I Only Have Support Skills

Chapter 34: Defeating the Soldier Devil

Chapter 34: Defeating the Soldier Devil

Coughing harshly, Dante spits out a mouthful of blood, his body weakened and battered.

Blood seeps from Dante's accumulating wounds, overwhelming even his suit's cleaning feature. Employing his Skill, Invigorate, energy surges through his body, gradually alleviating the pain. However, the bleeding persists, refusing to be stopped.

Before him stands a formidable statue, nearly three meters tall, bearing a single wing and a goat-like horn on its forehead. It exudes an air of undeniable power, even in its damaged state with a shattered right hand and numerous cracks etched across its form. The statue gazes at Dante, unmoving.

Beside his feet lay a shattered mace and a battered shield, riddled with cracks and dents.

The loss of his final mace weighed heavily on Dante. Moreover, he now only had one shield remaining in his inventory. Swords proved ineffective against the statue, and he a cleaver or hammer that could serve as a viable alternative.

Dante observed the statue, noticing the gradual signs of wear and tear.

He checked his own status:

Health: 25/145

Energy: 14/145

As the moments ticked by and his wounds multiplied, Dante's recuperation dwindled.

Taking out his last remaining shield, he clutched his fist tightly. Determined to conclude this battle with only a fist and a shield, Dante launched himself forward!


Dex and his companions pressed onward with determination. Following their leader's direction, they veered right into a new tunnel. Along the way, they encountered Vamp worms and Tailed bats, killing them without hesitation.

They arrived at a junction where four tunnels converged, including the one that brought them to this point.

"Which way now?" Mailey inquired, scanning the tunnels with uncertainty.

"Let's take a moment to rest." Dex decided. With a simple gesture, Lance stepped forward, intuitively understanding his task without the need for verbal instruction.

As Lance set up their resting spot, he noticed the scorched ground at the center, along with remnants of used charcoal, now damp.

"S-someone's already been here," Lance informed Dex, his head slightly lowered.

"Oh?" Dex moved closer and, upon seeing the signs of a recently extinguished bonfire, came to the same conclusion.

Mailey joined them to inspect. freewebnovel.cσ๓

"Could it be from the other group?" Mailey pondered aloud.

"Likely." Dex agreed. The possibility that someone else had been here hadn't crossed his mind. He had already assumed Dante was no longer in the picture, probably dead already. Venturing into a dungeon alone was exceptionally risky, unless it was an F-class, and even then, it required exceptional talent and skill.

Lance was nudged aside as they inspected the scorched ground. Then, a reprimand followed for not attending to his duties, as they noticed him simply standing there.

Soon, a rudimentary bonfire was assembled, and they gathered around to rest.

"We've been here nearly 28 hours. Still no clue where the boss might be," Mailey observed. They carried a return stone, so they weren't concerned about being trapped. They could always leave when they wished. Their real concern was the possibility of not locating the boss, or encountering a boss that might prove to be beyond their capabilities.

'Death? We can just return if things get too dire.' They hadn't entered this dungeon with the intention of meeting their end, but rather to secure treasure or other valuable items that could satisfy their goals, Dex mused.

"Hey, check for tracks and see where they lead!" Mailey directed Lance, who sat in a corner, nibbling on the meager amount of food he had brought.

"I-I'm not good at doing that." Lance stammered, aware that his protest would likely be ignored.

"What?! You expect us to do that?!" Mailey exclaimed, her frustration evident. Laughter erupted around him, and even Dex shot him a pointed look.

Lance had no choice but to rise to his feet and try to deduce where 'they' might be.

Having no clue about what to do, he closed his eyes, randomly selecting a number between one and ten. Counting the tunnels, he moved towards the one corresponding to the chosen number.

"I'll be right back." he announced, but they paid him little mind, engrossed in their conversation.

As he ventured further into the tunnel, Lance scrutinized his surroundings, paying particular attention to the ground in search of any trace left by the other group.

"I should've stuck to F-class dungeons." Lance mumbled, his regret palpable. This was his inaugural foray into a D-class dungeon. He'd taken the chance, enticed by the greater rewards they offered. Just considering the value of the monster cores dropped by vamp worms or tailed bats, they eclipsed the worth of four or five ogres combined. The unique flora here held immense value as well. Though they'd promised to share something with him, he couldn't help but feel skeptical. The way they treated him left room for doubt, and he wouldn't be surprised if they tried to renege on their agreement.

"To hell with them!" Lance spat out his frustration, though he only vented such sentiments when he was alone.

Moving forward, Lance encountered the remains of vamp worms and tailed bats, their forms grotesquely mangled, either severed or crushed. The sight confirmed his suspicions.

Noticing spears jutting from the ground and arrows embedded in the walls, he pondered, "Traps?" He proceeded with caution, wary of potential hazards that might remain untriggered.

After a time, he came to a halt. Before him stood a barricade of stones, firmly affixed to the walls, obscuring Lance's view.

Lance's eyes widened in realization. "This is a trap?" He couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he took in the devastation it had caused. He knew he wouldn't survive just for a second if he experienced that kind of trap.


"I found their trail." Lance reported. His squad mates stood before him.

"Alright, let's move." commanded Dex. The others got up and pressed on without sparing a glance for Lance.

Lance swiftly gathered the bags from the ground and trailed after them.

Before long, they arrived at the stone barricades.

Gijah, the mustached member, struck them with a powerful punch. A resounding bang echoed as two barricades crumbled. Yet, these were just a fraction of what remained.

"We'll probably need at least an hour to clear a path," Dex estimated.

After giving detailed instructions on how to navigate the obstacle, Dex couldn't shake the feeling that this path might lead them to the boss room.

Dex's hands emitted a blue glow, and with a powerful push, stone debris scattered in every direction. His Skill allowed him to control this blue energy, enabling him to generate shockwaves, shoot beams, and enhance his attacks.

Pressing on, the echoing sounds of their efforts reverberated through the cave.

After at least two hours of strenuous effort, they finally found a moment to catch their breath. Alongside the stone barricades, they encountered a series of other traps—some already triggered, requiring only a path to be cleared, while others they inadvertently set off. Thankfully, they emerged from this trial with their lives intact.

"What the hell? What kind of traps are these?!" Gijah cursed loudly. The supposedly simple task took an unexpected amount of effort.

"T-they managed to pass through these traps?" Mailey wondered aloud, genuine surprise in her voice.

Mailey was about to take a step forward when she bumped into someone. Looking up, she realized it was Dex before she could get angry.

"Hey? Why are you just standing there?" Mailey asked.

"Up ahead." Dex said quietly.

"Huh!?" Mailey shouted in shock as she followed Dex. In front of her, lifeless bodies of Tailed bats painted the ground.

Based on the quantity, they concluded that it was at fifty tailed bats.

"They killed that many?" Mailey asked, amazement in her voice.

"I don't think so. If they have that kind of ability, they'd be considered a top-tier squad." Dex explained. Though they weren't famous, they were familiar with many other groups. That's why Samantha didn't connect them.

"Then who?" Mailey asked, her confusion evident.

"That, I don't know." Dex shook his head, his frustration evident.

"Probably a monster." Gijah suggested, and their last member nodded in agreement.

Lance listened quietly to their discussion.

"Let's go." Dex ordered, and they resumed their journey.



A hand smashed through the rocks, debris scattering in all directions.

Suddenly, the sound of stones falling echoed through the chamber. The Soldier Devil statue crumbled into pieces as Dante's fist managed to pierce through it. fɾeewebnoveℓ.co๓

"Huff!" Exhaling loudly, Dante fell to his knees.

Health: 5/145

Energy: 1/145

With a glance at his Health and Energy, Dante realized he was fortunate. With ample Energy to employ the Concentration Skill, he fought the statue with reckless abandon. Fist met stone, uncaring if his hand were to break, but he made certain to evade the statue's retaliatory blows.

His shield served a dual purpose, not only as a defensive barrier but also as a weapon, striking the statue with every opportunity. Blood smeared his entire body, painting him a grotesque figure. His suit, once pristine, was now stained a deep, visceral red.

"Congratulations! You defeated Soldier Devil(Stone)!"

"Rewards: 100,000 Experience points, Support Skill."

Abruptly, a translucent screen materialized before him.

A rush of wind spiraled around Dante three times before dissipating.

He sensed an inner power went inside him, waiting to be harnessed. Glancing at his stat points, he noted an increase to three. As moments passed, his wounds swiftly closed, leaving his body revitalized.

Dante sat cross-legged, surveying the aftermath. The once-imposing female statue lay in ruins, shards of the wall-embedded statues scattered about, and the ground showed signs of upheaval.

"I'll need to get new clothes." Dante mused, casting a rueful glance at his now crimson-stained white suit. The fabric clung uncomfortably and the scent of blood hung heavily in the air.

Any regular person would have succumbed to the loss of blood that Dante endured.

Suddenly, Dante's eyes sparkled with anticipation. The prospect of gaining a support Skill was electrifying.

As he accessed his inventory, a new item gleamed from one of his slots—a golden-glowing scroll. Without further ado, Dante decided to unfurl it.

In an instant, a brilliant white light flooded his vision!

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