I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 13 - I want to eat 10 servings

“You are the first person I’ve ever met who doesn’t know how to absorb soul beads. Are you really a Star Warrior?” The other person is a woman with long flowing hair and listening to her voice is still young.

Although she couldn’t see her face with a mask, Wang Lan thought that she should be a handsome and handsome female soldier.

“I only awakened yesterday, and I don’t know if it should be.”

“But you don’t look like the 13th and 4th, hold the soul bead in your palm and sense the star power inside, just try to move.”

Wang Lan experimented according to a woman’s words, it was very easy, just like sucking jelly, Guru sucked the star power from the soul beads into the body. And the pure star power was instantly assimilated by Wang Lan’s original star power.

Skill points +1.

Wang Lan did not expect that the soul beads could provide skill points in addition to supplementing star power? In other words, does the system want me to kill the demon or the other beast in the future?

With star power, the self-healing skills are activated again.

“Zeng Xiaomo, Team Leader of the Xingye Group of the First Squad and the Third Squad of the Operation Division of the Soviet Union ’s Tianjian Bureau.

“Fortunately, there is this little brother, I’m fine. But there should be a lot of demon warriors in the secret space, you have to be more careful.”

“Rest assured that none of the demons in the secret world can live.” Although Zeng Xiaomo’s tone was very light, the domineering in his words was undoubted. Women’s clothing is indeed more pleasing than men’s clothing.


There was a sudden tremor in his mind, “The task is guarded, and the reward is one thousand experience points and one hundred skill points.”

When this reminder sounded, Wang Lan felt a warm current flowing in his body, and felt the enhancement of strength clearly. Quickly plunged into the system and glanced quickly.

I even went up to two stars to reach star level four. Normally how long it takes for a first-time awakening person to rise to Star 4 Wang Lan does not know, because it is only here that he has a clear division of the ten levels.

But Wang Lan knows that most of the seniors in Xingwu Campus are still in Star State, and only the first third of them can reach the strength of Xing Yao State before graduating from High School.

However, I have risen to Star 4 in just one day. If I have a few more experiences like this, can I catch up with my classmates before the school starts?

Thinking about this, Wang Lan was a little scared. Well, the genius is so scared that he is afraid. Even at this moment, Wang Lan thought of a sentence, this son is too evil, and can’t stay!

I shivered.

Sui suddenly felt that a pair of eyes seemed to be staring at herself, raised her head and looked up, Zeng Xiaomo was curiously looking at herself.

“Ms. Zeng … I … Is there anything wrong?”

“Did you break through just now?” Zeng Xiaomo’s eyes were like pearls staring at Wang Lan’s eyes. “You have absorbed three soul beads, and you broke through from the early days of the stars to the middle of the stars?”

“No … not in the medium term?” Wang Lan quickly denied and did not lie. Isn’t it five in the middle, and it’s bad by one grade, I didn’t lie.

“What are you afraid of?” Zeng Xiaomo snorted coldly. “You didn’t see you when you were alone against the nine Demon fighters. Now you know that?”

“Isn’t it a concern at that time?” Wang Lan pointed to the corpse of the demon on the ground. “These are the warriors of the demons? They are the things that invaded us? They are really strong.”

“They are the lowest-level biochemical soldiers, and they are not really Demon Warriors. They are cannon fodder that can be mass-produced, just like the firearms we make. Real Demon Warriors … No Star Yao Realm is a match Dead. So your luck is good. “

“Also, it is a miracle to survive.” Wang Lan did not want to say more, and hurried back to the bus.

The children’s crying has stopped. Song Jia hugs her arm tightly to look up and down, but finds that there should be nothing in the place where there should be eyes, and her face is still dumb.

“Jia Jia, my brother’s awakened astrological talent is immortal, right?”

“Really?” Song Jia was still young, and was very deceived. Although usually smart, but when faced with the truth, what others say and believe.

“That’s it!” Wang Lan touched Song Jia’s head. “I didn’t expect you to like me so much. You cried when I was about to be killed.”

“No, I brought you out, and I have to take you back. If I lose you, my mother will kill me. Hate, don’t make fun of me in the future, otherwise … I bit you. “

“Let’s do it. Jiajia …”


“What are you doing?”

看看 “Look if the undead body is real?”


“Don’t be embarrassed, it will hurt.”

Wang Lan always looked behind the bus, Qin Weimin was telling Zeng Xiaomo what happened this time.

Suddenly, stars appeared in the distance. They were running very fast, apparently there were only twenty or so people, but it gave people a momentum of rushing.

And each one was wearing a mask, and his body was covered with green blood spots.

“Are they all resolved?”

“Solved, seven or eight survivors were found in the canyon opposite the dense forest. They had good luck and escaped in a burrow,” said a man to Zeng Xiaomo.

Soon after, seven or eight students’ parents were brought by some people from Tianjian Bureau in the distance.



In the bus, several children cried excitedly. But at this moment, Wang Lan’s eyes suddenly sank, and he quickly got up and jumped off the bus.

“Brother …”

“Rest assured, I’ll come back when I go.”

Wang Lan jumped out of the car and strode to Qin Weimin’s side.

“Wang Lan, what’s wrong?” Qin Weimin asked nervously when Wang Lan looked dignified.

“These people may have problems. Do you remember Teacher Qiu?”

Xi Qin Weimin’s face changed. He came to Zeng Xiaomo and whispered to the man and whispered. The two nodded and walked towards the eight parents who came.

“You pull up the curtains on the bus and don’t let the children see them. They are hit too hard, and I’m afraid they will cause psychological harm.” Qin Weimin ordered quickly.

Wang Wang Lan saw a few people from Zeng Xiaomo taking those seven or eight parents to a more remote place. Just a few seconds later, a fierce battle came. But after a while, the two walked back seriously.

“The purpose of the Demon Clan is to insert spies into the human race.”

In a word, it is very heavy. Anyone can think that the Demon has begun action. A new war may have begun, but no one has said the word war.

“Kids are all right?”

“Twenty-five children are very good. Fifty people per car, eighteen parents were killed. Five parents have been injured and have never left the bus. Only adults and Wang Lan are fine.”

“This blood debt will be recovered from the Mozu sooner or later. Member Qin, let’s go. Can the bus still drive?”


“Everyone holds a child, we withdraw!”

Song Jia was of course backed on Wang Lan’s back, and Wang Lan followed the soldiers of the Tianjian Bureau. The space has been distorted and may collapse at any time, and they must escape before it collapses.

The children cried and asked for their mothers and fathers. At a young age, they didn’t think or dare to think about them. They may never return.

Wang Lan was very sorry for these children, but could not do anything about it. This is war, and it would be more casual to talk about a peace dog than a troubled world.

In the response of the Tianjian Bureau, Wang Lan and others successfully escaped the space and returned to the ring road national road again, with seven or eight military vehicles parked on the side of the national road. The pedestrian got on the car and the car started to return quickly.

At this moment, Wang Lan’s heart slowly calmed down.

Awakened the talent of Star Warrior yesterday. Today I encountered such a stimulating thing. Although the world of Star Warrior is never short of thrill and death, the thrill and death came too fast.

Walking in the car, Jiajia fell asleep in Wang Lan’s arms. Wang Lan looked at the fast-reversing reflection outside the window and closed her eyes slowly to relax.

The brakes awakened Wang Lan from the confusion, “Where is this?”

“Military hospitals, everyone goes to arrange inspections and treatments. The demons’ means are not just killing people. They have many conspiracy and weird ways we can’t imagine.” Zeng Xiaomo said lightly.

It took more than an hour for a blood draw, color Doppler ultrasound, CT, x-ray to wait. Wang Lan was arranged to be questioned by the Tianjian Bureau in an independent ward. Although Qin Weimin had outlined the process once, Wang Lan spoke again. It was not until 4:30 in the afternoon that he was told to leave. “

“I’m hungry!” Song Jia said abruptly while covering his stomach on the way back.

“I have eaten breakfast in the morning and I haven’t eaten anything yet. I am also hungry. Let’s say, what to eat?”

“Song Jia points to the barbecue restaurant in front of her.”

“it is good!”

“I want two steaks.”

“No, ten are coming!”

After eating a meal, I ate 1,000 yuan. In addition to asking for ten steaks, UU reads www.uukanshu.com. But such crazy eating did not scare the trained waiters.

The star warrior can eat a cow in one meal, so customers like Wang Lan are used to receiving. Because of the existence of Star Warriors, the restaurant industry in this world has always been the most profitable industry.

Even if you open a noodle restaurant, as long as it is not the boss’s strategic mistakes, you will definitely make money.

Xi sent Song Jia home. Wang Lan was originally going back, but Song Jia was afraid, and Wang Lan promised to stay with her. After the two had bathed, playing games against the TV in their pajamas, it was dark before they knew it.

“Why didn’t Mom Feng come back to cook?”

“You forgot that you were going to Tianmu Lake for two days. No one in your family should go home and return home tomorrow afternoon. Why? Are you hungry again?”

“Today’s steak is so delicious. For the first time, I think steak is so delicious.”

“You, you should be hungry, not hungry can not cure the problem of picky eaters. Those who have not been hungry will not understand how happy it is to fill your stomach.”

“It’s like you’re hungry …” Song Jia has been resurrected with blood, and not only began to talk back, but also sent poached eggs.

“I’m so hungry!” Wang Lan smiled slightly. When he went out to work in the previous life, the money taken out was stolen, and only 200 yuan remained. He simply lived on the 200 yuan for a month and was hungry. The wages will not end until the first month.

The phone suddenly vibrated. Wang Lan stood up and connected the phone. “Hey aunt, have you returned?”

“Where are you? I’m looking for you everywhere in the hospital!”

“I’m not in the hospital, I’m home.”

“Wait at home, don’t run around.” After that, my aunt hung up.

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