I have Nine Lives

Chapter 174: The war (1)

Felix could sense that this wasn't the last surprise these invaders would have under their sleeves.

As his power increased, so did his senses. And he could feel that something in the surrounding space wasn't right...

At first. He thought that it was some kind of interference from the arrival of the invaders, but he realized it wasn't that after a little bit of analyzing.

It was someone else asides from the invaders that were approaching the space of the plane. But it was also strange because Felix couldn't actually sense them from where he was.

It was like they were traveling in a different dimension...

Suddenly Felix's head arched towards the sky, but he didn't look at the ongoing war between the two sides. He could feel a call from beyond the current space he was in... it was Aaltarox!

However, his voice was very faint and almost inaudible, something was interfering with his attempt at communicating with him, and Felix wasn't sure what.

He tried to create a connection between them, but he failed as he clutched his head as a headache appeared every time he tried to do that.

What was happening right now?

Felix wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but as he thought for a short while. He looked inside his body and then at the core that was inserted in his bloodstream.

He could see it pulsing with electric energy that discharged into his body then went directly to his brain, trying to block a part there that connected to his soul and his main communication ability to his god.

Felix didn't find it surprising, but he didn't know why they would block communication between him and Aaltarox.

What would they gain from doing this?

Felix easily locked onto the sphere and removed it from his body as he spat it out and then threw it to the ground before crushing it with his foot.

The president immediately got notified of the core's destruction. But he ignored it as he knew that would happen. He had the core installed inside him mostly to monitor the evolution process he went through when he fully digested every memory he gained from Willie and Vangar.

That was important data that he could use to create future super-soldiers... if the human federation survived this ordeal.

The core interfered with the communication abilities of the Gods as technology- and divine energy didn't really meet each other eye to eye.

They didn't reject each other, but they glitched when combined.

Felix sighed as Aaltarox's voice appeared inside his ears:

"Felix... finally, I can contact you."

"What's wrong, Aaltarox? Your tone seems a little bit dispirited."

"They have arrived, Felix... it seems that my conjecture was right, while we cannot go to the mortal's world, other gods can arrive in ours!"

"You mean that..."

"Yes, the gods of those 4 armed red-skinned brutes have arrived, and they are fighting it out with us... and because of my relatively lower strength, I was put as a defensive unit on the battlefield, giving me plenty of time to talk with you... I want to warn you."

"Ok, then don't keep me in suspense."

"Of course... the thing is that we currently cannot give you any help, and the upper echelons of the enemies are all God's chosen of their own with at least 6 lives each, and there are around 5 of them."

"These aren't good news."

"Of course they aren't, actually, I might fall on the battlefield, and you will lose your extra lives as well if things get to the worst possible scenario, which would put you at a huge disadvantage..."

"So you got any other intelligence about these things weaknesses? I have been observing them for a while, and I can't find any..."

"They don't have any. They are highly intelligent beings with great adaptability and learning potential. The only thing that could be considered a weakness would be their pride."

But they can put it down when things matter the most and make good intelligent decisions based on the severity of the situation they were in."

Felix frowned as he asked:

"No physical weak spots or anything like that?"

"Well, besides the normal ones that every race got. They don't have any weak spots as evolution had made them perfect war machines."

"Well, thanks for the info anyways... do you think you will survive this?"

Aaltarox didn't respond for a short while.

"I don't know. Expect to have one life soon enough, Felix. See ya."

The connection between them was cut off.

Felix could feel that this might have been the last time he talked with Aaltarox.

He sighed as he continued to observe the ongoing war between the humans and invaders... it still wasn't the time for him to step up yet... sadly.

The human troops had reorganized after the explosive event while the president also changed the properties of the barrier. Before they let the dead bodies of the enemies fall through because they wanted to analyze them when they had the time to do it, the use of the bodies was extremely important to the humans, who were usually a middle-ranked race talent-wise.

They knew that if they gained the secrets of this race's body. They would be able to do something they weren't able to when they had captured Felix... unfortunately, Felix was an interdimensional traveller, and his ability didn't come from this universe.

However, the bodies that fell into the ocean and the land had already become dust and disappeared in the wind after the remaining energy in them was used to create the fiery pentagram. And the president didn't want to lose any more troops that way.

They couldn't take the risk when they knew what the enemies could do with their own bodies.

The troops of the red-skinned invaders parted in the middle as they broke formation.

They started kneeling in mid-air as they waited for someone.

Felix observed their mannerisms and realized that whoever was supposed to appear now was a high ranking member of their army.

Out of the ships that surveyed the planet came a thin woman with red skin. She wore skin-tight armour that hugged her curves. She also had a red fur cape.

She had horns coming out of the sides of her head and she gave off the aura of someone important... royalty even.

Felix watched her take slow steps in the air as she walked through the space that the invader troops had opened up for her.

She had a small smile on her charming face as she pointed one of her four arms towards Felix's location.

Her voice travelled through the whole planet, making it shake regardless of the barrier protecting it:

"I sense someone interesting over there. Why don't you come here so we can become acquaintances?"

Felix wasn't sure if he should respond to her provocation when he got a message from the president:

"Stay where you are Felix, we can't send out our ace this early."

"Then what will you do against her... I'm sure no one else would be able to do anything. I think she is one of the strongest combatants."

The president paused for a while before saying:

"We will first make her show some of her techniques before you go in, okay?"

Felix didn't agree nor disagree as they would do it even if he disagreed.

Seeing that Felix didn't comment made the president sigh as he said:

"Send out Marshikv."

Out of one of the buildings in the human's area, came the metal-eyed general that Felix fought alongside in his first mission.

It seemed his name was Marshikv. He took to the air as he flew at speeds that broke the sound barrier, appearing immediately outside the planet's barrier. And meeting eye to eye with one of the strongest generals of the invaders.

The woman frowned as she looked at the metal-eyed general Marshikv and then shook her head as her vision remained on the same spot as before, easily ignoring Marshikv as if he wasn't even there.

This angered the man quite a bit, but he wasn't rash as he kept a good distance between himself and the woman.

He knew that charging her recklessly would not get him anywhere, so he kept his guard up and waited for her to do the first move.

However, before he could say anything, his vision started to swim as the woman appeared in front of him and ripped out his metallic eye crushing it with one of her eight hands. Black blood spurted out of his empty eye socket as he took a few steps backwards while grimacing.


She licked the black blood off the hand which destroyed the eye only for her to spit it out seconds later:


Marshikv laughed as he powered up his aura purple haze covered him directly as he launched his attack towards her. Since she took the initiative to move away from the midst of her allies, Marshikv was a little bit more confident that he could take her on.

However, he was wrong... not much time later the fighting between them stopped as the woman scooped out another eye, everything became visible as this time she licked her fingers tentatively to see if it was truly blood and she said:

"It's quite annoying to identify which colour the blood of alien species is. Sometimes I end up with half cyborgs like you, and it makes my meal taste sour."

The blinded Marshikv was beaten to half death as he tried to control his breathing, but he couldn't anymore.

Her long slender foot was pressed on his chest, making his attempts at gaining oxygen even harder, and suddenly a sickening crunch was heard from below as the woman applied more pressure with her leg.

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