I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 26 - Great harvest, good opening

The faces of the two Wang Lan and the other became almost blue at the same time, and the pain of fist cracking was like countless steel needles stuck into fingers. The pain of both people’s faces was instantly distorted.

I’m stuck! Stuck! Must be stuck! But … I can’t hold myself … 嗷 唔 ——

Wang Lan Yangtian issued a howling, and quickly launched the self-healing star martial arts to fist. If you take photos with X-rays at this time, Wang Lan’s palm has become a biscuit that fell to the ground.

痛 The painful face of the other side, quickly backed away.

Suddenly, the ground under his feet collapsed, and the middle-aged star warrior had no time to react with his legs sinking into it.

Suddenly, two figures emerged from the ground behind Star Warrior, and two Xu Xiangwen cut off the sword one by one.

配合 The timing of this cooperation was subtle, and even Jiang Xinyu, who was ready to make a fatal blow, flashed. Changing her, it must be planted under this blow.


The twin swords hit the star warrior’s neck, but imagine that the separation of the star warrior’s head did not happen. Xu Xiangwen’s knife seemed to be chopped on steel.

And Xu Xiangwen’s face suddenly showed panic, because at that moment, the carapace only appeared on the back of the Star Warrior, such as the body of the stacked armor, and the hard carapace protected the soft neck. The trick fell into the air.

But … do you think the middle-aged star warrior has escaped from this and started the second game?

It’s too small to see the gloominess of these goods. As long as they catch a trace of fighters, they will be recruited in a wave, and will never give the enemy a chance to breathe.

When Xu Xiangwen fell into a stab, Jiang Xinyu’s figure passed by with Wang Lan. Above his left hand, a group of wind blade-like cones whirling like a spinning gyro whistled into a starburst. Warrior’s chest.

The cyan armor was unable to withstand the horrible cutting force of the wind blade stab, and Jiang Xinyu’s half arm penetrated deeply into his chest.

“Slightly-” The middle-aged star warrior raised his head, his eyes were confused.

Minjiang’s heart uttered a sudden retreat, leaving a football-like hole in the chest of the middle-aged star warrior.

“But … evil!”

“Leap off and kill, reward two hundred experience points, ten skills!”

Is it worth ten skill points? waste!

“Are you all right?” Jiang Xinyu asked in concern before coming to Wang Lan.

“No … nothing?” During this time, Wang Lan’s broken fist had been completely repaired by the healing skills. Although almost all the star power was consumed, he had to say that the healing skills were really fragrant.

“I just heard …”

“It’s okay?” Wang Lan opened his palms and moved it. If he was injured, he would never do this.

“Maybe I heard it wrong!” Jiang Xinyu looked back at the corpse, “Let’s go, and soon the wind wolves will come over and dispose of the corpse. Xu Xiangwen, what’s in the bag?”

靠 “Fuck, there is so much strength in this white goods, there is nothing in the bag, a poor ghost. Did he just come in and haven’t had time to open?”

“No matter, let’s go. There are still six days left. You can play more if you can.”

Although Wang Lan’s heart had some doubts about this inexplicable person, for example, he was obviously only a star flaming realm, why would there be a star power no less than the nebula realm? For another example, how can this product grow carapace?

But the ability of the Star Warrior is many strange and changeable, maybe, maybe, probably … this is his special ability.

Continued for about ten kilometers and came to the area of ​​Diyan lava, where the fiery leopard activities. There is a ventilated canyon on the outskirts of the Diyan lava area. As the repair base of the five-member team of Wang Lan, after confirming the tactical procedures of the repair circle, Jiang Xinyu led Wang Lan and others to kill the fierce leopard.

When the snow spider was circled before, there were ten ten circles. The individual strength of the fiery leopard is much stronger than the snow spider. Then barely circle twenty.

Twenty fierce fire leopards, for the other Xingwu squads, it was to death. But for Jiang Xinyu, who broke through the nebula … drizzle.

的 The turmoil caused by the outer snow spider was finally suppressed, and the strange beasts in various places returned to their respective stations honestly.

This turmoil lasted for a full eight hours. If it wasn’t for Wu Changfeng’s decisive crackdown, many strange beast tribes would be educated by the Xingwu army just after they had intended to coax. This turmoil could not have been so short. Stabilized in time.

A scouting Xingwu team appeared outside Wang Lan’s Valley of Winds. “Captain, the fiery leopard tribe is not abnormal. The old leopard king is unknown but the ethnic group is stable. The new leopard king has determined that the status should not cause any trouble.”

“That’s good … go back to life.”

“Wait, there is a situation!” Suddenly, a star warrior covered one eye, and the eyes in the other eye turned out to be pure white.

“Are there the Star Warrior Squads?”

“What? The Star Warrior Squad? Haven’t they all been arranged at the door? Why are there any more stays?”

“May not have been notified from the beginning, maybe from the valley of the wind, may not know about the riots in the test field.”

应该 “Should be, otherwise it’s a lucky squad when you’re in the middle of a riot. It’s a lucky team. Go and look over.”

The three Wang Lans were walking in the midst of the lava area, and dozens of fiery leopards kept spitting flames to kill Wang Lan. Countless fireballs fell like Wang Lin’s rain on the three of Wang Lan’s side, leaving a little black mark after they exploded.

“I’m going, why can’t I be so young at this age?” An Xingwu army exclaimed.

“It’s all children … it should be a high school student in Sioux City. A fiery leopard is enough for them to bear, and there are more than ten or twenty behind them? There is almost no way ahead, ready to rescue.”

“Boom Boom–“

Suddenly, Jiang Xinyu standing in the canyon broke out, his hands crossed, and surging star power surged. A rippling wave lingered all around, and suddenly, there were more than a dozen ice icings in front of him, as if all arrows were firing away.

The Xingwu Army squad, who had just planned to rush out of the rescue, had a meal, as if it had been petrified and frozen in front of him.

Wu Bingling accurately avoided Wang Lan and others, hitting each fiery leopard, only the fiery leopard equivalent to the middle of Xingyao Realm, instantly killing like cabbage tofu in front of Jiang Xinyu in Nebula Realm.

King Lan Lan paused and looked back, all the leopards chasing after him were lying dead.

The three of them grinned and came to the front of each fierce fire leopard to collect the soul beads.

And they didn’t know, on the top of a cliff not far away, a squad of Xingwu Army heard an inhaling sound.

“This little girl … is it nebula?”

“Looks right.”

“How did the Nebula come in? Check their identity?”

One person took the tablet from the backpack behind him. “They are the 16th Xingwu students of the No. 1 Middle School in Suzhou City, the team ’s Yangtze River whisper, and the money of the Jiangsu Jiangshi Technology Group. It should be a breakthrough in the trial ground.

The other few are rich sons in Suzhou. Hey, can’t you think that this group of rich second generation is very powerful? “

“Don’t be prejudiced against the wealthy sons. Do you think the wealthy sons are the ones who enjoy their success? They usually do not lose to us. Otherwise, you think that birth alone can make them have such strength at this age? “

“Captain, don’t talk about it, I understand. From their cooperation, we can see that they are definitely not the male brother with the golden key. They dare to blame the fire and rain of the fiery leopard attack, no guts and strength Is unbelievable.

How many of them are geniuses? “

“Genius … the word genius is too cheap. Only those who survive and grow up are geniuses. Let’s go.”

“Leave? Don’t you watch?”

“Look what? There is a nebula in their squad that can retreat calmly even if they meet the Leopard King. Go back to life!”

The team of Xingwu Wu left, and Wang Lan and others continued to brush up.

Each time attracted a dozen or twenty, then Jiang Xinyu bombarded in a round, lying a large corpse. Although Jiang Xinyu’s star power is consumed very much, even if he supplements the star power with five soul beads at a time, compared with the huge income, it is all money to pick up.

Moreover, Jiang Xinyu also needs this opportunity to be proficient in the use of star martial arts skills. Although some star martial arts skills have been learned, when Xingyao Realm can be empty once and the power is still discounted, so he has not been well trained.

How can you miss such an opportunity and such a condition?

After an hour, the fiery leopard became alert, and countless fiery leopards came from a distance. When Xu Xiangwen discovered this situation, he immediately evacuated the team and fled into the canyon to hear the roar of angry leopards.

Like a cat.

“How much did you get?” Wang Lan quickly asked after Jiang Xinyu finished counting.

数字 “Three hundred …” Jiang Xinyu himself couldn’t believe it. Before hunting snow spiders, it took three days of hard work to save four hundred soul beads. At present, the single fire leopard is much stronger than the snow spider, and three hundred are collected in one hour.

Is this hunting? No, this is called slaughter. UU Reading at www.uukanshu.com

Is this making money?

No, it’s called picking up money.

“Three hundred an hour … I’m going. It’s not a dream to have two thousand in this day. Five days … I don’t want more than ten thousand in five days? Feiyu, count for me, how many 10,000 primary soul beads? money?”

“It would have to be … more than ten million, right?”

“Fart, that’s the recycling price. If it’s sold outside, it would have to … have to say billions less? Five days, five days, Lao Tzu can make billions. My dad has to know to hold me and cry … … “

“Make sense …”

Wang Lan looked chillingly at the two shameless goods where there was no bottom line.

The price outside? Get out of the way, soul beads are a state monopoly trade, you can’t bring them out of the trial. An electronic search will be conducted at the exit, either absorbed at the trial site or recycled for a thousand.

Save billions, dream! And, more than 10,000 fiery leopards? Do you dare to think? The total number of fiery leopards is only a few thousand. Are you planning to slaughter a tribe in two days?

But I have to say that after Jiang Xinyu’s breakthrough in the Nebula period, it is a BUG for the primary proving ground. No wonder the Junior Proving Ground only allows entry below Xingyao Realm, and in the Nebula Realm, only entering the Intermediate Proving Ground.

If there are three more Jiang Xinyus, it should be closed in advance.

In fact, with the peak of Xingyao Realm entering and then breaking through the nebula period, this space has already been penetrated. But the premise is that you must be able to collect so many soul beads in ten days, and also have such a day to guarantee a breakthrough.

He basically holds few successful precedents for this intention.

“Well, divide the soul beads. This time I will not participate, four of you, eighty each.”

Qijiang Xinyu will slap the bag at will, and it has a great sense of sight to reward the ministers.

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