I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 2 - Awakening 2 years late

The First Wu Xingwu Campus of Susu City is only one wall away from the No. 1 Middle School of Susu City.

The Xingwu Campus is naturally a place for students who have awakened the talents of Xingwu. The origin of the Star Warrior is also a problem that has plagued humankind for thousands of years. If you want to trace it back, I am afraid that it can only be traced back to the era of mythology.

The appearance of human beings is 7 million years ago. The appearance of Homo sapiens was about 300,000 years ago. The appearance of the Star Warrior seems to have come along with human evolution from the beginning.

Some historians believe that the emergence of the Star Warrior is related to the opening of alien space, but biologists believe that the Star Warrior is the product of human evolution. The star warrior’s gene is hidden in the human gene, and anyone can awaken the star warrior’s gene and become a star warrior.

The star warrior is only a part of the complex machine of human civilization, and it is a special individual that has evolved in order to protect human civilization.

Anyway, from the legends of the mythological era to the history of the feudal dynasty to the history of modern times, the Star Warrior has never been separated from the human civilization.

The previous Awakening Star Warrior relied entirely on destiny. Since the invention of the Soul Resonance Instrument two hundred years ago, human beings can stimulate through the soul resonance to ensure that everyone who has the potential to awaken the talent of the Star Warrior can successfully awaken.

And between 14 and 15 is the best age for soul resonance, so every middle school student in Yuguo will perform unified soul resonance stimulation on the eve of graduation from the third grade, and those who have awakened the Star Warrior will be admitted to the Star Wu campus. Those without Star Warrior talents study on the main campus.

即便 Even with the help of the Soul Resonator, the number of awakening of the Star Warrior is still very scarce. Of the 100 students, there may not be a Star Warrior.

The talented man of the star warrior will not wait until the soul resonates, and will generally wake up during adolescence. It’s like the ice queen of Xingwu Campus, who awakened when she was 9 in the second grade.

It stands to reason that Wang Lan should have awakened the talent of Star Warrior when he was eight years old, but his Star Warrior talent is a bit special, he awakened to the system.

Every consciously awakened star warrior will have a destiny ability, and Wang Lan’s destiny ability may be the destiny system, and it is also a very naive and silly system.

This evaluation Wang Lan has been persistent for years, just because you are so awakened, what is your assessment? I have seen others evaluate themselves, but I have never seen them evaluate themselves.

You are my Xingwu talent. It ’s like a right-handed relationship. Is it interesting to slap yourself on my body?

It is for this reason that Wang Lanming has awakened the talent of the Star Warrior but was forced to hide it for eight years. He even failed in the consciousness awakening ceremony of the third grade soul and was judged to have no Star Warrior talent.

But I know my own business, no talent is because I have not completed the task of activating the system.

“Let’s eat—”

Adolescents have a special attachment to eating. At this age, no matter how much you eat, you will not be able to support the meal. In the last half hour, you will definitely survive hunger.

As the bell rang, sixty-two classmates rushed out of the classroom. And Wang Lan, put down the takeaway mobile phone.

I said that if you invite the whole class to milk tea, you have to be honest.

“Heart talk, go, go to eat.” Xingwu campus, a class of high school class one, a sweet-looking girl inviting Jiang Xinyu’s shoulders.

“No, no appetite.”

“Why? I have a good score of 450. I am the second in the city. Why are you in a bad mood?”

“Hanging the city’s second-year senior, but was ruthlessly flogged by that man. 唉, Lord Snow Queen was honored to hear dizziness from an early age, and won the prize with soft hands, known as the perfect genius.

However, the man has been flogged more than 800 times in the past seven years, and he seems to have become a haze of heart language. After the third year of high school, our Xingwu class will not take the unified test with the ordinary class. This time is the last time that Xinyu challenged the **** of learning.

But the reality is cruel, the gap is very close … to more than four hundred points, it is so difficult to improve one point … 啧啧 啧 … “

This voice is so bad, there is a kind of face to ask for beating. But everyone who knows them knows that this is just a ridicule between close friends.

Xu Xiangwen, Gong Feiyu and Jiang Xinyu are both classmates and dead parties. Only they can play this kind of mutual loss joke, change someone else? Come here, compare and learn.

“Xu Xiangwen, it’s okay to owe a mouth, but at this time the mouth owes, will it be killed?” Behind Xu Xiangwen, a sunny teenager reminded with a smile.

“What is it about killing me? If you want to kill, you should kill Wang Lan. If you love me for so many years and want to kill you, I won’t give up once. This kid’s attempt is not simple. He wants to suppress his heart for a lifetime. Change me “I can’t bear it. Heart to heart, should we go and make him?”

“Ahhhhhh …” The girl named Jiang Xinyu ran out of the classroom in a fright, and the three talked in a scary way.

“嘣!” Jiang Xinyu slammed the table suddenly and strode out of his seat and walked out.

“Well, where are you going?”

“Next campus!”

Xu Xiangwen turned his head blankly, “What does Xinyu go to the next campus?”

“Don’t you urge her to do Wang Lan? She’s not here. Wang Lan likes to stand on the rooftop to blow hair, and quietly walks behind Wang Lan, pushes gently … Pop, split, perfect!”

“Nima, aren’t you a psychopath? You won’t really go to Wang Lan if you are talking about it?”

“Sure, besides Wang Lan, there are people she knows beside the campus? But … I guess there may be something to say to Wang Lan, such as …”

Xu Xiangwen’s eyes lit up instantly, “The worse you are bullied, the deeper you are in love, the more you are captivated, the more you ca n’t forget. I have long felt that the feelings of my heart for Wang Lan are not as simple as before. …go together?”


“The destiny system is activated and the system is turned on! Complete the trial task, great perseverance. Reward one hundred skill points to start!”

On the roof of the teaching building, Wang Lan looked at his feet and walked on the campus, smiling cheerfully.

It is absolutely impossible to have such a relaxed atmosphere in ordinary times. The education in Jiangxi Province is famous for its brutality and cruelty. The pressure of high school students is the terrible memory that people who are not willing to look back.

Today is the day of returning to school after the final exam. After the general cleaning in the afternoon, it is the official summer vacation. There is no pressure to study, and the results of the exams have already come to an end, so the campus during lunch break is full of laughter.

After waiting for eight years, the system was finally activated, and Wang Lan could not wait to sink into the system.

Open the system, and the character attribute interface comes into view.

Name, Wang Lan.

Character level, star level one.

The following are the data attributes of the characters. The data are on average between eight and nine, except for power, which is particularly prominent.

经验 The bottom is the experience column, which is currently empty. The lower right corner is the skill point value, which is one hundred. Just now the system prompts that this is the starting skill point after activating the system.

Wang Lan is also a person who has read countless web articles. It was immediately concluded that this skill point should be a very important prop in the future, and may be the basis for his life.

技能 On the back of the character attribute page is a list of skills, which is what Lan Lan is most concerned about. For so many years, because Wang Lan has never suspected that he will become a star warrior, he spent a lot of energy on fighting, physical fitness, and practical training.

Even if Wang Lan did not awaken the star warrior, his fighting strength should be among the peaks of ordinary people. Ordinary people can easily be brought down by him. Of course, the other party is unarmed.

The skills page is divided into star martial skills and common skills, and each type of skills is also divided into active skills and passive skills. Seeing Xingwu’s skill column, Wang Lan’s face turned black.

The active skill bar is empty, but the passive skill bar has a passive skill. Self-healing, Black Iron LV1 (0/1)

Focused his mental strength on self-healing, and jumped out of the skill brief, “Quickly recover physical injuries.”

Is this skill good? Although seemingly ordinary, it is very practical. Putting it in the game is the blood return skill. However, this is not what Wang Lan wants. Let him be a master, a warrior, an assassin, but Wang Lan doesn’t want to be a meat shield.

And looking at ancient and modern times, which one of the stacked armored lines has a good ending? It’s better to call Tie Yan, but the one that’s not good is Tiepi Wangba. The initial skills often determine the future course.

Why do you feel that the future of the system is still bleak?

Just awakened the system, it is normal to have no star martial arts, except for those who have a blood lineage of star martial arts, most people need to learn to have star martial arts.

Wang Lan immediately looked at the basic skills page. When playing games, you may not see the basic skills, but this is not the game world, and the importance of basic skills is not under the Xingwu skills.

In the world of Star Warrior, there is a word that Star Warrior skill determines the upper limit of a Star Warrior, and basic skills determine the Star Warrior’s offline. Even if you do n’t have star skills, you can become a powerful star warrior simply by practicing basic skills. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com

虽然 Although these words are extreme, they are not without reason.

Star power is required to urge star power, and star power is blue to star power. If it is not a last resort, save blue. Ordinary skills can still be used to kill the enemy.

Gangster Fighting, Black Iron LV8 (0/1)

Melee Sword, Black Iron LV3 (0/1)

Body-building method, bronze LV1 (0/10)

Inch punch, bronze LV3 (0/10)

Of the common skills, two skills have reached the bronze level, and the numbers in parentheses should be the required skill points. Seeing here, Wang Lan has confirmed the use of skill points, and naturally understands whether the future is to eat meat or drink soup, mainly depending on how to get the skill points.

Bronze level skills require ten skills, and so on. If you need to increase your skills to silver level, you need a hundred skills. If you move from level one to level ten, it will be one thousand, then gold skills will be one. Wan …

Good guy, how do you feel like a bottomless pit.

Inch punch, active skills, one boxing out, three times the full punch.

These gorgeous data, gorgeous skills are the results of Wang Lan’s seven years of cultivation. And because the development progress has been slow in the past few years, only in the past two years has the practice progressed rapidly.

A faint scent came from the tip of his nose, awakening Wang Lan from his mental state.

I do not know when, there is a slender Tingting girl around.

“You are here …” This sentence is full of long-lost emotions.

江 Since Jiang Xinyu attended school in Xingwu Campus, this is the first time Wang Lan and her have met in two years. The unclean child in his memory grew up unknowingly.

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