I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 462: Festival of Blood

There was only silence as Elliot stared at Esmeralda. The woman's revelation had shaken him to his core, not being able to process everything that was happening.

"A-Are you sure that he's the Third?" Elliot asked. "I'm not questioning your visions, but… Are you sure?"

"Positive," Esmeralda responded. "The Man himself is a powerful figure, strong enough to even par the Absolute. And he has the same powers as you, only with him, he copied a lot of Irus's powers while you freed the demon."

"You know everything," Elliot whispered. "Then… can you tell me something about what will happen in the future?"

Esmeralda shook her head, "If I tell you anything about what might happen in the future, it will change. If that happens, my power will lose its purpose since the future has been changed."

Elliot was silent again. He doesn't know how to fix this, or how to face an enemy that was said to be as strong as gods. He knows that the Man was after him, and that the Man was obsessed with the Manual.

"Then tell me," Elliot said. "Can I stop the man?"

This time, it was Esmeralda's turn to be silent. She took a deep breath before nodding slowly, "You will, but it requires a sacrifice. You'll have to give up something for that to happen."

"Even if it is my life…" Elliot trailed off, his eyes lingering to where the direction of his friends were. "I'll do it. Even if it means I'll end myself."

"Okay," Esmeralda breathed out. "Then prepare yourself. The future is inevitable and so far, I have seen everything in my visions. Even this conversation, I foresaw."

Esmeralda might have one of the most important talents that Elliot needed in order to win his wars. He not only have to worry about DuDu, Licht, and Malice, but he now had another problem rise back from the darkness, the Man.

He saw the clone of the man fight before. Although they didn't have as a hard time, Frederick mentioned that the clone only had a fraction of his true powers. Perhaps it was because the man can talk, just like what the conditions of the clones stated.

"You need to go back now or else they will get suspicious," Esmeralda said. "I will stay for a minute longer. There are things that I still need to do here."

Elliot just nodded as he retreated back to the town. The towns folk were already healed thanks to the beasts that Celine summoned. She had all kinds of beasts in her arsenal, but since she was not a combatant, her fighting beasts had lower abilities.

"They're all okay now," Celine said. "We must also leave. Now that they found us, they will send more and more troops."

"You don't need to worry about that," Daniel said as he stood and pointed at the sky. "They alreay did."

Connor and Kaminari both leaped from the ground and attacked the entire incomint fleet of flying ships. There were a total of twenty of them and each ship was equipped with weapons meant to destroy.

"Those two didn't have to do that," Daniel chuckled. He walked forward, right into a plain field and placed his hand on the ground. "I got this covered."

"What are you doing?" Elliot asked. "Daniel?"

Daniel smirked and conjured one of the biggest magic circled Elliot has ever seen, "Festival of Blood: Crimson Senseless."

The magic circle glowed with a dark red color. Blood started to seep out of the corners, going up like an upside down fountain. "Move away, Connor and Kaminari!"

The two men from the air just finished destroying a ship when they heard Daniel. They looked at each other and avoided the rising blood waterfall, just in time for the entire fleet to vanish into nothingness.

"What kind of magic was that?" Connor's eyes widened as he watched the blood pour back into the giant magic circle. "He destroyed the entire fleet in just one attack. How?"

"I heard that he rose from nothing to the top Adventurers," Kaminari said. "All in less than a week's time."

"I heard of that too," Connor replied. "Daniel is keeping secrets, and sooner or later, he will spill them to me."

The two landed on the ground gently. They walked towards Elliot and watched Daniel keep his magic circle back. The man almost fell over in exhaustion, but he stopped himself by pulling out his sword and used it as a stick to guide him.

"Are you okay?" Elliot ran towards him. "You look like you're about to pass out."

"I'm fine," Daniel said. "I just took too much blood that I underestimated my limit."

"Took too much blood?" Elliot asked. "But that wasn't your magic, was it?"

"Of course," Daniel chuckled. While Elliot guided him to walk back into where the others were, he pointed his sword in the air. "Another fleet."

With another giant magic circle on the tip of his sword, Daniel launched a beam of a dark red light. The beam was dense and was liquid in consistency, making it look like it was blood-like aura.

Elliot flinched when Daniel suddenly leaned back. He was pushed away from the force of his attack, making him laugh as he watch the entire fleet vanish from their vision.

"Power," Esmeralda whispered while she watched from afar. "That's not a good source of power, child."

"Are you okay?" Connor asked as he helped Daniel sit down. "You look pale and… dying."

"I'm not," Daniel chuckled. "I just absorbed too much dirty blood. I just released some of them, but I guess there were more than expected."

"Each fleet had at least twenty ships," Elliot scoffed, smacking the back of Daniel's head. "What were you thinking by absorbing the men inside? That's like, hundreds."

"I know, I know," Daniel laughed lightly. "I just wanted to help."

"Then help normally," Elliot deadpanned. "Do manual labor like these two. That'll get the job done safer."

Celine kneeled right by Daniel sat and was about to place a healing slug on him but the man declined. "My body will heal on its own."

"Oh," Celine pursed her lips. "I guess you can take care of your own."

The warm and happy atmosphere suddenly became dark in a second. They were looking at each other and were out of words as the silence continued to go on.

Esmeralda suddenly appeared from thin air. She stretched her body and breathed heavily. "I took care of the three more fleet. And I bet there are more, so we need to get going."

"But what about these people?" Elliot asked. "What if they attack them?"

"DuDu will not spare time on them," Esmeralda said. "He will focus more on the threats rather than them to be honest."

"Oh," Elliot formed an O with his mouth. It also made sense. This village even when DuDu would kill these people, he wouldn't gain anything. He would rather spend his forces on the war than any other thing else.

"Let's get a move on," Celine said. "My birds told me that the sky will be clear. If we head out now, we can rest on a small hut by nightfall."

Elliot took one last glance at the time, the bright smiling faces of the people wave them goodbye. "Okay."

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