I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 .Chunyang Immortal Soul, Taoist Genius

After hearing Mr. Wu Yun’s words, Chen Chaoyan was obviously taken aback.

After hesitating a little, she asked in a low voice, “Senior, is this choice also a test? It’s a test of xinxing and will…”

Zhang Dongyun almost laughed when he heard the words.

This is indeed the road of seeking truth for Chen Chaoyan, adding some twists and turns.

However, no matter what the poor girl chooses, it does not affect the final result.

Regarding Chen Chaoyan’s question, Zhang Dongyun, who became Mr. Wuyun, did not answer, but looked at each other with a smile.

Chen Chaoyan scratched his head: “Then please seniors help, juniors want to go to your majesty to try.”


The old man in black got up and walked out the door.

The black cloud dispersed, rolled the two together, and landed outside the gate of Daming Palace.

Zhang Dongyun sang the double reed in a decent way.

Mr. Wuyun’s projection was saluted outside the palace:

“Your Majesty, the Chen family has a female face, with different talents and good aptitude, which is very suitable for Taoist practice, and I ask Chang’an for advice.

The old don’t dare to be expert, please ask your majesty to judge. ”

Chen Chaoyan stayed outside the palace gate honestly, waiting for the mysterious majesty to decide his fate.

Suddenly, it was pitch black before her eyes.

Can’t see anything.

No sound can be heard.

Can’t touch anything.

Moving forward and backward, they are all empty.

“This is a test of whether I can calm down?” The girl muttered to herself without being flustered.

Then she found that she couldn’t even hear her own voice.

The extremely quiet and dark environment can almost drive people crazy.

But Chen Chaoyan was quite safe.

She was not in a hurry and waited for a while, but did not hear the instructions of the Changan City Lord and Mr. Wuyun.

So the girl simply followed her own temperament and sat cross-legged calmly.

In this darkness, Chen Chaoyan is not sure whether the speed of time passing is consistent with the outside world.

According to her mental arithmetic, she got up again after about half an hour.

The girl moved her body and then practiced boxing by herself in the dark.

Although she was not suitable for martial arts and was about to transfer to Taoism, but at the moment she hadn’t read Taoism, and she could only teach martial arts to her family, so she simply practiced martial arts to kill time.

Practice martial arts for half an hour, then meditate and adjust your breath for half an hour.

The cycle goes back and forth, time flies quickly.

Chen Chaoyan’s temperament is always peaceful and contented.

In the end, she even fell asleep peacefully.

When she woke up, she stretched her waist and touched her belly.

Didn’t feel hungry…

That is to say, the flow of time here is different from reality.

In reality, after so long, she was so hungry that she was so hungry…

At the thought of this, the girl suddenly felt fluid under her tongue.

Hungry is not hungry, the greedy bug is hooked up.

The thought just turned here, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that everything is just illusion before verifying, Chen Chaoyan’s eyes don’t need to adapt to changes in light and darkness at this moment.

She found that she was no longer outside the Daming Palace, but inside a simple but magnificent palace.

Mr. Wu Yun still stood aside respectfully.

On the upper throne, there was a figure sitting upright.

The face of the other party seemed to be shrouded in radiance, which made people look unreal.

His hands are folded in front of him, the ring finger and little finger are interlocked, and the six fingertips of the middle finger, index finger, and thumb are facing each other.

“It’s OK.”

A misty and majestic voice sounded.

Chen Chaoyan came back to his senses, with a spirit all over his body, and quickly bowed:


She habitually said that she was a child of the Chen family, but she just uttered a word, and she suddenly changed her mind:

“…Chen Chaoyan, a citizen of Chang’an, see Your Majesty!”

The figure above said calmly: “Get up.”

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and looked down at her toes.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a warmth in front of her.

Chen Chaoyan looked up boldly.

Then she saw a Daoju, floating in the air in front of her, with six characters “Shangqing Shenxiao Baolu”.

“Dark cloud, you are in charge of instructing her to practice cultivation on weekdays, and I will check it once a month.”

“Please follow your majesty’s oracle.” Mr. Wu Yun replied hurriedly.

Chen Chaoyan was overjoyed and said with a big ceremony: “Thank your Majesty Longen.”

Although I don’t know what’s so great about this “Shen Xiao Baolu”, the Taoist temple bestowed by the Lord of Chang’an is definitely extraordinary, right?

“Go,” said the figure above.

Before the words were over, Chen Chaoyan found himself back outside the Daming Palace.

“The Treasures of the Gods of the Qing Dynasty” held it in his arms.

Mr. Wuyun said quietly: “The law is not passed lightly. You can’t enter the eyes of the second person except you. Anyone, understand?”

Chen Chaoyan calmed down: “The younger generation understands.”

Mr. Wu Yun nodded his head: “Good life and diligent, if you fail the test of your majesty in a month, your majesty will take back the first volume of “The Treasures of the Supreme Beings”.

The girl held the Daojuan and replied with joy: “The younger generation must do their best and never be lazy.”

“Very good.” Mr. Wu Yun nodded slightly: “If you make rapid progress in your practice, your Majesty will naturally give you a few follow-up volumes of Dao Zang later.”

Chen Chaoyan saluted the old man in black: “I have to trouble the seniors for teaching a lot. The juniors are grateful.”

“Your Majesty has an order, the old man will remind you carefully. This is what you won through trials and no thanks.”

Mr. Wu Yun said indifferently: “After your Majesty’s inspection every month, you have the opportunity to ask your Majesty for advice. This is both a test and an opportunity for you. You must prepare well and cherish it, understand?”

Chen Chaoyan took a deep breath: “Junior understands, thank you for your suggestion.”

She was so excited that she was eager to try, and she wanted to read it right away.

After she returned home, the Chen clan members were even more delighted when they heard what had happened.

This is not only that Chen Chaoyan, a Taoist genius, will not be buried, but also that they have someone in the Chen family and have successfully approached the center of Chang’an.

While Chen Chaoyan is happy for her family, she feels that the “Shangqing Shenxiao Treasure Record” is very attractive to her.

Facts have proved that she practiced the Taoist method, and she really enjoyed it.

When I first started, I still needed to consult Mr. Wuyun from time to time.

When she arrived, she directly embraced the Taoist temple to enlighten her, and she practiced at a rapid pace.

In contrast to the first state of martial arts, Taoists practice the first state, which is called “induction”.

It is mainly to sense the flow of one’s own essence, and sense the aura of nature outside.

This pass is the foundation of Taoist practice.

Those who are not suitable for cultivators will not be able to enter the door for a lifetime.

It is suitable for practitioners, and after some tips, you can quickly gain something.

And Chen Chaoyan almost passed this realm by nature.

She hadn’t thought about it before.

Now that he has formally set foot in Taoist practice, with a thought, this level will be reached directly.

However, compared to the first level of martial arts, the increase in strength, speed, and response can be clearly judged compared to the first level of martial arts. The first level of Taoism is more mysterious.

If you fight with people, your facial features are more sensitive than ordinary people.

However, there are few improvements in other aspects. If the fighting style is concerned, Taoist practitioners in the first stage cannot cast spells.

They can’t refining the talisman by themselves, they can only force the low-level magical tools or talisman to control others.

In the second state, the state of transforming qi, Taoist practitioners have slightly improved in actual combat.

Taoist practitioners in this realm can make their own talisman and seal the spells in the talisman for use in battle.

More importantly, the senses are more sensitive, and can see one’s own body, see the soul, refine qi, and breathe spiritual qi into mana.

In comparison, the first realm of Taoism is more like a threshold for selection, and the second realm is considered a real entry.

Chen Chaoyan broke through this realm very quickly.

Pure Sun Immortal Soul’s advantage in Taoist practice is truly unique.

Basically comparable to the advantages of Lingshi jade fetus in martial arts cultivation… Zhang Dongyun nodded secretly as he observed.

The next gateway Chen Chaoyan will face is the third realm of Taoism, the foundation building.

At this level, you can use the magic of heaven and earth to mobilize spiritual energy, cast spells on your own, and at the same time refine magic tools yourself.

The disciple of Wangzhen View who was captured by the Hanshan faction three before was in this state.

Further upward, the fourth realm of Taoism is the furnace.

At this stage, the practitioner began to prepare for the formation of alchemy.

Practitioners in this realm are condensed in their souls and can leave their bodies temporarily.

At the same time, the mana increases, you can ride in the fog, and float for a short time. Although the principle is different, the appearance is similar to the fourth realm of martial arts.

And that Xie Zhao, the first successor of the view of forgetting truth, is the fifth stage of Taoist cultivation, the cultivation base of the golden core.

Formed into a golden pill, the mana further increases and is highly condensed.

At this level, Taoist practitioners are above the fog, can soar into the clouds, and can fly freely in the air like a martial arts fighter.

The straight-line speed may not be as violent as the flying general, but the ups and downs turn more flexibly and freely.

Taoist practitioners in the furnace realm have their souls out of their orifices, but their souls are agile and can be used for cultivation after they have left their orifices, but they cannot stay away from the flesh and cannot cast spells.

Practitioners in the fifth realm form a golden pill, hidden in the soul, which can make the soul more condensed. After leaving the orifice, not only can they travel far away from the body, but also can cast spells with the soul.

Casting spells directly with the spirit is more powerful, and it is faster and more convenient to mobilize the natural aura, but without the protection of the body, the spirit is more vulnerable to injury.

Therefore, most of the time, Xie Zhao and other Taoist monks in the fifth realm, the soul out of the body is still only used for training, not directly against the enemy.

When Xie Zhao wanted to break out of the city, if the spirit came out of his body to perform nightmare techniques, the old man from the fifth stage of the martial arts who blocked him would probably be too fierce, and he might be suppressed on the spot.

But conversely, the opponent’s martial arts power, whose vitality and masculinity are like a melting pot, could also directly destroy Xie Zhao’s spirit with one palm.

Zhang Dongyun quietly observes Chen Chaoyan’s practice and is insightful to his progress.

Through this process of pointing each other, Zhang Dongyun also gained a deeper understanding of Taoist practice, and slowly turned the blessing of the system to his own understanding.

On the other hand, he resumed his martial arts practice.

During this period, most of my energy was devoted to city construction, and I somewhat slowed down my practice.

Now that the development of the city is gradually on the right track, City Lord Zhang Da has begun to focus on his own practice again.

After a few days in this way, Zhang Dongyun, who was cultivating, suddenly moved in his heart.

Another group of people approached Chang’an.

The head among them is a familiar face.

Wu Qiong, the elder of the Perak Sect, took a few members of the Perak Sect and stopped at the gate of the city and saluted respectfully:

“Pilizong Wu Qiong, please see the Lord of Chang’an, please see Mr. Wuyun.”

Sitting in the Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun raised his eyebrows slightly:


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