I Only Have Support Skills

Chapter 39: Skara Guild

Chapter 39: Skara Guild

Author note: The novel will have changes from here on out, specifically the writing style. Don't worry, the story will start to get better here. Congratulations for coming this far! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Dante's dagger clashed with the surging blue energy. Visible cracks appeared on the weapon, yet it persevered, passing through the energy. His opponent's eyes widened, unable to react swiftly enough. The dagger struck home, sending a spray of blood into the air.

Dex swiftly retreated, clutching his wounded neck. He retaliated with a forceful punch, launching another azure projectile at his foe. However, the masked holder before him vanished like a shadow. Sh*t! He's fast!

The figure Dex sought to eliminate and claim the treasure suddenly appeared behind him. Without a moment's hesitation, Dante launched a punch aimed squarely at the back of Dex's head.

In a panic, Dex conjured a hasty barrier of pulsating blue energy. It shattered almost instantly upon forming, unable to withstand the tremendous force of Dante's level 27-enhanced blow.

The resounding crack reverberated loudly, a satisfying confirmation of Dante's power breaking through. The receiver of his strike was sent hurtling for dozens of meters before finally landing. Only the whites of his eyes were visible. Had Dante not held back at the last instant, brain matter would have painted the air.

His final thoughts: Argh! The treasure, and I'm still a virgin!

Dante shut his eyes and released a slow breath, willing the tumultuous emotions to dissipate. The intrusive voice in his head faded into silence. He shook his head, dismissing his inner turmoil as the of taking a life for the first time.

As moments passed, the metallic smell of blood grew stronger, mingling with the grim memory of the battle in his mind.

Dante's gaze fell one last time upon his work: Dex, Sam, Mailey, Gijah, and Lance, their once vibrant forms now lifeless. After a few heartbeats, Dante's stomach churned. He retched, the acrid taste of bile intensifying the turmoil in his gut, until he had emptied the contents of his stomach. It took a while, but he eventually regained his footing and wiped his mouth.

First time, and it's a massacre. He mused, shaking his head. But they had it coming, greedy bastards.

He took a moment to rest, then made his way towards a different tunnel, avoiding the one laden with traps. It held no further significance.

Dante summoned his status screen as he walked. To his disappointment, his experience points remained unchanged. He made a mental note that killing other holders wouldn't enhance his strength.

A sudden growl emanated from his stomach. Recognizing the signal, Dante retrieved a portion of cooked meat from his inventory.

This is not good, I need more food with higher protein. He reflected after devouring the morsel in a couple of bites. Still unsatisfied, he reached for another, but it too fell short.

Dante assessed the contents of his inventory, tallying both cooked and uncooked meat. He realized it would only sustain him for a day or two, even if he attempted to ration it. However, these meager rations would equate to a week or two of sustenance for an average person.

He pressed on through the tunnel, the journey monotonous and uneventful. The ground was adorned with luminous plants, and tiny, unidentified insects scuttled about.

Dante's mind couldn't help but drift to the gem resting in his inventory. As he walked, his contemplations echoed in the tunnel. That statue had yielded a substantial bounty of experience points. The statue provided a significant boost in experience points, so locating more of those 'stones' would be advantageous.

However, I have a lot on my plate at the moment, Dante thought.

Once this dungeon was conquered, he resolved to prioritize his main quest.

His medallion suddenly emitted a rhythmic sound, catching Dante's attention. Intrigued, he cradled the medallion in his hand, studying it.

"Alright, hear me out—there might be two bosses in this dungeon!"

Dante caught wind of a voice up ahead. Before him, the tunnel forked into left and right directions. The masked figure continued, clutching the medallion.

"Can you just shut up for a second?" A slightly high-pitched voice retorted, dripping with irritation. Definitely a girl.

Before long, Dante reached the intersection and turned to his left. A girl adorned in a robe with what appeared to be a uniform underneath stood, brandishing a staff at another holder. This figure sported glasses and a tail swaying behind him, also donning the same uniform.

The trio locked eyes for a heartbeat before the girl let out a shrill cry, "Ah, humanoid monster!"

In an instant, Dante swiftly dodged to the side, his previous position shattering as the girl struck it with her staff.

A strength type? he pondered about the girl's Skill then his attention was drawn to another direction as the holder with tail began to morph. The once humanoid face contorted into that of a feline, resembling a panther. The newly transformed figure now stood at an imposing three meters in height, with hands now menacingly transformed into sharp claws.

The girl accelerated, emerging at Dante's left, while the panther mirrored her move on his right.

Dante made the choice to counterattack. The three were on the verge of contact when a powerful gust of wind materialized, forcefully separating them.

"Enough, you two!" A woman strode forward, dressed in casual attire—an unassuming windbreaker, jeans, and sneakers, far from the typical Skara Guild uniform. It was clear she prioritized comfort over formality.

Upon hearing this voice, both the girl and the panther halted in their tracks. They swiveled their heads towards her, perplexed as to why she had intervened to kill the monster before them.

Samantha pressed a hand to her forehead in exasperation. "Take a closer look. He's just covered in blood. You mistook him for a monster?"

The girl and the now-transformed holder redirected their gazes to Dante. It didn't take long for them to realize their error, and a flush of embarrassment swept across their faces.

"I'm just following my instinct. You know the nature of my Skill, right?" The panther gestured towards the girl. "It's Trina's fault for attacking out of nowhere."

Trina, still agitated, scratched her cheek, giving the transformed holder a glare before shifting her attention to the masked figure.

"Hey, you. Who are you?" Trina inquired, her embarrassment now replaced by irritation.

"Eka?" Before Dante could respond, Samantha interjected, her gaze fixed on her now silent medal. She then assessed Dante from head to toe before shifting her attention to the tunnel he had emerged from.

"Yes," Dante replied, his mind conflicted between getting back at them for their attempted attack and letting it slide. He then glanced down at his blood-smeared body, realizing why the girl had reacted the way she did.

"What happened to you? It looks like you've been through a lot," Samantha remarked, though she had a hunch that he wasn't one for lengthy conversations, given their prior encounter. So, she wasn't surprised when Dante offered only a single word before turning away.


"Wait! Where are you going?" This time, Trina inquired, but all she received in response were the echoing footsteps of Dante.

She was about to trail after him when a hand restrained her.

"Panthy?!" Trina snapped, vexed at the panther blocking her way.

"He's dangerous. I can smell different types of blood on him, at least one or two, and don't call me Panthy!" Panthy retorted, shifting back to his half-human form. He slipped his hands into his pockets and took out his glasses.

Trina eyed him skeptically. "You're not just being pessimistic, are you? He's alone. We can handle him if he tries anything funny." She then glanced at the other man in their group. He had curly hair, brown skin, and stood above average in height.

"I don't need your opinion, Curly," she retorted before turning towards Samantha.

I haven't even said anything, and my name's not Curly, Curly thought, scratching his head.

"Trina, listen to him. He has a better sense of danger than all of us," Samantha advised, prompting the feisty girl to pout.

"We should follow him. This is the correct tunnel, right?" She directed her question to the panther, and Panthy's nose twitched.

"Yup," Panthy confirmed, striding in the direction Dante had taken. "I can smell it." ƒreewebηoveℓ.com

"I just want to gather information from him," Trina muttered, quickening her pace.

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