure out what was going on, the kangaroo opposite suddenly raised his head, and then supported his body with his tail, and his two powerful hind legs had already kicked in his direction. .

This action was too fast, and by the end, he only had time to make a strange cry.

Then it was kicked out like a sharp arrow.

The loud noise came again.

There were probably people guarding outside, and when they heard the sound, they rushed in quickly.

The moment they saw the kangaroo, they were all stunned.

However, before they could be stunned for too long, they suddenly felt a heavy blow from behind them. Something hard pressed directly on their waists, causing them to feel numb in an instant.

They turned around quickly.

Then they saw an expressionless black-faced sheep standing behind them.


The black-faced sheep let out a long cry, its voice extremely loud, and before anyone else had time to respond, it knocked people to the ground.

Almost at the same time, another black shadow jumped out from somewhere next to it, and then moved nimbly and opened the door of another room not far away.

It was a sea otter that was much smaller in size than the other two animals. It had short limbs, and although it was on the shore, it was still agile.

After opening the door, looking at the dark space inside the door, Sea Otter beckoned behind him.

Probably got the gesture of the companion, the kangaroo and the black-faced sheep in front of them are almost at the same time, one kicks with the foot, the other hits with the horns, and pushes all the guys who were looking for trouble just now with no leeway. into that dark room.

At the same time, after watching these guys roll in, Sea Otter quickly closed the door and dropped the lock mercilessly.

The room could not be opened for a while.

After doing this, the three animals turned their heads and looked again in the direction where Xia Feishi was.

Although they looked like animals, when their eyes fell on Xia Feishi, their eyes seemed to be filled with complicated emotions.

The room suddenly became quiet because of this scene.

The maid was wiping her tears just now, but now she was stunned by the few animals that had just arrived. Although she had seen very few times, there were even animals she had never seen before, but she clearly recognized them.

At the same time, Xia Feishi also walked towards them slowly, and softly spit out their names: “Xiao Zhe, Xiao Mo, Xiao Ze…”

While he was saying this, he found that the three animals in front of the door were all standing still for some reason and did not move forward.

It’s like waiting intently and faithfully for something.

Xia Feishi was stunned. Although these animals obviously couldn’t communicate with him verbally, he seemed to understand something.

He raised his head consciously and looked out of the house where the animals were looking, his heart beating faster for no reason.

Just as he looked up, a snow-white corner of his clothes had already fallen into his sight.

Time seems to have briefly returned to two years ago, when Xia Fei first met the snow-white figure, the “Wolf Immortal” was still the same as before, with long silver hair, ears on top of his head, and a fluffy figure behind him. The tail followed his walking movements, shaking slightly unconsciously.

Even though it had been two years, when we met again, Xia Feishi still called out that person’s name in an instant: “Yu Mo?”

Yu Mo was also looking at Xia Feishi.

It took them less than three minutes to start the spaceship in the game world and travel to the human world.

But it took them two full years to study the game world, find clues, figure out the reasons, develop methods and implement them.

And this was also when Yu Mo saw Xia Fei again after two years.

Xia Fei’s appearance was much thinner and more haggard than the last time we met.

He was very thin and thin, as if there were only a handful of broken bones left, and he didn’t even have the outline he should have. He looked weak as if he would fall down at any time.

Compared with the pure and happy teenagers in the game world, Xia Feishi did not know what kind of suffering she had endured in the past two years, and she was finally tempered into her current appearance.

Yu Mo stepped on the sound and entered the room, but for the first few minutes, he did not speak.

It seemed that only Xia Feishi’s figure remained in his eyes.

Only the noise outside remained, still chaotic and dangerous.

Then came a scream, someone said something like “the storm is coming”.

Xia Feishi suddenly recovered from the reunion with Yu Mo after a long absence, and hurriedly turned her head to look at the window. When she found out that the sky when the dawn came, there was indeed a heavy wind blowing the yellow sand and leaves, and Xia Feishi stepped back quickly. After being overwhelmed, he hurriedly said to Yu Mo, “We’ll talk about the rest later, let’s get out of here first…”

Yu Mo seemed a little dissatisfied that the silence of this reunion was hastily interrupted, he cast a glance out the window, and then said, “It’s time to leave here first.”

After saying this, he walked towards Xia Feishi’s direction again.

Facing the silver-haired man walking towards her like this, Xia Feishi vaguely felt that although what he said and her had the same meaning, they did not mean the same.

Xia Feishi said, “I…”

This was supposed to be a pretty good reunion scene, but Xia Feishi had been waiting for Yu Mo’s arrival for two whole years.

Even just two days ago, he was still fantasizing about seeing Yu Mo before falling asleep.

But the scene of meeting again was not as peaceful and beautiful as he imagined.

Now such a bad world full of holes doesn’t seem to be enough to welcome his friends…

The sudden disaster, the turbulent and chaotic world, and the victimized Doctor Yan made Xia Feishi’s heart heavy, and it was difficult to welcome Yu Mo’s arrival with a happy and hopeful mood.

Even in this scenario, Xia Feishi didn’t know whether their arrival was good or bad.

He looked out the window, as if he had made up his mind, turned around and said to Yu Mo and the others, “Go back, go back to your own world, it’s not suitable to come here anymore.”

After saying this, he hurriedly packed up the things on the table, put them in a backpack and handed them to the maid: “Go out with your things first, I will say goodbye to my friends, and I will catch up with you soon.”

The maid was stunned, and quickly said: “No, I can’t leave the young master, the young master can’t walk at all now…”

Xia Feishi shook her head and said, “I’ve recovered a lot. Look, I can still walk now.”

The maid was skeptical about Xia Feishi’s performance, but Xia Feishi didn’t give her a chance to refute any more, and quickly pushed her out of the room.

Only Xia Feishi and Yu Mo were left in the room.

Almost as soon as the maid left, Xia Feishi couldn’t hold it any longer, and she was about to fall to the ground when she swayed.

It was Yu Mo who raised his hand and easily supported his waist, making him lean against his side.

In fact, Xia Feishi was already exhausted, and just pushed the maid to leave, she just held on.

He knew very well that he was just a burden. He had already dragged down Dr. Yan, and now he must not let the maid be dragged again to take care of him.

He wanted the maid to live.

And he himself, even if he fell here, seems to have nothing to regret.

Xia Feishi breathed hard, feeling the warmth of the body she was leaning against, he gently held the other person’s shirt, facing the coming storm behind him, but he laughed suddenly: “I can In fact, I am very happy to see you at the end.”

As he said this, he looked up at Yu Mo’s beautiful jawline, and then at his delicate face.

Yu Mo watched all his actions from beginning to end.

Humans are probably really puzzling creatures.

Yu Mo thought so.

He didn’t say anything since he appeared, but this human made the best arrangement for everyone on his own accord, and then left the worst ending to himself.

Let the maids leave with things and let them return to their own world, but Xia Feishi herself wanted to keep her life here quietly.

If they hadn’t arrived just at this time, he probably would have really slept here forever.

This is probably a not very intelligent human being.


Luck is good.

Yu Mo raised his arms, hooked his legs, and gently hugged Xia Feishi, who had lost consciousness.

The three of them next to Ying Mo gasped and watched this scene happen in front of them.

If they were usually on the island, who would have such an intimate gesture with Xia Feishi, they would probably have been fighting each other inextricably. But now it was their Majesty who was holding Xia Fei. None of them dared to say a word, and surprisingly, they felt that this matter seemed to be taken for granted.

After all, when they were on the island, their Majesty was lying in the arms of human beings every day.

Although Yu Mo always denied it coldly, but now everyone secretly looked at each other and whispered to each other, they all felt that their guesses were probably right.

When His Majesty and Xia Fei were together, it was probably really…

What an incredible couple.

And after Yu Mo hugged Xia Fei, Xia Fei stared at Yu Mo, trying to say something: “You…”

Yu Mo interrupted him: “If you want to arrange something for us, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Xia Fei was at a loss for a moment: “What?”

Yu Mo: “Do you remember what I promised you?”

Of course Xia Feishi remembered that this was what he had been looking forward to for the past two years, but he no longer had such a strong desire, so the moment he saw Yu Mo’s appearance, his first thought came to him. It is to let them leave. After all, the danger in front of him is the most important. After all, he is actually very clear in his heart that it is not so easy for him to leave.

And with his current body…

He dare not have too much desire.

But Yu Mo said with a more serious attitude: “I’m here to fulfill the promise.”

“I’ll pick you up and go home.”

Xia Feishi was leaning against Yu Mo’s arms. The moment he heard these words, he seemed to hear his own heartbeat. His fragile heart was beating with all his strength in his chest.

At the same time, he also heard another heartbeat.

Right next to his ear, the voice belonged to another person, leaning against the strong chest of that person, he seemed to be able to feel an unprecedented peace of mind.

He was too tired.

His mental exhaustion and physical pain caused him to gradually lose consciousness. At the end of his consciousness, he slowly closed his eyes with Yu Mo’s last words “go home”.

He can no longer give any response with such a body.

But he thought, he forgot to tell Yu Mo that his home was gone.

The manor has long been submerged in sand, and now he doesn’t know what it has become, and he can’t go back to that place for a long time.

Where can he go back?


With such thoughts in mind, Xia Feishi fell asleep for a long time.

He felt like he heard a lot of noises in his sleep, as if there were many people chattering around his bed, scrambling to take care of him.

This made him feel that it was not so difficult to be in the dark.

I don’t know how much time passed before Xia Feishi finally slowly opened her eyes.

And when he opened his eyes, he finally understood what Yu Mo meant when he said “go home” to him before he passed out.

He did go home.

When he opened his eyes, the snow-white wolf cub, who was sleeping beside him with his tail curled up, opened his eyes.

Then he jumped into his arms lightly.

When he stretched out his hand to hug each other, the wolf cub quickly found a familiar position in his arms and lay down comfortably.

Xia Feishi lowered his head and stared at the wolf cub in his arms, and then he began to feel his body.

He has been sick for a long time.

No matter at any time, his body is always heavy and abnormal, and he is exhausted. Even if he gets out of bed and takes a few more steps, it will be difficult for him to support.

But it is different now. His body has become very light. Although he is still a little weak, he is no longer seriously ill.

He raised his head again in this surprise and puzzlement. The wolf cub raised his head slightly and touched his chin with the tip of his nose, as if to signal him to open the door and take a look.

Xia Feishi nodded in hesitation, looked at the slightly familiar surroundings, and then slowly opened the door.

The sun shone warmly in.

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