I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 24:

As expected, things were moving in the direction that Yu Mo was most worried about.

Although it looked like he was eating with concentration and grace, it was actually difficult for Yu Mo to take his attention away from Xia Feishi.

When he heard Xia Fei, he had already started to communicate his name with the people of the Empire in the live broadcast room.

“Xiao Bai?” The human seemed to hesitate, then shook his head and said, “No, no, this name has the same name as many pets.”

Probably because of the words of human beings, there are many other words in the barrage, and the human teenager continued to read: “…Little black?”

He asked strangely, “If you don’t call it Xiaobai, then call it Xiaohei?”

Yu Mo stopped eating.

Fortunately, just before the hair on his body exploded, humans had already denied the name with a smile: “How can there be such a name, isn’t it too strange?”

They were still chatting non-stop, and then a lot of strange names were mentioned, such as “baby”, “silly son”, “white flower”, “white give”, “white fat fat”, “dog leg” and so on The name that made Yu Mo’s blood pressure rise.

Fortunately, these names have been denied by humans.

This gave Yu Mo a little confidence in human aesthetics.

But just as he was thinking about it, the human boy who was chatting with the audience slowly walked up to him and squatted down, then held his cheeks for a while and suddenly said, “By the way, you don’t need to name it from its appearance. , you can name it from its habits… It doesn’t like to eat pet biscuits, but likes to eat human food, so it’s better to call it rice.”

Yu Mo: “…”

He took back his trust in human aesthetics just now, and let out a soft cry in protest.

However, very coincidentally, at the same time as he called out, Xia Feishi also called out his new name: “Fanfan!”

And because of this, the timing of his cry was just right, as if he was specifically responding to the call of a human being.

Xia Feishi looked at the white wolf cub who just cried out on the screen, and couldn’t help being surprised. This cub seemed to really like its new name.

He continued typing: “Do you like this name?”

Yu Mo let out a cry and weakly expressed his protest.

However, there is obviously a big problem in the communication between humans and him. He has no way to convey the correct meaning when he speaks. The humans laughed happily and said softly to him: “You really like this name!”

Yu Mo suddenly closed his mouth.

In short, in a very informal situation and completely disregarding the opinions of the wolf involved, Xia Feishi decided on the name of the wolf cub.

Xia Feishi finished chatting with the barrage, and then said to Yu Mo with a smile: “Okay, you will have a name in the future. Your name is Fanfan.”

It doesn’t sound like a good name.

Yu Mo said this in his heart, but unfortunately he has no chance to struggle or not accept it now, he can only stare blankly at what tricks Xia Fei has to toss up.

Xia Feishi was guarding the wolf cub to eat in the room, but probably because it took too long, Hong Yu and others who were waiting outside were a little worried, so they all crowded by the window to try to see what was going on inside.

Upon discovering their arrival, Xia Feishi opened the door for them.

The four animals shoved into the room immediately, crowding the small room, especially the huge lion, which occupies a very large area.

Yu Mo showed a faint disgust in his eyes.

Xia Feishi looked at the animal companions who entered the house, and then looked at the white wolf who had already eaten and was wiping his mouth and claws on a tissue paper.

The moment he met Xia Fei’s line of sight, Yu Mo already had a not-so-good guess in his heart…

It tried to stop the other party, but the weak body made it impossible to do so, so Xia Feishi said it as a matter of course: “This is your new friend Fanfan, it is relatively young, you have to take good care of it, can’t Do you know how to bully it?”

Ever since Xia Feishi started live broadcasting in text, he found that not only the AI ​​barrages in the live broadcast room could understand what he typed and said in the game, but even the animal companions around him would also respond. .

This also allowed Xia Feishi to find a new way to communicate with animals, and it also made their communication no longer limited to body language.

However, after hearing these words, Yu Mo was not so happy.

He didn’t want to be taken care of by these guys at all, and he didn’t need any care.

On the opposite side of him, Hong Yu and the others who heard these words seemed to have completely forgotten about the threat and questioning that they had gathered in Yu Mo’s room last night, and they instantly acted more obedient and well-behaved than anyone else.

Among them, He Ze even approached Yu Mo slickly, trying to show his friendliness with his paws.

However, his behavior was sidestepped by Yu Mo’s more neat movements.

Although he failed to grasp the claws, it was clear that the aborigines treated the wolf cubs very kindly. When Xia Fei saw this scene, she easily believed the fact that they coexisted peacefully.

Then he finally started his daily work today.

It starts with tending to the fruit trees planted yesterday, then gathers materials and explores new areas of the island. Of course, during this process, Xia Feishi will also start the live broadcast to earn more world energy points.

Xia Feishi planned this, and immediately brought a few animals to go out to work, and the wolf cub Fanfan is now weak, so Xia Feishi did not intend to take it out, and only left it in the room to recover. .

Of course, when he was about to go out, he still didn’t forget to take out many dolls and toys from the mysterious fruit tree from his backpack, and piled these things up beside the wolf cub like a hill, so that he could relieve his boredom.

However, facing Xia Fei’s expectant eyes, Yu Mo didn’t even look at the toy, and fell back to sleep after eating.

Unlike Ying Mo Xiang Zhe and the others who had been summoned to the island before, Yu Mo did not appear to be gregarious at all, and Hong Yu and the others naturally couldn’t get close to him. He seemed to have an invisible barrier with other people. , making it impossible to approach easily.

Although Xia Feishi was a little disappointed, she also knew that the strategy was not a matter of one or two days, at least today the wolf cub was willing to eat what he handed out.

Maybe tomorrow they can go even further.

With such thoughts in mind, Xia Feishi was still full of energy while playing the game.

As his contact with the outside of the manor became less and less, the carer who once took care of him left the manor, and the teacher who used to teach him has long since stopped. There are only two housekeepers left in the manor who clean and cook. , and the rest will have no one else, so Xia Fei’s time in reality has become less and less.

Compared with the lonely manor life, Xia Feishi prefers to indulge in the world of games.

In this world, it seems that everyday life is fresh, he has many things to do, and the animals in the game will always accompany him.

Xia Feishi spent ten days exploring the unlocked area of ​​the island.

During this period, he would come here every day with lion Xiaohong and other animals to clean up the materials in these areas, put away the useful things, and dispose of the useless things.

In fact, it does not take that long to simply explore, but it will take more time to sort out this barren area and turn it into an open space where activities and houses can be built.

During the time Xia Feishi and the others were exploring, the wolf cub was still in the room with injuries and never came out.

Xia Feishi would go online to feed him on time every day, and change the pattern every day. There is even a cooking system in this game, which can make various meals by mixing different foods in different proportions.

As for the toys for the little wolf cub, Xia Feishi never broke it. Every time he harvested something interesting from the mysterious fruit tree, he would bring it back to the little wolf cub to play with.

Although it is said that the wolf cub Fanfan always looks indifferent and doesn’t seem to be interested in toys, Xia Feishi always believes that the wolf cub just hasn’t fully trusted him, so he doesn’t like to play with these things.

After all, in Xia Feishi’s view, no cub could resist a toy.

Xia Feishi always believed that the little wolf cub would be able to open his heart soon.

As for Yu Mo, the wounds on his body were indeed completely scabbed after being raised here for so long.

However, his body is still weak, and he is very clear that this should be the sequelae of using the medicine at the beginning.

He has never been to this island before, and he has hardly ever left his room. However, when he asked him to go out with Xia Fei and the others, he was not willing. Hong Yu and the group of guys had to play with flying cakes when they went out. Shengsheng made his dignified imperial general a pet, and Yu Mo really didn’t want to be with him.

So he chose to wait until Xia Feishi and the others went out to explore, and then act quietly.

Yu Mo’s plan went well. When Xia Fei and the others went to explore the island, Yu Mo simply walked around his residence and understood the environment here.

Different from the real scene seen in the live broadcast, all the environments here are cartoon-like, which obviously gives more confusion to the people who are here.

However, Yu Mo’s current health did not support him to go to more places to check. After walking outside for about two hours, he returned to his room.

Yu Mo is not used to his current body. He usually never shows people in the form of a beast, not to mention that this is not the original form of his beast, but has degenerated into a cub.

So when he returned to the room, he turned in through the open window, but because he was not familiar with his body, he accidentally knocked over a toy placed on the table.

The toy suddenly made a harsh sound, and after a few weird mechanical doll laughter, the toy began to sing a nursery rhyme.

Yu Mo frowned and looked at this thing in disgust, raised his paws and touched the box-shaped toy, trying to turn off the source of the noise.

But he didn’t understand what kind of toy it was. Just after his paws touched it, the sound of the toy not only didn’t disappear, but intensified. What made Yu Mo even more unbearable was that the box suddenly popped out. A few **** with smiling faces were swaying in front of him.

Yu Mo was stunned by the mess of toys. He didn’t want to expose what he had gone out of the window, so he quickly stretched out his claws to press them back into the box.

However, just as he was fighting against the pile of toy balls, the door of the room was suddenly opened—

Xia Feishi was interacting with the AI ​​barrage in the live broadcast. Seeing that everyone was asking about the current situation of the wolf cub, Xia Feishi brought the camera to the room where the wolf cub was, and said to the barrage while opening the door. : “I put a lot of toys in Fanfan’s room, including a magic pinball toy that is said to be irresistible to any cat and canine…”

As he said that, he stopped for a moment when he saw the scene in the room.

When she realized what happened in the room, Xia Fei suddenly laughed in surprise. She hurried forward and hugged the wolf cub who was “playing”, and said happily, “I just said that you will definitely like this toy!”

Yu Mo: “…”

He was hugged tightly by the human being, and now he felt that his whole body was enveloped by the human breath, and he was a little breathless.

But that wasn’t what he cared about the most.

But as humans walked in just now, the people in the entire empire standing in front of the live broadcast room have seen the scene where he stretched his paws to “play” just now…

His Majesty Yu Mo is in a gloomy mood now.

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