I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1549 - Fight for the team!

Destiny to destroy, self-destruct!

【Youxing, lp0】

As Yuxing’s HP returned to zero, Atum’s entire round and all stages were skipped, and the electronic display suddenly switched to the words “End Stage”.

Yuxing’s d wheel gradually decelerated, and a smoke screen spewed from the front end of the d wheel.

The “Rebirth of the Dead” that Atum used last was processed, and the winged dragon in the form of a phoenix appeared like a flash in the pan, but it quickly turned into a flame and flew back to Atum’s cemetery.

The Phantom will automatically return to the Graveyard at the end of the round of Special Summoning. Because of Yuxing’s self-destruction, the round was forcibly ended, so the Phoenix naturally returned to the cemetery without having time to do anything.

Atum’s field became a complete blank.

“Who would have thought that Fudo Yuxing’s last move was actually self-destruction!” the plane’s commentator shouted.

The audience was also stunned.

It was the first time that they had seen such a strange situation in the game. It was clearly Yuxing’s health that had gone to zero. On the surface, it seemed that he lost, but he didn’t.

Although Atum still has remaining health, although it seems that it is not over yet, in this state to meet the next round of mobile game Yuyu, it can actually be regarded as no more.

And even though it was You Yu who finally finished making up the knife and knocked Pharaoh out of the game, everyone who watched this game would understand that it was Fudo Yuxing who really helped the team win this game.

Because this is a team battle, the interests of the team outweigh the individual outcome. It is precisely because of this recognition, because of his absolute trust in his teammates and his willingness to entrust the victory and defeat to his teammates, that Yuxing was able to win this victory with difficulty in the battle against this legend.

Soon, Yu Xing with zero health left the track, and Yu Yu, who connected with the last hope, took over the duel.

You Yu accelerated from the starting point to the track and caught up to Atum in one breath.

“My turn, draw cards!” You Yu said, “Activate the magic card ‘Superior Draw’ from your hand, release a level 8 or higher monster on the field, and draw two cards from the deck.

I released ‘Stardust Dragon’ and drew two cards from the deck. “

Yu Yu drew two cards and continued: “Activate the magic card ‘1v1’ from the hand, discard a monster card in the hand, and special summon a level 1 monster from the deck.

I discard a card from my hand and Special Summon ‘Adjuster Supporter’ from my deck! “

[Adjustment Supporter, Defense 300]

“Activate the magic card ‘Mechanical Duplication’ from your hand.” You Yu said, “Choose a monster on your field with an ATK of 500 or less, and Special Summon up to two monsters with the same name from your deck.

I Special Summoned two other ‘Adjustment Supporters’ from the deck. “

[Adjustment Supporter, Defense 300] x2

“Next, the effect of the ‘Technology Gear Zombie’ in the hand is activated.” You Yu said, “This card can reduce the ATK of a Machine-Type monster on your field by 1000, and you can Special Summon it.” (animation effect)

He pointed to his field.

“I lowered the attack power of the ‘Adjustment Supporter’ of the Machine Race by 1000 and Special Summoned myself.”

[Adjustment Support, Attack Power 100 → Attack Power 0]

[Gear Zombie, Attack Power 600]

“Level 1, adjust the monster ‘Gear Zombie’!

Level 1, ‘Adjustment Supporter’!

Tune the stars! “


“The gathered prayers guide the horizon of a new speed, and turn it into a shining path—

——Level 2, coherence adjustment, equation coherencer! “

[Equation Synchronizer, Defense 1500]

“Adjust the effect of the Supporter, and when sending it to the Graveyard as a Synchro material, draw a card from the deck! For the effect of the Equation Synchronizer, draw a card from the deck once per turn. The effect of ‘Sky Wheel Clock Tower’ is drawn from the card Group draw a card

So I draw three cards in total!

Next, activate the spell card ‘Synchro Release’ from your hand to remove the ‘Equation Synchroist’ who has successfully Sync Summoned! “

[Gear Zombie, Attack Power 600]

[Adjustment Support, Attack Power 100]

“Level 1, adjust the monster ‘Gear Zombie’!

Level 1, ‘Adjustment Supporter’!

Adjust the stars again! “


“Once again turned into a shining path–

——Level 2, coherence adjustment, equation coherencer! “

[Equation Synchronizer, Defense 1500]

“Then it’s also the effects of ‘Adjustment Supporter’, ‘Equation Coordinator’ and ‘Sky Wheel Clock Tower’, draw three cards!”

You Yu drew three more cards and waved his arm.

“The effect of the “Screw Hedgehog” in the Graveyard that was discarded when ‘1v1’ was activated. When this card is in the Graveyard and there are Tuner Monsters on your field, the “Screw Hedgehog” can be Special Summoned.

I Special Summon ‘Screw Hedgehog’! “

[Screw Hedgehog, Defense 800]

“Then I released the two ‘Adjustment Supporters’ and the ‘Screw Hedgehog’ on the field!”

Just thinking that this series of storytelling by You Yu was a prelude to the synchronicity, he was surprised.

“Oh, I didn’t expect it to be Jiefang not a star!” He was surprised. “That means, what You Yu is going to summon is…”

“Through the underworld and reality, appear in the chaos of the sky and thunder! Appear–

– The sky dragon of Osiris! ! ! “

The three sacrifices turned into golden powder and dissipated, the thunder pierced through the heavens and the earth, and the entity of the red dragon was condensed in the thunder, as if the world was king!

In the duel so far, he has appeared as the servant of the pharaoh and is known as the judge of hell. In this duel, he appeared on the field opposite the pharaoh as an enemy for the first time!

“Osiris’ attack power is determined by the number of cards in his hand.” You Yu said, “I have seven cards in my hand, so Osiris’ attack power is 7000!”

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack Power 7000]

“And, I then Special Summon the ‘Propulsion Warrior’ in my hand!”

[Advance warrior, attack power 300]

“If the booster warrior has Tuner monsters on his field, he can directly Special Summon it.” You Yu said, “Then activate the effect of the ‘Level Stealing Bug’ in the Graveyard.

“Level Stealers” can be Special Summoned by lowering a level 5 or higher monster on your field by 1 star.

I Special Summon the ‘Level Stealing Bug’! “

[Level Stealing Bug, Attack Power 600]

“Then I released the ‘Propulsion Warrior’, ‘Formula Synchronizer’, and ‘Level Stealer’ that existed on the field!

The scorching wind blows wildly on the earth~www.mtlnovel.com~ suppresses all things with absolute divine power! Come on-

– God of Destruction, Obelisk’s giant soldier! ! ! “

Another flash of lightning ripped through the sky, and a scorching gust of wind swept through everything. The shadow of the blue giant appeared in the sky, and when it landed, a huge dust curtain blew up!

Obelisk’s Giant Soldier, Summon!

[The giant soldier of Obelisk, attack power 4000]

“Appeared, duel Wang Youyu’s phantom god!” the commentary shouted, “and there are two in the same round!!!”

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