I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 28 - High, really high

Perhaps this action of Jiang Xinyu was an insult to Leopard King to Leopard King. Almost instantly, the Leopard King uttered a roar, and his body sprinted toward Wang Lan five people instantly.

On both sides are cliffs soaring into the clouds. This road is at most 10 meters wide. It is a real narrow road. The charge of the Leopard King is like a high-speed rail that crashes into the sky. The limitation in this small space leaves Wang Lan and others without any trace. Room to dodge.

Xun Gong Fei Yu quickly launched the earth system star martial arts, erecting a soil wall in front of the fiery leopard.


The trend of the Panther King did not change. One hit the earth wall, and the earth wall broke instantly. The fiery fire leopard, which was covered with flames, burst through the earth wall, and a huge fireball burst out.

The 球 fireball instantly covered the entire canyon space, filled the left and right cliffs, and engulfed Wang Lan and others at a horrible speed. Wang Youle, who was standing at the back of the crowd, was scared and pale.

If you make a comparison, the same fireball skills are issued. The leopard king’s fireball weight is bonfire, and Wang Youle’s fireball is at best a match. To change a team of Star Yaojing team to face this situation, there is no suspense, it must be completely destroyed.

Suddenly, Jiang Xinyu appeared in front of the crowd in a flash of mind and body, star power surged around his hands, his hands folded, and he was in front of him.

“The Polar Wall of Water-“

A water column spurted out of Jiang Xinyu’s mouth, and the moment when it passed through the Xingwu magic array in front of it seemed like a river pouring down, a huge water column rushed to the front and blasted with a fireball violently.

“Boom-” A thick cloud of smoke rises, and the quiet valley instantly turns into a hot spring sauna. The thick water vapor covered his eyes, and suddenly the whole canyon reached out with five fingers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Lan’s body rushed towards the fiery leopard. Wang Lan can’t see it, neither can the fiery leopard, but in this narrow canyon which is only ten meters wide, you only need to know the distance to see it at all.

For the beast, locking the prey, killing the prey is a sequence. If the prey can’t be locked, the beast would rather let the prey run away without launching an attack.

The distance of thirty meters is two or three seconds for Wang Lan.

When Wang Lan rushed in front of the fiery fire leopard, Wang Lan’s figure had been found in the fiery fire leopard’s vision, and Wang Lan’s punch had blasted against the fiery fire leopard’s chin.

“Inch strength-“

If the environment is clear, the fiery leopard may swiftly avoid Wang Lan’s attack, but it is too late to discover, and before it locks Wang Lan and has no time to respond, Wang Lan’s punch has already exploded. Out.


A ripple visible to the naked eye was rippling from Wang Lan’s fist, and the power of terror broke out on the jaw of the Leopard King. At that moment, the two eyes of the Leopard King were instantly rounded, almost protruding from the eye sockets. Bloodshot covered the eye sockets.

The body lifted up high, almost toward the sky almost independently.

After brushing, a knife light appeared in Wang Lan’s hand. While the leopard king was supporting his body, a sharp knife pierced the king’s belly.


There was a muffled sound, and the body of the Leopard King was bent like shrimp, this knife could not pierce the soft belly of the fiery leopard. Wang Lan’s strength is more than twice that of ordinary people. Coupled with the sharp blade of the sword, Wang Lan, who is three millimeters thick, can surely pierce with a single knife.

But this knife can’t pierce the skin of the fiery leopard.

Soft fur, even higher than the snow spider’s stacked armor defense? So many snow spiders who died in Wang Lan’s hands were afraid to die.

At this instant, the Leopard King also responded, biting into Wang Lan’s shoulder, Wang Lan hurriedly raised the sword and cut the teeth of the Leopard King.

“Ka —–” The king of Leopard smashed Wang Lan’s sword in one bite, just like a cracker.

岚 Wang Lan, who had escaped the disaster, retreated backward. Suddenly, the ground under his feet broke open, and the two figures left and right cut their swords to the fiery leopard one by one.


There were two loud noises, and the two-handed sword did not even hit the Leopard King. After cutting out the two muted sounds, the Leopard King’s figure rolled backwards, and after a dozen meters of exit, he shook his head and stood up again.

“It stands to reason that our round of beheading has successfully killed him, but did not expect its defense to be so horrible? It is not an order of magnitude with the ordinary fiery leopard.”

“In addition to the fire attributes, they have the ability to be tempered, and the ability of the Leopard King can be tempered throughout the body … I miscalculated its strength. At least we can do nothing about its tempering ability. The biggest possibility is that we are all over the body. Retreat can’t kill it. “Jiang Xinyu said lightly.

Although the difference in grades is not absolute, 99% of the situations in front of the difference in grades are powerless. To leapfrog, you need to meet too many conditions. It’s like killing with the help of only a few people. The leopard king only used the whole body toughening to make Wang Lan and Xu Xiangwen’s attack disappear.

“But obviously, the Panther King did not think so.” Wang Lan said coldly, staring at the Panther King in front of him.

The Leopard King stood up again, the expression on his face was even more distorted, a drop of saliva dripped from the corner of the cracked mouth, and the burning flames around him raged.

The flame of the fierce fire leopard can represent his state, the more intense the flame burns, indicating that the more angry it is, the more aggressive it is.

“Roar-” Suddenly, a flame rose at the feet of Leopard King. Almost instantly, the body of Leopard King turned into a streamer. Flame acceleration, which is another talent skill of Leopard King.

Although the flame acceleration lasts only about thirty seconds, the speed of the fiery leopard can exceed 500 yards under the flame acceleration. No prey can escape hunting at this speed.

When the flame came out at the foot of the fiery leopard, Wang Lan and others had jumped high. In the fiery leopard sprinting at full speed, the front was just looking for death. While the flames are accelerating, Leopard King will use the whole body of steel and be hit by a speed of 500 yards, even if the tank can be carried to the sky.

Almost at the moment when Wang Lan leaped, a blaze of flames rushed behind everyone’s feet and rushed behind him. The five men were firmly on the cliff, and just had time to turn around, Xu Xiangwen saw that the leopard king once again completed the charge.

This time, the king of the leopard actually stepped on the cliff and ran directly into Xu Xiangwen.

“I trust, it cheated!”

I did cheat. On a vertical cliff, a leopard could walk without regard to gravity. Simply refreshed Xu Xiangwen’s junior high school physics.

Before hesitating, Xu Xiangwen quickly jumped off the cliff. The fierce fire leopard almost hovered around Xu Xiangwen’s body image, skipping quickly with a flame.

“Is there any way to speak the heart?” Wang Lan was anxious, and the king of leopards had already opened up, and this big trick caught anyone for a second. While Wang Lan’s Phoenix form was still cooling down, the only hope was Jiang Xinyu.

But Jiang Xinyu’s brow froze, “I don’t have lock-up skills, even if I have a powerful star martial arts skills, I can’t hit it, but …”

Suddenly, Jiang Xinyu paused and jumped off the cliff.

Everyone froze for a moment, not understanding what Jiang Xinyu was going to do. Jiang Xinyu, who re-fall in the gorge, flickered with star power all around, and a rapidly spinning wind cone appeared on her arm and turned into a cyan spear with a solid handle.

心 “Well-hearted, are you stupid? Fire overwhelms your wind spear when it approaches the flames of the Leopard King.”

Qi Jiang’s heart heard Wang Lan’s questioning, but the expression on his face was still decisive. She is the only Nebula in the team. She is also the captain of the squad. Of course, she understands that the wind attribute is restrained by the fire attribute. But what can she do?

The strongest killing star martial arts mastered by Minjiang Xinyu is the wind attribute, and the wind has the largest killing ability of a single person. The ice martial arts skills are indeed very strong, and you have not had time to learn before you broke through the nebula period.

Therefore, knowing that the wind attribute is restrained by the fire attribute, she can only clench her rigidity.

At least, there is a hint of vitality when she comes, no one else will die.

与 此 At the same time, the king of leopards has completed the transfer, and his red eyes locked the Jiang Xinyu deadly. The flames at his feet flared up again, and in an instant, it turned into a stream of light that hit Jiang Xinyu.

“Fei Yu, make a runway for the king of panthers-” Wang Lan suddenly drank in a flash of aura.


When the speed reaches a certain level, it is no longer controlled, whether it is the control of others or its own.

On the premise of flame acceleration, the Panther King can only rush forward along inertia. The way to stop is to release the flame acceleration and then slow it down to a controllable speed.

So as long as you give the King of Leopard a track, the King of Leopard can fly along the track. Just like playing four-wheel drive, even if the four-wheel drive does not have steering capability, as long as there is a track four-wheel drive, it can quickly run on complicated tracks.

The leopard king’s charge was launched. Instantly, a rising soil layer appeared on the straight road in front of the leopard king. The soil layer did not need to be thick. The footsteps of the fierce leopard under the rapid sprint were under minimal force on the ground. The whole body is almost floating.

The fierce fire leopard walked like a long raised runway, and then straightened into the sky along the runway. By the time the target that the Panther King consciously intended to impact disappeared, UU reading www.uukanshu.com it was now heaven.

Hagimoto did a good job of letting go of Jiang Xinyu, staring at the runway in front of the landslide, and then looked back at the fiery leopard that was flying freely in the air.

“Who thought of this idea?”

“Wang Lan can think of such a gloomy idea.” Gong Feiyu jumped off the cliff and clapped his hands. “The seemingly incomprehensible killing trick didn’t find the right method. Find the right one, really special. Play. “

Providing a runway for the flame acceleration skills is a godsend.

谁 Everyone can understand the mystery of this method, but no one can think of it. People die in the hands of Leopard King every year, and the flame acceleration skills are also touted by the star warriors who come to the test field as nightmares, but no one can find a solution.

Fortunately, Wang Lan is glad that QQ Speed ​​is really a good game.


The fiery leopard who fell from the air and fell to the ground with a scorching fire roared angrily, and it didn’t understand why he suddenly went to heaven. Perhaps, it will think that it has awakened its ability to fly but it will never think that flame acceleration has been easily cracked.

The flames burning under the lame feet, the fiery leopard once again turned into a streamer sprinting towards Wang Lan and others gathered together.

“This time, my king is going to smash all of you-” thought the Leopard King with red eyes.

Xun Gong Fei Yu took a step, but was stopped by Jiang Xinyu’s hand. “Come for me this time!”

At the moment when the utterances landed on the ground, an ice bridge suddenly erected in front of Leopard King, turning into a orbiting track like a roller coaster, and the side was connected to the turquoise rock wall of the cliff.

Looking at this scene, Wang Lan heartily and honestly raised his thumb to Jiang Xinyu, “High, really high!”

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