I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 54:

When Yu Mo made his inferences, no one else spoke immediately.

It was Yu Hao who spoke first.

Yu Hao laughed twice and said, “Who are you scaring? How is this possible?”

But facing his words, Yu Mo didn’t say anything.

Only then did Yu Hao realize that something was not right. He looked at the other people in the video chat and found that their faces were all equally serious. Then he asked in a low voice, “Really?”

The scene in front of me didn’t seem like a joke at all.

The smile on Yu Hao’s face disappeared instantly.


in the real world.

Xia Feishi had slept for a long time.

When the maid entered the door with something, she was careful not to make a sound, then came to the doctor who was thinking about something, and asked in a low voice, “How is it?”

The doctor shook his head helplessly and did not speak immediately, but first glanced at Xia Feishi on the bed.

The maid came to Xia Feishi with something, and lightly dampened a towel with hot water to wipe the sweat off his face.

Xia Feishi didn’t wake up, didn’t even react at all, and her consciousness seemed to be completely absent.

The maid looked worried and left the room with the doctor after she was done.

After leaving the room and walking to the corridor at the end of the second floor, the maid finally asked, “Master, he is now…”

The doctor said: “You have seen his current condition, it is very bad, I have exhausted all the methods I can think of, but his physical condition is almost at its limit now, and there are already the best medical equipment here. However, there is still no therapeutic effect, and now I am afraid that even if I come to my teacher and the others, they can only…”

He didn’t finish his words, but the maid already understood what he meant.

She opened her mouth and looked at the other person without speaking.

However, before he could make a sound, the tears had already fallen one by one.

The doctor was a little helpless: “What are you doing?”

The maid couldn’t hold back her tears, and felt a little rude. She quickly wiped her eyes and said in a heavy nasal voice, “I have been working here since I was ten years old, and it has been nineteen years now.”

Hearing this, the doctor couldn’t help but recall the past and said, “I am much older than you, but I have been here for many years.”

The two fell silent at the same time.

Yes, they have spent nearly twenty years of their lives here.

And now it seems that everything is coming to an end.

“Master, he’s so well-behaved, he shouldn’t suffer so much.” The maid’s voice was still choked, and she sobbed lowly, “It shouldn’t be.”

The doctor patted her on the shoulder and comforted her silently.

Everyone knows that this day may come, but there is no way to prepare in advance, the more you wait, the more reluctant you are.

“Don’t let the young master worry about you instead.” The doctor tried to make himself smile, “Cheer up.”

He was talking, when the phone alert sounded, he looked down and his face became solemn.

The maid asked, “What’s wrong?”

The doctor responded with a complicated expression: “It’s the master, as well as the wife and the young master.”

Although it was said that Xia Feishi’s stepmother and younger brother were not able to successfully move into this mansion until the end, they were forced to change their names, and they had to take this new hostess and young master seriously.

The maid didn’t make a sound, and listened to the doctor dialing the phone and contacting them.

After the final contact, the doctor turned around and said to the maid, “Get ready, the master will bring his wife and young master to visit the young master.”

Hearing this, the maid couldn’t help frowning.

Even the doctor was helpless.

There is no way for them to ask too much about the host’s family, but even so, they actually know that every time these people come here, Xia Feishi’s physical condition will always be prone to further ups and downs. After all, emotions will also affect the physical condition. .

This family rarely comes here, but this time…

“I told them about the young master’s current condition.” The doctor held the phone in one hand, pinched the bridge of his nose with the other, and smiled helplessly: “They said they wanted to see the young master.”

Look at the last side.

Doctor Yan did not say this.

The entire manor seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of emotions, and the low emotions of the maids and Doctor Yan were almost all written on their faces.

But on the contrary, outside the manor, the sun is still shining brightly.

The sun seemed to be getting closer to them. Although the sunlight did not look vicious, the sun looked especially red and huge.

There have been many reports about this strange celestial phenomenon recently, but no one can see what is going on, and even various top experts can’t give a reasonable explanation.

So it’s September.

Xia Feishi’s father brought his new wife and son to the manor.


Meanwhile, the island of the game world.

He Ze and Xiang Sting failed to fly again.

They have been on this island for a long time, because there is no way to go out, although they are worried about the situation outside, but they can’t find any way at all.

They could only keep trying, and this time, it was their 342nd attempt that failed.

The spaceship only smoked twice before falling to the ground in an instant.

Looking at this scene, Xiang Sting lay down on his back a little discouraged, and slapped the ground beside him with his tail.

No way, still no way.

Until now, they have tried all possible energy sources, electricity or wind, oil or other energy sources, in the case of nowhere, they have even tried firewood, but no matter what they do, they still can’t make this The spaceship took off again.

“What exactly is world energy?” Xiang Sting reluctantly looked up at the sky above his head, feeling that he had too many things to understand.

Heze also felt the pain and helplessness.

He Ze squatted beside him, staring at the spaceship, still thinking about it, murmuring in his mouth.

After a while, he scratched his head in annoyance, hugged his head and said, “If it wasn’t for me that I didn’t like that guy Yu Hao…”

Xiang Sting shook his head: “This shouldn’t be something he can do.”

But even if he said that, He Ze’s expression did not ease.

The two were silent for a moment, and the question went back to the beginning.

What exactly is “world energy”?

This name is too confusing. It seems that anything can be called world energy, but nothing can represent it.

Xiang Sting and He Ze vaguely guessed in their hearts that as long as they figured out this problem, everything seemed to be solved.

But the crux of this issue is completely elusive.

At this moment, there was a loud noise not far away, and it seemed that some people were fighting each other.

Since this place can no longer come and go at will, everyone on the island has gradually become irritable. There are people who fight and cause trouble, and there are all kinds of guys who make trouble everywhere.

As people with a bit of identity, Xiang Sting and Heze had to take on more roles on the island.

In addition to finding a way to leave, they must also maintain peace on the island.

Hearing this voice, the two looked at each other, then sighed, got up and went to the place where the trouble was.


Meanwhile, the capital of the Empire.

All kinds of questions came one after another, and Yu Mo had not rested for a long time.

Chang Yingmo, the bodyguard, has now taken over from Xiang Sting and started following Yu Mo, helping him pass messages and deal with some unnecessary meetings.

The situation in the empire is still very difficult. Instead of getting better, everything is going in a worse direction.

The worst of them is that the Federation’s offensive is far more powerful than they imagined.

It seems that the other party seems to be impulsive, so such a conflict will break out.

But in fact, judging from the ensuing battle situation and the troops dispatched by the Federation immediately, it seems more like they did it on purpose.

It felt like they were deliberately confounding the Empire and making the Empire take it lightly.

It was too late to truly realize the purpose of the federation.

But unfortunately, Yu Mo responded well to their tactics.

“For the last few attacks, the Federation has already sorted out the army, and I suspect they have bigger moves.”

Through the terminal communicator, Hong Yu frowned slightly and reported the situation to Yu Mo.

Yu Mo said, “I know.”

Hong Yu: “Then what Your Majesty means…”

Yu Mo frowned: “I will come over in person.”

His words made Hong Yu instantly change color: “Your Majesty, your body…”

Yu Mo lowered his eyes, stared at his open palm, and said softly, “It’s all right.”

It was true that he was in a bad state for a while at the beginning, but as he went to that game world, during the time he was recuperating in that world, his condition seemed to gradually improve, and the energies that once troubled him gradually recovered. controlled by him.

This is very strange, even Yu Mo himself can’t explain it clearly.

But what can be guessed is that the energy in that world and his body seems to have something in common.

After Yu Mo made a decision, he had to let Ying Mo inform the others and prepare to leave.

However, at this moment, Ying Mo’s terminal suddenly rang.

It’s a communication from the institute.

Ying Mo turned back and asked Yu Mo for instructions, Yu Mo said, “Connect.”

Ying Mo nodded when she heard the words, and quickly took over the communication.

At the moment when the communication connection was successful, Yue Xuan’s face on the other end of the video caught the camera, and he shouted excitedly: “I found it! Your Majesty! I know!”

He was so excited that Yu Mo and Ying Mo, who were present, immediately became solemn.

Yu Mo was still able to control his demeanor very well, but Ying Mo was a little out of control. He hurriedly got closer to the camera and quickly asked, “Have you found out about that game world? You know what? How can we travel to the human world?”

Yue Xuan, who was on the other end of his question, shook his head: “That’s not true.”

Ying Mo’s face was full of disappointment, and just as he was about to speak out, Yu Mo said before him, “Then what are you trying to say?”

Yu Mo’s expression was obviously a little impatient.

Yue Xuan didn’t dare to waste time, and said quickly: “What I want to say is, I know why the Federation chose to attack at this time! I also know what their purpose is!”

Yu Mo fell silent.

Even Ying Mo showed a look of distrust.

Yue Xuan: “What is your reaction?”

Ying Mo sighed helplessly and said, “Our military will solve the matter of war. The research institute only needs to find a way to find the problems of the human world.”

Seeing that Ying Mo and Yu Mo didn’t seem to trust him, Yue Xuan hurriedly shouted, “Don’t hang up first! I was surprised when I first saw the result, but listen to me! This is really a The result you never expected! The affairs of the human world are related to the current offensive of the Federation!”

Yue Xuan’s words finally made Yu Mo face him squarely.

Ying Mo’s face was also a little puzzled: “The human world, and the Federation?”

Yue Xuan nodded quickly, and then continued to talk.

The story goes back thousands of years, when humans still existed, and then extends all the way to the current empire.

After dazedly listening to Yue Xuan’s history course, Ying Mo couldn’t help but feel strange: “What are you talking about?”

Are they waiting here intently, just to listen to Yue Xuan’s history class?

However, compared to Ying Mo, Yu Mo’s reaction was much faster.

After being silent, Yu Mo suddenly opened his mouth and said, “You mean, the predecessor of the empire was Human Earth?”

Yue Xuan’s eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly: “That’s right! The imperial beasts, who used to live on earth, are animals that live together with humans, but later, disasters happened to humans and the animals were sent into space, so It will evolve into what it is now!”

This is indeed knowledge that has never been found in the history textbooks of the Empire.

But Ying Mo still didn’t understand: “What does this have to do with our current situation?”

Yuexuan said: “The connection between the empire and the earth is inseparable. Although this may sound a bit mysterious, it can also be explained from a scientific point of view, but it is a little troublesome. Even if I say it, you will not understand. ”

Ying Mo: “…”

Although he is still in human form and has not returned to beast form, his face has also darkened.

Yuexuan waved his hand and said: “In short! The key to our empire facing the war now is on the earth! The earth and the human world are the key to our victory over the Federation! You can understand that each race is in its own birthplace. It has the natural advantage of being able to absorb power and become stronger, and if that place is destroyed, the race will gradually become unsuitable and eventually lose that special ability.”

“That’s why many races are generally reluctant to relocate easily. Even if they have to leave because of changes in the environment, they will find a way to come back later.”

Hearing him say these words with such certainty, Yu Mo’s brows were still not loosened, and he only said, “The Federals are…”

“Your Majesty should have also discovered that the Federals are different from us. They are real ‘aliens’, so their power is not affected by the control of the earth. On the contrary, they specifically chose us to attack when the earth is about to have an accident. .”

This is the real meaning of what Yue Xuan said at the beginning.

But still some things can’t be explained.

Ying Mo asked for Yu Mo: “If we are close to the earth to get energy, but now the earth has been destroyed for thousands of years…”

“That’s right, the earth that belongs to our time and space is actually gone.” Yue Xuan said, “but we are very lucky, we have been sheltered by another time and space for so many years, this should be a coincidence, because it is in our Not far from the star field where Emperor Star is located, there is a cosmic vortex, we have not been able to study it thoroughly, but it is obvious that the breath that comes out from there is helping our empire.”

Hearing this, Ying Mo suddenly remembered something important, he quickly turned his head to look at Yu Mo: “Your Majesty! That cosmic vortex!”

If he was not mistaken, when Yu Mo was very young, he was abandoned by the royal family and wandered in the interstellar space because of the struggle for imperial power and so on.

In the end, the army of the empire was near that vortex and brought Yu Mo back.

So what exactly is in that vortex, maybe His Majesty can give the answer?

Although Ying Mo was so looking forward to it, even Yue Xuan was full of curiosity, but in the end Yu Mo didn’t say anything.

He just went on to ask: “According to what you mean, the human world where Xia Feishi and the others are in is actually not parallel to us in time and space, but parallel in time?”

Yue Xuan likes to communicate with someone like Yu Mo who is very understanding. He smiled with satisfaction: “That’s right!”

Therefore, every time they have traveled through time and space so far, they have not actually traveled through time, but through space.

In Xia Fei’s time, the world they were in was the human world, but they were the earth and the human world on another time and space line, and the human world had not yet been destroyed by natural disasters.

It has also been through that cosmic vortex for so many years, sheltering the earth of the empire.

Therefore, the Federation will choose to attack at this time.

Because they have already learned about these things through various channels, and they also know that in the near future, after the destruction of the human beings in the next time and space, the empire will soon usher in decline.

In this way, everything can be explained clearly.

Now only the last question remains.

What the **** is going on with that game.

Why did they go to that world when they were able to see Xia Fei?

“I actually have a guess.” Yue Xuan continued on the other end of the video, “I speculate that each world should have its own will. Xia Fei’s will of their world, when he sees the ending of human beings in our time and space. After that, he began to think of self-help, so when he passed Xia Fei, he took the initiative to contact us.”

Ying Mo heard this and asked, “Why Xia Feishi?”

Yue Xuan was stunned, shook his head and smiled bitterly: “I really don’t know this.”

Yu Mo made a sound at this time.

“I think it’s probably because it thinks Xia Feishi is the most suitable person.”

That young man is pure and clean, and he has all the best things that belong to human beings, so he is the one who can best represent human beings, show kindness to the empire, and attract everyone’s attention.

And it turns out that the choice of that will was right.

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