I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 697

 Wei Wan, the Crown Prince of the Great Song Dynasty, saw the palm of his hand and his expression changed slightly.

    He fell like a water knife, and was swallowed by Qing Yun, which was held up in the palm of his palm.

    The light of the knife was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it was no longer seen.

    On the side, Zhen Zi Xiao, the head teacher of Ziyun Palace who was originally helping Wei Wan press the line, also got a little shocked.

    He was to prevent Wei Wan from having reinforcements from Chang’an masters.

    But when the enemy arrived, not only Wei Wan hadn’t noticed it before, he also didn’t notice it in advance.

    It wasn’t until the palm of his hand appeared that Real Zi Xiao’s heart was slightly touched.

    When the palm of his hand held up Qingyun like a lotus flower, and felt the true meaning of Taoism in it, the real person Zi Xiao was even more shocked.

    The person who appeared with Qingyun was a young Taoist wearing a Taoist crown and a purple Taoist robe.

    Wei Wan and Zi Xiaozheng had the same idea in their hearts:

    “Taishanghuaren” Li Shulou.

    “Thank Li Zhenren.” Li Guqun finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

    Choosing to join Chang’an City at the beginning was indeed the right choice.

    At the critical moment, Chang’an City did not abandon him and Feng Yangshan.

    Changan really intervened, and he was able to intervene.

    Although the void circle was obscured by the real person Zi Xiao, the real person of Yueyang Li Shulou arrived in time.

    Although like Li Guqun, the current cultivation level is still at the fifteenth level, as soon as the Ziyi Taoist Yuan Shiqingyun came out, he steadily stopped the ancient emperor Wei Wan at the sixteenth level.

    Wei Wan took a deep breath.

    As if a big river is rushing, countless waves splashing, Vientiane is renewed.

    To Li Guqun, he used his power to overwhelm others and break the odds with righteousness.

    But for Shangyu Qing Taoists, Wei Wan changed his strategy immediately.

    The graceful sword is circulating endlessly, trying to surround Yuqing Taoist and Li Guqun again.

    Wei Wan was waiting for real Zi Xiao to come to help.

    But Zi Xiao’s real action was half a beat slow.

    This Taoist Tianzun of the sixteenth realm was slightly in a daze, looking at Yuan Shi Qingyun in the hands of the Taoist Yuqing.

    For him, a fellow Taoist, just by witnessing the mystery of Yuanshi Qingyun, he can feel the infinite beauty from it.

    However, he quickly recovered.

    Because the Taoist Yuqing held Yuan Shiqingyun unfolding, he clearly condensed all the light of Wei Wan’s sword in the void of the universe.

    The light of the sword, like the passage of time, seemed to stagnate at this moment.

    But the Taoist Yuqing himself raised his hand to pinch the Fa Jue, and pointed at Wei Wan.

    Suddenly, the three colors of purple, xuan, and yellow were shining and turned into a jade ruyi, which was knocked down by Wei Wan.

    Upon seeing this, Wei Wan kept drawing and waving his knife.

    The vast blade of light is connected into one piece, seemingly everywhere.

    But before he waved his sword to block Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi, Yuan Shi Qingyun, who was under the control of Taoist Yuqing, expanded again, sealing all his swords.

    Wei Wan was caught off guard for a while, facing the Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi who was already close at hand, he could only evade and retreat quickly.

    After all, he is the ancient emperor of the sixteenth realm. He has a deep grasp of the mystery of space, and even more comprehend the mystery of time.

    Under this flash, it was almost teleported, and it seemed that it had nothing to do with speed and distance.

    Taoist Yuqing’s Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi fell, and he was also empty.

    But Sanse Ruyi turned around in the air, and immediately hit Wei Wan again.

    This time, Master Zi Xiao recovered in time, squeezing the technique with one hand, and lightly tapping the other hand towards Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi.

    So there was a purple auspicious cloud rising in the air, supporting the falling Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi.

    Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi was shocked, and the purple auspicious clouds suddenly seemed to be broken up.

    But with the real change of Zi Xiao’s fingering technique, that purple auspicious cloud unexpectedly recondensed, more like a cloud on the heaven.

    Under the power of the power of Taoism in the sixteenth realm, it manifests a heavenly palace like a creation out of thin air.

    Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi was trapped in the palace for a while.

    Ruyi flew up and down, and the palace suddenly collapsed.

    However, this Yunshang Tiangong kept expanding outward, and soon turned into a huge group of palaces that seemed to have no boundaries.

    Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi was temporarily trapped in the palace group. Although he rushed from left to right and continued to destroy, he could not get out for the time being.

    “Zixiao Tianzun in Ziyun Palace, I have heard of Dao brother’s name for a long time.” Taoist Yuqing looked as usual, but instead hit the Taoist chief of Zhen Zi Xiao.

    He was courteous, but Zi Xiao could not feel the slightest complacency in his heart: “The posterity is terrible, and he has lived in a poor way for many years. He is not as talented as a Taoist friend, and is amazing.”


    Dao is polite.” At the same time, Taoist Yuqing said, The open palms clenched again.

    So the Qingyun, which was constantly blooming and expanding like a lotus, suddenly collapsed toward the center, leaving only a bit mysterious and unpredictable in a flash.

    This point immediately appeared in the Yunshang Tiangong transformed by True Man Zi Xiao’s mana.

    One thing that is difficult to describe in terms of size or weight, only the moment it appears, makes the entire palace group tremble.

    Covering a large area of ​​the cosmic void, the palace complex, which is even larger than the worlds of the Yun National Boundary and the Purple Desert Realm, quickly collapsed from within and turned into dust.

    True person Zi Xiao has always been vigilant, and at this moment, he flashed a whisk in time and swept it in mid-air.

    With the help of the magic weapon, he finally restrained the collapse of the palace group temporarily and didn’t fight back against him, the spellcaster.

    Then the real Zi Xiao was too busy to escape, and finally avoided the Yuqing Taoist Yuan Shi Qingyun’s continued pursuit.

    Taoist Yuqing did not blindly chase after him, but with Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi in time to block the sword of the Song Taiwei Wei Wan.

    Wei Wan was blocked by Xuan Huang Zi Ruyi with a knife, and he suddenly cried out that it was a pity that he knew that he had missed the opportunity.

    Sure enough, in the next instant, Yuan Shi Qingyun collapsed to that point, and flew in front of him again.

    Wei Wan could only evade in a hurry.

    Li Guqun looked aside and was amazed in his heart.

    “Tai Shanghua” Li Shulou is really terrifying, and with his own power, he can actually reach the 16th-level masters of the enemy Wei Wan and Zi Xiao at the same time.

    Although Yuan Shi Qingyun’s credit is part of this, the strength of the Taoist Yuqing cannot be underestimated, and it is even higher than that of Li Guqun.

    The Taoist Yuqing is like this, and the Lord of Chang’an is even more unimaginable.

    Real people Wei Wan and Zi Xiao share the same view, but they have no alternative.

    If you say that you lose to the other side, it won’t be enough.

    But a martial arts ancient emperor and a Taoist Tianzun, the two of them joined forces, but there was no way to take this opponent in the fifteenth stage.

    Regardless of other things, it’s just that your own morale plummeted.

    Facing the powerful enemy of Chang’an City, after Li Guqun and others betrayed, the hearts of the Song Dynasty will be shaken and challenged once again.

    For Wei Wan, he even had to worry that the real Zi Xiao on the side had two thoughts about this.

    To beat the Yuqing Taoist in front of him, does Song Emperor Zhao Kuangming have to do it himself?

    So if the Lord of Chang’an is provoked, how should the Great Song Dynasty deal with it?

    When Wei Wan was worried, a little cold light suddenly flashed in the distance.

    The icy and stern gunman traversed the vast void in an instant and arrived in front of Taoist Yuqing.

    Upon seeing this, Daoist Yuqing unfolded Yuan Shi Qingyun and blocked this extremely fierce blow from the opponent.

    Wei Wan and Zhenren Zi Xiao immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

    “The general is out? Fortunately, you arrived in time.” True person Zi Xiao thanked those who came.

    Wei Wan looked at the middle-aged man who arrived, but did not speak.

    The man is of medium build, not as tall and burly as Wei Wan.

    He was dressed in civilian clothes, and he was also not dressed in heavy armor like Wei Wan.

    But in that seemingly thin body, there is an extremely amazing power, the vitality and blood, as if surpassing the sun stars.

    The visitor was another martial arts powerhouse in the sixteenth realm, General Tian Gong, who was also called the Double Pillar Stone of the Great Song Dynasty with Wei Wan.

    In his early years, he opened up the frontiers and expanded the land for the Great Song Dynasty, and made great contributions. In the last one or two hundred years, he has only been disarmed and recuperated, and he has been in retreat all year round.

    Now, the Great Song Dynasty is facing a huge test again, and this ancient emperor who has been in retreat is going out to verify that the storm is coming.

    Wei Wan’s relationship with Tian Gong has always been at odds, but at this time, he has the help of the other party, asking him to remain silent for a while.

    Because the Taoist Yuqing in front of him was a formidable enemy he couldn’t face alone.

    “You don’t have to be polite, and it’s the same for Song and His Majesty.”

    Tian Gong’s appearance and temperament are ordinary, and his speech and tone are also modest and low-key.

    But he stabbed out with a single shot, shocking the sky and violent.

    With a single shot, it seemed to penetrate this universe.

    Taoist Yuqing gathered Yuan Shi Qingyun into one point and confronted the opponent’s gun front.

    Tian Gong’s gun is the strongest point, and it was invincible in the past.

    But this time, it was blocked by that mysterious bit tit-for-tat.

    Tian Gong shook both hands of the gun and began to vibrate slightly, and the tip of the gun shook.

    As if there was a boundless force coming, he could shake his hands from the barrel of the gun at any time.

    However, this taciturn famous general of the Song Dynasty, with a firm expression, firmly supported not letting go, and confronted Yuqing Taoist Yuan Shi Qingyun.

    Although only reluctantly persisted for a while, it was finally temporarily restraining Yuan Shi Qingyun.

    Wei Wan had disputes with Tian Gongduo on weekdays, but both were top powerhouses and would never miss a fighter opportunity.

    The two seem to have a tacit understanding, and have cooperated many times.

    While Tian Gong restrained Yuqing Taoist Yuan Shiqingyun at the same time, Wei Wan shot the sword for the first time, and the light surrounded Yuqing Taoist.

    Real Zi Xiao also changed his hands at the same time.

    The purple auspicious cloud appeared again, and thunder sounded from it.

    The purple and golden thunder lights gathered and surrounded the Taoist Yuqing from all directions.

    Then countless lightning rays spread all over the universe, all centered on Taoist Yuqing, bombarding him.

    For a time, three strong people from all walks of life in the sixteenth realm joined forces, and their prestige seemed to destroy the world, and at the same time concentrated on one opponent.

    Li Guqun saw him on the sidelines and felt shocked in his heart.

    No matter it was before or just now, no matter how he opposed the Great Song Dynasty, the other party had never used such a terrifying battle.

    Now, he is just being affected by the sidelines, and he has a sense of life and death that is unpredictable.

    However, Li Guqun still gritted his teeth, trying to stop Wei Wan and help the Taoist Yuqing share the pressure.

    However, before he started, there was a sudden sound of piano in the vast void.

    Li Guqun was startled, and saw that Taoist Yuqing had an extra guqin at some time.

    The sound of the piano sounded, and there were clouds and mist covering all directions.

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