I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 .Where is my brother going?

“Not doubt, but affirmation.”

Zhang Dongyun carried both hands and looked into the distance.

In the secret pavilion, Gu Hechuan, the traitor to Qingyun Guan, followed the old blood shadow demon and others from Chang’an to the Sirius Secret Grotto, so I won’t mention it for now.

But the people of Jingyuelou and Qingfu Palace took the opportunity to attack Wangzheng and intervened in the secret cave. The timing was too coincidental.

Among them, the intelligence source of Qingfu Palace came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty royal family.

The royal family and its closely related secret pavilion are also suspected.

Yang Li probably hid in one of these four houses, secretly observing the movement of the Sirius Secret Cave, trying to find out the identity and whereabouts of the others in the Twelve Yamas after their reincarnations.

“There are still few clues right now, the younger sister just talk about it, and the older brother just listen.”

Shen Herong groaned and said:

“The younger sister has basically seen people who forget the truth, and it can probably be ruled out. Yang Li should not be there.

According to the words of the Eastern Tang royal family, the Tang Wang himself, as far as I know it, has not changed significantly in its behavior compared with thirty years ago.

Although it is impossible to rule out the possibility that Yang Li won the house, the chance is not great.

The children other than the eldest son and second son of the current Tang prince were born in the past 30 years, and Yang Li may have been reincarnated among them.

However, he may also be hiding in the palace himself. If this is the case, the Tang king himself should know, and even the Tang king took him in. ”

Shen Herong’s tone didn’t contain any emotions: “The owner of the dark pavilion of the Eastern Tang Dynasty has always been mysterious. Apart from the Tang King, I am afraid that no one knows all the details. It may also be the incarnation of Yang Li.

Zhang Dongyun did not interrupt and listened quietly to the other party’s speech.

“Jingyuelou eighteen years ago, the position of the original poster changed. Today, the original poster is working hard, and under his leadership, Jingyuelou’s influence has expanded.

The outside world tried to learn more about it, but only the orphans adopted by the original poster were found. The clues are now broken, and it also reveals a bit of mystery. ”

The girl’s expression reveals a calmness that does not fit her age:

“As for Qingfu Palace, there has been no such newcomer in the past 30 years.

However, one of them has an elder who suddenly retreats more than 20 years ago, and it still makes people care a little bit today. ”

Zhang Dongyun nodded secretly when he heard the words.

According to the memory of the evil emperor, the twelve sisters often listened more and talked less when getting along with people.

She attaches great importance to the acquisition and analysis of intelligence information.

She has her own opinions on many things, but generally does not speak.

Only when the evil emperor and a few people asked questions, she would show her heart.

This habit seems to have been retained to this day and has been very effective.

Although she looked like a little loli about ten years old, her true cultivation strength was not like that.

“What’s the conclusion?” Zhang Dongyun looked as usual.

“There are still few clues at the moment, and it is difficult to have a conclusive conclusion.”

Shen Herong said: “Although the owner of Jingyuelou has a mysterious background, he acts high-profile and bold, unlike Yang Li’s style, and easily attracts attention, which is not conducive to hiding identity secrets.

But do you know that this is not what he deliberately did the opposite? Before there were more conclusive clues, the younger sister did not dare to make false conclusions. ”

“My intuition is not Jingyue Tower.” Zhang Dongyun slowly said.

The girl beside her smiled slightly and did not respond.

Zhang Dongyun did not expect the other party to respond.

According to the memory of the evil emperor, the fake loli next to him never believed in things like intuition.

However, he and Shen Herong are a little more sure.

If the Heavenly Wolf Demon Soul in the secret cave was indeed deliberately left by Yang Li as bait, then he was most likely in Dongtang.

The few passers-by who appeared in the secret cave that day must be the most suspicious.

“The Sirius Demon Soul was eventually brought back here by your eldest brother, Yang Li knew it, and definitely doubted it.”

Shen Herong finally said: “However, unless he, like the younger sister, was there to witness the demon soul of the Sirius being sealed, he would not be suspicious of you, brother.”

She chuckled softly: “The people present at the time are all left in this Chang’an city.”

In other words, Yang Li may be suspicious of Chang’an right now, but he is not sure who is in charge of Chang’an City… Zhang Dongyun thought.

Even, it may not be certain that Changan had just headed for him, Yang Li.

Wangzhen Temple had conflicts with Chang’an earlier, and Changan sent people to Wangzhen Temple to retaliate, which was reasonable.

Of course, according to the memory of the evil emperor in the past, “Sirius” Yang Li was like a wolf, suspicious by nature, and he would think about all the possibilities.

The key is, suspicious, what will he do next?

Is it to carefully retract all paws, hold the soldier still, and watch the change?

Or should we send someone to Chang’an to try again to find out if a brother and sister who was righteous in the past is in charge?

Zhang Dongyun naturally hopes to be the latter.

He also wanted to use this to figure out where the good ten brothers of the evil emperor were hiding now.

“I’ll get him out.” Zhang Dongyun said calmly: “Damn, I can’t live.”

He looked down at the girl next to him: “You can rest in the city with peace of mind.”

Shen Herong asked, “Is the Taoism practiced by the little girl from the Chen family the “Shangqing Shenxiao Baolu” collected by the older brother?”

“Not bad.” Zhang Dongyun heard the song and knew Yayi: “You also want to learn?”

Shen He Rong nodded: “Fu Lu, the little girl is very interested.”

Zhang Dongyun raised his hand and pointed, and a large number of Taoist texts and Fulu text entered the other’s mind.

Shen Herong didn’t mind this action at all, and said with a smile: “Just like this, the little girl has learned Taoism with the little girl from the Chen family and the older brother.”

“It is usually dark clouds dealing with you on weekdays.” Zhang Dongyun said.

Shen Herong nodded: “That is indeed a powerful helper.”

She did not ask Mr. Wu Yun’s origin, but instead asked Zhang Dongyun:

“The eldest brother will change the younger sister’s appearance first. The younger sister will go to meet the students. She hasn’t been on the stage for many years, and she still feels a little confused.”

“I can’t wait, right?” Zhang Dongyun smiled faintly.

The brilliance fell on Shen Herong, and she transformed into a handsome young man.

The “youth” in front of him said to Zhang Dongyun, “Thank you.”

Then, he jumped down from the Daming Palace and flew towards the city of Chang’an.

Practitioners from all walks of life are basically in the fifth realm, mastering the ability to fly freely for a short time, such as martial arts flying generals and Taoist golden pills.

Confucian practitioners are no exception. When they cultivate to the fifth state, the state of boldness, natural talent can be transformed into a breeze, holding up the flesh, and walking against the wind.

As long as Zhang Dongyun agrees, Shen Herong will get things done in the city, and he will be familiar with the road.

Soon, everyone knew that there was a teacher in the city, Mr. He.

At the same time, Mr. Wuyun pretended to be a black face, and government orders were issued throughout the city.

Regardless of men, women, young or old, all residents in Chang’an have to go to school.

This news, to many people, is miserable.

But in order to live in this paradise, everyone can only accept it slowly.

However, the first batch of students reported that Mr. He’s lectures were easy to understand and not difficult.

This makes people who can hide and hide gradually loosened their minds.

So more and more people try.

And Mr. Wu Yun issued a decree to commend the reuse of scholars, gradually erecting the dragon gate, attracting more and more carps to jump over.

In the Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun brushed the system, watching the illiteracy rate in the city gradually decrease.

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