I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 32:

In the gaming world, animals today are more silent than ever.

When they arrived at the “aviation center” and successfully repaired it, the area they had just explored had completely changed. The dangerous plants and strange jungles from before have disappeared in an instant, and even those difficult paths have become smooth paths.

Because of this change, it took them several hours to travel just now, which was shortened a lot.

For this change, everyone is not very surprised, because this is a game, and no game will make players spend such a long time on the road.

Because Xia Feishi was curious about the function of this new building, she opened the door of the building and walked in.

Of course Yu Mo, who was in his arms, followed him in.

Hong Yu, Ze and the others outside looked at each other, but it was a little difficult to open their legs at this time, and they were hesitant to go in.

They have a hunch in their hearts that as long as they enter it, they may soon face the choice of parting.

But when Yu Mo’s urging voice came from the room, they still walked in slowly.

From Xia Feishi’s point of view, when he entered the building, the first thing he saw was a room full of strange instruments. This instrument was supposed to be a console. Xia Feishi couldn’t understand, but guessed that Probably should not have much meaning, after all, the game does not require him to operate too many things.

Sure enough, under his search, he saw two buttons on the table.

Xia Feishi pressed the first button.

Then the back of this room, which originally seemed to be facing the wall, suddenly split from it, and there was another layer of space inside, and from behind this layer of space, he could see a strange The aircraft is right there.

After all, it is in the game world, and it is still a cartoon game with a rather childish style, so the appearance of this spaceship now is also very distrustful.

Yu Mo and the others looked at this thing, and even couldn’t help but wonder if this thing could really fly.

However, Xia Feishi accepted it quickly, and was convinced of the function of this thing. He has now begun to think about the next question: “Anyone of you want to try it?”

He lowered his head and said to the animals in front of him.

Hearing him say these words, the animals fell silent again almost instantly, and then the largest Hong Yu took a half step back slightly.

Hong Yu was originally at the front, but now after he retreated, the one standing at the front became Kangaroo Xiang Zhe, watching the eyes of humans fall on him, he hurriedly kicked his hind legs and jumped back, so The one in front became Ying Mo again.

Ying Mo: “…”

Because his face was so dark, no one could see his expression, but he looked left and right and eventually backed away.

In the end, the remaining Heze did not become the focus of everyone, because he ran faster than anyone else and retreated to the back of the crowd early, and it was not his turn to stand up at all.

It seems that no one wants to try this thing.

Xia Feishi looked at them puzzled and asked, “What’s wrong? Why don’t you want to?”

The others looked at him hesitantly.

They found that for Xia Feishi, he didn’t seem to realize that if they leave here in this spaceship, there is a high possibility that they will have no way to come back. Human beings are now so calmly asking them if they want to leave, if they really If he is gone, what should he do if he stays here by himself?

No one can guarantee what will happen after leaving, whether the world they left is their original world, and when they come back, whether they can really find a way back.

So no one dared to leave like this.

They considered these things, no one said a word, but their eyes fell on Yu Mo in Xia Feishi’s arms.

The first thing they said about leaving was proposed by Yu Mo. In their opinion, Yu Mo should be the one who wanted to leave the most. Even if there was no way to come back after leaving, Yu Mo probably wouldn’t feel reluctant.

So they took it for granted that Yu Mo was the one most suitable to leave here and try this spaceship.

But surprisingly, after meeting everyone’s attention, Yu Mo did not agree to this matter as they thought.

The wolf cubs, who have always been indifferent and resolute, actually lay facelessly in Xia Feishi’s arms today, and even after meeting their gaze, they turned to look at everyone with a confident look, as if questioning who they are now. What’s the meaning.

Hongyu crowd: “…”

They really could not have imagined that the person who wanted to leave the most would give up the opportunity to leave.

Everyone looked at him puzzled, and Hong Yu couldn’t help but ask in animal language, “Aren’t you going to leave?”

Yu Mo said lightly, “It’s not time yet.”

He actually told everyone with such an explanation in such an understatement.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled. His behavior was obviously very inconsistent. Hong Yu was an upright person and didn’t dare to say more, but He Ze couldn’t help but got out from the back and muttered softly: “You don’t know. Are you reluctant to leave?”

When Yu Mo heard his words, he was suddenly silent for a moment.

After a while he said, somewhat displeased, “Don’t confuse us.”

He Ze blinked: “Really?”

As he said this, Xiang Zhe, who had not spoken at all, suddenly said, “You waited a few seconds before speaking, are you guilty?”

Yu Mo paused for another moment: “Don’t use your thoughts to speculate on purpose.”

He Ze said “Oh”, shook his head and pretended not to speak.

Yu Mo asked in a cold tone, “What else do you want to ask?”

In fact, Yu Mo really has no plans to leave. His current body has not fully recovered, and he should be in a weak state for a few months, so even if he leaves here, rushing back to the empire will only make himself look very bad. Embarrassed.

In contrast, the best way now is for him to stay here to recuperate until he fully recovers before returning to the empire.

He didn’t mind what Yu Hao would toss the empire into during his absence. He had already guessed Yu Hao’s conspiracy, so he had already made arrangements in the empire before the incident happened.

Even if Yu Hao wanted to move, he couldn’t move the foundation of the empire.

On the contrary, when he was away, Yu Hao and his henchmen would all be exposed, and at that time, if he went back, he would be able to clean up all Yu Haofang’s people.

These are all Yu Mo’s considerations, so he has good reasons, and it is indeed reasonable for him to stay here.

However, just now, after He Ze and Hong Yu said those words to him, he forgot to refute at the very beginning because of what the other party said.

Yu Mo was puzzled by his hesitation, but he was also unwilling to be pointed out, so the air pressure on his body instantly became low.

Noticing Yu Mo’s change, the other people were even more afraid to speak.

Yu Mo easily won the dispute by force.

However, their conversation just now was conducted in animal language, so their conversation, in Xia Fei’s time, seemed to be in animal language.

From Xia Feishi’s point of view, looking at the game screen, he saw the wolf cub first “Ow” twice, then the lion “Ow”, and then the sea otter and the wolf cub barked at each other for several times. It looked like a fight.

Xia Feishi couldn’t understand the conversation between them, but she felt that their communication was not pleasant, so she hurriedly hugged the wolf cub in her arms and whispered, “Don’t quarrel.”

He then rubbed the wolf cub’s head again, taking it for granted that the young wolf cub was no match for other animals at all, so he turned his head to the sea otter and the lion and said, “Don’t bully it.”

Heze and others: “…”

They felt that Xia Feishi would probably never find out that the real bully was actually this wolf cub lying on top of him.

However, the discussion between them was a failure here. Although Xia Fei had asked everyone, but in the end no one was willing to board this spaceship, so the matter of travel was put on hold.

Xia Feishi could only say: “Okay then, when you are willing to travel in the future, we will come here again.”

He said so, and took the animals away from the aviation center, returned to the original orchard location, and collected the fruit trees planted yesterday.

That night, when Xia Feishi went offline, he interacted with the animals one by one, and then disappeared on the island.

When he turned off the phone screen, Xia Feishi glanced at the animal companions in front of him. They seemed to be very reluctant to part with him, and seemed to even hope that he would be on the island even when he slept.

Xia Feishi packed up and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling with her eyes open, but she knew in her heart that she was not as calm as she seemed.

He thought of the aviation center they found in the game today.

In fact, when Xia Feishi saw the building and the function it represented, she panicked in her heart for a moment.

If it is said that the small animals are to be sent away, can they still find their way back? Or will they never come back?

If they don’t come back, will the animals on the island become less and less in the future, and in the end it’s just him again?

When Xia Fei thought about this, his mood was inexplicably depressed, but he soon convinced himself in his heart, he told himself that the animals on the island are just data, they do not really exist in this The creatures in the world, so he shouldn’t have such strong feelings for them, let alone affect his mood because of this kind of thing.

And whether it’s data or not, he has no reason to tie anyone’s footsteps because of himself, so that they can’t leave.

It’s not enough for him to be trapped here, should other creatures be trapped in place for him?

Xia Feishi didn’t show his emotions. At that time, he even deceived himself. He pretended to be open-minded and asked the animal companions if they were ready to leave.

When he saw that they were unwilling to leave, his mood was extremely complicated.

Why don’t you want to leave?

In the game world at the moment, Yu Mo and the others are also worrying about this issue.

Everyone consciously got together again, and then discussed about the aviation center.

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