I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 49 - Is it so evil

Wang Lan followed the tired young man to the test site. A circle was drawn in the field, and the other party stood in the center of the circle. “My name is Xu Shiyun, your tester. We fight in the circle. I Don’t use Star Martial Arts to bully you, but you can use Star Martial Arts at will.

The rules of the test are simple. Either you punch me out or I punch you out. You go out, the test fails, I go out, the test succeeds. understand? “


“Well, let’s get started!”

“and many more!”


“Can you use a sword?”

“Yes, what?”

“Give me a forty-meter sword!”

“噗 ——”

On the second floor outside the test field, the water just drunk by Wang Qianfeng who watched the test situation spurted out instantly.

“Hahaha …” Li Weixin, a director of operations who was also wearing a black lieutenant colonel uniform, laughed happily, “Pharaoh … you … where did you find this kid … hahaha … gent What is talent. “

The face of Xu Yun in front of me suddenly turned black, and the circle was 5 meters in diameter. Would you like a 40-meter sword? Then fart? Tug of war?


那 “Give me a ten-meter long lance head office, right?”

“It’s okay to have a three-meter sword, right?”

“Give you one more chance to ask, or it will start.”

“Give me an ordinary eight-faced sword with iron and mud.”

Xu Shiyun nodded silently, “Two!”

Soon, the staff took two eight-faced Han swords to the battlefield, and Wang Lan took out the Han swords and shook it gently, “Isn’t it like cutting iron like mud … it’s ordinary high carbon steel …”

“Don’t ask too much. This is the Tianjian Bureau standard weapon. We are holding this thing to kill the enemy. Are you ready? You are ready to start.”

“it is good!”

“Pharaoh, what do you say this boy wants a sword? His profile seems to be a knife. You said yesterday that he passed the Nebula Sword Dance to him, wouldn’t he already learn it?”

“How is it possible!” Wang Qianfeng took a cup of coffee and took a sip and shook his head. “The Nebula Sword Dance is not a simple star martial art. Learning the Nebula Sword Dance requires high control of star power and must be extremely skilled The shape of the mastery of star power has changed. Even if Wang Lan is talented, it is difficult to master a little fur one day and one night! “

At the beginning, Xun Xuyun stabbed Wang Lan with a flowing sword. This sword was like a fencing move, and he stepped out in one step, killing the enemy with a stroke like lightning.

Wang Lan’s eyes were dignified, and his figure swiftly avoided the sword. But in an instant, the sword of Xu Shiyun poured out like the stars.

Xun Xuyun’s strength is in the middle of the Nebula. From the perspective of Xingwu level, Wang Lan is crushed, so of course he has pride.

From the swordsmanship shown by Xu Shiyun, Xu Shiyun’s basic fighting ability is also very outstanding, which is much higher than Jiang Xinyu. But even if it is higher, the strength of Xu Shiyun is in the nebula realm, and his basic fighting ability is also in the silver period.

If Xun Shiyun is a swordsman specialization, the sky is the peak of silver.

Wang Lan’s melee combat, melee combat, and melee swords are all in the early days of silver. Silver and Gold are an insurmountable gap, but the gap between Silver and Gold is still visible.

Although the attack of Virtual Reality Cloud is sharp, Wang Lan can barely block the continuous attacks of Virtual Reality Cloud by clever evasion and melee combat.

“Good solid basic skills!” Li Weixin suddenly blinked his eyes. “He is a star warrior in the early stage of the star flares, a boy who has only awakened the talent of the star warrior for less than a month, even has such solid basic skills?

基础 This basic skill is comparable to some Nebula professional star warriors. “

“That’s natural, the person I can fancy, of course, not the average person. He can hone the basic skills to such a degree, even if he hasn’t awakened in these years, his understanding of martial arts is very advanced.”

“But, if there was such a strong melee strength that the alien space opened up in the Mozu at first … was almost killed? With his current strength, those biochemical monsters should not be able to stop him?”

“Lao Li, you forgot two things. First, in the alien space Wang Lan is bare-handed. He has no blades in his hand but can kill nine biochemical demons one after another. Without a deep martial arts foundation, impossible.

One more thing is that he has already starred. Even if he had comprehension before, his body could not perform it. Now the physical constraints are gone, and the martial arts that were once realized have room to exert.

You see, his dodge and block, which depends on strength, speed, and responsiveness. Without these, even if you know how to do it, you can’t.

I ca n’t use the eight-door Han sword as a sword. Does the kid think he can be handsome with a sword? “

In the battle, although Wang Lan successfully resisted the endless attacks of virtual and real clouds, he was also in danger and was restrained everywhere. What was more terrible was that he had been forced to the edge of the circle and would soon be out of the circle.

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s body flickered, with her feet as the center of the circle in a strange step, leaning like a tumbler, and using the support of the eight-door Han sword to break through the blockade of the virtual cloud and return to the center of the circle.

“I’m going, this trick is truly a godsend.” Li Weixin’s eyes brightened, “This boy has such a resilience.”

“Without such resilience he would have died early.”

哟 “Oh, how about testing the newcomer?” Suddenly, a voice sounded from the door, and another lieutenant colonel in a black uniform walked into the monitoring room.

“He second, what are you doing?”

“Nothing, the law enforcement department received a report. Someone has installed personnel without permission through the expansion of the Tianjian Bureau. It does not need to be tested. So come and verify.”

The striker’s face suddenly darkened, “Is this person you mean?”

“Yes, what is the person you planted? What’s his name?”

The king striker pointed coldly at the monitoring room, “It’s him, isn’t this testing? Who said that there is no need to pass the assessment?”

“He!” He Mingxue’s face changed suddenly when he saw Wang Lan, “You dug him out?”

The striker of the king of kings raised his mouth, “He big wolf wants to grab someone from me? I can dig it out even if he is drawn into the army, let alone this is in my bowl.”

On the test field, it seems to be back to the original point.

Xu Xuyun raised his sword and looked at Wang Lan with a smirk on his face. “This trick is beautiful, but there is no time limit for this test, so it doesn’t make sense to delay time.

Warmly remind you that I don’t like using swords! The sword is too brittle and it is not refreshing at all. “

He said, throwing the sword out of the field, “Give me an alloy bat!”

Off the field, the staff threw a silvery white bat into the field.


There was a muffled sound, like a muffled shot. The shock from his feet made Wang Lan’s heart tremble.

“Solid … Solid?”

“Smart, solid SKD61 material, with a hardness of 65 degrees. Your small body may be reborn if you rub it.” Xu Shiyun gradually lifted the bat and danced slightly. You will be beaten terribly. “

“Well … don’t you count?”


“Just you don’t use star martial arts and I can use it.”

“Hehe … there’s so much nonsense!” The voice landed, and a cloud of wind exploded suddenly at the foot of Xu Shiyun, and his body rushed to Wang Lan instantly.

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s whole body was surging, and the sword in his hand bloomed with a dozen glows in a flash. The sword shadow was like a curtain.

表情 The three people in the monitoring room watched the expressions in this scene freeze instantly, especially Wang Qianfeng. The expression on the face was incredible.

“Pharaoh, don’t you say he didn’t master the Nebula Sword Dance so fast?”

“Lao Wang, have you passed him the Nebula Sword Dance?”

“I …” Wang Qianfeng took a deep breath before returning to God, “I only gave him the Nebula Sword Dance yesterday morning. How could he learn in one day?

As far as I know, the fastest record of this set of star martial arts is three days! “

“It is indeed her child, what a genius!”

“He second child, don’t use the word genius so easily to negate the efforts of others. Even if Wang Lan has the talent, if he wants to master the Nebula Sword Dance in one day, it must be a continuous practice. Maybe last night He had been practicing all night.

However, it is a pity that relying on the residual shadow sword technique alone can not defeat the virtual and real cloud of the hand holding the bat. The virtual and real cloud’s crazy magic stick method can only have a chance of winning unless you master the nebula dance.


In the test, Wang Lan’s sword was hidden in the ghostly afterglow of the sky, and the battle situation was instantly exchanged. Wang Lan recruited and attacked, and each sword was magical.

Xu Keyun’s bat is dancing like a ball. In Xuyun’s eyes, Wang Lan’s sword is all in front of him. In Wang Lan’s eyes, all in front of him are stick figures.

The difference is that Wang Lan’s sword light is made by Xingli, while the stick figure of the virtual and real cloud is waving at high speed.

The squealing wind howls, the buzz of UU reading www.uukansu.com makes Wang Lan feel as if surrounded by countless bees. No matter from which angle Wang Lan attacked, he could be perfectly resolved by the virtual cloud.

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s figure gradually became hazy, not only the sword light flashed the afterimage, but even Wang Lan’s body began to flash out of the afterimage.

Suddenly seeing this scene, the three men in the monitoring room began to be stretched.

“Lao Wang, can you explain again, how did he cultivate the afterimage?” He Mingxue asked Wang Qianfeng sincerely.

“Well … the afterimage is actually a principle with the afterimage sword. To practice the afterimage sword, you need to distribute the star power evenly to every inch of the sword, and treat it as a part of the body. At the same time, it needs a very high ability to change the star power. While transfiguring the sword image, hide the real sword in the shadow.

The afterimage of the body is an upgrade of the afterimage sword. It needs to evenly distribute the star power to achieve perfect balance throughout the body. It also needs to form the characteristics of the afterimage sword to create a phantom and between reality and reality … I ca n’t edit it anymore. . how is this possible? “

He Wang forward did not want to explain anymore, relying on such a difficult operation can only be achieved by the dual enhancement of physical memory and manipulation. It’s not that Wang Lan shouldn’t learn, but it takes time to learn.

Only twenty hours, even if a normal human comprehends the cultivation method, it takes ten or twenty hours, right? It is impossible to comprehend, try, cultivate, and complete in such a short time.

At this moment, Wang Lan suddenly danced, like a spinning top spinning around the virtual and solid clouds quickly. While spinning, countless sword lights wrapped the virtual and solid clouds.

This scene appeared, Wang Qianfeng completely gave up resistance.

“Well, I admit, he is a genius! A true genius.”

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