I have Nine Lives

Chapter 166: A talk about the future (1)

Vangar wasn't someone who acted on emotions, but that didn't mean he didn't understand them. He knew that Felix was wavering about his decision to continue this, but the human federation needed him to clean after them, they had poked the hornet's nest, but they weren't strong enough to drive the berserk hornets away.

They needed someone with Felix's ability to grow. They had the resources but not the talents, and him backing out now would be disastrous for the future of the planet. The humans could relocate, but the planet had a special resource on it that was vital for the human's growth in power, that they couldn't abandon unless they found a planet with a similar resource.

The livelihood of their whole race was on the table!

Vangar patted Felix's shoulder as he thought about what he should tell him... then shook his head as he wasn't the good person for this type of thing.

He needed someone who knew how to talk, who knew how to inspire and push things for the better.

"Felix... I think it's finally time for you to meet the leader of our civilization, the president of the federation!"

Felix narrowed his eyes. What did the president have to do with his questions?

He wasn't really placated by Vangar's response, but he decided to go with him.

They immediately teleported away from the outer space academy as they returned to the planet. Felix looked around, and he realized they were back in the city. However, they were at a location that he had never been before.

In front of him and Vangar stood a tall tower that stood around 35 meters tall. It was painted in three colors, red, yellow, and blue. The tower was just like a big cylinder going through the sky, and it looked to be made of a special metal.

Those were the colors of the flag of the federation. Which indicated this building was a governmental building.

Fangar put a small smile on his face as he looked at the building and decided to introduce it to Felix:

"This is the parliament of the federation where the most important people of our race pass down laws and orders along with a few other secrets that you will learn after we enter the building."

Vangar took out his identification card and flashed it towards the entrance of the tower before two doors appeared and opened.

At first, the tower didn't have doors. They only appeared after Vangar flashed his authorization.

"Follow me."

Vangar waved his hand as he took the front and walked inside. Felix followed him from behind while he took a look around.

The inside of the tower was spacious and full of people walking around or working at desks. They were all neatly dressed, but their eyes were alert and full of energy showing that they weren't normal politicians.

Vangar nodded at a few acquaintances as he took Felix higher in the tower, the lower-ranked personnel started from the bottom. And the higher they went, the more Vangar needed to nod as the people he got contacts with increased gradually.

Everything around them changed gradually as guards appeared everywhere. There were no more desk workers and the rooms that were around them were either locked or heavily guarded. None of the guards made any moves as they watched Felix and Vangar going even higher into the tower, slowly reaching the top.

They were almost there as they reached some double doors that Vangar knocked on then a strong voice came out of the other side as the doors slowly opened:

"Vangar and our new star, Felix, what have I done to owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Vangar saluted as he walked inside, and Felix moved with him. The leader's appearance was finally revealed to Felix as he looked at him directly.

The man behind the metal desk in the room was tall, he had short-cut dark hair and an eyepatch over his left eye. He wore a gaudy jaguar-themed jacket and nothing else underneath, showing his sculpted physique.

He had a small nose, and he didn't look like the type that would be a leader.

The man got up showing his full height as he stood around 2,1 meters.

He smiled as he invited Vangar and Felix to the guest table across the room, where there were a few cups filled with drinks and plates with different types of food.

He plopped down on a comfy chair as Vangar did the same. Then the duo looked at Felix who was still up and just looking at the president.

Felix also sat down after a short while and didn't say anything.

The president felt the atmosphere becoming rather awkward as he took one cup from the table and drank the liquid that was inside.

"Well, why have you come to visit an old friend?

Vangar explained everything that happened up till now. And then looked at Felix, who was seemingly daydreaming right now.

"I see... I see."

The president took another look at Felix as he coughed taking his attention:

"Young man, I heard that you have doubts about your future? That you worry that the people you care about will die regardless if you save them now?"

Felix nodded and asked:

"What am I doing all of this for... I think that everything that I have done up till now doesn't connect with anything, everything was robotically made by someone else, I feel that I cannot control my actions despite that I'm myself. It's really strange and I hate it!"

The president made a 'hmm' sound while Vangar stood to the side not saying anything. It wasn't in his expertise, so he just observed from the side.

"I understand you, actually everyone goes through these things every day, but they move on anyway, sometimes you think that death is the better option as you wouldn't have to think about anything, do anything nor feel anything, you would just be gone."

"You think that everything you do has no reason. And things would move on without you anyway. You haven't ever experienced joy nor extreme hate of something that would push you to live, you don't have a reason to live."

"All you do is because you have been told to, am I right?"

Felix nodded. He had never done something because he truly wanted to. He felt like he was someone being controlled by a higher power, even though he had his own thoughts and emotions.

Why did he feel that way? He felt so wrong...

He didn't understand.

The president looked at Felix and said:

"You have no true close people. Even those that are close to you, you don't really look at them as true friends either, I have read your file and know everything that's to be known about you, Felix."

"You are a really strange individual Felix, and I'm not sure what can I tell you to make you feel better."

Vangar's eyes widened as he glanced at the president, even the president didn't know what to say?

Felix looked down at his reflection in the porcelain cup, it was distorted, and it was also the first time he saw his human face. His hand approached his face as he touched it.

Was this truly himself?

He had always been an amoral bastard, but he couldn't be considered evil as he was just ruthless.

If he was evil. He would have done way more hideous things.

Why didn't he feel anything anymore? That was the question. As an intelligent being, he had gained a lot of empathy as time passed, and he started to rely both on intelligence and emotions at the same time, combined with his instincts, he became a complete person.

But now, he felt that he was lacking something once again. His previously full emotions were getting dried quickly as if they were never there.

The president looked at Felix and said:

"I think I realized what's wrong with you. You have evolved too quickly."

"You have eaten too much in a too short time span, and the fact that you became a higher tiered living being could be added to that as well."

"Your emotions are paling... your reason remains, and that means you understand that you don't get anything from helping us..."

"Then why am I helping you?"

Felix asked with a confused look on his face. Why had he done everything up till now? To protect Lindo and his son? To protect Siracha?

Why had he absorbed so many people to improve his body and evolve?

To fight it out with the invaders?

The president shook his head as he got up from the chair and placed his hand on Felix's shoulder. Felix felt a strong grip on his shoulder as he looked up from his seated position into the president's lone eye.

"I think you need a better example. I need to show you what you really have to fight for instead of talking with you like this."

Felix got up from the chair as the president invited him to the top of the tower as they used a nearby door to ascend to the roof.

Vangar remained in the room as he ate some of the food on the table- and looked towards the closing door which leads to the roof...

Felix and the President looked down from the top of the tower towards the relatively bustling city below.

The president pointed towards a random direction and said:

"Look there and tell me what you see and understand, Felix."

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