I have Nine Lives

Chapter 158: Some leaked intel

Felix could see from his new hidden spot that the legs he severed- were running quickly towards the duo's torsos.

Then the duo jumped on the legs with their stumps and stitched their bodies back onto them, making the clean-cut below their belly slowly seal itself.

The cut that Felix gave them was deep, and it was previously bleeding. But the moment their legs met their injured area, something happened.

Their wounded areas immediately sealed up as if Felix never cut them there.

Then they got up and started running on their feet instead of using their arms.

It was obvious they had been through similar situations before.

As they looked rather experienced in what they were doing.

It was obvious they were old hands at this type of thing. And they were ready to attack Willie's cocoon at any moment, trying to find any opening, unfortunately, for them. They were trying to find a weak spot or an opening in an enemy that couldn't be seen nor sensed.

This was a new experience for them, and thus the ball was in Felix's field.

He had the advantage and the power to stop them, but their regenerative capabilities were outrageous maybe they were from the same race as that plant being he had eaten beforehand. But then he shook his head as the armor did mention that they were unknown races.

The armor did say that their regenerative capabilities were off the charts, but Felix didn't get to see any of those traits within himself yet.

Maybe it because he was the type of person who didn't get injured easily due to his cautious nature.

But that didn't matter right now as Felix could find out how the ability worked by fighting these two live examples.

He circled them as they tried to get closer to Willie's cocoon. But no matter what direction they took, they found themselves hit in a vital area by Felix's claws.

The armor AI stopped from pestering Felix, and now it was giving it live information that it was gathering from the tissues it was absorbing through the fight, analyzing their DNA and getting to know their strengths and weaknesses, while it was also sending the new information to the federation's network.

[New weak point detected, any hits under the armpits would remove the target's arms.]

It was a pretty neat thing, but hitting them in their weak points was easier said than done. Knowing where to hit and reaching the point were two different things.

From their stance, it was obvious they were protecting their fatal weak points with the best of their abilities while leaving the non-fatal ones out for bait.

There wasn't much Felix could do about that unless he got rid of one of them.

Unfortunately, they created an airtight defense around them, and Felix could only attack and push them back when they tried to move closer to Willie.

That was the only time they let their guards down as they couldn't keep their perfect stances while moving at the same time.

Felix's silhouette appeared below the two as he tried to hit them between the legs as that's where the armor said there was another extremely weak spot.

Felix's kick connected with the place below the waist as a cringe-worthy breaking sound was heard afterward.

If the fellows had any facial features, they wouldn't be smiling prettily right now.

They were both extremely angry as they tried to stomp Felix out again, but they failed.

After all of this time of running back and forth, the pale duo realized that it was a futile effort to try and absorb Willie, he was protected way too well, and they might even get killed here if they continued their efforts mindlessly.

They needed a plan and someone else to act with them, Willie wouldn't leave anywhere as long as he continued his evolution, so they needed to escape for now.

The pale duo started to quickly run in the opposite direction as they made up their minds. There was no reason for them to continue this anymore.

Their speed was very quick as they passed 200 meters away from Willie, and they were slowly disappearing into the jungle.

However, Felix didn't want to lose them already as they were invaders who weren't supposed to be here, and they must have gotten something that had to lead them to this planet.

And he wanted to find out what it was.

Who knew what kind of traitors existed among the humans? Or did some enemies infiltrate the system?

Felix followed them from above as he flew as quickly as they ran, maybe even a little bit faster than them.

The pale duo didn't know that they were being followed as they thought the person that pushed them back was there only to protect Willie.

However, when Felix dropped atop of them- after he became 2,5 meters tall and 2 tons heavy, they realized that they hadn't anticipated this could ever happen.

Felix's heavy body stopped them from taking any step forward as no matter how good their regenerative abilities were. They didn't grant them any strength.

They tried their best to struggle, but Felix had already grabbed them in his mouth and chewed them like bubble gum.

At this point, there was nothing more they could besides accepting their fate.

Felix returned to Willie's location as he spat out the pale duo, who couldn't look any worse than they currently were.

There were teeth marks all over their bodies, and their limbs were severed by Felix's strong teeth.

While the limbs did try to escape, they were held by Felix's giant mouth, and only their torsos were spat out.

Their featureless faces started to morph as their anger was so high that they could have popped a vein here and now.

However, Felix could care less about their anger as he questioned them:

"Who are you? Who sent you here?"

Of course, the AI from the armor was translating the words automatically.

The duo chuckled sarcastically as they tried to help each other up. But without limbs, it was rather hard.

"Want to find out? Why don't you try to make us spill what we know?"

A voice came out of the armor but now it wasn't Felix's:

"That won't be needed."

Vangar silhouetted appeared out of nowhere as he teleported directly on the planet and grabbed the duo.

The duo's danger instincts immediately turned on as they tried to struggle out of Vangar's grip with all of their might, only to fail so hard that they realized their fate was sealed.

Then they looked down with their bead-like eyes, not saying anything. The light slowly engulfed their bodies as the heat in the surroundings was increasing at quick speeds.

Vangar snorted as he gave them both a palm on their faces, making their self-destructive attempt fail miserably. Blue tears slowly slid down from their beady eyes as they cried.

They didn't want this to happen. They didn't like this and they just wanted to save their captured clansmen.

Vangar didn't care about their emotions, as he emotionlessly hoisted them up both on his shoulders and then looked up at Felix, who was still in his giant mode.

"You should spit their limbs as well as they would be useful to the scientist team analysis speed."

Felix spat out the trembling limbs out of his mouth. Which Vangar quickly caught as if they weren't fast at all.

Then he smiled at Felix as he disappeared in a small flash of multicolored light.

Felix returned to his normal form as he waited beside Willie's side, it was unknown if anyone else would approach Willie after everything that happened up till now, but Felix wouldn't leave him until he gained his fleshly body.

Time slowly passed as day and night changed as Felix just meditated beside Willy and observed the changes in the energy around him.

No more attempts upon Willie's life happened while Felix was guarding him. All of the other people on the planet were either trying to escape the planet or hiding as they realized that an apex predator was with them on the planet, they didn't want to stay one more day on it, but unfortunately for them, the planet was already locked down by the human federation.

They didn't want anything similar to happen as the incident with the two pale aliens.

And they didn't want Felix's prey to leave either, so they locked down the planet and encircled it with 3 huge ships.

Now Felix was free to continue the hunt without the worry of anything else happening as he needed to polish his body's genes and evolve further.

Time passed, and it was finally Willie's turn to leave his cocoon.

The cocoon started to slowly break down as a hand broke through the cracks that just appeared.

The skin was entirely white and flawless as the cocoon broke down from the middle, and Willie's full appearance was present directly to Felix.

However, Felix didn't get much time to look at him as the communicator in the armor flared to life, and Vangar's face came up.

He immediately went to business as he said directly:

"Someone has leaked some of our intel..."

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