I Lived with the Villain in the 70s

Chapter 56

Chapter 53

Since tonight is positioned as a sacred night, preparations are still a process that must be carried out.

After dinner, Lin Xiaoyue put two big kettles and big basins in the small side house.

Close the door of the small side house, she is ready to take a bath.

In the past, Yan Yang always waited outside when she took a bath, and let her wash the room.

Therefore, Yan Yang has not only seen her real connotation world.

Lin Xiaoyue also locked Yan Yang outside tonight.

She stayed in the small side house alone, poured a pot of hot water, took off her clothes and sat in gently.

Sitting on the bench outside the door of the small side house, Yan Yang was idle, with his hands on his knees, touching his knees from time to time, and shaking his feet again. The small movements showed his tension.

However, Yan Yang was indeed nervous.

The first major event in life is hers and his.

Yan Yang clearly knew that in this matter, whether it was rhythm, intensity or feeling, it was all driven by men.

Because he is the first time, he has no experience.

So, there is no guarantee what kind of feeling will be left to her?

Opposite the door, before Wang Xiuying was about to close the door, he found that Yan Yang was sitting at the door of the small side house like a gatekeeper.

Wang Xiuying stayed a little more attentive, turned around, and said to Yan Dayong, who had already taken off his clothes in the house, “Hey, put on your coat and go chat with Xiao Yang for a meeting.”


Yan Dayong was ready to lie down on the bed, not wanting to go in his mind.

Wang Xiuying hurriedly walked to him and pulled him away from the bed, “Go and see, Xiaoyang is sitting at the door now. It is estimated that Xiaoyue is taking a bath, and he is panicking bored! Take this opportunity for you. Just talk to him and follow up on the relationship between father and son.”

“Then he will go in after the shower? What is there to talk about…” Yan Dayong retorted.

“Oh, he is your son, what’s the matter with you chatting with him?”

Wang Xiuying forcibly pushed Yan Dayong out, picked up a thick coat and handed it to him, “Just go over and chat for a while, and come back later!”

“I don’t understand what’s so interesting about this…I don’t talk to him much, don’t you embarrass me…”

Yan Dayong babbled, although he didn’t really think about it, but after Wang Xiuying pushed him out, he bit his head and went to find Yan Yang.

But this time, Yan Dayong really seized the opportunity.

At exactly this time, Yan Yang was deeply troubled by that kind of thing, and his heart was very nervous.

Originally, he didn’t want to see Yan Dayong. At this just right time, Yan Dayong came to him, and Yan Yang naturally accepted it in his heart.

Yan Dayong just sat down on the bench beside Yan Yang, and Yan Yang suddenly stood up…

Looking up, Yan Dayong looked at Yan Yang awkwardly, thinking he didn’t want to sit with him.

As a result, Yan Yang suddenly said at this moment, “Come out with me.”

After speaking, Yan Yang walked out of the house.

Although Yan Dayong was in the mist, he still followed Yan Yang out.

Called out by Yan Yang in this way, even though as an elder, Yan Dayong was still somewhat nervous.

He was guessing what Yan Yang would chat with him? Can’t talk about some heavy topics, right?

As a result, after walking to the door, Yan Yang suddenly coughed and asked, “That kind of thing…Is there anything you want to teach me?”

“What’s the matter?”

Yan Dayong didn’t react at first.

Yan Yang coughed two more times and reminded him with a straight face, “That kind of thing at night.”

“What kind of thing at night? Oh…”

Yan Dayong only reacted at this time, and I suddenly felt a little funny, “That’s it…yes, yes, you really don’t know about that…”

His slightly mocking tone made Yan Yangjian frown, and his palms on his side were slightly squeezed into fists, as tension and humiliation were brewing in his heart.

A man of this age doesn’t even understand such instinctive things, it is really embarrassing to say it.

However, Yan Yang is in a special situation, and Yan Dayong also understands him.

“Let’s do this, come here and get closer, I’ll tell you…”

“First, you have to find her…”

Yan Dayong drew Yan Yang to his side, and spoke the process in his ear seriously…

I really didn’t expect that the most conversation between father and son in so many years was actually this kind of dialogue.

“This will hurt her, right?”

After listening, Yan Yang asked sincerely.

Yan Dayong shook his head.

Yan Yang raised his eyebrows, “Doesn’t it hurt?”

Yan Dayong said, “No, you ask me if it hurts, I am not a woman, I don’t know.”

Yan Yang looked at Yan Dayong with contempt, “You are not the kind of person who loves his wife.”

Yan Dayong did not expect that he would be taught by his son, and his tone was a little unconvinced, “Why am I not? That is to hurt her, and you have to do this, otherwise, where is you. This matter, does it hurt? Don’t you have to do it all?”

Yan Yang: “…”


Even if she hurts, she can’t help it.

I can only say that he should be as light as possible when the time comes.

I hope he can restrain his strength…

Lin Xiaoyue finished the bath.

She opened the door of the small side house, and Yan Yang went in to take a bath, leaving him with half a kettle of water.

It was very convenient for Yan Yang to take a bath, so he wiped it three times with a towel.

Lin Xiaoyue didn’t go out when he was taking a bath, lying on the bed and staring at him rubbing her body.

I usually wipe my upper body and wash my feet very casually.

Today, because of the sacred thing to do, Yan Yang washed there specially.

Lying on the bed, Lin Xiaoyue’s face was flushed and flushed, turning her head to look at him from time to time, and turning her head inside shyly.

Heartbeat, dong dong dong, fast acceleration…

The picture at this moment has an ambiguity that is difficult to express in words.

But it is undeniable that both of them are full of tension.

After washing, Yan Yang locked the door of the small side house and came step by step.

When I passed the table, I lowered my head and turned off the kerosene lamp.

Lin Xiaoyue on the bed immediately moved a few minutes inside and gave him half of the bed.

Going to bed, uncovering the quilt, Yan Yang gently lay down behind her, his long arms slowly moved forward, and put his arms around her small waist that was gripped by her, and moved her forward.

The body temperature on his chest was scorching hot and gradually spread to Lin Xiaoyue’s back. She was so nervous that she took a deep breath, her small hands gripping the bedding tightly.


Lowering her head, Yan Yang kissed her earlobe with lips, a hoarse and low voice resounded in her ears, as if there was a magical power, which moved people’s heart.

Lin Xiaoyue stiffened and dared not move.

Yan Yang held her shoulders, forced her to turn to him, and could not help but grabbed her lips and kissed it.

Lin Xiaoyue trembled slightly because of tension, and her eyelashes trembled slightly in the dark.

He may have felt the nervous and careful thoughts of the people around him, boldly stroked her chin gently, his lips softly in her ears, “Don’t be afraid… I will be very light and light…”

“Yan Yang…”

When Lin Xiaoyue opened her lips, she was surprised that her voice was slightly hoarse.

It’s a little embarrassing, what’s the matter…

“If you are really scared…”

Yan Yang stopped moving suddenly, and the molds that tunneled deep enough to fit the universe deeply condensed her little face.

In the darkness, the outline of her face faintly emerged, which was not very real, but it could make people see her nervousness…

“If I’m really scared…”

Yan Yang paused, “Not next time?”

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Xiaoyue’s palm slapped him on his shoulder, and there was a crisp sound.

He showed her resistance and anger with actions, and Yan Yang grinned and laughed.

“Okay, I see…” he said.

It turns out that in this matter, he has not had the courage of her yet.

She could carry this resolute and resolute mind, and he still wanted to withdraw all the time.

What a useless man.

He cursed himself inwardly, lowered his head, Yan Yang deeply sucked the corners of her lips, his upper and lower lips squirmed slightly, ingesting her sweet, fragrant and soft breath.

The bedding was covering the two of them, and there was a lot of movement, floating up and down…

After a while, the clothes of both of them were also thrown out of the bed and thrown into the corner of the wall.

The frequency of the quilt floating up and down increased. Yan Yang’s five fingers clasped Lin Xiaoyue’s five fingers tightly. As the ten fingers clasped tightly, both of them were secretly exerting force.


Lin Xiaoyue took a deep breath and shouted out his name in a tone she had never had before, “Yan Yang…”

“I’m here…”

His voice is still low and magnetic…

“I’ve been…don’t be afraid I’m…”

He spoke in a low voice, and the repeated and repeated reverberations of his voice in her ears still provided comfort.

This night, the spring festival is worth a thousand dollars.

The next day, Lin Xiaoyue woke up in Yan Yang’s arms.

She lay on Yan Yang’s chest, with a faint smile on the corners of her lips, and she had a very beautiful dream in a daze.

When I woke up, my mental state was still full and happy.

Lin Xiaoyue moved her fingers and saw her wrists and hands interlaced with Yan Yang’s fingers, and she continued to lie on her chest contentedly.

I think she has been single to death in her last life, but she finally broke this shougongsha in this life.

Lin Xiaoyue was finally no longer an old maiden, nor was she a golden saint in the eyes of others.

She can be said to be the happiest woman in the world now!

Although in this era, there is such a good husband, there is still such a space against the sky, you can even live a life of salty fish.

It feels like this in life.


Of course, thinking about this matter, in fact, the most satisfying thing is that she gave this first time to the third child.

I said I liked it, and I handed in the most important things.

In this way, if the third child leaves in the future, he should have no regrets.

In other words, Lin Xiaoyue has nothing to regret.

However, she still didn’t want him to leave.

Because you don’t have to work in the ground, it doesn’t matter if you stay in bed.

In the courtyard, from time to time, there are voices of talking and footsteps, which are the busy voices of other people getting up in the morning to wash and eat, and go to work together.

Those are the lives of others.

Lin Xiaoyue only needs to lie on the bed and watch other people’s hard work comfortably.

Yan Yang was also awakened by the sound outside.

After waking up, he hugged Lin Xiaoyue tighter, even got up and kissed her on the forehead before continuing to lie down contentedly.

“What are you looking at?” Yan Yang asked her lazily.

Lin Xiaoyue stared at the door of the small side house and replied back to him, “I’m thinking, everyone has endless work. Every day is so busy, I just have to stay at home and rest. It feels really good.”

Listening to the first half of her words, Yan Yang thought she couldn’t stay free and didn’t want to stay at home to rest.

When he heard the last sentence, he couldn’t help being amused by her, and patted her shoulder with a smile, “So you like a resting life, don’t you?”

“Of course I like it. Who doesn’t like to rest, and then rest every day, year after year, and still have money to use for recreation.” Lin Xiaoyue replied decisively, turning her head.

“to make.”

Yan Yang also gave her a one-word reply, and finally added, “I must give you this kind of life. You are completely my woman now.”

Lin Xiaoyue remembered the bit by bit last night, she looked down and saw the red spots on Yan Yang’s body.

These are all her masterpieces.

She has been a golden saint for a lifetime, she rarely liberated her nature, and she couldn’t control herself last night!

Lin Xiaoyueshuang smiled crookedly, stretched her arms up and hooked his neck, “Yes, you will be responsible to me in the future! Take full responsibility!”

Yan Yang touched the bridge of her nose with a finger, and blinked slightly, “Don’t worry. Am I the kind of irresponsible person?”

Lin Xiaoyue happily stepped forward, regardless of whether he brushed his teeth, and immediately kissed him twice on the lips.

After the sweet love, the sweet couple life will begin!


It was really painful.

Lin Xiaoyue didn’t want to get out of bed today or tomorrow, she felt that she should take a rest for two days.

Yan Yang also knew that the incident had brought negative damage to her body, so she let her lie in bed for two days.

In the past two days, Yan Yang was serving her.

He gave her water, brushing her teeth, washing her face, food and drink, and helping her wash her hands and feet.

During the day, when everyone went to work on the ground, he stayed with her in the small side house, and the two talked and laughed to study, the atmosphere was very good.

At night, because of her health, Yan Yang was not obsessed with that kind of thing, but just hugged her to sleep.

After resting for a few days, Lin Xiaoyue couldn’t rest anymore.

Because the rest period is too long, it will make others think that her work with Yan Yang’s temporary workers is deceptive.

Even pretending to be, the two of them had to go to work.

The express delivery of the fruits and snacks that Lin Xiaoyue bought in the study is already in place.

Through the dream space, she brought these things out of the space.

During the day, after everyone at home has gone to work.

Yan Yang found a tricycle and transported all these things that Lin Xiaoyue had brought out.

Wang Tieshan and Yan Yang’s younger brothers carried boxes by boxes of things onto the bus.

The bus was parked in the woods beside the stone bridge, which was very hidden and undetectable.

In the car, the big guys checked this batch of supplies, and they showed surprise expressions one after another!

“This fruit is great too! This apple is red and big, and it looks delicious.” Wang Tieshan took a big apple and rubbed it on his clothes, trying to bite it down.

Apples like this are very valuable in supply and marketing cooperatives.

These days, because of the difficulty of growing fruits, there are very few fruit-growing villages in Shilibaxiang, so the price of fruits is very expensive.

Lin Xiaoyue brought out such a good fruit, which is undoubtedly a good product that can be sold on the market.

“Wow, this pear looks very watery…”

The other little brother, Shi Xiaotou also held a yellow pear in his hand, and wiped it clean on his clothes.

Again, I really want to take a bite!

“Is this thing called a cherry?”

Another little brother, Chen Shui Niu opened a box of red cherries. He is considered to have seen the world, “Hey, this is definitely the fruit that rich people can afford! This seems to have not yet been on the market, it is said. Even in the city, it is only exchanged among those cadres, and they are very expensive! If this item is taken out, whether it is given away or bought or sold, it will definitely be a good product!”

Thanks to Chen Buffalo’s experience, the rare fruit of cherries was brought into the country by missionaries and expatriates in the 1870s. It was in the 1980s when it really began to be cultivated, and it was in the 1990s when it was widely spread on the market.

Therefore, in this era, cherries are rare among the fruits, only circulated among the upper class, and they are also limited in number, which are really unaffordable for non-high-ranking officials!

Lin Xiaoyue moved out this box of cherries. Wang Tieshan and Shi Xiaotou did not know each other, only Chen Shuiniu and Yan Yang had seen this kind of fruit.

This also means that this box of fruit is worth a thousand dollars.

If you can sell it well, you can make a lot of money if you sell it to the upper-level channels!

Yan Yang has many upper-level channels in his hands, so he can sell cherries to the highest value.

Without further ado, Lin Xiaoyue handed over her goods to Yan Yang and the others.

Chen Shui Niu drove, Shi Xiaotou and Wang Tieshan sat in the left row, Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang sat in the right row. Of course, Lin Xiaoyue sat in the window and Yan Yang sat in the aisle.

Because there are so many fruits, Lin Xiaoyue asked them to pick two of them to eat, it didn’t matter.

Wang Tieshan happily ate an apple without washing it, and directly gnawed it.

This hydrated apple has an amazing taste!

He bit down, and the juice that came out was sweet enough to his throat, and Wang Qishan exclaimed, “This apple is really amazing. I have grown up so big and have never eaten such a delicious apple!”

The Aksu Bingtang Heart Apple purchased by Lin Xiaoyue from a certain treasure is the most expensive one.

Good food is inevitable.

A certain treasure is also a wood that pays for what you pay for.

What Shi Xiaotou ate was a pear, which was also very moisturized, extremely sweet and thirst-quenching!

“Wow, it’s so delicious…”

Shi Xiaotou nibbled, and had to chew for a long time. He was really reluctant to eat this pear all at once.

Chen Buffalo who drove was also eating apples. He couldn’t help but ask while eating, “This batch of goods is really extinct. So we have never sold anything to eat, but I think this batch will definitely make money. A lot! Sister-in-law, where did you source the goods? How can you grow such delicious fruits?”

Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang were sitting together eating mung bean cakes. Seeing the brothers eating so happy, she was also secretive, but she opened up. This is the biggest reason why the current market can’t compare to her.

Yan Yang, who was beside him, answered Chen Shui Niu for her, “Some are eaten, and some are sold. You don’t need to worry about the supply of goods.”

“Okay, okay, I have asked too much ”

Chen Shui Niu shut up and took a big bite of the apple, but couldn’t help but said, “This is really delicious, big, sweet and watery. I think if this is more expensive than the supply and marketing agency, there must be someone. buy!”

“Come and discuss how to sell it.”

Yan Yang took a sip of mung bean cake, took a drink of water, and called his brother, “The positioning is the same as before, and I will find brother Sheng to cooperate. Although these are all food, they are not more difficult to sell than the old business because of the quality. Set the price. Apples are 2 yuan per catty, pears are 2 yuan per catty, and cherries are 8 yuan per catty. Apples and pears are a bit more expensive than the supply and marketing cooperatives. There should be no problem. After all, our quality is here.”

“Wait Brother Yang…”

Wang Tieshan couldn’t help but interrupt Yan Yang by exporting, “Why are you a bit more expensive than the supply and marketing cooperative? You are much more expensive! Pork is only sold for 8 yuan! This fruit is sold so much more expensive than pork!”

“Fruit prices are not low.”

Yan Yang retorted Wang Tieshan, “In addition, our goods are good, and they are not sold to the poor, but to the rich. The rich don’t care about the money, they only care whether the goods are good or not, whether they are sold out. The more The more expensive things are given out, the more they are available. So, I think the price is okay.”

“I still think so, others won’t ask for this price…” Shi Xiaotou gnawed Lizi silently.

Chen Shui Niu couldn’t help but interject, “The price is a bit higher, Brother Yang. I think if you ask Brother Sheng to offer such a price, he will blast us out, right? People who are so stubborn like Brother Sheng…”

“Then persuade him.”

Yan Yang disagreed, “He didn’t accept it after I was persuaded? He owes it to him. He has to go through the process to persuade him before pretending to agree with it. In fact, in his heart, he is happy. Let’s work together. He makes more money than I make.”

All they hit were money in the hands of rich people in the upper class. Those rich people leaked a little money through their fingers, and when they reached the hands of people like them, it was considered big money.

Therefore, Yan Yang usually goes out and earns a few tens of dollars back, which is worth the salary of Wang Xiuying for working in the field for a month.

“I know what you mean, Brother Yang. But your price this time is really…”

Chen Shui Niu frowned, “It’s a little bit taller, I think Brother Sheng…well…”

“This is the first time we sell it, right?”

Yan Yang picked up an apple from the box and threw it into his hands. “I told you that there are several modes of doing business. Either it is for the poor and small profits but quick turnover. It doesn’t matter if the price is cheaper, the goods are more. If you sell more, you will earn it. Either it is for the rich, and the one you can kill is one. The one you kill on the rich will make more money than the hundreds of poor. We don’t have much supply this time, that’s it. But our goods are good and we are exporting to the upper-end channels. My price is low. When Wang Sheng resells, he can earn me twice as much, or even more than several times!”

“Really?” Wang Tieshan couldn’t believe it.

“Don’t question, one person has the final say.”

Yan Yang didn’t need their belief, and decided on his own will, “You don’t need to discuss this matter, just listen to me.”

By her side, Lin Xiaoyue silently watched Yan Yang’s spirited look.

Suddenly he felt a bit like someone in the future world…

Is the type of domineering president?

Heading forward, Lin Xiaoyue asked Yan Yang, “How much do you think you can make this time?”

Yan Yang replied to her in a low voice, “There must be three digits.”

Lin Xiaoyue nodded heavily, “Listen to you, listen to you! Listen to you everything!”

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