I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot

Chapter 75: 4.13 Third Blue Star - Separation

Chapter 75: 4.13 Third Blue Star - Separation

The lights inside the laboratory are all turned off. At the center of the room is a glass cage with children in it. No one outside the cage can hear any sounds coming from inside the glass cage but every scientist could see the distorted expressions of the children inside the room. Few of them had longed fainted, some had started going crazy banging their heads on the cold floor or wall near them. Some children are shrieking with all they got even not caring whether they will hurt their throat or lose their voice. It was like hell on earth for those children inside the glass cage.

Ke Lou who was assigned in that room watched the event unfolds before him with no expression on his face as he puffs his cigarette. He had witnessed this kind of scene endless times while being undercover. He had already numbed his face from showing his real emotions on it. After all that was what he was trained for but this didn't mean that he didn't care for the rest of the children at all. It's just that his current position is not even good enough to be able to save them. Moreover the target mission of their task has been found. They've also gathered enough files to close down this damn institution. All they need is time, the best plan and an opportunity.

The first two requirements had been fulfilled and the three one is about to be fulfilled as well. This is all thanks to their young master. This Young master whom the clan even sometimes treats as God thanks to his overwhelming intelligence. Now that Gui Lan even has a special ability, he is so sure that those old foggers in the clan would be even happier. But the problem is whether they'll be able to be this kind of young master. He is not a machine like the young master from before. He is now as sly as a little devil. Two faced and no one can really guess what it's in his mind. Only in front of Xie Ye that he acts like a human being. This mysterious feeling left him and Lin Ye speechless and bewildered. Though this kind of young master is better than before. At least he has feelings and emotions this time.

It was what he thought until he witnessed the scene before him. The children inside the cage show all kinds of emotions and feelings whether it was hidden or not, almost all the children inside express what they are currently feeling. Even for the first clearance pair like Yun Li and Xu Lun, despite them holding back their fear, one sees that Yun Li greatly depended on Xu Lun as he held on to him like the last straw of his life. Xu Lun protects Yun Li behind him whether it was a conscious action or not. No one knows but he is truly determined to protect the one behind him. There is no need to mention Li Xing and Yi Zheng who had hugged each other while hiding behind Xie Ye and Gui Lan. To them their greatest trust and dependence is the highest towards this pair. These two were the leader figures of their little group.

Xie Ye on the other hand is calm but despite of it no could see his gaze slightly trembling. There's a hidden fear in it. But as a leader, he didn't forget his place and took the lead in protecting the group. Only hugging Gui Lan in his arms securely not letting anything to cause him harm. He placed Gui Lan where he feels it's very safe. Within his embrace nothing can bypass him, as long as he is alive no one is able to touch Gui Lan that is the main reason for his protective gesture towards Gui Lan. But the main target of Ke Lou's gaze is that boy in Xie Ye's embrace. The child's eyes remain indifferent even with the countless scream of agony and suffering around him. He looks calm as a wind like he is not seeing or hearing a thing. It just he doesn't care that's all. It is scary enough that he is calm in this situation but to act like nothing's wrong at all is impossible even for an adult like Ke Lou.

Ke Lou might be fully trained as an agent but he is still a human being. To treat other humans as nothing is completely impossible for him. But Gui Lan is different, just his actions alone is enough for Ke Lou to understand that he doesn't care about anyone. He doesn't care about Yun Li and Xu Lun beside them. Not even a hint of tenderness for the pair, Yi Zheng and Li Xing, behind them. There is nothing at all. He just doesn't care. But only towards Xie Ye that a hint of tenderness comes out from him, with a small smile on face, Gui Lan enjoys the warmth Xie Ye is giving him. Within his protection he would be safe. Presently, Xie Ye is unharmed and nothing else matters. He doesn't need to make a move as long as there is nothing wrong with Xie Ye. Gui Lan would remain silent given that Xie Ye is not affected by anything.

To Gui Lan, only Xie Ye's life is the most important out of everything. Given that Xie Ye is okay then everything will be at peace.

Ke Lou who was watching from the distance even forgot that he got a cigarette in his mouth and almost burned himself.

"Scientist Ke your cigarette is almost up." another scientist said to him.

After thrashing his cigarette butt to his portable ashtray, he moves back his gaze to the young master.

"Is this the young master's reverse scale?" murmured Ke Lou.

All of the sudden Ke Lou heard the sound forcefully opening the door, as soon as he saw who it was. He was shocked to see that it was an acquaintance. Dragging with him is partner, Agent Q, after him. It was Professor Sen looking around the place for him with urgency in his gestures. He even ignores the gazes around them.

As soon as Sen spotted him he ran over with Lin Ye, "Ke Lou! Where is the Lord!? Go find him... There is a...!!" but before he completed his words a loud sound of explosion was heard.

BOOOOM!!! The ceiling above the room had collapsed. Countless debris had started falling from above them. Seeing the whole floor falling on them and countless shards flying towards them, Ke Lou instantly hugged Lin Ye and pulled Professor Sen from the place. Lin Ye was frozen from seeing just a huge accident before him while Sen communicated with his system in his mind asking to protect the three of them.


Few seconds before the explosion.

Gui Lan's Perspective.

Inside the glass room, Gui Lan received a prompt from his system. Based on the content and tone of his system the message is obviously for emergency.

[Host, be careful. A powerful illegal world hopper is approaching this exact location! I will now prepare the Skill Card: Limit Break for the host.]

It took a few seconds before the skill card got activated and only Gui Lan could use it, "An Illegal world hopper?" asked Gui Lan in confusion.

[Host! It's a destroyer. His target is your...]

Seeing the adversity before them Gui Lan activated the skill card and felt that all things that hindered his qi and suppressed all of his abilities had unlocked at this moment. But he didn't fully activate the skill card as he doesn't want his current vessel to fall apart before he could spend a lifetime with his lover. For the next 10 minutes Gui Lan had the strength of a Highgod and in this A Class World he is invincible.

A barrier made of ice protected the small group of children. His original members plus a few groups of children staying near them were partially protected. It was Gui Lan's intention to protect those small children but it was not out of pity or sympathy. But because he cannot allow all the ability users that are supposed to support the protagonist gong to die. Or else the whole plot would be gone, he hadn't spent enough time with his lover yet. He is even more unwilling to see his lover die before him. Even if the world plot is destroyed, it must be under the premises that his lover is uninvolved and is alive. As for the rest he doesn't care what happens.

The children who were about to accept death at that moment were shocked to see that they were suddenly protected by a barrier made of ice. Ice is one of the elements that our MC could control. He had absolute control over ice and blood. It is his original strength that was involved for Ice based ability.

Looking around the children saw the one who activated such overwhelming ability and protected them with it. The boy's figure is the smallest among them and his height made him even more petite. His skin is flawless and pale as snow. His hair is currently messy with dust but still looks soft with the same shade of sea and forest. Fluttering under the guidance of the wind, Gui Lan looks like a fairy to their eyes especially when he saw his silvery orbs glowing with strength as he raised his hand to erect the wall of ice.

Even Xie Ye and the rest of his group was shocked by what Gui Lan had done. They've never expected Gui Lan to have this kind of ability. They thought Gui Lan only had Telepathy and Authority as his abilities. While the rest was in shock of the events that unfolds before them the three adults from their group ran towards them. Lin Ye and Ke Lou were shocked with what they were seeing. They've never expected that their young master didn't only have a monstrous intelligence but also a monstrous ability like this one. Among the three adults only Sen could understand the current situation.

"My Lord, what are your orders!?" asked Sen, he noticed that the venerable lord is willing to take responsibility for this destroyer.

"Gather everyone alive at one place. I will teleport you in a place 100 kilometers away from here. Run away farther after that. I will stop him here." replied Gui Lan as he ignored the gazes of everyone around him. Of course except for one person.

Sen saluted before following the orders. "As you command," he said while Lin Ye and Ke Lou followed the same command, they didn't ask questions as they were not in the right moment. They are still in danger as the person who attacked the place is still there lurking around.

While the adults gathered the rest of the children alive in one place together with the rest of the other children from their original group, only Xie Ye remained standing where he was. He didn't want to move. It was not his wish or will to do so. He heard the conversation Gui Lan had with Professor Sen. With the information Gui Lan had explained to him before in his soul domain he could understand most of it. He knew that he would get in the way. That he is weak. So weak that Gui Lan had to remain here to block the enemy for them (him). Xie Ye could only hold Gui Lan's hand tightly intending never to let go. There is remorse and distress within his eyes as he held back his emotions. His eyes started to redden as he tried to hold back his tears from falling.

Xie Ye knew that Gui Lan intended to stay here while the rest ran away. No one is strong enough to stay here with him and fight with him. Xie Ye is not enough. Even Professor Sen is not enough. No one is. Xie Ye understands this but is not willing. He doesn't wish to leave Gui Lan here alone to fight. But he knew that Gui Lan would never allow him to stay. They've stared at each other for a few seconds to a few minutes. Xie Ye's eyes were pooling with tears while Gui Lan only gave him a kind smile. A smile that comes directly from his heart.

Gui Lan spoke, "You can't stay."

Xie Ye bit his lower lips before replying, "I know." His voice chokes to hoarse. There are even few sobs in between his words. "But I... want to."

Gui Lan still didn't agree. "You can't stay, A'Ye." he said when suddenly his stomach churned as feels something stuck in his throat. In his mind his system speaks to him.

[Host the damage percentage of your soul had stopped at 50%. Your internal organs start failing. You still have 7 minutes of card activation. The enemy is a Destroyer with a cultivation of God State.]

Pukes blood...

Suddenly Gui Lan puke out the mouthful of blood stuck in his throat. Scaring everyone else who saw his state. Everyone thought of one thing. This person is dying. Even Xie Ye thought of such and his tears fell as he was in shock to see his most important person suddenly puking lots of blood. He was speechless and didn't know what to do. He could no longer hold back his tears from falling uncontrollably.

"LAN'ER!" exclaimed Xie Ye as he held Gui Lan's shoulders in shock. With an alarm ringing nonstop in his mind that things couldn't go on like this. He tried waking up Ye Xiajie in his Soul domain but there was no response. Unfortunately no one is there to guide him or tell him what he should do to save the person before him.

After wiping the traces of blood from his mouth, "A'Ye can you promise not to forget about me?" asked Gui Lan.

Xie Ye answered, "I would never forget."

"In the future don't forget to look for me okay?" said Gui Lan.

Xie Ye agreed without hesitation, "I will find you! Lan'er no matter where you are. I will find you!" he said as he looked at the face of the person before him, remembering every single detail down to the smallest one. As if imprinting Gui Lan's appearance in his mind forever.

Hearing his answer Gui Lan grinned happily. He suddenly pulled Xie Ye in one last hug. Then whispered, "I will reward you plenty if you found me before others." In the last moment Xie Ye felt a cold but soft thing landed on his left cheek under his left eye. But before he could react Gui Lan had pushed him backwards towards the rest of them with a smile on his beautiful face.

"Find me soon, A'Ye~"

These are the last words he heard from Gui Lan before the scene before him distorted. The rest of those alive were transported 100 kilometers away from this place under Gui Lan's effort. It took a few minutes for him to complete a temporary teleportation array secretly. He pushed away Xie Ye in it as soon as he activated the array.

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