I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 47:

Then, a magical scene appeared in the manor.

Xia Feishi happily received her animal companions in the garden, and took them to the dining table as she wished, and began to enjoy dinner.

Xia Feishi really enjoyed this process.

It’s just that whether it’s Hong Yu and the others, or the maids in the manor, they all feel very puzzled and confused about such a situation.

After all, anyone who sees a lion kangaroo and a sheep eating at the table will probably find this scene unbelievable, not to mention that these animals are even sitting at the table, eating high-end human meals prepared in advance.

They are even very particular and polite. Although their etiquette seems to be slightly different from that of humans, it can be seen that they are all very educated gentleman animals.

Maid: “…”

Although she thought so much in her heart, she still felt that the scene in front of her was too miraculous.

On the other side, Hong Yu and the others were actually shocked.

Although they knew that Xia Feishi might have guessed that they were real, but even so, they did not expect Xia Feishi to accept it so well. Not only did he accept this fact, he even seemed very calm and very calm. Delighted, he even invited them to the mansion for dinner.

Everyone looked at the dinner plate in front of them and looked at each other in silence.

Xia Feishi looked a little confused by their hesitation: “Don’t you guys like to eat this? I’ll ask them to exchange it for something else?”

Not because of this problem.

For Hong Yu and the others, eating pet food on the island is because they have no other choice. Compared with dry pet biscuits, they certainly hope to eat some human food, but like now… Xia Isn’t Fei Shi’s ability to accept it too good?

However, the shock was only a momentary thing. Seeing Xia Fei’s smile, everyone buried their heads in the meal.

Kangaroos and lions are not bad. Their front paws are relatively flexible, and they can control their own access to food very well. Only Ying Mo, as a sheep, is really difficult to use his forelimb function at this time, so he can only helplessly stretch. Head to the food.

However, the gentle Xia Feishi took special care of him, and took the initiative to cut food for him several times and fed it.

This made Hong Yu and Xiang Zhe silent, and suddenly it seemed that it was not a good thing that the front paws were easy to use.

They had a very pleasant meal. After so many incidents, other people in the manor actually gradually accepted the arrival of these animals. After all, they can even accept the change of animals into humans. What is unacceptable to eat at the table?

It’s a pity that they can only stay in the human world for less than half an hour, and they have to leave after they finish their meal.

It has to be said that human food is really delicious, these are things that could not be eaten at all in the interstellar age.

Whether it was Hong Yu or Xiang Zhe, their stomachs were so bulging that they almost collapsed on their chairs.

Compared with the hurried times before, this time, Xia Feishi prepared much more calmly for this meeting. In the end, when Hong Yu and the others were about to go back, Xia Feishi said goodbye to them earnestly and smiled. He sent out an invitation, hoping that they could return to the island often and come to this world often.

Hong Yu and the others also nodded and gave a positive answer.

After that, the three figures of them dissipated at the same time, turning into the stars under the lights, merging into the gap of time.

When they opened their eyes again, Hong Yu and the others had already returned to the spaceship and were in space.

After the next two days of travel, they drove the spaceship back to the imperial city, where they also met His Majesty Yu Mo, who set off one day ahead of them. Compared with what they had done in the past two months, Yu Mo’s efficiency in handling things was obviously much higher than theirs. It only took a short time for him to return to his own throne.

After all, his identity is here, and Prince Yu Hao is nowhere to be seen. Except for Yu Mo, no one is qualified to take the throne.

Of course, Hong Yu and Xiang Zhe’s preparations were also due to their contribution. If they hadn’t designed Yu Hao in advance and imprisoned him on the island of the game world, their affairs would probably not have gone so smoothly.

The most important thing is that during the six months when Yu Mo disappeared and the empire was in chaos, all the forces in the empire came to the surface. This was the best opportunity for Yu Mo to clear the entire empire and put those forces like the roots of a tree. Staggered in the underground of the empire, the guys who sucked the blood of the empire were all pulled out.

In the following time, Yu Mo did exactly that.

After Yu Mo returned to the empire, it took a full two years to start a drastic purge operation.

A long time ago, the bloodthirsty and brutality of Yu Mo had been circulated in all parts of the empire, but after Yu Mo returned and used all kinds of more cruel purging methods, such rumors became more excessive.

With more and more outrageous rumors, Yu Mo has been rumored to be a bloodthirsty jackal king of **** among the people of the empire.

It is the kind of terrifying existence that can scare children to tears as long as their names are mentioned, making everyone around them dare not speak out loud.

Many people have never really seen Yu Mo’s appearance, and the appearance of an emperor will not be easily shown in various media, so everyone has no way of knowing what Yu Mo looks like. They could only rely on their imagination to describe Yu Mo as a monster covered in gray wolf fur, with a sturdy and exaggerated physique, as tall as two orcs, and with arms thicker than an elephant’s trunk.

Of course, Yu Mo heard such rumors, but he didn’t care, his image was not important to him.

In two years, he has done a lot.

But also because of this, he can hardly find any time to rest.

Only every day when he was alone and quiet, he would use the terminal to open the live broadcast interface of the military homepage and watch Xia Feishi’s live broadcast quietly.

Two years have passed, and Xia Feishi is already nineteen years old.

He seems to have grown a bit taller, but still looks petite compared to the orcs.

No matter how much time has passed, he still looks like that, as if he will always have inexhaustible energy, optimistic and cheerful, and leisurely on the island of the game world.

But life on the island is not static.

Since two years ago when everyone discovered that the world Xia Fei was in was actually a game world, the people of the Empire had changed their direction and began to study human problems in new ways.

After two years, although they did not research much, they have achieved some results.

That is, they found that as long as they were close to the mysterious planet in the E star field where humans are located, they might enter the world of the game, see humans with their own eyes, and live with humans on the island.

According to their guesses, that mysterious planet should be the Earth where ancient humans originated.

With this kind of knowledge, in the past two years, the entire E star field can be said to be instantly lively, and countless curious people of the empire rushed towards that planet, just to have the opportunity to see humans with their own eyes. Go to the game island in person.

But getting to the island is not an easy task.

At first, everyone failed to find a way to get to the island, nor did they figure out the rules.

It was only later that everyone realized that there was no law in this matter. After everyone crowded onto this planet, they had to rely on luck to enter the human game world.

When a human finds a summoning stone, he will randomly summon an orc from this planet to enter the island.

It is precisely because of this that in the past two years, there have been many more people on this planet, and even everyone has built this originally barren planet, built houses and planted trees on it, and came up with a set of The tourism system has gradually turned this place into a viewing planet.

Even that mysterious huge stone gate has become the largest landscape on this planet.

Of course, on this viewing planet with human civilization and ancient humans as its selling point, there are absolutely no shortage of human beings around.

Although the empire has experienced many ups and downs in the past two years, it is probably because of these ups and downs that in the chaotic empire, more ordinary people will choose to find tranquility in human beings and his game live broadcasts. harbour.

They prefer to see the simple pleasures of human beings to the endless struggle.

Therefore, in the past two years, everyone has become less and less wary of human beings. After such a long time of company, for the people of the empire, this ancient human is more like their friend, accompanied by live broadcasts all the time. follow them.

Xia Feishi has become the national idol of the empire, and is the most popular public figure in the empire every year.

His posters and surroundings, as well as everything about him, are posted on the streets and alleys of various planets in the empire. As long as his name is mentioned, no one will know.

However, Xia Feishi didn’t really know about such a thing.

For him, he still lives a simple life of his own, staying in the manor every day to study or read books, and then enter the game, carry out daily routines with other animal companions, or explore the island.

Xia Fei was nineteen years old.

In the past two years, his father came to this manor less time, and his stepmother and Xia Cui did not have many opportunities to come.

At first, it was probably out of a guilty conscience. The stepmother and the others didn’t see him again for a long time. It was not until a certain holiday later that they finally stepped into this manor with the father’s intervention.

It’s just that for some reason, they still acted a little timid, and even when they were eating, they couldn’t help but look around from time to time, as if they were worried that a strange beast would suddenly appear around them.

Of course, this is indeed a common thing in Xia Feishi’s manor.

Because in the past two years, Xia Feishi’s animal companions are indeed as he said, they often come and go in the game world, so they often have the opportunity to come to this manor as a guest, and stay for half an hour.

Therefore, according to rumors from outsiders, strange animal sounds are often heard in this manor. It is said that some people have seen elephants, grizzlies, lions and tigers here from far away.

This manor therefore began to become very mysterious in the eyes of outsiders.

Xia Feishi has met many new friends now.

In the past two years, he has harvested a lot of summoning stones from the orchard and summoned many new partners. Many houses have been built on the entire island, and even the aviation center has been upgraded and expanded from a small building at the beginning. In the big building, the spaceships in it have changed from the first one to the next three.

Animal companions often leave in spaceships and return with various gifts after a while.

Even Shi Xiaohong and the others have traveled back and forth several times in the past two years.

Of course, they must have stayed in Xia Feishi’s manor for a while during the round trip.

Xia Feishi likes such days very much. During his time on the island, he had a very happy time. He also looked forward to welcoming the animal companions in the manor. However, there was one more thing that made Xia Feishi feel a little disappointed. It was during these two years that he never saw Yu Mo again.

The little wolf cub who used to sleep on him every day has not appeared for a long time.

Xia Feishi occasionally asked Xiaohong and the others about Yu Mo, but most of the time he could only talk to himself. He couldn’t understand the words of the animals. He could only vaguely judge by their nodding and shaking their heads. Yu Mo is still living in his own world, without encountering any danger.

Although there was no way to see Yu Mo, Xia Feishi still felt relieved.

Yu Mo was the only friend Xia Fei met who could transform into a humanoid in this world and talk to him.

Xia Feishi believed that Yu Mo should have not forgotten the agreement between him and him, and he was always waiting hard.

But after two years, Xia Feishi couldn’t help but start to feel worried.

He worried about whether he could wait until Yu Mo found a way to pick him up and leave.


In the real world manor.

When the door was knocked, Xia Feishi had just turned off the phone screen.

He coughed twice, his face paled slightly, turned around and came to the door of the room, and opened the door to let people in.

The person who entered the door was the doctor in this mansion, who was responsible for taking care of his body every day for a long time. After entering the door, the doctor looked at Xia Feishi’s shockingly white face and the same pale and bloodless lips, he couldn’t help sighing softly, and then said to Xia Feishi, “Young master, it’s time for a checkup. body.”

Xia Feishi nodded and followed the doctor obediently downstairs.

Xia Feishi’s body has always been weak. His physique has been like this since he was a child. Later, after many years of conditioning, it did not improve much, it just allowed him to live. Every year when the seasons change, no matter how careful she is, Xia Feishi will always fall ill twice, and it will take a long time to recover.

Every time it goes on like this, Xia Feishi’s body will lose more and more, and there will never be a time like a normal person.

But Xia Feishi had already gotten used to it. For him, it was a good thing to be able to live safely.

Xia Feishi has always cooperated with examination and treatment. He followed the doctor to the medical room on the first floor. It took half an hour to complete the routine examination. The process was extremely complicated. At the end, Xia Feishi even felt Tired.

After the examination was over, the doctor frowned at the examination report in his hand and fell into a long silence.

Xia Feishi sat in the chair next to him, looked at his appearance, and asked aloud, “What’s wrong?”

Hearing Xia Feishi’s question, the doctor raised his head quickly, then he shook his head helplessly and smiled: “Nothing, young master, don’t worry, your physical condition is the same as before, and there is not much change.”

Xia Feishi also smiled and nodded, and said “hard work”.

Their demeanor is equally natural, but in fact, both of them are very clear in their hearts that if there is no change, it is already a very bad situation. With Xia Feishi’s current physique, it may not be able to withstand the serious illness that changes every year.

The doctor is still trying to make Xia Feishi relax: “After today, there will be a new treatment plan. This year, we will change the way. Maybe this year, the young master will not be as sick as before.”

Xia Feishi still smiled lightly, as if she trusted the doctor’s words.

But the doctor knew very well that, rather than trust, it was Xia Feishi’s indifferent attitude.

He sighed in his heart, and he couldn’t understand why the young master he had taken care of for so many years always lived harder than others.

After this inspection, Xia Feishi stood up and walked slowly to her room.

When walking up the stairs to the second floor, through the window of the corridor, Xia Feishi raised her eyes slightly and saw half of the sky in the distance reddened by the setting sun.

Xia Feishi couldn’t help but stop.

The doctor who followed him saw his movement and couldn’t help but asked, “Master, what’s the matter?”

Xia Feishi stood blankly by the window and whispered, “The sunset is so beautiful.”

Looking at Xia Feishi from the doctor’s point of view, the red afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on Xia Feishi’s body, making his cheeks, which usually lack blood color, slightly rosy, making him seem to have a little more energy. . The shadow and light of the outline are very clear, and his long eyelashes cast a clear shadow under his eyes.

Xia Feishi’s facial features are undoubtedly very delicate, and under this sunset, his figure is particularly strong at this moment.

After being stunned for a while, the doctor looked back into the distance and said, “The sky seems to be like this recently. The sun seems to be bigger and redder than before, and the temperature is a little hotter. Master, you have to be careful about your body.”

Xia Feishi murmured, “Isn’t it a bit strange?”

The doctor didn’t quite understand what Xia Feishi meant, so he was stunned and asked, “What?”

Xia Feishi looked back at him, pointed to the distant scenery and said, “The sky.”

However, seeing the doctor’s demeanor, Xia Feishi quickly shook her head again, retracted her previous words, and said softly, “It’s nothing.”

He just had such a strange thought all of a sudden, and realized that it seemed a little strange to say these words, and he quickly stopped saying it.

Xia Feishi and the doctor returned to the room again. After the doctor told Xia Feishi some things to pay attention to, he turned and left the room, while Xia Feishi picked up the phone again and opened the game again.

When it came online, Sea Otter and Grey Wolf rushed towards him excitedly.

To be precise, it should be the sea otter that rushed over happily, while the gray wolf was eager to try, but it seemed that because he was afraid of the sea otter, he never dared to get too close, so he could only guard from a distance. write.

Xia Feishi was used to such a scene.

This gray wolf was the one that was summoned to the island two years ago before the wolf cub Yu Mo left.

The gray wolf that had just arrived on the island at that time was extremely fierce, and had fought against other animals before, but he was eventually subdued by Yu Mo, and after only one night, he inexplicably became obedient.

He started to become Xia Feishi’s little tail, the most loyal little sidekick.

Every day, no matter when Xia Feishi appeared, the gray wolf would always rush to his side. When Xia Feishi was doing his daily work, he would follow Xia Feishi. Whatever tools Xia Feishi needed, the gray wolf would immediately follow. If Xia Feishi needs to do anything, Gray Wolf will immediately help him do it.

It can be said that for the whole two years, he worked hard for Xia Feishi. No matter how Xia Feishi asked him to rest, he had no intention of stopping at all. In the end, he worked even harder.

In the end, Xia Feishi had no choice but to treat this as his hobby and condone his lifeless work.

Speaking of which, this gray wolf had a hard time on the island. He was helping Xia Feishi every day, and while he was doing things, he would be bullied by other small animals.

This “other” refers to the sea otter Ozawa.

Ozawa didn’t know why, but he stared at the gray wolf every day. The gray wolf had to be Xia Feishi’s sidekick and help him with things, but he couldn’t get too close to Xia Feishi, or be too close to him. matter.

This kind of thing really puzzled Xia Feishi.

Just like now, when the sea otter was around, the gray wolf squatted beside him with his tail tucked in, obviously not daring to approach Xia Feishi at all.

However, Xia Fei, who had been accustomed to it for a long time, quickly laughed when she saw this, and took the initiative to extend her hand towards the gray wolf, and said, “Come here.”

When Gray Wolf heard Xia Feishi’s voice, he looked nervously in the direction of Sea Otter. When he saw that Sea Otter was already addicted to the comfort of being touched by a human, and had no time to pay attention to him, he finally stood up again. His tail swayed gradually, and finally he rushed in front of Xia Feishi as he wished, happily rubbing his head against Xia Feishi’s arm.

Xia Feishi also stroked the fur on his back.

“I really didn’t expect that one day this Prince Yu Hao would show such a face.” Xiang Zhe stood behind His Majesty in the bedroom, looking at the screen displayed on the terminal screen not far away, he couldn’t help laughing. He got up and said, “This picture should be stored, and when Prince Yu Hao returns, it will be played on a loop for him.”

After saying these words, Xiang Zhe couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

However, His Majesty Yu Mo in front of him didn’t say a word. After Xiang Zhe finished saying these words, after entertaining himself, he closed his mouth wisely.

Yu Mo was also staring at the live broadcast on the screen.

However, because his back was facing Xiang Zhe, Xiang Zhe had no way to see his expression at this time.

In the live broadcast, Xia Feishi had already led the animals towards the square on the island, chatting with the animals beside her in a low voice while walking, talking about the sunset scenery she saw today, and talking about the extraordinary red sunset.

The room was very quiet, only the sound from the live broadcast, until even Xiang Zhe was about to have a hard time getting through the silence, and when he tried to interrupt the silence, Yu Mo finally said, “What news is there from the Human Research Institute? Yet?”

Xiang Zhe was stunned. He didn’t expect that he had just reported so many things about the struggle between the Empire and the Federation. In the end, Yu Mo asked this sentence.

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