I have Nine Lives

Chapter 202: An offer that you can't refuse

"I have an offer for you, Felix."

Felix knew she was going to try to bait him in with something, and he was ready to hear her:

"Don't you feel vulnerable now?"

Felix frowned as he heard those words. Was this woman dumb? Why would he feel vulnerable?

A chuckle could be heard echoing in Felix's mind that said:

"I think you realized that all your extra lives are gone, yes?"

Felix knew about that. He wasn't dumb, and he knew that if he died now, he would die forever, but somehow he didn't feel vulnerable nor weak.

He actually felt as if a heavy rock was lifted from his shoulders... he felt free in his senses.

While he lost something, he also gained something.

Seeing that Felix wasn't responding to her question emboldened the woman as she tried her magic:

"I can create a contract with you, just like you have done with Aaltarox. I can give you as many lives as he did!"

"All you have to do is help me just a little bit."

Felix wasn't sure what she was pointing at with this conversation. But he knew from her tone that it wasn't anything good for sure.

"I'm not really interested in your offer, to be honest with you."

Sindora frowned as she glanced down from the upper realm towards Felix's location. He was lying, wasn't he?

All mortal creatures feared death and would jump up at the offer of having multiple lives. She had never encountered someone who would refuse such temptation. Delaying death was something that everyone wanted, something that everyone dreamed about, atleast for those in this universe.

"Are you sure about that? I'm sure that while we have pushed back the invading gods, I'm not sure if you would be able to do the same with the next invaders."

Felix frowned. Was she trying to blackmail him? He was sure that he would not die in the next fights, as he had reached another level in his power, so he didn't need the extra lives anymore. He also had very strong regenerative capabilities, but he was still rather annoyed about the fact that this goddess was threatening him like that.

From what he could sense through their temporary link. She didn't feel much different from Aaltarox, so she was weaker than him.

Felix didn't have major respect for the gods, as his relationship with Aaltarox was beneficial to both parties.

He wasn't sure if making a contract with this woman would benefit him as much as it would benefit her.

He also felt rather disgusted with her. It was just his intuition speaking as he had never met her before, but it told him that she wasn't someone to be trusted nor someone that he should make a deal with.

"As I said before, I'm not really interested in your offer."

Sindora frowned as she glared at Felix's position, but she couldn't do anything to him. He was way too strong, and she could only force contracts on being weaker than her.

Her eyes narrowed as she remembered something then she sent Felix another message:

"You are Jacks' godfather, aren't you?"

Felix frowned as he heard Jack being mentioned, and that meant only one thing! She was the goddess of charm and illusion! As any other god wouldn't know much about him or his personal life. She was the only other goddess that he had indirect interactions with due to Manitola's contract.

"Very bold of you to say this after what you have done to Manitola and Lindo... now you want to threaten me with Jack's wellbeing?"

A sharp laugh was heard in Felix's head as Sindora's true face was shown to him:

"Yeah. I can. And I will. What will you do about it?"

Felix gritted his teeth as cracking sounds were heard from his mouth.

The thing he hated the most was being threatened with something that he had no control over!

Felix's nostrils flared, but he didn't say anything for a few seconds before saying:

"What do you want from me?"

"Oh. So now you can cooperate?"

"Don't test my patience, you piece of..."

"No vulgar language, please. I'm a lady, and I don't need to hear it."

Felix muttered under his breath hearing her talk so sweetly- but being so poisonous underneath.

"Now that we got things over, I will need you to help me the same way you helped Aaltarox... share some of your power with me after we created the contract."

Felix frowned heavily upon hearing this. He could easily infer that Sindora was going to use his powers for less than savory purposes.

"So, do you need me to act first?"

Sindora continued to push Felix, which made him extremely angry.

Felix could feel his anger almost exploding out of him at being blackmailed so shamelessly, but all he could do was swallow it. He wouldn't have done so, but he did care quite a bit about Jack, and he couldn't bear to see Lindo's expression if something happened to the last thing that Manitola was related to directly.

"Where do I need to go?"

Felix asked reluctantly. He could swear that he felt her smirk the moment he asked that.

"Go to the Sparron continent. My altar is situated near Fox's former den underground by 60 kilometers."

Vangar's memories contained most of the god's altar's location, but there were some that he didn't know about, simply because they were either too weak or too obscure.

Felix disappeared from his inn room as he appeared on the Sparron continent, in around a few seconds before he started drilling underground.

He immediately made his way down 60 kilometers, then started to search quickly for the location of the altar.

The location of the altar was found in 2 minutes, due to its insignificant size and low hex energy concentration rate. Compared to Aaltarox's garden, it was way shabbier, and this made Felix question how she was a little above him in ranking.

Felix's connection with Sindora increased monumentally the moment he reached the location. The altar was around 50 centimeters in size, and it depicted Sindora's sensual body, but without a head or arms.

There were a few offerings here and there, but they were mostly expired or they were filled with mold or broken. It was obvious there hasn't been any activity at this altar for quite a while. Tens of years, maybe.

Felix concentrated on the newly strengthened connection with Sindora and heard her voice again:

"Very good, you are certainly very fast..."

Sindora got a little bit spooked at Felix's speed. She didn't think that he would arrive at her altar in around 5 minutes. Actually, if she calculated, she realized that it wasn't even 5 minutes!

Her main body made a swallowing sound in the divine realm while the healers had finished stabilizing the dying battle gods' bodies.

"He is certainly very special... damn Aaltarox didn't let me steal him back then, and now he is wary of me."

Sindora didn't want to make an enemy out of Felix, but this was the only way that she could get what she wanted in the current situation. This was the best opportunity for her, and she had to take it!

"Send me your strength right now!"

Felix didn't send her his energy the next moment she said that her connection with Felix was rather steady. And she was getting annoyed as Felix dragged things out, but suddenly she felt a deep pain in her head as she clutched it.

Something wasn't right with her as she felt her connection with Jack being severed at that moment.

Her eyes widened as she observed Marshallo teaching Jack down in Lindo's backyard. Jack had put his hand on his heart as he chanted a contract-breaking chant that Marshallo had taught him.

"This... THIS!"

Sindora coughed a mouthful of blood both from anger and the contract being forcefully terminated by the other party, she was the one who forced Jack into the contract in the first place, but she never thought that there was someone on this planet that knew a contract-breaking chant. They were extremely rare, and mostly only gods knew them. Atleast, to her knowledge.

She had lost the trump card against Felix, and Felix could also sense that as the connection between him and Sindora was rather tight at the moment.

He had a big smile on his face as he gave Marshallo a thumbs up for his work, then he concentrated on the connection between himself and Sindora. Attacking her soul directly with his superior one!

Sindora felt blood coming out of her nose, eyes, and ears as she took a few steps backward. As a god, she was supposed to be stronger than every mortal on the planet, but Felix was an exception.

His power was above most weak gods, and he rivaled the middle and the high gods in strength as not even them had reached the yellow aura breakthrough strength.

Of course, if the middle and high gods teamed upon him, he would have a hard time defeating them, and even escaping would be very hard.

But that was impossible. He was below the divine realm, and there were no chances gods could descend as he couldn't ascend.

Sindora could feel her divine soul being punctured as it started to deflate like a balloon. She screeched as her countenance started to quickly age, her nails grew until they reached the ground below her and her body slowly started to transform into dust. Felix wasn't messing around.

Felix's eyes opened as he got up from the altar which was slowly crumbling near him:

"No one messes with me, friends and family like that and gets to live the tale... God or not."

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