I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 706

  “The donor’s ability to transcend hatred is really admirable.”

   In the void of the universe, Ananda Bodhisattva looked at Fu Tianshu with a little complicated: “However, the donor’s

    desire for power is really strong.” Fu Tianshu looked calm and did not respond.

    Ananda Bodhisattva asked, “So, the target of the donor is not the Ao donor of Chang’an City, but the Chu donor?”

    Du Yuheng was killed by Ao Kong earlier.

    And at the current realm of cultivation, “Chu Yaoguang” is even above Ao Kong.

    But Fu Tianshu obviously didn’t plan to find Ao Kong first.

    His goal is “Chu Yaoguang”.

    “Yes, we and them should have a break.” Fu Tianshu said.

    Ananda Bodhisattva nodded: “Then please come with the poor monk.” The

    two went to the universe of the Great Song Dynasty.

    At the same time, Zhang Chengzhu in the Daming Palace of Chang’an City was looking at him with a bit of speechlessness in his heart at this moment.

    In the hall, there is one more person and one thing.

    Huo Yiming was a little uneasy, and clasped a fist to Zhang Dongyun: “My nephew doesn’t know what he sent back. He just said that he would give it to…er, give it to Aunt Eight.” The

    young man felt like fifteen buckets at the moment . The water is up and down.

    He did not expect that Lei Han, who had left Chang’an City before, suddenly returned something.

    After getting permission from Zhang Dongyun, Huo Yiming acted as a messenger and took things back. All the way, he felt that he was holding a hot active volcano, for fear that this was Lei Han and wanted to make trouble for Chang’an City.

    He tried to unlock Lei Han’s seal countless times along the way, but in the end he didn’t take it apart.

    Now that things were brought back honestly, Huo Yiming didn’t know if he had acted as an accomplice to his father.

    He stood in front of Zhang Dongyun, like a prisoner waiting for trial.

    Zhang Dongyun looked at Huo Yiming who was nervous, and couldn’t laugh or cry in his heart.

    He said nothing on his face: “What are you worried about?”

    Huo Yiming was startled: “Uncle, I…I… ” Zhang Dongyun

    smiled and said, “It is because he really hides evil intentions, and how much trouble can he cause in Chang’an? “

    Huo Yiming sighed: “It is naturally impossible…”

    “So you are actually worried about him. ” Zhang Dongyun said calmly : “Worry that he will not cherish the opportunity I give him, worry that he will anger me, worry that I will no longer

    Be merciful .” Huo Yiming lowered his head and whispered after a long while: “I’m sorry, uncle…”

    “You didn’t do anything wrong .” Zhang Dongyun

    waved his hand: “If you must say something wrong, you are underestimating him. Even if he doesn’t cherish the opportunity I gave him and wants to fight against Chang’an, he won’t be so stupid.”

    Huo Yiming said with emotion, “I hope he can understand your painstaking efforts.” Zhang Dongyun

    shook his head again:

    “The painstaking and language can’t touch him. , The only thing that can impress him is the iron-

    clad facts and truth.” Huo Yiming tightened his lips, and then replied: “Yes .” Zhang Dongyun

    did not open the package, but pointed to the package: “Since it is for your eighth aunt , Just send it over, and you will

    practice with her too.” Huo Yiming promised, took the things and quit.

    Seeing his leaving back, Zhang Dongyun shook his head slightly.

    Not to be used in Daming Palace, as soon as Huo Yiming entered the area of ​​Invincible City, he already knew what Lei Han had sent back.

    On the other hand, according to Lei Han’s personality, Zhang Dongyun would ask Huo Yiming to send it directly to Zong Tianxuan even if he didn’t know what the thing was.

    To be precise, that is actually not something for Zong Tianxuan.

    It was another gift from Lei Han to Chu Yaoguang.

    It’s just dumbfounding to say that he can make this second gift because he has also fought against Yu Tianquan and Zong Tianxuan, and has a better understanding of the martial arts inheritance of the Beidou line.

    Chu Yaoguang is no longer there.

    There are so many signs that she was not a betrayer.

    Then, Lei Han decided to do it for her, but he had not fulfilled his dying wish.

    If it could be done by Zong Tianxuan, perhaps it would be more in line with Chu Yaoguang’s intentions?

    Of course, according to Zhang Dongyun’s calculation, this requires Zong Tianxuan to also reach the sixteenth stage.

    However, Lei Han just sent the things back, and didn’t predict when Zong Tianxuan would do it. He was not in a hurry.

    But there are some things that correspond to the old saying: the

    plan can’t keep up with the change.

    Zhang Dongyun had just ordered Huo Yiming to send things to Zong Tianxuan. Before Huo Yiming even left the main entrance of the Daming Palace, Zong Tianxuan suddenly changed.


    Zhang Dongyun’s heart moved, and a scene of light and shadow appeared in front of him.

    The light and shadow picture originated from the mark on Zong Tianxuan’s forehead, and I saw the singing of the Buddha’s light in the sky, turning into a curtain of light in all directions.

    It’s like a pure land of Buddha country, coming out of thin air.

    Zong Tianxuan, who was suppressing a world under the rule of the Great Song Dynasty, immediately realized that this was at least a Buddhism Bodhisattva.

    After seeing the young monk, Zong Tianxuan recognized him as Ananda Bodhisattva.

    However, the Great Bodhisattva Ananda was not the one who attracted Zong Tianxuan’s attention the most at the moment.

    What made her even more concerned was an extremely familiar opponent.

    Fu Tianshu.

    “No matter who you are, we should take it as a break today.”

    Fu Tianshu didn’t say much. With a wave of the halberd in his hand, countless starlight torrents turned into a storm of destruction. They surrounded Zong Tianxuan in all directions, regardless of order.

    Zong Tianxuan’s face was as sinking as water, and he didn’t make any reservations. The swords and swords were all out immediately to face this old enemy.

    Her cultivation strength is not comparable to Li Guqun.

    But Fu Tianshu is also far better than the Song Taiwei Wei Wan.

    Zong Tianxuan is now facing the same problem as Li Guqun.

    The fifteenth realm is against the sixteenth realm, and the opponent realm is pressing.

    The ancient emperor of martial arts in the sixteenth realm, comprehending the magic of time, this moment was brought to the fullest by Fu Tianshu.

    Even if Zong Tianxuan had Qi Yaohua Ling, he was still undermined by his opponent.

    It was just a few tricks that made her realize that the former big brother, although he is recovering recently, is still an amazing martial artist, which is still better than when he first entered the sixteenth stage.

    His three walls are moving together, and they have gradually turned into a unity of three walls.

    Xingluo Mieshiji was more domineering, fiercer, and more subtle than before.

    Zong Tianxuan dealt with it a few times, and soon felt that his blood was shaken to float.

    Under normal circumstances, facing Fu Tianshu at the first level, she didn’t have to fight the opponent to the end.

    There is a gap between the current strength of the two sides, but if Zong Tianxuan wants to leave, Fu Tianshu is not sure enough to keep her.

    But now Ananda Bodhisattva took action, manifesting the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom and surrounding the Quartet, immediately blocking the way of Zong Tianxuan.

    Zong Tianxuan wanted to break out from here, not without hope.

    But if she was blocked and suppressed by the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom, she would probably be split in half by Fu Tianshu’s Xingluo Shijiji in the next instant.

    So right now, Zong Tianxuan could only deal with Fu Tianshu first, and secretly search for the weakness of Ananda Bodhisattva’s Pure Land.

    It’s a pity that the Pure Land was perfect, and Zong Tianxuan had no gain for a while.

    Ananda Bodhisattva did not relax at the moment.

    While he was wary of other masters from Chang’an City coming to support him, he watched whether Shenzong Tianxuan would suddenly reveal Manjushri’s relic.

    Manjushri relics will suppress many Buddhism and Bodhisattvas.

    But a great Bodhisattva like Ananda prepared early, if Zong Tianxuan showed the Manjusri relic, then Ananda would take the opportunity to collect it.

    Zong Tianxuan was in a bad situation, but did not ask Zhang Dongyun for help.

    On the one hand, she believes that her elder brother has his own arrangements.

    On the other hand, she saw Ananda Bodhisattva and Fu Tianshu appearing on the ground of the Great Song Dynasty. She considered that Buddhism and the Great Song Dynasty might have been united.

    Song Emperor, Kui Niu Tai Ting, Xuan Qing Dao Zu, these are at least three top powerhouses in the seventeenth realm.

    Chang’an City has to deal with the pressure, I am afraid it is not small, other people may not be able to distract her.

    She needs to rely more on herself.

    As for the Manjusri relics that Ananda Bodhisattva is worried about, she does not have them.

    But before going out this time, my eldest brother gave her something, which might come in handy.

    There is only one opportunity, and she needs to grasp it carefully.

    “It’s good to go around the lotus pond.”

    At this moment, Zhang Dongyun’s voice suddenly rang in Zong Tianxuan’s ears.

    When Zong Tianxuan heard the words, he moved in his heart and immediately followed Zhang Dongyun’s instructions.

    Seeing this, Fu Tianshu frowned slightly.

    He kept making moves, and kept chasing Zong Tianxuan.

    Of course Zong Tianxuan couldn’t ask him, so he could only dodging and moving.

    But the golden lotus in the square lotus pond in the center of Ananda Pure Land began to wither at this time.

    Ananda Bodhisattva watched this scene, but did not refill the golden lotus.

    As the lotus in the pond kept declining, the pure land seemed to become less stable than before.

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