I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1543 - servant of the king

“It’s my turn, draw a card.” Atum said.

With the removal of the “Liutian Savior Star Dragon” on the Yuxing field, Yuxing’s field has now become completely empty and defenseless.

Although there is a “temporary truce” effect, Yuxing will not receive any combat or effect damage this round, but this is still an opportunity for Atum to expand his advantage.

“The magic card ‘Monster Collection’, return all cards in your hand and field to the deck and shuffle, then draw five cards.”

Atum changed his hand again.

“Activate the magic card ‘Spider Silk’ from the hand.” Atum said, “Add the card your opponent sent to the graveyard last turn to your hand.

The card I want to get from your graveyard is the magic card ‘Pot of Greed’. ” (animation card)

The white silk thread flew towards Yusei’s tomb area, and the “pot of greed” that Yusei used in the previous round was attached and flew back to Atum.

“Then activate the magic card ‘Pot of Greed’ from the hand.” Atum said, “Return the five monster cards in the graveyard to the deck and shuffle, and then draw two cards from the deck.”

Five cards popped out of his grave area one after another, and were shuffled back into the deck in one go.

Yu Xing watched those cards return to the deck to wash and cut, and seemed to clearly see two distinctive dark lights, one red and one gold.

It is very obvious that they are the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” and “The Winged Dragon of the Sun God”, the two phantom gods that have been defeated.

“Then activate the magic card ‘Clown Straight’ from your hand. Choose and discard 1 card from your hand, Special Summon ‘Queen Knight’ from your deck, and then add ‘King Knight’ from your deck to your hand.”

He draws a card from his hand and discards it into the graveyard.

“Special Summon ‘Queen Knight’ from the deck!”

[Queen Knight, Attack Power 1500]

“Then add the ‘King Knight’ from the hand to the hand.” Atum said, “And after that, you can summon another monster card in the hand.

So I summon the ‘King Knight’ who just added to my hand! “

[King Knight, Attack Power 1600]

“The effect of the king knight, when the summoning is successful, when there is a queen knight on your field, special summon ‘Guardian Knight’ from the deck!”

[Guardian Knight, Attack Power 1900]

“JQK Three Musketeers, gather them all!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “That’s the Three Musketeers first developed by Pharaoh Atum and dedicated to summoning the Phantom God!

Since it is summoned here, it means that the purpose of the Pharaoh is…”

“Activate the quick-attack magic ‘Summoning Thunder’ from your hand!” Artum said, “When you have ‘Queen Knight’, ‘King Knight’ and ‘Guardian Knight’ on your field, add a level 10 or higher from your deck , a monster with Dark Attribute or higher and ATK of ? is added to your hand!”

Although this limitation is very strange, its name is called “Summoning Thunder”, and the things to be retrieved are naturally ready to appear.

“I shuffled this card from the deck that I just shuffled back to the deck through the Pot of Greed. The Sky Dragon of Osiris was added to my hand!”

There was a thunderstorm, and the card of the Illusory God popped out of the deck with a flash of lightning, and was drawn by Atum into his hand and held high.

“The follow-up effect of ‘Summoning Thunder’.” Atum said, “You can also normally summon a level ten or higher monster in your hand.

Therefore, I released the ‘King Knights’, ‘Queen Knights’, and ‘Guardian Knights’ on the field, and the superiors summoned them!

Running through the underworld and reality, appearing in the chaos of the sky and thunder——

——The sky dragon of Osiris, call! ! ! “

Thunder pierces the sky, and the red stalwart dragon is condescending, like a flying dragon in the sky!

The sky dragon of Osiris is back!

“Osiris is summoned again!” the commentator shouted, “Osiris, who just left the stage, has been summoned again immediately!

In this way, Atum will have two phantom gods on the field again…”

But it’s not over yet!

“Activate the magic card ‘The Buried Sacrifice’ from the hand.” Atum showed another card in his hand, “By removing at least one monster from each side’s graveyard from the game, as a substitute for the higher-level summoning and liberation , and the monsters in your opponent’s cards will be superior summoned.” (animation card)

“I excluded the ‘Liutian Salvation Star Dragon’, ‘Stardust Dragon’ in your cemetery, and the ‘Dark Magician Girl’ in my own cemetery from the game!

Use three monsters as a sacrifice for liberation, and summon it from a superior!

The ever-changing fire of heaven and earth turns into eternal brilliance to illuminate the earth—

——The Winged Dragon of the Sun God, summon! ! ! “

Stardust Dragon from Yuxing Cemetery and Liutian Savior Star Dragon, as well as the black magician girl from Atum’s own cemetery, the three monsters appeared briefly like ghosts, and then quickly disintegrated and dissipated, turning into golden powder. in the air.

Just like the scorching sun piercing the clouds, the golden flamingo floated in the air, and the golden wings stretched out, as if covering the sky!

[The Winged Dragon of the Sun God, attack power? 】

“Even the last phantom **** was summoned in one breath!”

The aircraft nose commentator shouted uncontrollably.

“Unexpectedly, the Pharaoh actually took advantage of this round to call out three phantom gods in one breath! The phantom gods representing the apex of the dueling monsters are all gathered on the pharaoh’s field at this moment. It’s a fantastic lineup!”

“The Winged Dragon of the Sun God, the attack power is determined by the total attack power of the liberated monsters.” Atum said, “The Star Dragon’s attack power is 4000, the Stardust Dragon’s attack power is 2500, and the black magician girl The attack power is 2000.

Therefore, the ‘Wing Divine Dragon of the Sun God’ summoned in this way, the attack power is the total value of the three monsters! “

[The Winged Dragon of the Sun God, Attack Power 8500]

“The Winged Dragon with an attack power of 8,500!” The commentator couldn’t help shouting.

“And then activate the magic card ‘Treasure from the Sky’ from the hand!” Atum said, “Both sides draw cards from the deck until the hand is full of six cards!”

Both sides accept magic effects to draw cards from the deck at the same time, and Osiris’ attack power is known to be determined by the number of cards in the controller’s hand, so Osiris’ attack power will naturally soar!

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack Power 6000]

“Osiris’ attack power also reached 6,000!!!”

Osiris with an attack power of 6,000, Pterodactyl with 8,500, and Obelisk with 4,000…

How to solve the three phantom gods in such a state?

The Phantom God is a legend recognized by the duelists of all ages and generations, and the symbol of the peak of the dueling monster. The three phantom gods gathered in the same venue at the same time, just witnessing such a scene made countless duelists unable to calm down.

“Gave three cards onto the field, and the round is over.”

Atum covered two more cards, and as the number of cards in hand decreased, Osiris’ attack power also decreased.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack Power 6000 → Attack Power 3000]

“Because of the ‘temporary truce’~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even if I attack this round, it is meaningless.” Atum said, “Then I will then pay 1000 health points and use your field magic to try and race. ‘Effect!

The effect I want to choose to activate is to destroy the field magic ‘Dare Racing’ itself! “

【Atum, LP1900→LP900】

The field is smashed, so Yuxing can no longer use this field to accelerate the draw in the next round.

“Now is your chance, Yusei.

If you can defeat the phantom god, then try it! “

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