I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot

Chapter 80: 4.18 Third Blue Star - Failed scheme

Chapter 80: 4.18 Third Blue Star - Failed scheme

Yi Zheng returned to the institute 3 days later. This time he didn't bring any of his subordinates but came together with Xie Ye, whom he begged to help him check the man they would be meeting right now. First, they need to meet the dean, Professor Lan Sen and his adopted son, Li Xing who would accompany them to meet the person.

Dean's Office.

When Xie Ye and Yi Zheng arrived together, they were welcomed by two familiar faces. One from Professor Sen who helped them before and Li Xing who is a part of their small group from room 0373. Both Yi Zheng and Xie Ye were wearing semi-formal attires. Yi Zheng is wearing a well fitted cotton midnight blue blazer over a pure white shirt and blue jeans. This gives him a bit more of a casual feeling instead of a formal one. Meanwhile, Xie Ye is wearing fitted charcoal grey pants and an overcoat. Inside of the coat are light grey long sleeves and a long checkered scarf hanging on his neck. He looks elegant and noble.

This time Yi Zheng knocked on the door properly and didn't enter as he wished. After all the room is his future father-in-law's office, he doesn't want to look unmannered in front of his elder.

Knock. knock. knock.

An elder man's voice was heard from the inside, "You may enter." he said.

After receiving permission Yi Zheng opened the door and gestured for his elder brother figure to enter first before him. Xie Ye steps inside the room first without hesitation. Yi Zheng closed the door after he entered. Li Xing welcomed the two of them with a smile. He served some tea and snacks on the small table for them.

"Please have a seat. A'Zhe, Xie-ge." said Li Xing.

Yi Zheng happily smiled at his lover while Xie Ye remained expressionless but still gave Li Xing a nod before taking their seat. In an office table not far from them Professor Sen is looking through papers as if he is busy while in his mind.

"System. system. The villain is here! He still looks scary. What should I do if they notice that I'm just acting."

[Don't worry host. Even if they notice something is wrong. They would just think there's a problem in your brain or that your bipolar.]

"You fucker..." uttered Sen in his anger towards his system.

Back to reality. Professor Sen had put down his work with a friendly expression on his face as usual. The original Sen had this kind of temperament and he continues to portrait it as such.

"I heard you guys want to meet my little friend. But are you guys sure? As my son said before is a psychopath with personality problems. Meeting him means taking some risk. I had no problem with Xie Ye as he could most likely remain calm in face of anger but... A'Yi you should prepare to get teased a lot when you meet my little friend." said Sen with a knowing smile.

"Why would he tease me?" asked Yi Zheng.

Professor Sen replied honestly, "Because you look fun to tease. My friend is a bit too playful. You shouldn't get angry. At the same time avoid getting him angry, lest you wanted to hear your black history being narrated for you to hear."

"A'Zhe my father is not joking with that. He would really narrate your black? history with a straight faced while his narration is full of emotion. It was creepy as hell and the last one he did that to, had run off crying. It's a psychiatrist that my father invited before. But don't worry as long as he finds you interesting then he wouldn't be that bad to talk to." said Li Xing.

"Oh... Okay." said Yi Zheng with apparent hesitation in his tone.

Only after a while that Xie Ye entered the conversation. He first enjoyed his tea before talking. "You wanted me to become his psychiatrist every time he went to the scene." said Xie Ye.

Li Xing was the one who answered. "Yes, Xie-ge. But there is no need to agree right away? You can meet him first. If you are willing after that then I'll leave him in your care."

"You said he is like Lan'er but a jolly type is that it?" said Xie Ye.

"I couldn't explain it properly. Xie-ge should meet him yourself." replied Lin Ye.

Seeing that everyone had done talking Professor Sen stood up from his chair to escort the rest of them.

"Seeing that you guys are ready, then let's go." said Sen.

After leaving the dean's office, they walked out of the main building and with Professor Sen in lead they arrived in a separated small manor a few meters away from behind the main building. The manor was secluded from the way where humans trends into even the way towards it was hidden due to tall trees and trimmed bushes on the road. Just from how far this house is from the rest, one could obviously guess that the owner doesn't like interaction with other humans much.

When they've reached the manor Professor Sen entered the place with the security verification that the owner gave him. After inputting the key code the electronic door clicked open.

"Please follow me closely." said Professor Sen as he gestured to the ones behind him.

But before he could even take a single step inside the manor, a human figure jumped on Yi Zheng, surprising everyone. Xie Ye effortlessly dodged Yi Zheng who lost his balance and the human who suddenly jumped on him. They were currently about to fall in the dirty ground. The two fell with force but only Yi Zheng received the full weight of the person on top of him.

BAM! With his head and back aching, his sight twirling and feeling the heavy thing on top of him, Yi Zheng couldn't stop himself from cursing out loud. "FUCK! Who the hell...---"

He was even more shocked to see the face of the one who suddenly jumped on him.

"Li Guang!? Why in fucking hell are you here!? Hiss! Damn my head it's splitting!" said Yi Zheng as he felt the pain behind his head unbearable.

Li Guang reached out worriedly, seeing Yi Zheng in pain. "Y-Yi Zheng, are you alright? I'm sorry! It wasn't my intention, I..."

He wasn't able to complete his words because someone kicked him on his waist. The strength within the kick is enough to feel his ribs aching as if it was broken. Li Guang couldn't stop his scream as he was kicked off Yi Zheng.

AAH!! Li Guang heard a familiar voice speaking to him but the tone was tinted with anger.

"Get off! You shit!" It was Li Xing who was angered enough that he cursed for the first time. He was staring down at Li Guang with a piercing cold glare as if he wanted to stomp on him a few times before he was satisfied.

Li Xing saying cursed a word is something Yi Zheng, Xie Ye and Professor Sen heard for the first time in this life. They would never expect such a crude word coming out from the mouth of a good boy like Li Xing. It was shocking enough that Yi Zheng even forgot the pain in his head.

Silence ascends in the area. It was so quiet that they could only hear the wind blowing and the migrating birds chirping. The stillness in the area had continued until they heard a chuckle from somewhere else.

Chuckles~ Looking for the source they saw a jaw-dropping beauty with an almost impeccable features before them. This captivating young man has pitch black glossy hair, sickle shaped eyebrows, an imperial nose, phoenix shaped eyes and a pair of ink blue orbs glowing under the sunlight like sapphire gemstones. His face value matches Gui Lan's awaited future self. But if Gui Lan's appearance gives out the feeling of seeing a untainted elegance of a glaciers. Cold and dazzling. Then this person give out a sultry impression of a mythical nine-tailed fox. Tempting but perfectly refined.

He leans at the door frame with an indolent poise but with elegance. Like a little seductive elf scrutinizing them of their reason for being in his presence. There's a devious smile in the corner of those luscious looking lips but despite his smile within the depths of those sapphire irises concealed cooled eyes as if nothing could melt them. This person's enthralling appearance astonished them beyond words.

Then a melodious but coquettish voice resounds in the area taking everyone's attention only on him.

"My dear guests, you came over earlier than I expected. You've even brought an extra with you?" said the bewitching man as those sapphire orbs fell on Li Guang's person when the question was asked. He is plainly pointing out that Li Guang is an unexpected guest and was asking them if this person was brought over with them.

Li Xing was the one who answered the question while helping Yi Zheng stand from the ground.

"He is an outsider. I didn't invite him as your guest. Sir Hei." said Li Xing.

After listening to Li Xing's answer the smile on that flawless face slightly widened as he watched this attractive person walk over Li Guang helping him to stand up as he was still seated on the dirty soiled ground.

With his slender, snowy hand outreached in front of Li Guang, "Mister you shouldn't seat on the ground. It's full of soil and you'll dirty your clothes." said the man Li Xing called Sir Hei.

Li Guang blushed seeing those pair of alluring deep blues staring at him plus that enticing smile for an extremely handsome person. He held the outreached hand as he accepted help to stand up. He wanted to thank him.

"Thank y--" Li Guang wasn't able to complete what he wanted to say because the following words that came out of the man in front of him had left him feeling aghast.

The man only held his hand for at most 5 seconds before he threw Li Guang's hand away from his. They watched him pull out a clean black handkerchief then wipe the hands that held Li Guang's hands as if it was tainted with germs then threw the handkerchief away like some disposable trash.

"Hm~ shall I begin? Li Guang. 22 years old. Li Xing's elder twin brother. Oh your feelings of anxiety is a huge but not a hint of guilt. Didn't your Li family framed a small family whose heart got a match with you. Force the child with a matching heart as yours to death so you could extend your life. It was exhilarating to see a child bleed under you foot hah~ Not bad. Your family loves you too much that they could even commit murder. When entered SID you were very scared at first because you have a hidden agenda going on into your little rotten head? Pfft! The Metropolitan Police Headquarter is afflicted with pests. Funny~ That's not it at all, you suddenly fancied a man named Yi Zheng but instead of pure feelings of love it seems more like you wanted to control him. A little seductress are we~"

As he continued speaking he gave Yi Zheng a glance as he spoke the last said sentence but it seems that he isn't finished talking still. Thus he continued his narration.

"Must be you." He said to Yi Zheng. Then his gaze went back to Li Guang whose face suddenly turned feeble as the charming man continued to speak. "Amazing~ you wanted to seduce your twin's boyfriend. Even stalking him to my house. You are quite interesting. There are still a bit more interesting facts from your past. The question is: Do you want me to continue?"

His eyes squinted in delight as his smile turned to a smirk. Looking at Li Guang who could no longer bear those pairs of gauging eyes on him.

"No! I'm leaving!" yelled Li Guang as he walked away with urgency at his every step.

He is undeniably frightened at the fact that his whole past would be narrated for everyone else to hear and he couldn't allow that to happen. He could only take his leave. Once the owner of the house saw the uninvited guest taking his leave, he strides back towards the interior of his house while saying to his guests.

"Please enter. The one who fell just now, there is a guest room at the right corner of the living room. Take a bath and join the rest later. As for everyone else, go follow me." said Sir Hei who just walked passed Xie Ye not even looking at any of them.

Xie Ye watched the man pulled out a pair of black gloves from his pocket and putting it on. Hiding those jade like fingers and hands for others to see.

"By the way my name is Hei Lan. You can call me that." the gorgeous man said before entering inside the manor.

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