I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 51:

Because the others were still busy with their own affairs at this time, no one noticed anything unusual in the garden.

This gave Xia Feishi a good opportunity. He tidied himself up a little, then quietly opened the door, walked downstairs with the lightest movement, and then turned to the position in the garden where the window of his room was facing.

Here, he really immediately saw the animal companion who had just been teleported.

But what surprised him was that it was the gray wolf who came this time.

Xia Feishi was stunned for a while, and said to the gray wolf who was lying in the flower bush with a dazed face, “Xiao Hao?”

As for the origin of the gray wolf, Xia Feishi actually had guesses. Although the animal companions did not speak, Xia Feishi knew very well that the gray wolf was always being watched over by the sea otter Ozawa on the island. And when he first came to the island, the gray wolf once attacked him.

At the very beginning, Xia Feishi also worried that the gray wolf would bully other animals, but as time went on, although the gray wolf seemed reluctant, he never attacked anyone again.

Even though she knew that this might be because of some arrangement Yu Mo made before leaving, Xia Feishi still felt that the gray wolf didn’t seem to be that dangerous anymore.

On the contrary, as he followed him every day and got along with him every day, Xia Feishi felt that the gray wolf was not as bad as it seemed.

Xia Feishi recalled it carefully and found that this was the first time that the gray wolf had come to the real world.

And this is the first time he has left the manor.

This should also be regarded as a kind of fate, Xia Feishi thought so, smiled and reached out to the gray wolf, pulling it up: “Mr. Gray wolf, welcome to my house.”

At this moment, Yu Hao was actually a little confused.

He has been imprisoned on this island by Yu Mo for two whole years. Everyday life is better than death. A dignified prince of the empire, but he has to serve a weaker ordinary human every day. He has already accumulated a full stomach. He was so angry that he only waited for Yu Mo to settle accounts after escaping from the island.

For such a long time, he waited patiently and never found a chance to escape. Until today, He Ze, who had always been at the aviation center, finally ran out because he cared about Xia Fei.

Yu Hao was finally able to take the opportunity to sneak into the aviation center, and when everyone was surrounding Xia Fei, he successfully drove the spaceship away.

But he overlooked one thing.

No one had ever told him that when he left the spaceship, he would not return to the Empire immediately, but to the world of humans.

What exactly is this place? How could he see humans again?

After crossing over, Yu Hao’s face was full of confusion, until Xia Feishi came to him and said these words to him, he finally understood a little bit. But after he understood, he didn’t pay any attention to Xia Feishi’s words, and just quickly got up from the flowers, raised his tail and grinned at the human in front of him, showing an aggressive attitude of alertness.

Xia Feishi didn’t feel afraid because of this. He even laughed softly and asked, “It’s rare to come here, do you want to go out and have a look?”

Yu Hao was still thinking about how to deal with Xia Fei, but when he heard this, he couldn’t help being stunned for a moment.

go out and see? where to go?

Doesn’t this human know how dangerous he is now? What is he saying?

Just when he was thinking about it, Xia Feishi didn’t know if he had guessed what he was thinking or what, but he took the initiative to explain: “Go and see our world, it’s your first time here, you won’t think about this world. Curious?”

Yu Hao never imagined that this human would say such a thing to him.


It’s ridiculous, he doesn’t have any strong curiosity, and he has to take a closer look at the world before he can stop.

For him, this human world is just a place that has been destroyed in the long history, and in their world, it is a wreckage of a planet, and there is no place worth lingering on.

He didn’t bother to look at this place at all.

But he soon heard Xia Feishi say again: “Maybe you didn’t expect that much, but I’m actually very curious.”

Yu Hao couldn’t help frowning again, what is this human talking about? Hasn’t he seen his own world?

Maybe it was because the wind was too strong nearby, or because there was too little clothing, so Xia Feishi covered his lips and coughed a few times. He couldn’t stand a little bit, so he simply squatted in front of the gray wolf with the trunk next to him. After getting down, he smiled helplessly: “Aren’t you surprised? In reality, I’m not like in the game at all. I can have such good physical strength, running all over the mountains and fields, doing whatever I want.”

Yu Hao looked up and down at the human beings in reality. Although he didn’t say anything, he really thought the same thing in his heart.

Before that, he really did not expect that Xia Feishi in reality would be so weak. Judging from the way he looks now, it is obvious that he is ill, and he may fall down even if he is blown by the wind for a while, let alone in a game. That way you can run around and build houses for them.

What is going on with this human body?

Why does it seem like life is coming to an end?

Because the appearance of a human is really too weak, Yu Hao slowly let go of his guard against him.

Although he said that if he killed this human at this time, Yu Mo would definitely be half-dead with anger, but looking at the pale and weak appearance of the human now, he felt that even if he didn’t do it, the human would definitely not survive for long.

Moreover, as a dignified imperial family, he seems to be a bit indecent like a savage beast who personally killed a human without resistance.

After staring at Xia Fei for a while, Yu Hao slowly calmed down and gave up his offensive stance.

But although he decided to let Xia Feishi go, Xia Feishi didn’t seem to want to let him go at all.

Xia Feishi was still talking to him, persuading him to take a look outside the manor.

Yu Hao hesitated for a moment, he was not curious about the human world, but thinking that many people in the empire were looking forward to this place, even the emperor Yu Mo had wanted to come here many times, but he didn’t have time to come, and his heart suddenly rose. A smug mood.

As long as Yu Mo wants but can’t get it, he wants it all.

Under Xia Feishi’s persuasion, Yu Hao nodded and agreed to leave the manor for a look.

Xia Fei suddenly laughed. He looked at the time on his phone and said, “There are still more than 20 minutes. Can you take me away with you?”

It took Yu Hao a few seconds to react. The twenty minutes Xia Feishi said refers to the time he can stay in this human world, but Yu Hao didn’t get it right about the latter sentence. clear.

This human being has become so weak that he wants to leave with him?

Yu Hao stared at him without moving, Xia Fei finally managed to persuade him, of course he didn’t want to give up now, he had no other way, after thinking about it, he lowered his voice and carefully rubbed the soft neck of the grey wolf Mao, said: “Take me out to see if it’s okay, just go there for a short time. I’ve never gone out to see it, and I also want to know what it’s like outside.”

In a coquettish way, he tried to get Yu Hao to agree to his request.

Because of his precocity and sensible reason, Xia Fei never tried to act coquettish to anyone when he grew up so big. His current coquettish methods were learned from his younger brother Xia Cui. They came here for dinner last festival. That’s how he acted coquettish to his father.

Although Xia Feishi felt that her coquettish manner was a very clumsy imitation, it might not have any effect.

After acting coquettishly, Xia Fei looked at Yu Hao with a little nervousness and blushing.

As for Yu Hao, who was opposite him at the moment, his demeanor could almost be described as stiff.

What terrifying creatures are humans?

Yu Hao had no way to explain, he was just a little horrified to find that after hearing Xia Fei’s soft voice, this almost dependent attitude, after saying these words, he actually became somewhat unable to control his thoughts. and behavior.

In these short seconds, there was only one thought left in his mind.

That is to promise him, to promise all the requests he made, no matter what Xia Feishi wants, as long as he can do it, he can give it to him.

Of course, it was precisely because of this thought that Yu Hao didn’t even think about it, and immediately nodded at Xia Feishi.

Xia Feishi was a little surprised: “Really?”

Yu Hao nodded again quickly, and even bent down slightly to invite Xia Feishi to sit on his back.

Although it was said that after making this move, Yu Hao quickly occupied the high ground with his sanity just pulled away, but he had already said what he had said. It was absolutely impossible for the noble imperial family to go back. He can’t afford to lose this man.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment in silence, Yu Hao still did not take back his decision.

Anyway, he is now in the human world, and the people of the empire can’t see the live broadcast here, let alone find any clues. He condescended to let this human sit on his back, it shouldn’t matter too much.

He is just merciful and considerate of human frailty.

Yu Hao persuaded himself in a short period of time, and when Xia Feishi got up and lightly stepped on his broad back, he stood up again and let out a brave wolf roar. This is their clan’s affirmation of their authority, but unfortunately Yu Hao’s affirmation was only half shouted, Xia Feishi who was on his back stopped him immediately, and whispered: “Don’t scream, Doctor Yan and the others will hear it. Come out and teach us a lesson?”

Yu Hao choked for a moment. He was a little puzzled by what kind of existence Xia Feishi referred to as “Doctor Yan”, and why Xia Feishi could be so frightened, but he was now in an unknown world, so don’t mess with him. Too much trouble is better.

Thinking of this, Yu Hao kicked his legs instantly and rushed out of the manor.

Grey wolf is fast.

It was much faster than what Xia Feishi had imagined.

Although Xia Feishi has never left the manor, he also frequently contacts the Internet and knows the whole world through the Internet.

In his conjecture, the manor he was in was on the outskirts of the city, so even if he left here, he would most likely only be able to look around the manor instead of the bustling city.

But Xia Feishi soon discovered that the speed of the gray wolf was faster than he thought, and in just a few minutes, they had already arrived in the city.

Also because of their astonishing speed, many pedestrians didn’t even have time to see their appearance, and they flew over lightly.

The pedestrians walking on the street were either stunned or whispered.

“Did something go by just now?”

“What? Isn’t it a gust of wind?”

“What wind? Was there anything just now?”


After running like this for a long time, when Gray Wolf took Xia Fei, he finally stopped at a small corner similar to a playground.

The surroundings are dressed up like scenes from fairy tales, colorful buildings and dreamy fountains make this place look particularly lively. Countless lanterns are decorated on the surrounding branches, as well as balloons and flowers. What a grand holiday.

People passing by are couples, or little girls in groups, or families with children, all with laughter and laughter on their faces, they are playing and wandering, in this dreamy scene walk through.

Yu Hao and Xia Feishi in the corner were stunned almost at the same time.

Yu Hao had never seen so many humans at once.

Neither did Xia Fei.

The two of them were like bumpkins who had never seen anything in the world. At this time, they stood blankly in the corner. Facing this lively scene, they both felt yearning and a bit timid in their hearts.

“Let’s go out and have a look?”

Xia Feishi suggested this, but when she turned around, she noticed that Yu Hao still looked like a gray wolf.

The gray wolf is huge, and because of its fierce appearance, it looks full of danger. Of course, it is impossible for him to go out like this. Probably as long as he appears in front of the crowd, he will immediately be regarded as dangerous. Animals are caught.

Xia Feishi tried to ask, “Can you be a little more cute? Pretend to be a dog?”

When Yu Hao heard these words, his face instantly sank.

His dignified and noble royal wolf clan has supreme blood, and has nothing to do with the humble dog clan. Why did he even disguise himself as a dog when he arrived in the human world?

Is it because his wolf clan’s bloodline is not good enough, even the dogs can’t compare?

Yu Hao couldn’t accept Xia Feishi’s statement at all, so he naturally expressed his emotions on his face, baring his teeth and grinning dangerously at Xia Feishi again.

Xia Feishi saw his reaction, and quickly hugged his head to comfort him: “It’s not that you don’t mean canine cuteness, but maybe you don’t know…”

He racked his brains, thinking about how to explain it to the other party: “But in our world, wolves rarely appear freely in places like this, and they will be afraid of your presence. But dogs are here. It is very common that humans and dogs are friends and are often kept as pets at home, so people will not be surprised to see dogs appear.”

Xia Feishi’s explanation made Yu Hao’s complexion slightly lighter.

He automatically translated Xia Feishi’s words in his mind.

That is to say, those idiot dogs are only worthy of being slaves of humans, so they live in human cities, while noble wolves don’t bother to touch humans at all, so humans will feel scared when they see them.

Very well, it seems that even in the human world thousands of years ago, their wolves are still the top existence.

Unlike those stupid dogs.

Yu Hao snorted contentedly from his nose, and then glanced at the people coming and going from the corner of his eyes.

After he was in a good mood, things became more negotiable. For an orc, especially a highly gifted orc like him, it was not too difficult to change his appearance in a short period of time.

So after using a little energy, he reduced his body size a bit, and his facial features changed a little. From the aggressive look at the beginning, it became a little softer.

Xia Feishi looked at this astonishing scene, and immediately laughed: “This way, there will be no problem.”

Although it still looks like a wolf in his eyes, it should not make people guess it is a wolf.

Xia Feishi felt that his current appearance looked more like a husky.

When Yu Hao became like this, Xia Feishi was finally able to take him out. This playground was more prosperous than what Xia Feishi usually saw in the photos, and there were many more pedestrians. Such a scene fascinated the eyes, and it seemed that even the spirit became better and began to wander around.

Xia Feishi has a lot of pocket money, so in terms of consumption, there is no need to worry at all.

Although he usually doesn’t have to go out, his father and mother have never given him less financially.

So after visiting the playground, the first thing Xia Feishi did was to buy an ice cream for herself and Yu Hao.

The sweet taste made Xia Feishi feel extremely satisfied. After tasting it himself, he handed over the portion that belonged to Yu Hao.

Yu Hao looked at him indifferently, looking very disgusted with these brightly colored things.

Xia Feishi said, “Try it?”

This kind of tone was so soft as to be coquettish, Yu Hao’s rationality started a tug-of-war with his own instinct again, and finally lowered his head and reluctantly stuck out his tongue and licked twice.

Then it paused for a moment and started licking wildly.

It only took ten or so seconds for Yu Hao to successfully destroy the ice cream.

Xia Feishi saw how he was still licking his mouth after eating, so he asked, “Would you like some more?”

After regaining his senses, Yu Hao was annoyed by his lack of prudence. He shook his head indifferently and refused, but just after he had finished refusing, Xia Feishi handed over another piece. Yu Hao was unable to withstand such a temptation, and finished eating in an instant. Several pieces.

Next, Xia Feishi began to consume again.

Beautiful colorful balloons in the amusement park, as well as various snacks, and even cute headbands and hairpins, Xia Feishi bought them all.

And also put on a very cute bow headband for Yu Hao.

Yu Hao disliked it because of this, but he smiled happily when he saw Xia Fei, and he didn’t know why he still didn’t take it off.

There was not much time, and Xia Feishi knew that she couldn’t stay outside for too long, so although she was a little reluctant, she didn’t finish the tour. She just wanted to take the Ferris wheel once and left.

It was a pity that pets could not be brought up, so Xia Feishi could only let Yu Hao stay below alone and wait for him to come back.

Yu Hao had no problem with this, he didn’t want to play that kind of thing with this naive human being.

He was lying on the chair in the amusement park alone, resting lazily, planning how he should deal with Yu Mo after returning to the empire after this trip was over, and how to take back everything that belonged to him.

But just when he was thinking about this, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be a strange shadow in front of him.

Yu Hao thought that Xia Feishi would be back so soon, so he looked up impatiently, ready to get up to pick him up back to the manor.

But when he raised his head, he realized that the person standing in front of him was not Xia Feishi, but a little girl who seemed to be less than ten years old, with pigtails and red bows, wearing a pink skirt.

This human cub looks even shorter than him, and he can easily bite off her neck almost as long as he opens his mouth.

Yu Hao looked at this guy indifferently, thinking that this guy had better not talk to him, otherwise he would have no way to restrain his instincts well and make sure not to hurt her.

However, the human cub was obviously not aware of the danger at all, she even blinked at Yu Hao, stretched out her chubby white tender fingers, and gently touched Yu Hao’s paw: “Little dog, are you lost? ”

Yu Hao: “…”

He raised his eyelids lazily, looked down at his own body shape, and looked at the other person’s body shape again, wondering where this guy’s confidence came from, and actually used the word “small” to describe him.

However, the little girl had no self-knowledge, and went on to say, “Where is your master? Why are you here by yourself?”

As she said that, she caressed Yu Hao again, as a gesture of comfort.

Yu Hao felt the feeling of human fingers touching his own fur. This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

But the little girl still didn’t leave, she was obviously frightened, but it didn’t stop her.

She even got closer and said in a soft voice, “Don’t be afraid, little dog, I’ll be here with you and wait for your master, okay?”

Yu Hao was stunned, there was really no way to understand this guy.

Just as he was stunned, the little girl hugged him directly.

Although this little girl was so small that she struggled to wrap around his neck, she was indeed approaching Yu Hao in a protective manner.

Because of his doubts and confusion, Yu Hao even forgot to resist, he just looked at this guy blankly, thinking that all human beings are such mindless enthusiasts?

Just then, the child’s mother finally came over. Yu Hao thought to himself that he should be able to use intimidation to drive them away this time. Adult humans will never be as careless as cubs, but unfortunately his plan failed again. This time, humans are even more extreme than the cubs just now. Following his actions, he couldn’t help laughing: “What is this, such a cute puppy, Ning Ning, did you pick it up? Where is its owner?”

The little girl shook her head and said she didn’t see it.

So these two warm-hearted humans actually stayed here.

Yu Hao: “…”

Not only are these two people guarding here, after the adult human appeared, she even brought a lot of food and put it in front of Yu Hao to let him fill his stomach first. Although Yu Hao had just eaten a lot of ice cream, the food in the human world looked really attractive. Although he didn’t know what was in those cans, it was really appetizing.

Yu Hao couldn’t hold back and ate a few cans.

But even at this time, he didn’t forget his royal etiquette, so when he was eating, he sat upright and looked gentle.

Just when he wagged his tail and ate the can, and raised his head with hiccups, he realized that there were already a lot of people around him at some point.

A lot of people are holding up something like a terminal and taking pictures of it.

Others marveled at it, shouting things like “so cute”, “it can wipe its mouth”, “gentleman dog”, “so cute” and so on.

Yu Hao’s face suddenly darkened.

What made his face even darker was that at this moment, a few guys like the imperial army came over from the crowd: “It’s this little guy who can’t find his master? Hey, how can this guy eat so much?”

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