I have Nine Lives

Chapter 163: Finishing the absorptions (2)

Felix couldn't understand what just happened right now. What did his action of killing the abomination actually do?

Did he killed them both and destroyed the links between those auras?

He wasn't really sure, but one thing he knew was that this might be another attempt at escaping from the planet. While the planet was surrounded by human ships, that didn't mean there were 0 chances of escape for the people that had been thrown on this planet.

The chances were minuscule but still existed.

Felix was flabbergasted by the current situation as he became used to finding his enemies through their aura, and now that the last person's aura disappeared, he didn't know where to go...

It seemed that becoming too reliant on energy-sensing. Made Felix a little bit rusty in the hunting department.

Normally as a former cat, he should be an expert hunter. But as things progressed, Felix made less and less use of his base instincts.

It was a problem that appeared in all cats, especially the heavily domesticated ones.

Sometimes, they would reach such high idiocy that they wouldn't even know the food was placed in front of them if it wasn't in their usual bowl.

Felix was in a similar situation but not to such a high degree of degeneration.

All he needed to do was refresh his memory a bit. To regain those instincts that were locked within him after he got "domesticated".

To do that, he needed to access his mental palace for a little while, which he did.

He mostly knew what was wrong with him, and he didn't need anyone else's help in this situation.

He was also 100% sure that the person behind the abomination was still on the planet, but he just hid very well.

So well that even Felix with his stealth experience, couldn't actually say where he was if he wasn't in the nearest vicinity.

Felix woke up into his mind's palace and slowly observed his memories.

To regain his instincts, he must closely look through the earliest memories of his life as they were the most primal ones where he acted deeply and only on instinct.

Looking back on how he caught that bird in his mouth... how he fought a rat to the death below the train station.

How he tracked down another bird before stalking it for tens of minutes and attacking it at the right time.

He was the apex predator, one of the strongest ones in his former world... or at least that's what he remembered.

Felix looked down at his body, and he realized he wasn't in his humanoid form anymore. He was back to being a cat!

But that was only because he was in his mindscape, and even though his body had evolved towards reaching the humanoid form, his soul was still off a cat's, no matter how advanced it became.

His instincts returned slowly to him as he embraced his cat side. No matter what he became in the future, he knew that he started as a cat, and he wouldn't ever forget that anymore.

He woke up back in his humanoid body as he felt something change in his DNA once again.

A trigger came from the regaining of his instincts... a trigger that made him slowly morph back into his original cat form.

Felix looked down at his paws as the armor shrank with him again... then he grew up once again into his human form.

He gained the ability to switch between forms just like the locals.

He officially fully acclimatized to the universe, becoming a real resident.

Felix shook his head as he morphed into his cat form again. The humanoid form was better for battles as it gave him more flexibility, and he could employ better techniques, but his cat form was the best for hunting down targets and fast traveling.

He looked at the two piles of ashes that were left behind by the bodies of the abomination and the headless corpse of the unknown individual.

He knew that if he wanted to find the last person that he needed to absorb, the best lead would be investigating these two.

So he got closer to them and started sniffing the ashes and even tasted them both.

He could recognize some of the flavors as they were rancid and acrid. Not really good for ingestion.

His sense of smell also identified a certain smell that he hadn't smelled before, it was unique, and he couldn't say to have ever felt it before in his life.

Which showed that it must have come from the last target, he wasn't sure what the correlation was between the abomination's death and the target's sudden loss of aura, but he would find out.

Felix started to fly around, smelling the surroundings and trying to find the unique smell in any other location.

He flew quickly around the planet, leaving an orange trail surrounding it.

He smelled every corner of the planet and the last location that he sensed the energy.

In the last location, he smelled the unique smell once more and then followed a trail that leads him to a tall jagged mountain.

The mountain just stood there. The rocks that made it up were entirely green and there were no signs alive for thousands of kilometers around him. Felix knew there were some locals supposed to live on this planet, but somehow he hadn't been able to meet them up till now.

Felix flew towards the top of the mountain and took a vantage point there. Where could have that last person vanished?

He asked himself this question multiple times in his flying routine, but he could never find a good answer/ Even though his instincts were pointing him in the right direction, he still couldn't find out this person.

He got a little bit angry as his claws popped out of his paw and struck the hard rock below him... however, instead of making a mark in the stone, his claws directly sunk into the stone, and a gush of dark stinky blood came out.

Felix felt nauseous from the blood as he swayed from the side almost falling from the top of the mountain, which showed that something very wrong was in this blood. Felix's body had evolved and reached a higher level meaning that not many things could actually affect him anymore.

But this blood was making him want to wretch his stomach out. Let's not even mention the dizziness.

Felix flew up from the top of the mountain into the yellow clouds of the planet and looked down at the mountain range that was 10 kilometers long.

From the point that he sunk his claws in, he could see that if he looked from above. The mountain range actually resembled a green human!

He had small antennas on his head and wore a brown jacket with a white tank top and furred boots.

He had large brown eyes made from gigantic rocks, and as Felix looked at him, he could swear that he saw his eyes moving.

"So that's where he hid... he even eliminated all life signs this way... what an interesting ability."

Felix's body morphed into his human form as it got enshrouded in lightning, and his skin became a light shade of pink.

His green aura came out at full power, and he started to descend at immense speeds towards the head of the mountain range. He started getting engulfed in red flames as the friction between the air and his body transformed him into a human meteor.

The mountain range started to shake as it felt the deadly attack coming from Felix. It knew that Felix wasn't playing around anymore as he went at him directly with full power!

The mountain range shook as the head ripped itself out of the land creating an earthquake as dust and gravel flew into the air and struck Felix's descending figure, only for it to be melted, and destroyed. Not even halting Felix's descent by one bit.

Felix's continuous descent made the rock giant move his body out of the way at top speed as it tried to avoid the destructive meteor that Felix became.

He shook his body as his own aura activated, and runes started to glow all over his body as he powered up.

Runic energy came out of his opened mouth as it tried to shoot a gigantic beam towards Felix and push him back into the atmosphere of the planet, and hopefully outside of it.

Felix's body clashed with the pure beam of runic energy as it slowly started to get halted by the immense amount of power that the beam was using.

The struggle between the two of them started as both of them entered a deadlock.

The rock giant flexed his body in different positions as the runic energy increased and moved towards his mouth before enhancing the beam once again, making Felix's descent slow to a standstill.

Then the giant pushed his feet into the earth as he supported himself on the whole planet, trying to push Felix away!

Felix felt his body's assault growing weaker as he was continuously pushed a way through the clouds by the beam of runic energy.

He even felt his skin sting as blood started to flow down from his pores, radiation infiltrating his body.

Felix gritted his teeth. He knew that the last target would be this strong, but not to the point that he would actually be pushed back like this!

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