I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1567 - WRGP Champion!

【Game, LP0】

Shen Xinyuxia’s blow pierced the sky. The invincible red-eyed dragon knight was pierced head-on, the light dispelled the darkness, and the game’s life value fell all the way until it returned to zero.

An even more eerie silence continued for a long time.

After a while, thunderous applause broke out on the field.

“The outcome is decided!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “It’s unexpected, it will end in this way! But in this way, victory is confirmed!

This year’s WRGP champion is…

——Duel Wang Youyu team! “

Deafening applause drowned out the venue… No, it’s not just the venue, all the dimensions and all the time and space covered by this WRGP, countless people are boiling at this moment!

Judai and Yuxing jumped off the field immediately, and the two D-wheels came to Yuyu one after the other.

“Teacher You Yu!”

The ten generations took the lead, and they rushed up like a bear hug.

At this time, Atum and Cheng Nai also came to the field.

“AIBO.” Atum used to call AIBO first.

“Sorry, another me.” The game was a little embarrassed, “I seem to have lost.”

“It doesn’t matter, you have done enough.” Atum smiled, “You are worthy of the title of ‘Duel King’.”

“That is to say, the game!” The city punched, “It’s already beautiful enough. And the friendship and fetters between us have also been shown, haven’t they?

Really red-eyed dragon knight… Haha, surprisingly handsome! “

“In the city, another me…”

The game smiled reassuringly.


He said, turned to look at You Yu and the others.

“It’s already a good enough duel.” He nodded, “Judai, Yuxing, and Yuyu, thank you. It’s been a long time since I had such a pleasant duel.”

No no, I think your usual duels look very pleasant, except that your opponents may not be so pleasant…

I thought so in my heart, but I definitely couldn’t say it out of my mouth.

So You Yu smiled and said, “Yes, a very good duel.”

“We lost this time,” said the game seriously, “but not next time. I will be stronger, stronger than now and ever.”

“It’s a coincidence, we don’t mean to stop here.” You Yu smiled, “Then look forward to our next fight.”

With that said, he stretched out his hand to the game.

The game was stunned, smiled slightly, and also held his hand.

World Famous Paintings.JPG.

Although it is good to win the championship, You Yu has not forgotten the original purpose of this game.

The championship reward prepared by Z-ONE God is indeed very rich, but You Yu said that our real duelists don’t care about such details at all.

It doesn’t matter if the bonus is not a bonus, he only cares about saving the world.

In the final analysis, the WRGP is only a competition held for the purpose of crusade against Darkness. The real meaning lies not in deciding the winner but in the duel itself.

You Yu felt that at least they had played enough in this final. The god-level Ultraman appeared one after another, the three phantom gods repeatedly jumped horizontally, the super-limit acceleration triangle acceleration co-ordination monster jumped out continuously, and the ultimate **** red dragon was pulled out and slipped around.

In theory, the gorgeousness of this game is already in place. Both sides are full of god-level monsters throughout the whole process.

In fact, his guess was indeed correct.

The intensity of this final was even beyond the imagination of Z-ONE God. Long before Yu Yu’s side Shen Xinyuxia completed the final blow, the loop was completed.


Looking at the huge circuit outlined in the dark and boundless space, Apollo couldn’t help showing a gratified smile.

“It took too long.” Antinomie said with emotion, “It will never be done by our own strength.”

Indeed, even if they have cutting-edge black technology from the future, even if they can modify history and change the timeline at will, they are unable to complete a circuit of such an amazing scale.

And “duel” is the most fundamental thing in this world, in this entire multiverse. The purest energy in the universe is produced through duels, so only the battles of the most powerful duelists in so many time and space make it possible to complete a circuit of this scale.

Darkness once said that the birth of all things in the world stems from an unknown card.

The front of the card derives the outer world, and the back derives the inner world where Darkness is located.

Then this WRGP, which has gathered countless time and space strongest people, can also be regarded as the impact of the duelists of the world on the world where Darkness is located!

“The moment has finally come.”

This time it was Paradox.

The so-called bravest uncle in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh has stepped onto his D round. After the duel plate is dressed, the whole person is ready to go.

In fact, it’s not just him, several other people in the future group have been a little unable to hold back.

After all, they had waited too long for this moment.

Countless reincarnations, countless failures, unforgettable partings of life and death, the disintegration of the world…

Now, all this is finally coming to an end.

The energy of the circuit is enough to open the passage to the inner world, leading them directly to the location of the Darkness deity, and solve the problem once and for all.

No one will follow them to make trouble in the timeline, and no one will redirect the future to destruction again and again in their revised time and space.

This is the ultimate goal that they have been striving for all their lives… no, even after they are still struggling.

But before they could take any action, a low and cold voice rang out in this dark space.

It was a series of grim laughter.

“It’s been hard work.” The voice echoed in the boundless darkness. “It’s really a blessing that you can think of this method and achieve this step. But do you really think that I will just let you attack like this?”

The future team immediately realized that it was Darkness.

Before they even attacked, Darkness actually took the initiative to come over.

The boundless darkness spread out suddenly, like a tidal wave. Black mist shrouded the entire space where they were located~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even the brilliance of the circuit branded in the void seemed to be concealed and extinguished.

Z-ONE didn’t seem to be surprised, the blue eyes under the mask turned.

“Darkness,” he said indifferently, “I’m still wondering when you’re going to be a shrunken turtle. Did you show up at the last moment?”

“Heh, are you planning to lure me to take the initiative from the beginning?” Darkness sneered, “It’s a good plan.”

Indeed, as Darkness watched Z-ONE organize competitions with great fanfare and prepare to launch a fierce attack on its own territory, it was naturally impossible to remain indifferent, and sooner or later, it had to take the initiative.

“Then let me fulfill your wishes. Just in time, I also feel that the endless entanglement between us is about to end.”

Darkness raises the volume.

“Right here and now, in the field of ‘Duel Link’ that you have built, the next will be a decisive battle where all karma ends!”

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