I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

Chapter 37

037: The Creator, Created A World…

“Why exactly…”

At the moment of falling asleep completely, such a question flashed in Chen An’s mind.

Too bad no one can give him the answer.

To know the answers to all these questions, Chen An can only explore slowly by himself.

After completing the sketch this time, the mental overdraft was the most serious one. Chen An fell into a deep sleep almost as soon as he was lying on the reclining chair.

The speed is unbelievable.

After Chen An fell asleep, the room suddenly fell silent.

Only the paintings hanging on the wall seem to be looking at everything in the room…

The sunlight outside the window came in directly, and a little light covered Chen An’s calf.

This scene made the already quiet studio even more quiet.

Time passed slowly.

I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly, there were some strange movements in the room…

The room is empty.

The slim figure of the succubus appeared silently.

Along with them, there were the flaming bears, the swallowing vines, and the little girl Qiqi…

Mr. Mask did not officially appear until the end.

After all the mysteries appeared, they looked at each other and could see the surprise and curiosity in each other’s expressions.

Mr. Mask took the lead, came to the drawing board in the middle of the room, and looked over…

Immediately afterwards, the smiling face on Mr. Mask’s white porcelain mask seemed to be amazed…

Seeing this, the succubus, the flaming bear and the other mysteriously followed, and their eyes moved to the drawing board.

Afterwards, they all showed the same astonishment as Mr. Mask…

The swallowing vines cling to the walls of the room, and countless mouthparts are slightly open, obviously quite surprised.

“The Creator… This is what created…”

The succubus spoke softly.

There was a deep shock in his eyes.

Mr. Mask stood quietly by the side, the corrosive liquid on the white porcelain mask continued to flow.

He looked at the drawing board, and gradually, the smile on the white porcelain mask revealed a frenzy…

“There is no doubt that the creator has created a world…”

The voice fell!

All the mystery in the room is a meal.

They couldn’t help but look at the creator on the reclining chair, with reverence in their eyes…

The drawing board in front of the mysteries is a creation just completed by their creator!

It’s called “Old Days Come”!

No matter who it is, at the first sight of this painting, they will be attracted by the object on the painting…

That’s an eye!

Huge, indescribable eyes!

It is in the sky, in the boundless sky, quietly staring at the earth.

The sky has thick clouds, and without the sun, the whole world appears dark.

Behind the thick cloud, there is a strange, panic-stricken huge shadow that looks like the real body of that terrifying eye…

Faintly, it seems that you can still see tentacles moving slowly in the clouds…

The shadow seemed boundless.

Looking at it, it almost occupies the entire sky.

Like the next moment, it will come completely!

Very oppressive!

And below the sky, is the human city.

In the city, there are many high-rise buildings, endless, and blurry techniques are used in the extreme distance, which symbolizes the endless world…

However, human cities are empty.

not a single person.

It feels eerie.

At the same time, compared with the huge, hidden, indescribable existence in the sky, the city below seemed very small.

As if it would be completely overturned at any time.

The old days are coming…

This is the world of the old days…

Huge eyes, endless shadows, waving tentacles, fear of not knowing the truth…

The whole world in the painting is dark.

It gives people a sense of distortion and despair. If you watch it for a long time, it seems that a crazy thought will be born, and this kind of thought will gradually increase…

Until the ultimate madness!

“That guy…it’s unimaginable…”

In the room, the beautiful eyes of the succubus moved away from the creator, and re-watched the picture in “Old Days Come”.

To be precise, he was looking at the high sky in the picture of “The Old Days”, the huge and terrifying existence that could not be described with accurate words.

In fact, it is impossible to see the whole picture of that existence just through the picture.

Only one huge eye can be seen.

There is no emotional fluctuation, the incomparable silence and distortion are enough to make those who see it crazy.


There are also shadows so large that they almost occupy the entire sky, and many tentacles faintly…

Although it is impossible to see the whole picture, it is this vague unknown that is even more frightening…

Ordinary people don’t talk about it.

Even the mysterious existence of succubus was also shocked by “Old Days Come”…

It can be heard that there is a little fear in the voice of the succubus.

Qiqi, who was next to him, had already hid behind the succubus in fear, and the flaming bear and swallowing vines also showed their vigilance…

Mr. Mask looked at the drawing board.

After a few seconds of silence, the frenzy gradually slowed down until it disappeared. Finally, he said hoarsely:

“Don’t worry, no matter how powerful it is, it is also created by the creator…”

“And we, too…”

A few mysteriously nodded involuntarily.

Although that existence was extremely terrifying, everyone was created by the Creator and belonged to the same camp.

However, even so, after secretly looking at the giant indifferent eye on the drawing board in public, there is still a faint chill in my heart…

There is no reason for him.

It is the other party, too powerful, too mysterious.

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