I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1559 - The duel king in the underworld has no boundaries

“I’ll put another Gevka on the field.”

You Yu swept his arm, and a cover card appeared beside him.

“Then at this moment, the effect of the red dragon ‘Ultramaya Tzolkin’ was triggered again.” You Yu said, “Ultramaya Tzolkin, when he is covered by Gevka, can use the extra Special Summon Dragon-Type Synchro Monsters of Levels 7-8 from the deck.”

“Do you want to summon the dragon clan again, one of the red dragon clones?” said the game.

A new Gevka appeared in the backcourt of You Yu, the red dragon uttered a dragon roar, and the red burning flame energy rushed into the air, and a new dragon was about to appear in the storm!

“Using those beautiful and majestic wings, slaying the enemy at the speed of light—

——Level 7, Phantom Wing Synchro Dragon! ! ! “

The Phantom Wing Synchro Dragon is not as good as the Crystal Wing, but it also has the ability to “invalidate the activation of the effects of level 5 or higher monsters”.

The most powerful effect of Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight is actually his omnipotent health-can negate and destroy any type of activation of magic trap monster effects once per turn, and the highest level of nullification interrupts the effect. .

But if there are Phantom Wings present, this effect is basically equivalent to being sealed.

Because whenever the game uses the effect of True Red-Eyes Dragon Knight to invalidate a certain effect of You Yu, You Yu will definitely use the effect of Phantom Wing to chain True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight in turn, negating the effect of True Red-Eyes.

Although the true red-eyed dragon knight has the resistance of “cannot be destroyed by the effect”, it will not be blown up by the phantom wings, but his most powerful interference resistance effect is also equivalent to being scrapped.

In this case, it is better to use it directly here.

The game waved his hand: “Then I will activate the effect of ‘Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight’!

Once per turn, when the effect of a spell, trap, or monster is activated, by discarding a card from your hand, you can negate that activation and destroy it. In addition, the attack power of ‘Super Magical Dragon Knight Red-Eyed Dragon Knight’ has increased by 1000! “

“Nani? It actually has such an effect!?” The commentators were stunned, “At the same time, he has the ability to take target and destroy, and has the ability to destroy and deal damage to monsters once or twice… and even And the omnipotent nullification that can undo all the effects of magic traps and monsters!?”

No, not only can it be invalid, but it can even increase the attack power on this basis, so his attack power is also a bit unscientific in comparison…

There must be something wrong with this! ?

Isn’t this the trump card of the deck when any effect is taken out?

Such three effects are actually gathered on one monster at the same time?

Wouldn’t that have no shortcomings?

“Red-Eyed Dragon Knight,” Atum in the audience smiled with his arms crossed, “I really have you, aibo.”

The implication is that a card that even I dare not print was printed.

“Oh oh oh go, game!” Cheng Nai was also very excited, “Let them all experience the power of our friendship!”

“Therefore, I invalidated the effect of the red dragon ‘Ultramaya Tzolkin’ and destroyed the ultimate red dragon itself!” The game said, picking out a card from the hand and discarding it into the graveyard.

The space seemed to be stagnant for a moment, and the red-eyed dragon knight swung his sword in the still space.

It was like a sword full of fangs, full of steel barbs, inlaid with shining rubies, and the sword energy was like the breath of a black dragon!

The body of the red dragon energy state was cut into two pieces by the middle, and it dissipated like a extinguished flame.

“The Phantom Wing Synchro Dragon, the summoning failed!” the commentator shouted, “Not only that, but even the red dragon ‘Ultramaya Tzolkin’ was attacked!

What a terrifying monster, the new trump card that connects the three members of the Muto game team, the power is so terrifying! “

“Also, because the effect of the red dragon is nullified, the attack power of the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight increases by 1000!” said the game.

[Super Magical Dragon Knight·True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, ATK 3000→ATK 4000]

Now even the attack power has soared from the level of the original blue-eyed white dragon to the level of Obelisk’s giant soldier, and the suppression power is even stronger!

But this kind of thing happened, of course, You Yu had already expected it.

In this way, at least the effect nullification ability of the Red-Eyed Dragon Knight for this turn is used up.

“Then I will activate the effect of ‘Garden Rose Girl’ in the graveyard.” You Yu waved, “Exclude the ‘Garden Rose Girl’ in the graveyard from the game, and you can Special Summon a Dragon Synchro monster from your graveyard! “

The white-haired girl slumbering in the cemetery walked out slowly with a wedding dress-like dress, and the empty dimensional vortex opened behind her, absorbing her into the huge vortex.

“According to the effect of ‘Garden Rose Maiden’, I revive this card in the graveyard——

——Reappear, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon! ! ! “

The brilliance of the crystal sprinkled down again, the silver-white dragon flew out, and the brilliance of diamonds fell like snowflakes.

Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon, summon again.

[Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon, Attack Power 3000]

“So it is!” The commentary said, “The combination of Phantom Wing and Red Dragon is just a pretense~www.mtlnovel.com~ In order to deceive the effect of the true red-eyed dragon knight!

The real ultimate move is actually hidden in the Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon! “

Red-Eyed Dragon Knight cannot be destroyed by effects, but combat destruction is applicable.

The Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon has the effect of adding the opponent’s attack power to itself during battle, and its hit point is equivalent to infinity.

Having lost the only invalid permission in this round, the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight is no longer able to stop Crystal Wing’s offensive. And the crystal wing’s attack will directly cause 3000 points of combat damage, not only can destroy the true red-eyed dragon knight, but even complete the beheading here in one fell swoop!

“Fight!” You Yu said, “Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon, attacking the ‘Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight’!”

The white dragon spreads its wings and swirls in the air, like a fighter jet dragging its silver-white trail and diving head-on towards the red-eyed dragon knight!

“It’s not that easy.” The game smiled confidently, “Then at this moment, open the cover card!”

There are two cover cards in the backcourt of the game, and of course You Yu has paid attention to this. After all, considering that it is the cover card of the Muto game, it is even more worthy of attention.

As we all know, the soul of the duel king Muto game is in the backcourt instead of the frontcourt. The powerful monsters are just a cover, to cover the traps and play a better role.

The question is, what is the trap he set up.

Yu Yu narrowed his eyes.

Let me see what the trap hidden in the backcourt is…

Trap Card…

……Dragon Snow Region! ?

You Yu: “!”

Not only You Yu, but almost all the poker players exclaimed when this trap flipped over.


When will the underworld level of Nima game Sang be upgraded again! ?

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