I have Nine Lives

Chapter 169: A potential to look out for

Felix knew that he was here today only because Tsuru helped him survive, so he became rather emotional as he remembered her, unlike the other times when he didn't feel much.

His newly unlocked emotions completed him before he was an emotionless being. And that bothered him quite a bit because he didn't know why.

Now that his emotions were back and he considered Tsuru's actions, he realized why he had always been bothered. It was because he didn't feel grateful for what she did for him.

She took care of him the best she could as an old citizen who loved cats. When he was just a normal cat, and even though she didn't come with food every time because it was impossible due to her physical condition, she still came by to feed him when the weather let her, normally never missing a day.

He threw him in the portal when the world was ending, thus letting him live... if it was a selfish person there instead of her, she might have just hugged him until the meteorite hit and let them perish together.

Instead, she hoped that the portal would be a way for him to survive and thus let him go.

Felix now knew why he had been so trouble up till now. And even though he didn't have emotions back then, his subconscious still shrieked at him for not having the decency of shedding a few tears for the sacrifice that the woman who had gone through to get him to live.

Thus leading to his former situation where he didn't know what to do. He wasn't at peace with himself as two sides within him conflicted.

But now, he felt a little better as he continued to play with Jack for some time.

Before Lindo came back with the groceries.

Lindo had a small smile on his face as he looked at Felix and Jack playing together, just as a regular family did.

He sighed as he thought about Manitola... how nice would it have been if she would be here as well to witness everything that was happening? She would have surely loved this picture that was in front of him right now.

His eyes moistened up a little as he thought about his late wife.

He missed her dearly. His love for her hit him deeply, but now that she was gone, he had to adapt.

Felix knew few games, but they were enough to entertain the little bugger in front of him.

Jack was an intelligent boy, but he was still a child, so he enjoyed playing with his godfather.

Felix smiled as he played with him. That was until the child started to glow as a holy aura surrounded him.

He could feel a power similar to the one Aaltarox gave him, enter the child and alter him from the inside as 4 more tails grew out of his back.

This showed that the fusion between the gift that the goddess gave him, and his body, finally finished.

Lindo's figure shook from rage as he felt the familiar divine power engulf his son, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Felix knew about Lindo's anger towards the Gods so he didn't say anything as Jack was baptized by the transformation.

It took little time, but the transformation finally finished as Felix waited to see his godson normally again.

He looked directly at him and besides the new extra tails, there wasn't any difference in his looks.

Felix concentrated his senses as he looked at his godson and he could already feel the spark of hex energy coursing through his body. It was infinitely small compared to his and Lindo's, but he was only a few months old child!

Normally, children could unlock their hex energy around the ages of 5-7 and that was for the more talented ones.

The untalented ones could take up to their eighteenth year before they would be able to unlock their hex energy. Of course, in some situations, there were different ways that a young one could unlock their energy veins, but the truly talented ones could do it on their own.

Felix was surprised by this and Lindo was as well. Even though it took him a little bit more time to sense his kid's new hex veins, he still found them, in the end.

"Jack... Do you feel anything different?"

Lindo asked with worry as he crouched beside Felix and Jack.

He wasn't sure if any adverse effects would happen because his child unlocked his hex veins this early in his life.

He couldn't forgive himself if anything happened to him, so the worry in his tone was rather evident.

Jack shook his head a few times as he said:

"I'm okay father, it's just that I see some things in the corner of my eyes... They look like my head?"

Lindo whipped his head to the side with a questioning look towards Felix.

Felix smiled at Lindo's antics and said:

"That's just the indicator for his extra lives, there is nothing to worry about, for now..."

The last bit was said in Felix's mind as he wasn't sure how the goddess of illusions and charm would act in the future.

Aaltarox was a rather tame God as he didn't seem to have any ambitions, but it couldn't be said the same for others as Felix didn't know them.

Felix shook his head, there was nothing he could do in this situation as Gods lived in a different dimension compared to theirs.

Jack felt very energetic as he jumped from side to side like a little lamb, he smiled towards Felix and his father as he said:

"Let's play!"

Felix put out a little smile at the little bugger's request, but before he could say anything, he felt a rather hard head hit his chest.

It didn't do any damage nor did it make him move at all, but he felt very surprised at the power behind it. Jack had headbutted him mistakenly as he tripped.

The power behind that headbutt would have given him a run for his money in his early days if he took it head-on, which showed that the little guy could already pack quite the punch.

Felix looked at Lindo and decided to ask:

"What do you think about starting to train little Jack?"

Lindo wasn't sure what to say as he glanced down at the little tyke who was currently getting his hair ruffled by Felix.

After some time of thinking, he finally answered:

"I'm not sure yet. Don't you think it's a little bit too early, Felix?"

Felix shook his head as he said:

"It's obvious he isn't a normal child, he needs special care and training. Don't you want him to grow into a strong warrior that would make you proud?"

Lindo shook his head as he answered:

"I'm already proud to be his father and he can do whatever he wants when he grows up, actually, let's just ask him now."

Jack wasn't ignorant to their conversation, but he didn't barge into it till the end.

"What is training?"

Felix was the one who answered:

"Well, training is quite like playing in a sense, but with training, you can also get better at certain things and grow stronger."

Jack didn't have a complete understanding of the words he knew, but he got the gist of what Felix was trying to say.

"Then I want to train!"

Jack thought that it would be like an interesting new game so he was rather eager to learn how to train.

Lindo was a little bit worried, but Felix patted him on the shoulder and said:

"This will also help him get all of that extra energy out of his system as well, so don't worry."

Lindo sighed, but as he looked at the big hopeful eyes of his kid, he couldn't really find himself saying no.

Anyways he had full control of his strength, so he guessed he could start training him...

The trio went to the backyard of the house as Lindo told his son:

"We will start first with a little father-son training session. What do you say, tyke?"

"Father, what's sparring?"

"You will find out in a few seconds son, but first."

Lindo helped his son in a fighting stance as he explained to him what he should do in the spar, and how he should react.

Jack absorbed the knowledge like a sponge and shortly after, they were ready for the spar to begin.

Felix sat crosslegged some distance away from them as he observed and waited for his turn.

Lindo cracked his neck and knuckles as he put his hand forward and moved his fingers towards him while saying:

"Come at me with all you got, son!"

Jack didn't need to be told twice as he rushed directly towards his father, trying to attack him with his little fist just as Lindo instructed.

Lindo easily dodged or parried all of his son's attacks while also instructing him at the same time:

"Put your whole body behind your strikes, just like that, and faster!"

Felix still watched from the side as his newly awakened emotions continued to bubble within him.

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