I have Nine Lives

Chapter 195: Fused menace (3)

The location where the battle was ongoing was around 1000 kilometers away from Felix's current location.

He could sense that Marshallo was holding the fused twins back pretty well, so he wondered how much time passed while he was unconscious. However, he could also sense that Marshallo was at a disadvantage through their clashes and that he needed his help ASAP.

While his body was unconscious, it also recovered to around 80% of his full strength and combined with his new crimson aura. He was sure that he would be able to take care of the twins by himself.

His strength had skyrocketed after the fusion that underwent in his unconsciousness, and as he clenched his fist, mini shockwaves rolled around in his surroundings, and spatial tempests appeared around him.

Then, he controlled his strength to make all of the after-effects surrounding him disappear.

"This should be enough..."

Felix wasn't sure what level he reached with his current strength, but he knew that the twins wouldn't be able to do much to him, or if anything, at all.

He could feel that his body was fully energized from the inside, even though it wasn't at full capacity. The quality of his energy had undergone another evolution after he woke up.

He could feel that his energy ran faster through his body's vessels and that his blood flow was pure and full of the same energy.

It was running like quicksilver in his blood and invigorated him with every breath he took.

He felt like a new person as he started to skip through space, quickly arriving towards the battlefield.

Felix was creating no ripples in space as he skipped through it, making the fighting duo unaware of his arrival.

Felix's stealth technique was activated- while he observed the fight between Marshallo and Marley.

Marshallo's face was red as he overexerted himself to uppercut the supernova that Marley threw at him.

His breathing wasn't shallow as he was quickly recovering the energy he had used. But Marley wasn't going to let him finish that.

"Out of breath?"

Marley mocked as he tried to approach Marshallo and continue their bout.

"Come on- this isn't the end yet. Your head will be severed and used as a gift for my triumphant return. You might have saved your little friend, for now, but I will be able to track him down, and even if he recovered, I can always run away and come back with their royal Majesties for the invasion!"

Marshallo was annoyed but the continuous flap of lips that Marley was showing him. But he was also grateful because his talking was giving him a few precious seconds that he could use to regain his breath. Maybe it was a good thing he was hated so badly by him. As his hatred made him more talkative, he wanted to see Marshallo grovel below him. And beg for his mercy.

Marshallo stopped breathing quickly as his face regained its original color, and he smiled at Marley while not saying anything.

Marshallo's silhouette disappeared from Marley's eyes, but he felt his arm getting caught by Marley two seconds later as Marley tsked:

"Think you can do the same thing twice? Please."

Marley ran his fist through Marshallo's chest, making him cough blood, as his defenses were penetrated, and life slowly started to leave his body. Blood was dripping onto Marley's arm as energy coursed through his arm and into Marshallo's body, he was trying to destroy his internal organs and absorb his energy at the same time.

Things weren't looking well for Marshallo at all.

He was trying to remove Marley's arm from his chest. But he could feel his strength being quickly sapped away from him. He didn't think that Marley would have burst with such a level of strength, and that took him by surprise.

He could feel his life flickering in front of his eyes, but he gritted his teeth as he glared at the fused twins and said with conviction:

"If I go down, I'm taking you down with me!"

He was ready to sacrifice his last life but suddenly he could hear a voice going directly into his mind that said:

"You don't have to do that."

Felix appeared behind Marley, which made him widen his eyes. He didn't sense that Felix was coming, whatsoever!

He felt the same treatment that he gave Marshallo happening to him as he looked down at his chest to see an arm sticking out of it.

But unlike him, who he wanted to torture until he lived his last, Felix wasn't so delaying.

The moment Felix inserted his arm into Marley's chest. Marley's heart was grasped tightly in his hand.

Marley was shaking as he felt his lifeline being grasped directly by Felix.

He was scared, he was extremely scared, as he slowly moved his head back to see Felix's face, which was smiling at him.

But the moment he did that, Felix clenched his hand that grasped Marley's heart, making him cough a lot of blood as he felt his life force growing extremely weak and start flickering.

His eyes were growing heavier as blood dripped down from his mouth. He wasn't even coughing anymore as blood was involuntarily coming out of his mouth.


Marshallo felt his heart being grasped at the same time as Felix was crushing Marley's.

Marley's spasming body stopped for a few seconds as laughter left his mouth along with a copious amount of blood:

"You did say that we should go down together, right? Then, we go down together!"

There was a maddened expression on his face. After the fused body's death, the twins would defuse, and also weaken to the point that the current Felix would immediately eliminate them. They hadn't changed their revival spot as Marshallo did, but it was advantageous to them in this situation, they could escape if they revived far away. That also meant letting Marshallo live as he was currently on his last life, killing him would weaken him immensely. But he would resurrect once again.

However, in this situation, there was nothing he could do anymore besides accepting this.

He tried to squeeze the remaining life out of Marshallo heart, but he realized that there wasn't enough strength in his arms to do that anymore.

He couldn't control his body anymore as his eyelids got very heavy, Marshallo removed Marley's arm from his chest as the hole in it slowly closed. Reflecting his beating heart in Marley's closing eyes, which had a moderately sized hole in it. 

"Just... one more... step..."

The twins muttered so lowly that both Marshallo and Felix couldn't hear what they said even though they were near them.

Marshallo glared at Marley then he put his hand in front of his face, Marley chuckled as he thought that Marshallo wanted to finish the job himself, but suddenly he felt life force pumping back into his body as the pierced heart slowly recovered. Blood started to pump from it towards his whole body.

Marley was puzzled as to why this was happening, but then he felt his hands being put behind his back and tied tightly along with the newly circulating energy in his body.

Marley glanced at Marshallo and asked with a weak voice:

"What do you want to do with me?"

Marshallo looked at Felix, who finished binding Marley's hands, and then went to tie his legs together, then said as he looked into Marley's eyes:

"Even though you tried to kill me multiple times and almost succeeded, I still have a weak spot for you in my heart, being my former student."

Marley's eyes widened as he felt his frozen heart-melting, was Marshallo really so good that he would forgive him after all he did?

Then Marley's eyes became half-moons as he closed them and laughed until he coughed up a little bit more clotted blood:

"You are really foolish, aren't you, Marshallo?"

"Am I really?"

Marshallo picked Marley up as he started to fly towards the place where the biggest ship formerly was.

Felix followed him from behind without saying anything as he looked at Marley, who was slowly starting to understand what was going to happen to him.

"You lied to me... you aren't planning to forgive me, are you?"

Marshallo snorted as he hit Marley over the head and said:

"Of course not, you dumbass."

Marshallo knew about the exact spot where Marley installed his revival spot, so killing the twins while they were away from that spot would give the twins a chance to make a run for it.

Marshallo arrived at the exact spot- he memorized that the duo had inserted their revival spatial coordinates and closed his eyes for a few seconds before looking at the tied-up Marley.

Marshallo smiled as he looked at the twins twitching face then said:

"You two are really slick, aren't you?" "Thinking that you would be able to fool me, right?"

Marley started to sweat intensely as their plot was seen through. Marshallo propped Marley's chin up as he asked with a big smile on his face, which didn't look threatening at all:

"Where have you relocated your revival spot? Hmm? Marley?"

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