I have Nine Lives

Chapter 184: The war (11)

The purple energy ball that engulfed Felix created an explosion that spread the broken space even further than it currently was.

Cracks appeared tens of kilometers away as the explosion influenced the surroundings and made the viewers back away. To not get caught in the aftershock waves.

Marshallo frowned as he looked at the charred space in front of him. There was nothing around, seemingly, as if Felix had truly been vaporized by his attack.

This left him with a sour aftertaste as he tried to sense Felix's existence. He didn't even get to fight to his heart's content. Actually, he didn't even get heated up properly in this joke of a fight!

His anger was getting the better of him as he looked towards the outside of the broken space. If he couldn't get the fight he waited for, he could atleast do the job that he was supposed to...

This would lessen the tension between his faction and the royal one for some time.

He sighed as his anger started to cool down. He wasn't a man that would let his emotions get the better of him. He had grown up in an adverse environment, where showing one's emotions and acting upon them would lead to an early death.

"Such a disappointment..."

Felix's glowing body appeared in the same position that it disappeared beforehand. His eyes were wide open as he looked towards Marshallo, who narrowed his eyes and shook his head, he knew that Felix was a god's chosen and he could revive, but he got beaten by him so easily while wasting one life below 30 minutes.

He wasn't worth a serious fight even though he was supposed to be at a similar level with him, his talent seemed to be at the right level, but something was holding him back.

Marshallo tried to push him to break through the thing that was holding him back and give him an epic fight, but he didn't do it. He let the energy ball eat him and take away one of his lives.

"You can try to defend your planet now, Felix. You have thoroughly disappointed me."

Marshallo's eyes were cold as he looked at Felix. It was obvious his disappointment was immeasurable, and his day was ruined.

"Don't go yet... I haven't unleashed my full power yet!"

Marshallo's eyes were still cold as he looked at Felix:

"I have seen what you are capable of. You do have great talent, but are you able to exhibit it fully? What's even holding you back, Felix?"

What was holding him back? Felix didn't think about anything... but he did feel that something was blocking his full power from erupting from his body. It was like a lock that he didn't have the key for.

What was locking his power away?

Felix didn't question himself much as he looked at Marshallo, who was ready to leave and put the army to advance directly towards the planet. He seemed rather serious now as he wanted to finish his assignment and go home.

Felix got out of the broken space and appeared directly near him as he put his hand on his shoulder trying to drag him back. Only to feel as if he was an ant trying to drag away an ancient mountain

"I have tried to be nice to you because I still want to fight you in the future when you would have found the answer and unlocked all your power."

"But it seems you seem to treasure something on that planet below. Maybe If I put it in peril, would you powerfully awaken?"

Marshallo could easily piece the puzzle of Felix's actions. There was no reason for a being like him, who was currently so strong, to give away his life for a planet that had nothing dear to him on it.

He had fought multiple opponents, and some of them did burst with a higher amount of strength when he tried to kill those they held dear to them.

"What do you say, Felix?"

Felix's eyes were shadowed by his hair as his third eye opened, and time stopped, his full power was unleashed as his pink-skinned tone appeared and intensified. His lightning armor engulfed him. And a  crown of lightning appeared on his head as the lightning armor evolved under his fine control.

His hand was ready to skewer through Marshallo's chest when he suddenly found it in the grasp of the man in question.

"Tsk... you had grown somewhat after you died once, but it's still not enough to satisfy my battle lust!"

Felix was backhanded back into the broken space where Marhsallo followed him inside. His cold battle lust was now boiling again after Felix's attempt on his life.

"Show me what you got, Felix. Show me that death made you stronger than you were before!"

Marshallo's savage side appeared once more as he struck Felix in the face pushing him further into the destroyed space and making the observers realize that the fight wasn't actually over yet.

Felix shook his head to clear his mind and then finally caught a strike from Marshallo, which was supposed to hit him in the head once more.

Marshallo's eyes widened for half a second in surprise, then he laughed as he ripped his hand out of Felix's grasp then tried to roundhouse kick him away, only for his attack to be blocked by Felix's forearm.

Marshallo became happier and happier as Felix blocked his attacks without backing away at all. It seemed that Felix's strength had truly improved after he threatened his planet!

Felix's defense was almost autonomous as he blocked or parried all of Marshallo's attacks.

Unknowingly to Marshallo, their surroundings started to get more and more damage, but it wasn't mostly because of their clashes.

Small shockwaves always appeared under Felix's feet when he parried attacks or blocked them as he redirected the whole attacks' strength to the broken space below them. Unlike before, where he used his body to redirect it, he now just let the surroundings take the damage instead as the power passed through his body like a conduit.

He knew that absorbing damage to redirect it to Marshallo didn't work, so he decided to tire him out!

He didn't have the Rubix cubes anymore, but his regenerative capabilities were immense, and after his death, he had regained full hex energy into his belly area. His body was certainly feeling a little bit weaker compared to before, and that was because he reached a level where Aaltarox was struggling to revive him with his current body. But that didn't affect his combat ability. He had learned how to fight against Marshallo and use his strength against him!

Marshallo's attacks were very wide and easy to predict. But they came with such speed and impact that they were hard to dodge due to the body's instinctual flight and fight response that delayed Felix's response time.

Thus, Felix curbed his instincts for the first time in a long time and let his mind run the fight for him. Just cold hard reasoning vs brute force and instinct.

However, as the fight continued, Felix couldn't truly keep up with only reasoning planning and predicting. He couldn't perfectly fuse instinct and reasoning until now, as they were two parts of him that were always in conflict due to his erogenous evolutionary nature.

He had evolved many times and every time he did so, his instincts and reasoning did as well. He didn't have time to fully fuse them and balance them.

Either one was above the other, or both butted heads at inappropriate times.

His use of combat techniques that he absorbed from Vangar's memories was perfect, but they were lacking the savagery and strength that Vangar had when he used them, and that was mostly because he couldn't fully control his instincts yet.

But now he would need to fuse those two and achieve his ultimate power, his bodily strength was pretty much equal to Marshallo's beforehand, but his body didn't act properly, making Marshallo's attack do more damage than they were supposed to, and that paralysis combined with the energy ball ended one of Felix's lives.

But now he could control his body properly and no issues were popping up. However, if he was going to continue without his instincts, he was surely going to lose.

Felix closed his eyes as his head started to move from side to side, evading all the flurry of punches that Marshallo was throwing at him, he was slowly starting to combine his instincts and combat knowledge into one part during death and life combat!

Marshallo eyes were gleaming as he looked at Felix's closed eyes. He realized that something huge was about to pop as a surprise from Felix, and he couldn't be any happier!

He had waited so much time for an equal fight, a fight that would let him feel everything around him without any interruptions, a fight that would open his eyes to the world around him and elevate his ecstasy even further. A fight of a lifetime, a fight that would either end his life into a glorious explosion of colors or give him a better reason to live than fighting, a fight that would finally end this obsession of his for good, once and for all!

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