I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 .Falling fairy trails

Regarding the matter of mining, whether it is a phantom or a forget-truth audience, it is natural to reject it wholeheartedly.

The so-called scholars can be killed, not insulted.

But for Zhang Dongyun, there are ways to flatten them.

Compared with death, there are so many things that life is worse than death.

Everyone in the Perak sect was just watching, and they were terrified.

The power of Chang’an City is almost engraved in their bones.

Compared with the other party, the Wangzhen View does not seem to be a heavyweight existence at all.

However, on the other hand, what impressed Wu Qiong and others was that Mr. Wu Yun sent them to contact the relevant department personnel.

Among them, the Hanshan school, called Wu Qiong, and others were shocked.

The Hanshan Sect and their Perak Sect, although located in different regions, belong to the same level of local power.

The person with the highest cultivation base has roughly the same strength.

But now, Hanshan sent to the head of Guo Zi, and down to ordinary disciples, and the strength of his cultivation has actually increased overall.

If there are only one or two people, it can be said that the Hanshan faction has picked up the treasure, and a genius has emerged.

But now that everyone improves together, it is obviously abnormal.

The most likely source of change is undoubtedly the city of Chang’an.

Realizing this, the people of the Perak Sect couldn’t help but become excited.

“Capturing the dark pavilion and the people who are forgotten the truth, show their prestige, and now let the people of Hanshan faction come to talk to us, that is to let us see the benefits…”

A member of the Thunderbolt Sect lowered his voice and whispered.

Wu Qiong said: “Whether intentionally or unintentionally, since I have made a choice, I will concentrate on doing things well.”

Everyone nodded one after another: “Looking at the quality of this Chang’an City Bisongshijing, it shouldn’t be short of sales.”

The group immediately bid farewell to Mr. Wuyun, hurriedly left Chang’an and returned to Tongzhou Mansion to raise the export sales of Bisongshijing.

Zhang Dongyun is very satisfied with this.

In this way, the construction task is also completed.

If the setting is the same as when he originally designed the game, then this task of building an industry will be rewarded with a thousand points of experience.

As long as this task is completed, the two thousand points of construction experience required for the second city expansion will be complete.

As for the experience of guarding mission…

[Random Guardian Mission 2.3-Kill or capture the phantom of the Mingguang Pavilion leader who entered the city]

[Random Guardian Mission 2.4-Kill or capture Tang Chi, the elder of Wangzhen View who entered the city]

[The city lord captures the phantom that enters the city, completes random guard mission 2.3, and obtains 400 points of upgrade experience]

[The city lord captures Tang Chi who entered the city, completes Random Guardian Mission 2.4, and gets 400 points of upgrade experience]

It was very comfortable to have two consecutive sixth-level gifts.

However, among the remaining elders of Wangzhen View, there is no shortage of Taoist practitioners in the fifth realm. Because they came in with Tang Chi in the sixth realm, they couldn’t count the points, which made Zhang Dongyun a little regretful.

However, it’s pretty good that the guardian experience points are credited to 800 in one day.

In this way, plus the previous share of Du Kun and Xie Zhao, the guardian experience points accumulated a total of 1,500 points.

The two thousand points are not far away.

The experience points of both types of tasks reach two thousand, and the city can be upgraded and expanded for the second time.

Dawn has appeared before his eyes…Zhang Dongyun smiled comfortably.

He controlled the projection of Mr. Wuyun and ordered Hui Tianyu and others to start officially recruiting workers in the city.

The most difficult mining and digging, handing over to the Mirage and other prisoners, and other tasks such as transportation and refinement, still have to be solved by the people in the city.

Only in this way can they solve their employment problem and form a stable industry in the city to meet the needs of the system.

Apart from farming, no one else should be idle.

There is no waste in Chang’an.

It’s not good to be lazy.

The only exception among the captives was Tang Chi.

His injuries were too serious. If Zhang Dongyun had not been merciful, the old Taoist priest would have been shot to death on the spot.

Mr. Wuyun’s projection, leaning on the seriously injured Tang Chi, returned to the hall of opinions.

There are two people in the hall, a man and a woman, Xie Zhao and Chen Chaoyan.

Xie Zhao looked distraught. At this moment, seeing Tang Chi being caught by Mr. Wuyun, the bitter smile on his face became even stronger: “Uncle Master?”

Tang Chi was also weak: “What’s wrong with you?”

Xie Zhao sighed: “Give people a trick.”

To put it simply, the opponent attacked and he defended.

“Human swordsmen!” Tang Chi looked at the girl aside: “She?”

Chen Chaoyan saluted Mr. Wu Yun first, then rolled a pair of sullen eyes, and looked at Tang Chi curiously.

“It’s this girl Chen.” Xie Zhaoyan said: “Ms. Chen is a talented person, but it’s a pity that I couldn’t find it earlier in this view.”

The girl curled her lips when she heard the words: “I may not have the opportunity to learn art in Chang’an after entering the gate wall of your forgotten truth.”

Xie Zhao smiled bitterly again.

Tang Chi was surprised.

Xie Zhao was young and had cultivated into the fifth realm of Taoism and formed a golden pill.

The old Taoist priest was two generations older than him, and he was only in the sixth stage.

The other party is really a Taoist wizard they have never seen for many years.

Now he has surpassed many of his fellow students, and the future is limitless.

If this were not the case, Wangzhen Guan would not have set his position as the successor to the subject so early.

Throughout the whole view, they count on his future leader, Qunlun, to lead Wangzhen View to compete with other three-way family sacred places.

But now, Xie Zhao praised a young girl like this, even more self-confident?

Tang Chi watched Xie Zhao learn art and grew up. He knew him well and could see that the other party was not flattering Changan, so he exaggerated and praised Chen Chaoyan.

He really recognized Chen Chaoyan as a cultivating genius above him.

“She…has already built the foundation?” Tang Chi couldn’t help asking.

Xie Zhao nodded: “Just yesterday.”

Tang Chi watched Chen Chaoyan intently: “She is thirteen years old? Fourteen years old? How long have you learned the Tao?”

“It hasn’t been ten days yet.” Xie Zhao coughed dryly.

“Ten…day?” Tang Chi thought he had heard it wrong.

Xie Zhao smiled bitterly: “Uncle Master, you should know now that the disciple is definitely not exaggerating.”

He looked at Chen Chaoyan with complicated eyes:

“This girl Chen came from the Chen family and learned martial arts since she was a child. In fact, she didn’t start contacting Taoism until her disciple was trapped in Chang’an.

Girl Chen learned the Tao, broke the induction barrier, and successfully transformed her Qi within a few hours, and successfully built the foundation in less than ten days. ”

Xie Zhao sighed: “The disciple is not as far away as her.”

“…” Tang Chi stared at Chen Chaoyan who was opposite.

The girl scratched her head: “Senior Wuyun said, it can only be considered average.”

When Tang Chi heard the words, he almost spurted blood.

The ten day foundation building is called general?

Do you know how many people will not be able to build a foundation for a lifetime?

However, when he came back to his senses, his expression moved slightly: “The Taoism she cultivated originated from Chang’an? What kind of method do you know?”

“The extremely superior Lei Fa, the disciples don’t know the depth.” Xie Zhao replied: “But it seems that it is still above the Qing Yun Guan Tao.”

Among the four sacred places of Taoism in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, Qingyun Temple has always been the first to talk about thunder method.

However, in Xie Zhao’s view, the inheritance of Qingyun View is far inferior to the “Shangqing Shenxiao Baolu” practiced by Chen Chaoyan.

He was also hit hard by Chen Chaoyan’s improvement speed at first.

Now, like Tang Chi, he can only comfort himself. The other party has clever Taoism and has the guidance of a famous teacher in Chang’an. It is not surprising that he has made such rapid progress.

“Chang’an City, with such exquisite Taoism, is it also my Daoist line…” Tang Chi was surprised.

But he was quickly swept away by the black mist.

Mr. Wu Yun appeared again and told Chen Chaoyan: “Don’t be lazy.”

“Yes!” Chen Chaoyan straightened up subconsciously.

Then there was a thunder strike to Xie Zhao.

Xie Zhao had to parry quickly.

In the black fog, Tang Chi could not move and was isolated from the outside world.

The figure of Mr. Wuyun appeared in the mist.

“Your Majesty is tolerant, regardless of your sin of trespassing in Chang’an, and spare your life.”

Mr. Wuyun said lightly.

The old Taoist cursed secretly in his heart.

We did not break into the city at all!

Obviously you are the old thief who finds fault and embarrass us, and will not let us go afterwards!

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. Elder Tang was depressed, but at this moment he could only keep his mouth shut.

Just listen to the old man in black in front of him continue to say:

“But capital sins are forgiven, and living sins are hard to forgive. If you want to survive, you must pay the price.

Workmanship in mineral veins is one example, and now it is another. ”

“What do you want?” Tang Chi asked after a moment of silence.

“News, news that the old man is interested in.” Mr. Wu Yun smiled: “If your news is valuable, it’s okay to save you from work.”

It’s not all you have the final say if you are not interested and have value?

Tang Chi was slanderous.

He took a deep breath: “Pan Dao doesn’t know much, but I’ve heard some news in this world. It’s okay to tell you, but Pang Dao has nothing to say about matters within this concept.”

“Don’t tell me, the old man has his own way to know.” Mr. Wu Yun said casually: “It’s just that your majesty has a good life, and the old man wants to learn from his old man.”

When Tang Chi heard the words, a chill suddenly spread all over his body.

He gritted his teeth: “You tortured Pang Dao, it is your skill, Pang Dao will never betray the news in the view.”

“Have a backbone, I like it.”

Mr. Wuyun smiled, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the other’s forehead.

“Tell the old man first about the Sirius Secret Cavern.”

Through Tang Chi, City Lord Zhang Da learned a lot of things that interest him.

He was still wondering how the view of forgetting truth is like squeezing ointment.

After Xie Zhao in the fifth realm was planted, it was Tang Chi in the sixth realm who came instead of a higher realm of observing the old, or even the master himself.

With Xie Zhao’s weight, something happened, enough to shock the whole view of forgetting truth.

At the moment, Tang Chi of the sixth realm had to lead people, and the view of forgetting the truth was compelled.

It turned out that at the Sirius Secret Grotto, their exploration was at a critical juncture.

Many people were injured in the secret cave, and most of the masters, including Guanzhu himself, were trying to surrender the Sirius in the secret cave.

What Zhang Dongyun cares about is that there was a mark in the secret cave.

Forget the truth to view up and down, do not understand what the mark represents.

But through Tang Chi, after Zhang Dongyun saw the mark, he recognized at a glance that it was related to the immortal trail.

Sirius is also related to Xianji…

In this way, it should be “Sirius” Yang Li.

Moreover, he does have fairy fragments in his hand.

However, according to the latest news previously obtained by Wang Zhenguan, the wolf showed signs of fleeing that day.

After being taken off by him, it will be difficult to find any more.

Zhang Dongyun frowned, his expression serious.

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