I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 . First Experience

Old Blood Shadow wanted to ask for mercy, but the next moment he found that he couldn’t make any sound.

In the silence, the burn on his body became more painful, and he had to gritted his teeth and persisted.

Throwing the blood shadow aside, Zhang Dongyun’s previously tense heartstring finally relaxed.

Fortunately, there is this invincible city system.

But having said that, although the core fragments of Xianji are integrated, the game I made has not been fully developed yet, so I passed it on.

As the game is a semi-finished product, will there be any omissions in the Invincible City system?

Will it be impossible to expand the scope?

Well, in any case, the lord of a city said that he can live a very chic life.

Going out of the city is dangerous, so can he not go out of the city?

Give him a mobile phone and internet, and Chengzhu Zhang is confident that he can live in the wild.

Fun games, good movies, interesting novels…

Uh, there seems to be no such things in this world.

More importantly, there are no happy sand sculpture netizens…

Zhang Dongyun, who was relieved, began to think about it and became optimistic.

He made some attempts first and confirmed with his own memory, most of which were in line with the settings made by Bluestar in his previous life when developing games.

For example, if you can’t bring it back to life, like the evil emperor Mingtonghui, you can’t bring it back to life, but if you are injured, you can be treated.

In addition to the task of system construction, you can’t create things out of thin air, but you can use light and shadow to image the real.

I can instantly move any distance and anywhere in the city, move to any position, completely as I want, accurate, but cannot teleport to a place outside the city, nor can he teleport back from a place outside the city…

There are many similar situations.

However, there are also differences from the original game settings.

For example, Zhang Dongyun originally set the invincible city in the game. The city lord can leave a seal in the city. If the city lord leaves the city, the seal will not weaken.

But in this real invincible city in this world, Lord Zhang Da left the seal and went out, the seal in the city would gradually weaken.

Conversely, in the original game setting, it was difficult for the city lord to attack targets outside the city. After the attack went beyond the city wall, it would dissipate on its own.

And at the moment in this real invincible city, the lord of the city attacks targets outside the city, beyond the range of the city wall, the power will quickly diminish and weaken, but it will not dissipate immediately.

How far it can go beyond the city wall, and the detailed relationship between time, distance, and power dissipation, require several more trials.

While testing the function of Invincible City, Zhang Dongyun looked around.

The city is bare and there is not even a building.

Well, I remember that there was a task system designed at the beginning, which was divided into two aspects: construction tasks and guard tasks.

Completion of tasks will be rewarded with construction experience points and guardian experience points respectively. If both of them reach a certain standard, the scope of Invincible City can be expanded.

Zhang Dongyun called up the task panel through the system in his mind.

[Random Guardian Mission 1.1-Kill or capture the blood shadow old demon entering the city]

[The city lord captures the blood shadow old demon who entered the city, completes random guard mission 1.1, and obtains 500 points of upgrade experience]

[Preliminary Construction Task 1.1—Initialization of Urban Area and Streets]

In order to prevent players from taking advantage of the loopholes, Zhang Dongyun made it clear that the same invading target cannot repeat the task when designing the task.

At the same time, multiple enemies are also set to enter the city together. The task objective is to select only one person with the highest cultivation level. Only when there is more than one person with the highest cultivation level, the calculation is superimposed.

Now that the system is for his own use, Zhang Dongyun has only one feeling in his heart…

Regret is very regretful!

If he could get a monster to repeat the task, Zhang City Lord would now immediately brush Old Blood Shadow Demon a hundred to eighty times.

The construction tasks are even more demanding. New tasks will only be released until the tasks are completed and reach a certain standard.

It is impossible to engage in a bunch of tofu dregs projects with one brain, or to cheat the experience points by constructing a fake product.

Realizing this, City Lord Zhang regretted again, especially regret…

However, the first few construction tasks at the moment can be regarded as novice benefits and the requirements are not high.

The first construction task to initialize the streets and urban areas, in theory, of course, the more reasonable the better.

But if people who haven’t done municipal planning, it’s not impossible to get upset on their own.

Zhang Dongyun adopted what he thought was the easiest way to divide.

The road is just south and north, east and west, forming a crossroad, cutting out four squares in the city.

In the previous life when he was at Blue Star, he went to a big city, made big turns, small turns, five-way intersections…just let him lose himself.

For Zhang Chengzhu, who has a bad sense of direction, a simple way is more suitable for him.

The ground in the city floats radiantly, and the main roads emerge crisscrossed.

Zhang Dongyun wanted to make an eight horizontal and eight vertical, but the city is still a bit small, so he can only temporarily halve it, and first engage in four horizontal and four vertical.

When the city expands in the future, the corresponding facilities will be changed and adjusted together.

Preparations are also being made for infrastructure such as drainage and sewage. In this regard, the system arrangements are fairly thoughtful.

High automation, no need to worry about the city owner.

[The road planning in the middle of the city is completed, the city owner completes the primary construction task 1.1, and obtains 100 points of upgrade experience]

【Elementary Construction Task 1.2-Establish Your City Lord Mansion】

Zhang Dongyun stood in the center of the city and gave orders to the system.

My city lord mansion was built here.

[Please name the city lord. 】

According to the memory of the evil emperor, this Baiyunyuan was located in Longling, in the territory of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.


Zhang Dongyun thought for a while, and suddenly came a bit of nasty fun.

He coughed: “Let’s call it Daming Palace.”

Then I looked around, and the voice spread throughout the city:

“This city will be called Chang’an City from today.”

The struggling Hanshan Sect and the Shanhutang people heard this magnificent voice and were perplexed, and their spirits seemed to suddenly have sustenance.

Looking at the golden light that flickered in front of the city and the city center, many people felt a sense of pilgrimage in their hearts and couldn’t help but want to worship.

The old **** demon was full of smoke.

Hearing words spread throughout the city in extreme pain, he was a little stunned.

I thought that his majesty would name the Evil Imperial City, Sun Moon City or something…

The system completes Zhang Dongyun’s order without compromise.

[Successful naming, start construction of the city lord mansion]

The golden light flashed out of thin air and fell in the center of the city.

Under the shocked gaze of the blood shadow old demon and others, a simple and majestic palace, but the main hall, appeared out of thin air, standing in the city.

The three characters “Daming Palace” on the plaque gave off immense brilliance, which was even more dazzling than the sun for a while.

The radiance spread all over the city, and the city walls were dyed into a pale gold by the radiance.

There are two more characters on the wall outside the Sifang City Gate.


The blood shadow old demon was shocked again.

To create such a huge palace out of thin air, this kind of method has never existed before.

Now his old man is really unfathomable.

The well-informed old demon is so, let alone the group of young warriors.

It was the most stubborn Senior Brother Cao, who was stunned at this moment, and his heart was shocked and admired, almost to the ground.

[Daming Palace was successfully constructed, and the city lord completed the primary construction task 1.2 and gained 200 points of upgrade experience]

A system alert sounded in Zhang Dongyun’s ear.

He looked at the palace in front of him, muttering in his heart.

It looked bigger than the Palace of Supreme Harmony in a certain palace of the previous Blue Star.

But in such a fantasy world, it still feels a little smaller?

[The scale of your City Lord’s Mansion is related to the scale of this Invincible City. When you upgrade and expand the Invincible City, this Daming Palace will be upgraded accordingly. 】

Zhang Dongyun nodded secretly upon hearing this.

[Elementary Construction Task 1.3-Recruit your first batch of people, with a population of not less than 10,000 and maintaining stability]

The system voice continues to sound.

After the two novice welfare tasks, the difficulty of the third construction task immediately went up.

It is very happy to give orders and control people, but it is difficult to control people eating and drinking…Zhang Dongyun thought.

I need a deputy to help me deal with this kind of political affairs, many civil servants, and a full-time secretary…

Zhang Dongyun was having a lot of fun when he suddenly found that a number was beating on the system interface.

This number was something he had never set in the game before.



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