I have Nine Lives

Chapter 197: Felix's position in the current civilization

After the two finished their oaths, they kneeled towards Felix as they said in unison:

"What's our first mission, master?"

Both of them had been defeated by Felix and accepted to become his subordinates. Thus they acted accordingly no matter how strong they were, even though they didn't really have to.

However, they both respected Felix greatly.

"Your first mission? Get up, and let's see how Marquina and Binela did before we can talk about that."

Felix had given them the orders to stop the fighting between their people and the humans. And he got a few notifications during the previous events that told him that Binela and Marquina had done their jobs pretty well. Now, all he had to do was check upon them to make sure nothing else happened.

Felix started flying towards the former battlefield's location, and as he moved along with Marshallo and Marley. He could see the remains of the invader's battleships, but there we no corpses left as they all had been vaporized by the aftereffects of Marshallo's and Felix's fight.

However, he could see that humans were going around, cleaning the battlefield.

They were all foot soldiers from the federation, as Felix could see from their armor. And they were currently scavenging the remains of the ships that could still be analyzed by the scientists.

Felix ignored them as he got closer to the surface of the planet. And there, he saw Marquina and Binela waiting for him.

They both smiled sweetly the moment he appeared, but their eyes opened in amazement as they saw that Marshallo and Marley were following behind Felix, like two subordinates.

"Dear... you..."

Even Binela, who was so old and experienced, couldn't help but stutter as she saw how the almighty Marshallo had decided to follow Felix.

Binela hoped Felix would win against Marshallo. And she thought that with his potential to grow, he would most likely succeed. But she didn't think that the prideful Marshallo would decide to become a subordinate instead of dying in battle, and as for the twins, they were rather strong and had a good martial discipline, but as all royals were. They were afraid of death. And most likely decided to give up after they were trashed by Felix one more time.

Marshallo waved at Marquina and Binela, which made the female duo raise their eyebrows. When did Marshallo become so sociable?

What did Felix actually do to him?

They shook their head as they got closer to Felix and gave him a double hug which made things a little bit awkward as Marley and Marshallo looked at each other with a knowing look.

Felix coughed and then asked:

"Can you elaborate on what happened while I was fighting these two behind me?"

Binela smiled as she pushed Marquina away and started to recite everything that happened after they were sent to stop the war:

"After you went to fight Marshallo, we have interfered in the surface battle of the humans and our people breaking them away from each other while telling our people to retreat and give up, since we are pretty much the direct superiors they had to accept whatever orders we gave them, so in the end, the battle turned into a peaceful spar with only a few casualties."

"That's all?"

Binela nodded. Marquina wanted to interfere to say her own two-bit, but Binela didn't let her as she punched her shoulder.

"Ok, since this is all I can finally give you all the next mission you have to do."

Marshallo and Marley waited quietly for their orders but Marquina and Binela decided to ask something first:

"Uh... Felix, why don't you help us two a little bit before you send us away? You know, we are pretty itchy."

Felix frowned as he heard Binela's words. He knew what she meant by that, but he was in a pretty difficult situation regarding that... but he could try.

Even though he skimmed or not viewed Vangar's personal life, he did get a few glimpses of it, and he seemed to be enjoying himself during that act.

Up till now, Felix didn't need to mate at all, nor did he get to experience the emotion of love, but maybe he could try it with these two alien babes...

Felix nodded. Showing that he would do something about their 'itch' and then told Marshallo and Marley:

"You two should just patrol the planet and make sure nothing bad happens around. I will summon you with our soul link if anything happens that needs your help. Take this as a vacation."

Marshallo and Morley nodded then dived towards the planet, which elicited a sharp warning inside the president's cabinet.

The president lone eye trained upon a monitor, which showed, Marshallo and Marley- who were currently going to a random destination on the planet for patrol.

However, the president and the others didn't know about them yet, which gave them the idea that they were invaders who somehow beat Felix and bypassed the now traitorous subordinates that Felix had acquired.

"It seems that Felix had failed in the end. Gentlemen, it seems we will have to get to fighting ourselves..."

However, when the president said those words, all of the people around the long table started to squirm as they looked back and forth between each other. One of them raised their hand and asked:

"If Felix, our strongest combatant, couldn't do anything to them, how could we?"

The president struck the table making it shake and almost pulverizing it with one shot as he shouted with anger:

"You have cold feet now? We are the higher-ups, and if everything else fails. We are the responsible ones to protect the planet and its citizens from outside interferences!"

"Why did you enjoy the resources to grow stronger as members of the presidential cabinet? To laze around all day and let the military do everything for us? We have the military as the first layer of insurance, but we are the second layer of combatants!"

"We shouldn't be twiddling our thumbs right now. We should be out there, intercepting these two who slipped out of Felix's grasp. Don't you think he is dead yet, I believe that he is still alive!"

The president took in a deep breath to calm himself as he glared at those that stood near the table, which was currently crumbling into dust under his anger.

"Now that I made myself understood, who wants to come with me to protect our planet?"

The others looked at one another and started to get up, trying to make themselves look better as they all volunteered to go with the president.

"All of you? Good, then we can go right now!"

This turned the situation very awkward as they didn't think that the president would take all of them to fight. After all, who would control the federation while they were away?

Suddenly, the building started to shake as Felix landed on the roof, the president and the others were so concerned about the two invaders that they didn't see on the monitor that Felix slowly made his way through the atmosphere to reach the federations' location.

The president became stiff but then he laughed boisterously as he said:

"It's ok. We have Felix, and we shall win if we support him. Let's go with him!"

Felix slowly made his way through the building to reach the president's room only for the president to quickly approach him and say:

"You came back. Let's go and intercept those two that escaped from you before they do too much damage!"

Felix widened his eyes as he looked at the president. It seemed that he didn't know that they were his subordinates now just like Marquina and Binela, Felix put a hand on the president's shoulder and said:

"It's ok, Mr. President, I have subdued those two, and now they are working in the favor of the planet and its residents. You don't have to worry about anything. We have truly won the war with these invaders."

The president slumped in his chair as he cleaned his sweat, he thought about the worst when the duo came to the surface of the planet, but it seemed his worries were for nothing.

The president laughed as he patted his own head for a few seconds then said:

"We have to celebrate. We have won such a huge war without many casualties... we also have to pay respects to the fallen ones afterward, Felix, you should be the honored guest at the party. You are a war hero and a future pillar of the federation!"

Felix didn't know what to say as he decided to tell him directly:

"I'm not sure about that. If the planet will ever be in peril again, I will act. But I will not join your federation or anything like that. I just want to live a quiet life from now on."

The president froze for a few seconds as he looked at Felix's figure then he shook his head as he said:

"It's your decision, but I do hope that you would be able to attend our party and funeral so you can say a few words at both events, if you may."

Felix thought for a few seconds before nodding. It wouldn't hurt to go to a party and pay respect to those that have fallen in the war, right?

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