I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 1

“Powertrain failure—”

“Energy system failure—”

“Auto-repair takes 36 hours, start auto-repair now—”

On the remote and unnamed planet, the red light inside the crash-landing spaceship kept flashing, and the sound of alarms from various machines filled the space inside the spaceship. At this time, Hong Yu in the main pilot’s seat moved the console with difficulty. button, and use the final energy of the spacecraft to transmit its position back to the Empire.

After doing this, the spacecraft has completely entered a dormant state of automatic repair.

And Hong Yu pulled out the blood-filled body from the slightly deformed driver’s seat in embarrassment, and then took a deep breath.

He felt that the energy of his body had weakened a lot, and he raised his lips to reveal a self-deprecating smile, thinking that at this time no one would have imagined that the dignified general of the Empire would die on such a barren planet.

With the loss of body temperature, Hong Yu’s body really slowly changed, his limbs became thicker, his mane was gradually exposed, and finally he completely changed back to an animal form, a bruised male lion.

The environment in the spaceship cabin was no longer suitable to stay any longer. Before the thirty-six-hour repair of the spaceship was completed, he could only find another place to live.

However, what is the state of this planet, and whether his body can support it until that time, he still doesn’t know.

He has lost a lot of blood now, and also has the wounds he hit when he fought and landed just now. With such serious injuries, coupled with the lack of food, he is likely to die on this nameless planet.

The lion bowed his head, shook his mane with difficulty, and stepped out of the open hatch.

There is an endless wilderness outside, with dry weeds and various rocks, and it is obviously difficult to prey on anything.

Hong Yu sighed in his heart, and walked forward under the cloud of despair, trying to find the hope of survival.

The wound on his body was burning hot, and hunger and exhaustion caused his body to lose his stamina very quickly, and he didn’t know how long he had walked until he finally came to a strange rock gate.

What’s this?

Hong Yu still does not know exactly where this planet is. In his memory, there is no such coordinate in the records of the star field map.

The rock gate in front of him looked ancient and mysterious, and there seemed to be some kind of magical power flowing with it. Hong Yu looked at the light coming from behind the gate, and couldn’t help feeling shocked and puzzled.

Want to go in and see? Will there be any danger?

But such doubts only existed in Hong Yu’s mind for a moment. After a while, he stretched out his claws without hesitation, pushed the door and walked in.

It has already reached this point, and he doesn’t seem to need to worry about anything anymore. After all, there is nothing worse than this.

The rock door was pushed open by Hong Yu, and as he stepped into it with heavy steps, the milky white halo also enveloped it, and it felt that his body seemed to have become much lighter in an instant, even the one who was originally injured because of the injury. The heavy limbs seemed to become relaxed in an instant.

And after the halo completely disappeared, Hong Yu turned his head and looked around, and found that the place where he was at the moment was no longer a wilderness with bad environment, but…

Is it an empty green island?

Hong Yu’s eyes widened, and for a moment, he felt that he was hallucinating.

The appearance of this island is very strange. He feels as if he has entered a strange two-dimensional world. Although there is indeed a star network in their empire, there is not much difference between the star network square and the image in reality, but now he is in this The world, everything looks like a cartoon, even itself—

Thinking of this, Hong Yu dragged his injured body to the nearby small pond quickly, and then he saw his current appearance clearly in the reflection of the pond.

Its claws have turned into round balls, its mane has turned into a sunflower-like circle around its neck, its eyes have turned into mung bean eyes, and even its tail has turned into a cat-like look.

Hongyu Mungdou’s eyes narrowed, and he could hardly believe what he saw. If he had to explain what he looked like now, he would probably have become the “Q version” image circulating on the star network.

Hong Yu: “…”

Who can tell him what kind of world this is, and where exactly did he break into?

And just when he was in a panic, a halo suddenly appeared in front of him, and in the halo, a slender figure of a young man seemed to appear…

Hong Yu’s uneasy swaying tail suddenly froze, Mung Bean stared blankly at the figure that suddenly appeared.

Is that… human?

Xia Feishi likes to sit on the garden swing, where he can rarely bask in the sun, hear the chirping of insects and birds, and feel the slight itching of his skin when the breeze blows across his cheeks.

He loves moments like this, when he’s rarely free.

However, this time is usually very short. When Xia Feishi was sitting on the swing, trying to use his voice to attract the white cat in the corner, he was caught by the care worker who rushed over.

The white cat was chased away in a rude manner by the caregiver. Xia Feishi lowered her head and looked at her outstretched hand, thinking in despair, it was only a little, a little while before he could touch the kitten .

What does a kitten’s fur feel like? Should be soft, right?

Its ears also look very soft, and the fur on its body should be like cotton, but it is more supple than cotton. Its meat pads should also be soft and warm, and the fluffy tail is hard to ignore every time it shakes.

Xia Feishi didn’t know how many times he had thought this way. He had nothing else to do every day, so he could only think about these things indefinitely.

However, the nurse’s words quickly brought his thoughts back: “Little Master, you can’t touch these things, these little things will only make your body worse.”

Xia Feishi lowered her eyelashes and nodded lightly.

Xia Fei was born sick, and since he was born, he was judged not to live to be ten years old because of his poor physical condition. Fortunately, Xia Feishi’s family situation is better than most people’s. The family built a special convalescent place for him and provided him with the best medical care since he was a child. Finally, sixteen years have passed safely.

But this kind of growth is destined to make Xia Feishi live completely different from other peers.

He has never been to school, and all the teaching is done alone by teachers invited by his parents. The family has no requirements for him and does not require him to learn much, so his courses are very easy.

And he was rarely able to leave this manor. He spent almost all of his life here. He never had contact with outsiders, and there was no such opportunity at all.

He was carefully protected in the manor like a fragile item, and almost all knowledge about the outside world came from the Internet.

And a body like him, of course, can’t touch small animals such as cats and dogs.

There was no cat in the manor. This cat was a wild cat who didn’t know how to sneak in. At the very beginning, the caregiver almost threw the cat out. cat left.

But he can only see from a distance, can not contact without authorization.

Even Xia Feishi likes small animals.

Xia Feishi was rarely able to experience what it was like to be accompanied. Whether it was a nurse, a teacher, or the chef and doctor in the manor, they were all just doing their jobs, and no one could accompany them, so Xia Fei was sixteen years old. My wish is that one day I can have many pets.

They can accompany him every day, listen to him, let him touch their bellies, and their soft pads.

Unfortunately, this wish was destined to not come true, and now Xia Feishi was a frail young man who could even fall ill outdoors while blowing the wind.

In order to prevent Xia Feishi from falling ill from the wind as before, the nurse wrapped the boy in a thick coat and sent him back to the room.

The warm room was filled with Xia Feishi’s books and various gadgets, as well as the gifts sent by his parents every week. When Xia Feishi returned to the room, he was alone again. Something on the table, then remembered something, and turned on his mobile phone.

He had the white cat photo he just took on his phone.

However, just when he turned on the screen of his mobile phone and was about to look at the photos, he suddenly found that on the homepage of his mobile phone, there seemed to be an icon that he had never seen before. It was a white one with a round body, but he didn’t know what exactly What is the Q version of the animal icon.

It looks like… a game?

Xia Feishi fixed his gaze on this icon, blinked slightly, and then hesitantly poked it away.

This game does not have any manufacturer or publisher logos. The opening screen is a strangely shaped stone gate in the azure blue. When Xia Feishi pokes the gate open with her finger, white light overflows the screen, and then He saw that on the screen, a 2D game scene appeared, and in the center of the scene, a Q-version villain that looked seven or eight similar to him.

And in the center of the screen, the prompt text of the system lights up.

“Welcome to the Blue Star Animal Island, let’s be friends with the little animals!”

Xia Feishi: “…”

Xia Feishi felt a little weird now.

Is this protagonist who looks so similar to him a coincidence?

Just when Xia Feishi was surprised by the image of the protagonist, he also noticed the scene where he was now. This should be an island-like place, but on this small island, except for weeds, wild flowers and trees , nothing else.

No, when Xia Feishi manipulated the protagonist to explore around, he suddenly saw something else on the screen.

It was a Q-version lion with a very simple, honest and cute appearance, but the hairs on his body were stained with blood.

While he was staring at the lion, a text prompt immediately appeared on the screen: “Congratulations to the player, I met the lion Xiaohong during the exploration process. The lion Xiaohong has been injured and lacks food and injury medicine. Does the player choose to consume food? ×1, wound medicine ×1, treat Xiaohong?”

This should be the first novice guide task. Although Xia Feishi is usually not addicted to games, but he can only access the Internet every day after recuperating for many years, these things are still very clear.

Xia Feishi glanced at her initial package, and it sure contained three food and wound medicines.

He didn’t hesitate, and immediately chose treatment.

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